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Abstract: When the new constitution of Kenya was promulgated in 2010, 47 County governments were created from 175 local authorities which were in existence by then. In 2013, the process of transfer of functions and resources to the devolved units of government was carried out.This processwas declared successful in time.Nonetheless, it faced many challenges. This study therefore sought to establish the effects of integration criteria on job satisfaction of defunct local authorities' employees in Kenya, with a case study of employees absorbed into the County Government of Kericho. Although employees who worked in the defunct local authorities before devolution were absorbed by county governments, it seems unclear whether or notthese employees were satisfied with the deployment. As such, this study sought to establish the level of satisfaction of these employees. Specifically, the study...........
Keywords: Integration, Defunct Local Authorities, Devolution, Placement Policies, Kericho County, Kenya.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring the Customer Opinion on Brand Switching Factors |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Praba Devi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007050713 ![]() |
Abstract: In India, the growth of the telecommunication sector can be attributed to the technological advancement, the policies of the government, the Digital India drive and the demographic dividend. With the launch of the Mobile number Portability (MNP), the customers are at ease to change their service providers while retaining the same number. The article attempts to understand the opinion of the customers of mobile service users on the factors influencing switching.The study tries to identify the dominant variables in each of the brand switching factors, examine the difference in the opinion of the customers on the brand switching factors, based on their gender and the inter correlation among the brand switching factors. A sample of 220 customersof mobile phone service providers were selected by convenience sampling. 200 questionnaires were complete and used for analysis. Suitable statistical tools were used to arrive at the findings and conclusions.
Key Words: Brand switching factors,MNP,mobile service providers,Telecommunication
[1]. Arvind Sahay &Nivedita Sharma, Brand relationships and switching behaviour for highly used products in young consumer, Vikalpa, 35(1), 2010, 15-30. http:// /pdf/ articles/2010/vol-35-1jan-mar-15- 30.pdf
[2]. Aslam, Wajeeha and Frooghi, Reema, Switching Behaviour of Young Adults in Cellular Service Industry: An Empirical Study of Pakistan, Global Business Review, 19(3), 2018, 635–649.
[3]. Berry, L. L., Wall, E.A., & Carbone, L. P., Service clues and customer assessment of the service experience: Lessons from marketing. Academy of Management Perspectives, 20(2), 2006, 43–57.
[4]. Boohene, R., &Agyapong, G. K. Q., Analysis of the antecedents of customer loyalty of telecommunication industry in Ghana: The case of Vodafone (Ghana). International Business Research, 4(1), 2011, 229–240.
[5]. Chadha,Suresh K and Bhandari, Namita, Determinants of Customer Switching towards Mobile Number Portability, Paradigm 18(2), 2014, 199–219.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of job placement and motivation on work performance through competency simultaneously and partially. The study was conducted on the employees of PT. Ganada Makmur Jaya Cibinong, Bogor. The sampling technique using samples of simple random sampling method, involving 124 people. Analysis of data using path analysis. Based on the results showed that the work placement and motivation effect on work performance simultaneously and partially. Job placement and motivation influence on employee performance through competency are greater than the direct effect so that it can be said that the variable competence as an intervening variable.
Keywords: Placement, Motivation, Competency and Job Performance
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi., 2009. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[2]. Ghozali, Imam. 2005. Analisis Multivariate Dengan Program SPSS. Cetakan Empat. Badan Penerbit Universitas diponegoro. Semarang.
[3]. Hasibuan, Malayu S.P. 2009. Manajemen Dasar, Pengertian, Dan Masalah. PT Bumi Aksara. Jakarta.
[4]. Hutapea, Parulian dan Nurianna Thoha., 2008. Kompetensi Plus: Teori, Desain, Kasus dan Penerapan Untuk HR dan Organisasi yang dinamis. Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.Sutarto Wijono.2010. Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi. Kencana. Jakarta.
[5]. Mangkunegara A.A. Prabu., 2009. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Bandung..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment and integrity on employee performance simultaneously, to know the influence of organizational commitment to employee performance partially, to know the influence of integrity to the employee performance partially, to know the motivation to the employee performance partially, to know the influence of organizational commitment to employee performance through the motivation variable and know the influence of integrity to the performance of employees through motivation. Research conducted on employees of PT. Parsariran. The sampling technique used a saturated sample involving 77 employees. Data analysis using path analysis. Based on data analysis that variable........
Keywords: organizational commitment, integrity, motivation, employee performance
[1]. Bertens. 1994. Etika. Jakarta: GramediaPustaka.
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[4]. Makmun, AbinSyamsuddin. 2003. PsikologiPendidikan. Bandung: RosdaKaryaRemaja.
