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Abstract: Industrial training institute in India are playing a crucial role in the development of various employment as well as entrepreneurial activities. The history of Industrial training institute was in rooted from 1950s it was the directorate general of training. Initially this program was initiated through the 130 courses which range from six month to two years. The perquisites for these courses were specified and after completion of the program students receive the certificate. Industrial training is required to overcome the industrial barrier. Industrial Training Institutes play a vital role in economy of the country especially in terms of providing skilled manpower. At present there are a total of 11,964 (Govt. 2284 + Pvt. 9680)numbers of ITIs in all States/UTs. Training is imparted in 126 trades (73 Engineering+ 48 Non- Engineering +05 exclusively for visually impaired) of.............
[1]. EPRA educational journal of Economic and Business review,IndustrialTrainning and its consequences, January 2015, Volume 3, Issue-2. Pp-185,www.
[2]. Ms. SunitaSanghi and Ms. A. Srija, Skill Development and Productivity of the Workforce, Economy matters, Nov-Dec 2015, pp-36 -51.
[3]. SeemaPandey,International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Improvising Skill Development & Employability Potential through Higher Education, Research & Innovations in India, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Januray 2016,pp-680-688.
[4]. Directorate General Of Vocational Education & Training (DGET)
[5]. Directorate of Vocational Education & Training , Maharashtra (DVET)
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Abstract: The importance of the hospital to pay attention to job satisfaction nurse because it will impact on the performance of the hospital. The nurse's dissatisfaction with the hospital's hospital treatment and policy will have an impact on the nurse's desire to leave the hospital, thus affecting the hospital's performance. Therefore it is very important for the hospital to pay attention to what factors affect the job satisfaction of nurses. Psychosocial work environment is one of the important determinant factors that can improve job satisfaction and reduce the desire of nurses to get out of the hospital, therefore this study aims to analyze the influence of nurse psychosocial work environment to..........
Key Words: Psychosocial Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intention
[1]. Ahmad Faisal Mahdi at al (2012), dalam jurnal "American Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (9): 1518-1526, 2012 ISSN 1546-9239", yang berjudul "The Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
[2]. Akbar P.S & Usman, 2008. Pengantar Statistika, Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.
[3]. Agung, Wahyu Handaru, 2012, Pengaruh kepuasan gaji dan komitmen organisasi terhadap intense turnover pada divisi PT Jamsostek, Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia (JRMSI) |Vol. 3, No. 1, 2012 1
[4]. Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1975). Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
[5]. Ashford, S., Lee, C. dan Bobko, P., (1989), "Content, Causes and Consequences of Job.
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Abstract: Virtually all higher educational institutions are afflicted by poor financial performance due to the uniqueness in the management of working capital which involves more of accounts payables and receivables than any other working capital management practises. Due to prevailing economic conditions, these middle level institutions are financially weakened by the decline in admissions, a problem that is further compounded by lack of established working capital management policies which expose them to delinquency risks of slow fee payment and defaults which consequently affects their financial performance. Thus, the study sought to investigate the effects of receivable management practices on financial performance of private TVET institution in Eldoret town in Kenya. The study was informed by stakeholder and agency theories and guided by descriptive research design in that.............
Keywords: Receivables management, working capital management, TVET institutions in Kenya
[1]. Banos-Caballero S, P. Garcia-Teruel and P. Martinez-Solano (2010), Accounting and Finance, Vol 50, pp. 511-527, September
[2]. Chabotar, K. J. (2009). Financial ratio analysis comes to nonprofits. The Journal of Higher Education, 60(2), 188-208.
[3]. Deloof, M. (2003). Does working capital management affect profitability of Belgian firms?. Journal of business finance & Accounting, 30(3‐4), 573-588.
[4]. Deloof, M. and M. Jeger (2016). Trade Oedit. Product Quality, and Intragroup Irade: Eisenhardt, K. M. & Graebner, M. E. (2007). Theory building from cases: opportunities and challenges. Academy of Management Journal, 50(1), 25-32.
[5]. Donaldson, T., & Preston, L. E. (1995). The stakeholder theory of the corporation: Concepts, evidence, and implications. Academy of management Review, 20(1), 65-91..
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of training and development on employee performance. This study conducted under the framework of banking sector of Pakistan. Study finding reveal development leads to better employee performance, training and development both increase the employee performance. Organizations need to spend on training and development of its employees for sustainable long term competitive edge..
