Series-2 (Nov. – Dec. 2024)Nov. – Dec. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: The final examination at Universitas Terbuka, a key element of distance education in higher learning, is typically held at the end of each semester, conducted simultaneously, and consists of objective tests (multiple-choice) or standardized essay assessments. These exams are then evaluated at the Testing Management Center. In the 2020 academic year, following the Joint Decree of the Ministers on Guidelines for Organizing Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and the Odd Semester 2020/2021 Learning Guidelines, Universitas.....
Key Word: Distance education; Learning assessment; Students' achievement; Take home examination
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Abstract: This study probes into the correlation between listening motivation, strategies, and achievement in English listening among 150 senior English majors at Panzhihua University, utilizing a questionnaire as the primary tool for data collection. The gathered data were meticulously analyzed using SPSS statistical software, specifically version 27.0. The results indicated a significant positive correlation between listening motivation and achievement, suggesting......
Key Word: English majors; listening motivation; listening strategies; achievement; correlation
Zhang Yucui. Study On The Relationship Between College Students' English Learning Motivation, Regulation Strategies And Achievement [J]. Journal Of Hubei Radio And Tv University, 2009,29(10):131-132.
Wu Guangqing, Song Julei ,Yang Lili. Investigation On The Relationship Between English Majors' Listening Motivation And Strategies [J]. Journal Of Inner Mongolia Tv University,2011, 127(3):98-100.Vandergrift, L. Facilitating Second Language Listening Comprehension: Acquiring Successful Strategies [J]. Elt Journal, 1999, (53):168-176.
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Wang Wengang. Study On The Correlation Between English Learning Motivation And Listening Performance Of Non-English Majors [J]. Journal Of Henan University Of Science And Technology (Social Science Edition), 2011,1:46-48.
Wang Xiaofang. Investigation On The Correlation Between Learning Strategies And Listening Performance Of English Majors [J]. Journal Of Hunan Industrial Vocational And Technical College,2009,9(4):145-150
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | La Lecture Du Roman En Classe Du FLE : Du Genre A La Généricité |
Country | : | Maroc |
Authors | : | Dr. El Bouzidi Karim |
: | 10.9790/7388-1406021620 |
Abstract: Résumé
Le roman apparaît d'emblée comme une forme littéraire dont la nature discursive complexe reste difficile à cerner. Son caractère propre et descriptible ne peut être tributaire que d'une certaine régularité perceptible par un lecteur averti vis-à-vis d'un certain genre et non pas à l'égard du texte lui-même dans la mesure où :
« Il est vain d'espérer pouvoir déduire causalement les classes génériques à partir d'un principe interne sous-jacent : même s'il existe une compétence générique, elle ne saurait être que celle des auteurs et des lecteurs, et non pas celle des textes » (SHAEFFER, 1989)........
Hugo, V. (2020). Le Dernier Jour D'un Condamné, Paris, Hatier
Sefrioui, A. (1954). La Boîte A Merveilles, Paris, Seuil
Barthes, R. (1973). Le Plaisir Du Texte, Paris, Seuil
Bourdieu, P. (1992). Les Règles De L'art, Paris, Seuil
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Abstract: Background: The influence of music on cognitive functions, particularly memory retention, has been a subject of debate in the fields of psychology and education. While some studies suggest that music can improve focus and memory recall, others argue that certain types, especially lyrical music, may be distracting. As more students incorporate music into their study routines, understanding its effects on learning and retention is crucial for optimizing academic outcomes. This study aims to assess students' perceptions of how listening to music affects their ability to retain.....
Key Word: Music; information retention; academic performance; lyrical music; instrumental music
Rickard, N. S., Toukhsati, S. R., & Field, S. E. (2005). The Effect Of Music On Cognitive Performance: Insight From Neurobiological And Animal Studies. Behavioural And Cognitive Neuroscience Reviews,4(4),235–261.
Hallam, S., Price, J., & Katsarou, G. (2002). The Effects Of Background Music On Primary School Pupils' Task Performance. Educational Studies, 28(2), 111-122. Doi:10.1080/03055690220124551
Schellenberg, E. G., & Hallam, S. (2005). Music Listening And Cognitive Abilities In 10- And 11-Year-Olds: The Blur Effect. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1060(1), 202-209. Doi:10.1196/Annals.1360.013
[4] Kumar, Naveen. "The Effect Of Listening To Music On Concentration And Academic Performance Of The Student: Cross-Sectional Study On Medical Undergraduate Students." Researchgate, Jan2016, Www.Researchgate.Net/Publication/311435289_The_Effect_Of_Listening_To_Music_On_Concentration_And_Academic_Performance_Of_The_Student_Cross-Sectional_Study_On_Medical_Undergraduate_Students.