[5]. Mangkunegara. A.A. Prabu. Anwar. 2009. ManajemenSumberDayaManusia Perusahaan. PenerbitRemajaRosdakarya. Bandung..
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Abstract: The Indian real estate market is among the most recognised and fastest growing in the world. It is the second largest employer after agriculture and contributes to as much as 9% of the country's total Gross Domestic Product. The paper compares the trends in average property prices of thirty-two localities across eight major Indian cities for the time periods 2016-17, 2013-14 and 2009-10. The 2016-2017 time-periods is then separately analysed since at that time GST was implemented. However, for 2016-17, no significant fluctuations has been found in the trend of prices. Therefore a regression analysis is conducted to see what factors may influence the average property prices in that time frame. The paper has found that the demand-side factors are more influential compared to that of supply-side factors. Finally, a study of the overall impact of GST shows how the cost of inputs into producing real estate have mostly fallen post-GST; home-buyers will be benefited more if they avail ready-to-move-in property than under-construction ones, and the position of affordable housing is better off as opposed to luxury housing under this regime.
[1]. Chaturvedi, Bhartendu Kr. And Sharma, Ayush (2015), Anticipating and Gearing up Real Estate Sector in India, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, Volume 4 Issue 5|| May. 2015 || PP-11-16
[2]. Dani, Shefali (2016): A Research Paper on an Impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) onIndianEconomy, Business and Economics Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, 1000264
[3]. Dubey, Niraj Dhar; Kumar, Devesh; and Pandey, Sitaram (2013): An Enquiry into the Effect of GST on the Real Estate Sector of India,International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), ISSN No. 2456-6470
[4]. Eze, Uchenna Cyril and Lim, Yih Ying (2013): Indicators in the Purchase of HousingProperties, Journal of Southeast Asian Research, Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 432043, 10 pages, DOI: 10.5171/2013.432043
[5]. Grant Thornton India: Annual Handbook 2017, Indian Real Estate Sector..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Safety Status in Kenya's Learning Institutions |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Dennis Kinoti Atugi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007053942 ![]() |
Abstract: Disasters of various kinds have been witnessed in various learning institutions (both private and public) in Kenya for many years. Indeed, disasters disrupt the process and undermine quality of services and loss of lives. This paper ventilates on certain aspects in regard to learning institutions preparedness in handling adversities of various forms. The question here is: Are learning institutions adequately prepared to cope with disasters of all sorts? The main findings from secondary data is that learning institutions are not sufficiently prepared to handle disasters or emergency situations. Recommendations made include developing a coherent safety and disaster/emergency preparedness policy and carrying out sensitization for all key stakeholders within and without learning institutions on issues pertaining to Disaster and Emergency preparedness. It is expected that the findings of this paper will provide insightful..........
Keywords:Disaster, emergency, learning institutions, preparedness..
[1]. Alexander, D. (2002). Principles of Emergency Planning and Harpenden Terra publishing:
[2]. FEMA for Kids (2007). How schools can become more disaster resistantOnline
[3]. ISDR (2002). Living with Risk: A Global Review of Disaster Reduction initiatives. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
[4]. Karanja F. K, Mutua F. M, editors (2000). Reducing the impact of environmental emergencies through early warning and preparedness.
[5]. Kelly, M. (2010). Fire Drills: How to be prepared and lead during a fire drill. New York Times Company; New York.
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Abstract: The Indian furniture industry is one of the fast growing markets in the world. Steady growth of the Indian economy, real estate/ hospitality sector boom, an increase in spending power coupled with lifestyle changes have fuelled the growth of the furniture market in the country. The Indian furniture market is characterized with a large number of small players, accounting for nearly 80% of the domestic production. However, with the onset and growing popularity of online furniture market, the industry is likely to witness consolidation. E-tailing of furniture has not only provided greater choice for consumers but also opened up plethora of opportunities for the small players to sell their products. Furniture market is primarily concentrated in the metropolitan cities, Tier I and Tier II cities with the major user segments being residential, office, commercial and institutions. The purpose of this research is to find out the consumer's attitude and preference towards retail furniture showrooms with special reference to Coimbatore city.
Keywords: Furniture, consumer's attitude, Domestic affairs..
[1]. Zeithaml Valarie A., (1988) consumer Perception of price and value, journal of marketing (vol.52).
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[3]. Akbar, M.M. and Parvez. N(2009). Impact of service quality, trust and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. ABAC Journal, 29(1), 24-38.