Keywords: Training, Development, Employee Performance, Banking
[1]. Akhtar, Ali, Sadaqat and Hafeez (2011), "Extent of Training in Banks and Its Impact on Employee Motivation and Involvement in Job‟, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research Business Vol. 2 No 12
[2]. Alexander (2006), "How do 360 Degree Performance Reviews affect Employee Attitudes, Effectiveness and Performance‟, University of Rhode Island
[3]. Azmi, Ahmad and Zainuddin (2009), "The Effects of Competency Based Career Development and Performance Management Practices on Service Quality‟, International Review of Business Research Papers Vol. 5 No. 1
[4]. Baldwin and Ford (2006), "Transfer of Training: A Direction and Review for Future Research‟ ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2010: 4/67 (Psychology Applied): 16/140 (Management) Online ISSN: 1744-6570
[5]. Bossche, Segers and Jansen (2010), "Transfer of Training‟ International Journal of Training and Development 14:2 ISSN 1360-3736..
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Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one of the major IT innovations inthe world today. In this study researchers selected Sri Lankan industry sector organizations those who are running ERP to analyze impact on end user satisfaction. Quantitative approach was employed in the data analysis and multi-stage stratified random sampling technique was used to select the respondents of ERP implemented companies. As the analysis techniques, this study used the descriptive statistical techniques and the method of Multiple Regression Analysis Technique. For the instrumentation web base online questionnaire and self-administered questionnaire were used to collect the primary data. Main purpose of this research was to find out what type of impact on end user satisfaction, if the organization use ERP.Apart from that the main objective sub divided in to three sub objectives to provide better clarification to the main.........
Keywords: Information Technology, ERP, User Satisfaction, Software Industry
[1]. Amoako‐Gyampah and Kwasi (2004),ERP Implementation Factors: A Comparison of Managerial and End‐user Perspectives,Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
[2]. Alkhaffaf, Maha Mahdi, and Mahmood Aldalahmeh(2016),Enterprise Resources Planning Effectiveness and Organizational Performance: The Case of ‗Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development,Business and Economic Research 6(1): 148.
[3]. Abugabah, Ahed, Louis Sanzogni, and Arthur Poropat( 2009). The Impact of Information Systems on User Performance : A Critical Review and Theoretical Model.,International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (57): 809–19.
[4]. Al-Mashari, Majed, Abdullah Al-Mudimigh, and Mohamed Zairi. 2003. Enterprise Resource Planning: A Taxonomy of Critical Factors,European Journal of Operational Research 146(2): 352–64.
[5]. Alkhaffaf, Maha Mahdi, and Mahmood Aldalahmeh. 2016. Enterprise Resources Planning Effectiveness and Organizational Performance: The Case of ‗Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development,Business and Economic Research 6(1): 148...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leaderonomics-Women Leaders and Organizational Effectiveness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Rohini G Shetty |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007043544 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalization coupled with the competitive nature of business necessitates collaboration and clear understanding of all principles underlying organizational activities for growth,sustainability and survival of organizations. Significant changes in the global economy have altered the way of conducting business at present. Given this scenario, Organizational Effectiveness (OE) assumes prime importance for organizations to grow, survive and succeed. Organizations are required to navigate choppy waters of a complex global economy and position themselves strategically to attain OE in all the key organizational activities. As is well known, organizations face a daunting task to attain a high level of OE and needundivided attention, be it goal attainment, task achievement or providing strategic leadership.Women Leadersproduce beneficial outcomes in terms of certain dimensions coming..........
Keywords:WomenLeadership;OrganizationalEffectiveness;BeneficialOutcomes;PeopleManagement;Centrifugal Point..
[1]. Assessment matters – Making assessment easier -Heilman and Kennedy - Philips (2011)
[2]. Assessing Organizational Effectiveness; Zammuto, R. F., (1982) .State University of New York Press, Albany, NY.
[3]. A study of Select women leaders in the IT sector in Bangalore city (2016)Dr.Rohini G Shetty; Manipal University.
[4]. A system resource approach to organizational effectiveness; Yuchtman, E., & Seashore, S. E., (1987) American Sociological Review.