Schellenberg, E. G., & Hallam, S. (2005). Music Listening And Cognitive Abilities In 10- And 11-Year-Olds: The Blur Effect. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences, 1060(1), 202-209. Doi:10.1196/Annals.1360.013
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Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound and lasting effects on children's mental health, with widespread reports of increased anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. This study explores the pandemic's long-term psychological impacts on children, analyzing how extended lockdowns, school closures, and social distancing measures have contributed to mental health challenges that persist as children reenter everyday social and academic environments. Articles reviewed highlight heightened levels of anxiety related to reintegration into school and peer settings......
Key Word: COVID-19, Children's Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, Social Isolation, Psychological Resilience, Post-Pandemic Support, Mental Health Interventions, School Reintegration
Aljaberi Ma, Al-Sharafi Ma, Uzir Muh, Sabah A, Ali Am, Lee Kh, Alsalahi A, Noman S, Lin Cy. 2023. Psychological Toll Of The Covid-19 Pandemic: An In-Depth Exploration Of Anxiety, Depression, And Insomnia And The Influence Of Quarantine Measures On Daily Life. Healthcare (Basel). 2023 Aug 29;11(17):2418. Doi: 10.3390/Healthcare11172418. Pmid: 37685451; Pmcid: Pmc10487588.
Almeida Ill, Rego Jf, Teixeira Acg, (2021). Moreira Mr. Social Isolation And Its Impact On Child And Adolescent Development: A Systematic Review. Rev Paul Pediatr. 2021 Oct 4;40:E2020385. Doi: 10.1590/1984-0462/2022/40/2020385. Pmid: 34614137; Pmcid: Pmc8543788.
[3] American Psychological Association, Apa. (2021). Children's Mental Health Is In Crisis: As Pandemic Stressors Continue, Kids' Mental Health Needs To Be Addressed In Schools. Https://Www.Apa.Org/Monitor/2022/01/Special-Childrens-Mental-Health
Binny Chokshi, Beth A. Pletcher, Joshua S. Strait, (2021). A Trauma-Informed Approach To The Pediatric Covid-19 Response. Current Problems In Pediatric And Adolescent Health Care. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Cppeds.2021.100970.
Baldassarre A., Giorgi G., Alessio F., Lulli L.G., Arcangeli G., Mucci N. (2020). Stigma And Discriminatio
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to determine the principals' teachers' professional records management strategy and its influence on student performance in KCSE in Garissa Township Sub-County, Kenya. The study used mixed methodology and employed a descriptive research design. Nine public secondary schools in Garissa Township Sub-County were targeted, involving a total of 1,240 respondents, including 1 Sub-County Education Officer, 9 principals, 330 teachers, and 900 students. The Sub-County Education Officer and 9 principals were selected through a census, while.....
Key Word: Principals, Teachers Professional Records, Management Strategies, Student Performance
Adarkwah, M., Zeyuan, Y., Kwabena, S., & Mensah-Abludo, W. (2022). Novice Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs In Teaching Multiple Subjects: Relations To Academic Performance Of Basic School Students In Ghana. International Journal Of Curriculum And Instruction, 14(1), 101-125.
Agustini, K., Santyasa, I. W., & Ratminingsih, N. M. (2019, November). Analysis Of Competence On "Tpack": 21st Century Teacher Professional Development. In Journal Of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1387, No. 1, P. 012035). Iop Publishing
Amajuoyi, C. (2021). Teachers' Strategies For Managing Classroom Behavioral Problems In Secondary Schools In Oji River Lga Of Enugu State. Coou Journal Of Educational Research, 6(1).
Changawa, N. L. (2019). Effect Of Innovative Teaching Strategies On The Performance Of Public Secondary Schools In Kilifi County, Kenya (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Nairobi University.