[4]. Bartikowski. B and Walsh. G (2011) Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 64, 39-44..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Beyond Agricultural tackle: An Analysis of e-Agriculture with paddy Sector in Sri Lanka |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | Rmmd Pemarathna |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007054652 ![]() |
Abstract: Agriculture can be identified as the blood circulatory system of ancient Sri Lanka and after the world economy arrived to the information age, the association between Agriculture and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) commenced. This research focused to analyze the familiarity level of the term e-agriculture, identify potential ICT facilities that they used for e-agriculture activities, the potential benefits of e-Agriculture, potential barriers for e-Agriculture implementation, and factors influencing their familiarity level of term e-Agriculture in paddy sector. A mixed- mode based survey was carried out to collect data from 50 paddy sector farmers in 5 different.........
Keywords: E-Agriculture, ICT, Paddy Sector.
[1]. Anthony Gikandi Muriithi, E. B. (2009). Information Technology for Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa: Experiences from Kenya. Conference on International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (pp. 6-8). The University of Hamburg.
[2]. Central Bank of Sri Lanka. (2009). Central Bank Annual Report. Colombo.
[3]. Farwin, S. R., Jayathilake, H., & Weerakody, W. (2010). Analysis of e-agriculture in Plantation sector in Sri Lanka:An Empirical Investigation. Proceedings of 10th Agricultural Research Symposium, (pp. 150-154).
[4]. H.A.C.K Jayathilake, B. J. (2008). ICT Adoption and Its' Implications for Agriculture in Sri Lanka. Journal of Food and Agriculture, 54-63.
[5]. M. Varun Kumar, P. V. (2016). E-Agriculture and rural development. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences , 3356-3362..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | How to Manage the Cop21 Policies? |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Jan-Erik Lane |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007055365 ![]() |
Abstract: While the climate and earth scientists now launch the new theory of abrupt climate change with overwhelming evidence about CO2s and the positive feedback lopes from Arctic meltdown and methane emissions from permafrost, the UNFCCC does not speed up the implementation of its promised policies. The social sciences have yet to come up with management plans for global decarbonisation. Resilience is no longer an option when the tipping point is muck closer in time than earlier believed. The key nations are not taking steps towards the saving of mankind from run away global warming.
Keywords: run away climate change, elimination of coal and charcoal, solar power plants, carbon capture, abrupt climate change theory..
[1]. Paris 2015: Tracking country climate pledges. Carbon Brief, [2]. EDGAR v 4.3.2, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)/PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), release version 4.3.2., 2016 forthcoming
[3]. CO2 Emission Reduction With Solar
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[4]. World Bank national accounts data - data.worldbank.or OECD National Accounts data files
GHG and energy sources:
[5]. World Resources Institute CAIT Climate Data Explorer - EU Joint Research Centre Emission Database for Global Atmospheric.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Performance Appraisal in Motivation of Bank Employees |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha Vashistha || Dr Poonam Devdutt |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007056671 ![]() |
Abstract: Performance appraisal is an important tool for effective management and motivating employees in the banking sector. The performance of an organization is dependent upon the performance of its employees. The success of an organization will therefore depend on its ability to measure accurately the performance of its ability to measure accurately the performance of its employees and use its objectivity to optimize them as a vital resource. In the globalised economy and competitive environment, ensuring the peak performance of the employees is very important in order to compete and survive at the market place effectively. A sample of 150 employees from different public and private sector........
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, motivation, employee efficiency, productivity..
[1]. Nabi,Md & Islam, Md (2017). Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Karmasangsthan Bank Limited, Bangladesh. Arabian Journal of Business and Management, vol (7), 2-8
[2]. Kamalian, A. (2010) Survey of Relationship between Organizational Justice and Empowerment (A Case Study). European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 24, 165-171.
[3]. Porter. P(2016). Work environment and employee motivation to lead: moderating effects of personal characteristics. American Journal of Business, 31(2), 66-84
[4]. Adaeze. E (2007). The Effect of Performance Appraisal in an Organization. Review of Public Administration & Management. Vol 1 No2.
[5]. Arvind. S (2009). Perfromance Appraisal Systems- A Survey of Organizational Views. The ICFACI University Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Volume 8, No.1..
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Abstract: The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) worldwide shows a great promise. In Indonesia, many companies are becoming aware of the use of ICT to help and grow existing businesses. Nowadays, the core component of every big enterprises and ICT are becoming emerge as one. Improper use of ICT will cause the serious problem and the existence of ICT infrastructure and service company becomes necessary. The present study explores the view of ICT infrastructure and service company business model. A case study of a private XYZ company is conducted to describe the ideal business model. The primary and secondary data were collected related to the necessary information to build the XYZ company business model. The result of analysis shows the general idea of how the ICT infrastructure and service company work. The model can be used as a contribution reference for stakeholder such as entrepreneurs and governments in creating a symbiotic mutualism..