[5]. Developmental challenges and barriers: How senior executive women cope with difficult situations in their careers - Dr. Katherine Copsinis Powel, University of Massachusetts –Amherst..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cross Gender Mentoring For Achieving Sustainable Development in the Regime of Make in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. HARANI B |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007044548 ![]() |
Abstract: Achieving Sustainable Competitive advantage in a highly competitive environment where our country is integrated with the Global Market is on the priority of any business entity in the present context. Producing the products and services of global standard with its uniqueness in its quality, utility and delivery of value satisfaction to the end user. To address the issue of reaching the global standards in terms of adopting the manufacturing process and inculcating the state of art technology for enhancing the production capacity and new possibilities of manufacturing and distribution of goods and services.Make in India can be considered as a unique opportunity for the Indian business men to raise to the level of Global Market. Through this concept, the domestic firms can get optimum benefit in terms of sales, profits, market share, and creation of employment, and a host of indirect advantages. To sustain in the long run........
Keywords: Make In India, Cross Gender Mentoring, Sustainability, Globalization, Domestic Firms, Competitiveness.
[1]. Adubato, S. (2006). Make the connection: improve your communication at work and at home. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press
[2]. Brandham, L. (2005). The 7 hidden reasons employees leave: how to recognise the subtle signs and act before it's too late. New York: AMACOM Books
[3]. Cohen, A. R. and Bradford, D. L. (2005). Influence without authority. 2nd ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons
[4]. Connor, M. and Pokora, J. (2007). Coaching and mentoring at work: developing effective practice. Maidenhead: Open University Press
[5]. Cook, S., Macaulay, S. and Coldicott, H. (2004). Change management excellence: using the four intelligences for successful organizational change. London: Sterling, VA: Kogan Page.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Safety Status in Kenya's Learning Institutions |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Dennis Kinoti Atugi || Joydrine Njeri Njeru |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007044951 ![]() |
Abstract: Disasters of various kinds have been witnessed in various learning institutions (both private and public) in Kenya for many years. Indeed, disasters disrupt the process and undermine quality of services and loss of lives. This paper ventilates on certain aspects in regard to learning institutions preparedness in handling adversities of various forms. The question here is: Are learning institutions adequately prepared to cope with disasters of all sorts? The main findings from secondary data is that learning institutions are not sufficiently prepared to handle disasters or emergency situations. Recommendations made include developing a coherent safety and disaster/emergency preparedness.........
Keywords:Disaster, emergency, learning institutions, preparedness
[1]. Alexander, D. (2002). Principles of Emergency Planning and Harpenden Terra publishing: London.
[2]. FEMA for Kids (2007). How schools can become more disaster resistant Online
[3]. ISDR (2002). Living with Risk: A Global Review of Disaster Reduction initiatives. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
[4]. Karanja F. K, Mutua F. M, editors (2000). Reducing the impact of environmental emergencies through early warning and preparedness.
[5]. Kelly, M. (2010). Fire Drills: How to be prepared and lead during a fire drill. New York Times Company; New York
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Literature on Stress in Police Personnel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. B. Rajeswari || Prof. G.V. Chalam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007045256 ![]() |
Abstract: Every human being encounters stress in one or other way, sometimes it reinforces people to achieve their goals and for some people it makes them to damage their life. Hence, stress is quite unavoidable in nature for every individual for some time or the other. Now a day's most of the organization's major concern is to manage the stress level of their employees in order to run their business efficiently. Most of the service sectors are people centric. Stress level will be more in this sector as it deals with services to the diverse people, one such department is law enforcement department, i.e., police department. Policing has long been considered as one of the most stressful occupations (Gershon, Lin & Li, 2002; Marmar et al., 2006).........
Keywords Police Stress, Symptoms of Stress,Stressors, Coping Strategies, Enforcement
[1]. Pragya Mathur (1999), Stress in Police in India; Recognitions, Diagnosis and Coping Strategies,GyanPublishingHouse,NewDelhi,43–63.
[2]. Kroes,W.H.,Margolis,B.L.,Hurrell,J.J.(1974),Job Stressin Policemen. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 2 (2),145-155.
[3]. Geetha R. P., Subba Krishna K. S. & Channabasavanna M. S., (1998), Subjective WellbeingAmongPolicePersonnel,IndianJ.Psychiat., 40(2), 172-179.