Debreli, E., & Ishanova, I. (2019). Foreign Language Classroom Management: Types Of Student Misbehaviour And Strategies Adapted By The Teachers In Handling Disruptive Behaviour. Cogent Education, 6(1), 1648629
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Abstract: Resumo A Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos Digitais (ABJD) emergiu como uma abordagem pedagógica significativa no contexto educacional contemporâneo. Esta pesquisa explora os fundamentos teóricos da ABJD e suas implementações práticas em ambientes escolares inclusivos. O artigo discute a eficácia da ABJD na promoção do engajamento, motivação e aprendizado significativo para todos os alunos, incluindo aqueles com necessidades especiais. Por......
[1]. Bozkurt, A., & Durak, G. (2018). A Systematic Review Of Gamification Research: In Pursuit Of Homo Ludens. International Journal Of Game-Based Learning, 8(3), 15–33. Https://Doi.Org/10.4018/Ijgbl.2018070102
[2]. Deci, E. L; Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "What" And "Why" Of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs And The Self-Determination Of Behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227-268.
[3]. Gee, J. P. (2003). What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning And Literacy. Computers In Human Behavior, 19(1), 15-21.
[4]. Ia-Chat Gpt Brasil, 2024. Revise Na Forma Correta O Texto, Fazendo A Correção Ortográfica E Gramatical (Texto). Escreva As Referências A Seguir No Formato Apa (Referências). Disponível Em: Https://Www.Chatlipe.Com.Br/
[5]. Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V.; Freeman, A. (2016). Nmc Horizon Report: 2016 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerical Pattern Questions: Analytical Strategies And Teaching Implications |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Hong Wei Deng |
: | 10.9790/7388-1406024650 |
Abstract: Numerical law questions are open-ended, which is an effective carrier for developing students' logical reasoning ability and innovative thinking. The strategies for coping with the numerical law problem include recursive formula, function induction mode, Yang Hui triangle and function interpolation. Based on the analysis, the teaching enlightenment is proposed: pay attention to the development of number sense and improve the abstraction ability; Pay attention to mathematical connections and cultivate divergent thinking; Highlight mathematical reasoning and cultivate reasoning ability.
Keywords: numerical regularity; functional inductive mode; function interpolation
Ministry Of Education Of The People's Republic Of China. Mathematics Curriculum Standards For Compulsory Education (2011 Edition)[S]. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press, 2012.
Jiang Shun, Li Jiyuan. Primary School Olympiad Mathematics Example Inference For Third And Fourth Grade A Edition[M]. Shaanxi:Shaanxi Xinhua Publishing & Media Group,Shaanxi People's Education Press,2012:05.
Xu Yanhui. "Review And Reflection" And Mathematical Problem Formulation After Mathematical Problem Solving: Exploring A Model And Method Of Proposing Mathematical Problems Through "Review And Reflection"[J]. Journal Of Mathematics Education,2015,24(01):9-12.
Xie Zhiqiang, Zhang Hang. An Example Of The Basic Thinking Mode Of Mathematical Inductive Reasoning[J]. Middle School Mathematics Teaching Reference,2019(Z3):113-114.
Ministry Of Education Of The People's Republic Of China. Mathematics Curriculum Standards For General High Schools (Revised In 2017 And 2020)[S]. Beijing: People's Education Press, 2020
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Abstract: Resumen La investigación representa la continuidad de una línea de investigación desarrollada por el departamento de letras de la universidad pedagógica nacional francisco morazán, honduras; en este sentido, se realizó en el segundo periodo académico, año 2023, un estudio para determinar el nivel de dominio de las habilidades lingüísticas de los estudiantes de español (curso general que deben aprobar todos los estudiantes) a partir del resultado de un nivel bajo (guity, mendoza y deras, 2024), se procedió a realizar otro, sobre las estrategias didácticas que pudieran.....
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[3] Duffy, G., Roehler, L. Y Mason, J. (1984). Comprehension Instruction: Perspectives And Suggestions. Longman.
Guity, S., Mendoza, J. Y Deras, E. (2023). Nivel De Dominio Que Tienen Los Estudiantes Sobre Las Habilidades Lingüísticas Adquiridas En Su Formación De Educación Media En Los Diferentes Centros Educativos Del País Y Que Actualmente, Cursan El Espacio Formativo De Español Durante El Segundo Periodo Académico, En La Universidad Pedagógica Nacional "Francisco Morazán". [Informe De Investigación, Documento Sin Publicar] Https://Vrip.Upnfm.Edu.Hn/Index.Php/Tramites/Solicitud-De-Meritos-Profesionales-En-Investigacion