Keywords: ICT Infrastructure and Services, Business Model, Case Study, Indonesia Company..
[1]. Lee, J. W., & Brahmasrene, T. ICT, CO2 emissions and economic growth: Evidence from a panel of ASEAN. Global Economic Review: Perspectives on East Asian Economies and Industries, 43(2). 2014, 93–109
[2]. Ishida, H. The Effect of ICT Development on Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in Japan. Telecommunications Policy, 32. 2015, 79–88.
[3]. Rohman, I. K., & Bohlin, E. Decomposition analysis of the telecommunications sector in Indonesia: What does the cellular era shed light on?, Telecommunications Policy, 38(3). 2014, 248–263.
[4]. Shahiduzzaman, M., & Alam, K. (2014). The Long-run Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Economic Output: The Case of Australia, Telecommunications Policy, 38(7). 2014, 623– 633.
[5]. Bankole, F. O., Osei-Bryson, K., & Brown, I.. The impact of information and communication technology infrastructure and complementary factors on Intra-African trade. Information Technology for Development, 1–17. 2013, In Press
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Abstract: The present research explores the sorbitol manufacturing from the business model point of view. Sorbitol or as known as sugar alcohol is one kind of sweetener which has the one-third fewer calories and half sweetness of sucrose. In industrial world, sorbitol was used for intermediate material and additive substances, but modern society consume sorbitol as a substitution of sugar cane for dietary and reducing diabetes risk. In Indonesia, awareness about healthy lifestyles began to grow, so it is possible to expand sorbitol market as a promising sugar substitute.A business model canvas (BMC) and several marketing models such as segmentation, targeting, positioning (STP), product, price, place, and promotion (4P) are used as the analysis tool. The X company was selected as a case study. The result in this study can be used as the depiction of sorbitol business, especially for entrepreneurs, related companies, and governments. Supporting the development of sorbitol product will help the sustainability of this business and reducing the risk of diabetes..
Keywords: Sorbitol, Business Model Canvas, STP, 4P, Healthy Lifestyles.
[1]. Chan, M. Global Health: Today Challenges. The World Health Report. 2003
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Abstract: The research problem is effect of economic recession's indicators on consumers' buying behavior. This study is an empirical research conducted at Agbara/Industrial Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. The objective of the study are to examine significant effect of economic recession's indices on consumer buying decisions, two research hypotheses are formulated and tested. Descriptive survey research was used with 205 respondents as sample size. The same number of questionnaires were administered and returned (100% rate of return). Simple regression analysis and Anova statistical instruments were adopted to test hypotheses. Some of the research findings are that individual disposable income has a strong positive effect on inflation has significant effect on the consumer buying behaviour. The researcher recommended that government at all levels should be more concerned about the economic situations of the country and to formulate policies that reduce the hardship of economic recession on consumers. More so, the private business owners should adopt pricing policies that enhance consumers' purchasing power.
Keywords: Economic recession, consumers' buying behaviours.
[1]. Adeyanju O. & Adegbite G.A (2013). Basic Marketing Principles & Practice. Itire-Lagos. Atlantic publishers Nigeria Limited
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[5]. Lelia V. & Alina F (2011). Analysing the main canges in new consumer buying behaviour during economic crises. Internaltional Journal of Economic Practises and Theories. (1)1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Professionalism on Indonesian Navy Vessel's officer |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rudi Sutanto || Maruf Akbar || Mahmuddin Yasin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2007058590 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the research is to establishthe Reality Descriptions about the Professionalism on INDONESIAN NAVY VESSEL's (KRI) OFFICER. The data analysis was revealed throughand based on the discovered data about ship accident. This research is used qualitative approachmethod with case study as the researchmethodology. The researcher describes the professionalism of INDONESIAN NAVY VESSEL'sOFFICER in detailed toward the skill and responsibility. As the result, ship accident happens because of the officerdecision which does not depend on conceptual skill, misunderstanding in order applying the concept and lack of proper interaction (comunication)among the crew. In addition, this research is finding that specific skill is not the only criteria that must be had by a professionalism commision officer, but also there is an important criterion as a professionalism officer that is responsible.
Keywords: Professionalism, KRI,Officer, Skill, Responsibility..
[1]. Creswell, J. W. (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Method Approaches. California: Sage Publications.
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[4]. Effendy, M. (2011).ProfesionalismeMiliter: Profesionalisasi TNI. Malang: UMM Press.
[5]. Effendy, M. (2013). JatiDiridanProfesi TNI StudiFenomenologi. Malang: UMM Press.