[4]. Bruce Kirkcaldy, Jennifer Brown, Cary L. Cooper, (1998) "The Demographics of Occupational Stress among Police Superintendents", Journal of Managerial Psychology, 13 (1/2), 90-101.
[5]. Russell, L. M. (2014). "An Empirical Investigation of High-Risk Occupations Leader Influence on Employee Stress and Burnout Among Police, Management Research Review", 37(4), 367-384.
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Abstract: This paper examined the entrepreneurship theories in restructuring small and medium enterprise (SMEs) in Nigeria as predictor catalyst of development. With the ever increasing awareness in the study of entrepreneurship there is a need for framework that defines the domain of the field, its building block and Interest. The complexity and dynamism inherent in entrepreneurship acting in the face of uncertainty can help to create opportunity in SMEs, promote efficiency and provide better services. The methodology of study was conducted using meta- analysis that relied on secondary data by way of existing literature for the study. The major finding reveals that, there is clearly a need for improving theory building and applying established theories through good implementation for greater attention. It was concluded that, although SMEs have played significant roles in the development and industrialization of many economies across the world, however in Nigeria SMEs performance is low as a result of factors like government instability and policy inconsistencies, poor attitude and habit of entrepreneurs and unfavorable environmental factors.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, theories, restructuring, SMEs, development and Nigeria.
[1]. Abdulrahem, I. (2016). The theories of entrepreneurship: Ilorin, Nigeria: A Book Of Reading, Published By Decision Management Consult Ltd.
[2]. Acs, Z.J. & Amoro, J.E (2008). Entrepreneurship and competitiveness dynamics in Latin America. Small business Economics, 31(3), 305-322.
[3]. Agarwal, R., Audretsch, D., & Sarkar, M.B. (2007). The process of creative construction: Knowledge spillovers, entrepreneurship, and economic growth. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(2), 263-286.
[4]. Agarwal, R., Audretsch, D., & Sarkar, M.B. (2010). Knowledge spillovers and strategic entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 4(4), 271-283.
[5]. Arend, R.J., Sarooghi, H., & Burkemper, A. (2015). Effectuation as ineffectual? Applying the 3E theory-assessment framework to a proposed new theory of entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Review, 40, 630-651
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Abstract: Internationalization process of a company is always a planned strategy. It involves more resource commitment, control and operational expectations. On the path to internationalization, the entire firm's capacity is at discussion again and again: infrastructural facilities for production, setting up of own R&D units, operational skills, management's involvement etc need to be committed. In other words, how fast is the pace of internationalization of firm, will reveal the level of involvement and commitment toward international operations. The objective of this study is to describe the process of internationalization of SMEs and to explore / explain why some firms go for a faster pace of internationalization and some follow a step by step gradual approach. The study has focused on selecting 143 engineering and manufacturing companies and further went in depth to analyze.........
Keywords:Internationalization, Pace, Proactiveness , Speediness
[1]. Crick, D. & Jones, V. J. 2000. Small High-Technology Firm and International High-Technology Market. Journal of International Marketing, Vol.8, No.2, pp. 63-85
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[4]. Hedlund, G. & Kverneland, A. 1984. Are Establishment and Growth Patterns for Foreign Markets Changing? The Case of Swedish Investment in Japan. Stockholm School of Economics, Institute of International Business: Stockholm.
[5]. Johanson, J. & Vahlne, J.E. 1977. The Internationalisation Process of the Firm. Journal of International Business Studies, 8 (Spring).
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Abstract: This research study is to bridge the gap between expected performance and actual performance of employees in an organization. The impact of training on employee job performance research area in Human Resource Management. The way an organization train's its stuff can influence its efficiency (Iqbal et al, 2014, Padamanaban & Shakeel-Ul-Rehman, 2013; Elanga & Imran, 2013). Human resources are the main asset at modern organizations, which makes the skills, mastered by employees an important factor in determining the current situation as well as the future of an organization, which are impacted by the performance of the human resources. Thus, training practices can be the main factor for the success of a firm, which justifies their evaluation through research. Influence of human resource management and training practices on organizational performance has been an important.........
Keywords:Organizational Behaviour, Employee Performance, Gap Analysis, Jordan Universities
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[4]. Chen, M. -F., & Wang, L. -H. (2009). The moderating role of switching barriers on customer loyalty in the life insurance industry. The Service Industries Journal, 29, 1105–1123.