Version-2 (May-June 2017)
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Abstract:In the growth of fourth-generation mobile servicing, long` c ns term evolution (LTE) is an emanate technology. In LTE the downlink model build up on orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and the uplink arrangement build up on single carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA).In this paper we have tendency to derive the achievement of typical elemental differences between the OFDMA and SC-FDMA schemes. In the cutting-edge wireless mobile communications multiple access schema should meet certain requirements like low bit error rate (BER),high signal-to-noise ratio(SNR),high throughput, high spectral efficiency, good channel capacity.............
[1] 3GPP, "3rd Generation Partnership Project, Technical specification group radio access network", Physical channels and modulation (Release 8), 3GPP TS 36.211.
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Abstract: Spectral Amplitude Coded-Optical Code Division Multiple Access(SAC-OCDMA) allows several users to transmit simultaneously over the same channel. Each of the users is assigned a code which is a part of orthogonal codes. The channel studied in this research paper is Free Space Optical (FSO) channel FSO has been an area of study in the field of communication because of the varied advantages it offers. FSO channel offers more realistic model in the communication domain. The FSO channel has a limitation that it provides different attenuation for different weather conditions which may include rain,...........
Keywords: Spectral Amplitude Coded-Optical Code Division Multiple Access, free space optics, bit error rate, single photodiode detection.
[1] H.S. Mohammed, S.A. Aljunid, H.A. Fadhil, T.H. Abd, Impact of Attenuation on the Hybrid Sub-carrier Multiplexing SAC OCDMA-FSO System, IEEE,2013.
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[5] H.M.R. Al- Khafaji, S.A. Aljunid, A. Amphawan, H.A. Fadhil, Enhanced probability density function using APD in SAC-OCDMA systems based SPDtechnique, IEEE symposium on industrial electronics and applications (2013).
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Abstract: This paper provides survey on different classification techniques that can be used for plant leaf diseases classification. Identification of symptoms of disease by naked eye is difficult for farmer. Crop protection in large frames is done by using computerized image processing technique that can detect diseased leaf using color information of leaves.There are so many classification techniques such as k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Probabilistic Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Support Vector Machine, and Principal Component Analysis, Artificial neural network, Fuzzy logic. Selecting a classification method is always a difficult task because the quality of result can vary for different input data. Plant leaf disease classifications have wide applications in various fields such as in biological research, in Agriculture etc. This paper provides an overview of different classification techniques used for plant leaf disease classification.
Keywords: K- means clustering, ANN, SVM, Neural network.
[1] Sachin D. Khirade, A.B Patil, "Plant Disease Detection Using Image Processing", International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation", 2015.
[2] Prof. Sanjay B. Dhaygude, Mr.Nitin P.Kumbhar, "Agricultural plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing", International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 1, January 2013.
[3] Amandeep Singh ,Maninder Lal Singh, "Automated Color Prediction of Paddy Crop Leaf using Image Processing", International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR 2015), 2015.
[4] M.Malathi, K.Aruli , S.Mohamed Nizar, A.Sagaya Selvaraj, "A Survey on Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing Techniques",International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET),Volume: 02 Issue: 09, Dec 2015.
[5] Malvika Ranjan, Manasi Rajiv Weginwar, NehaJoshi, Prof.A.B. Ingole, "detection and classification of leaf disease using artificial neural network", International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, 2015.
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Abstract: The Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) systems offer physical layer security without the need for a significant increase in computation or power requirements but, these systems suffers from multiple access interference because of other users transmitting in the cell, channel inter symbol interference and additive white Gaussian noise. Codes have an effective role in DS-CDMA system, so M-sequences; gold sequences have been used as spreading codes in DS-CDMA. These sequences by shift registers and periodic in nature are developed. However, these sequences are not enough and also limit the security. This paper presents an investigation on use of new type of sequences called chaotic sequences for DS-CDMA system. These sequences are generated by chaotic maps. First of all,...........
Keywords: Gold sequence, Chaotic Sequence, Direct Sequence-Spread Spectrum (DS-SS), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
[1] R.Gold, "Optimal Binary Sequences for Spread Spectrum Multiplexing," IEEE. Trans. Inform. Theory.vol. IT-13 , pp.619-621.October 1967.
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Abstract: This paper proposes a privacy preserving scheme for data security in the video surveillance. Nowadays, significant concerns about human privacy have been growing along with the extensive application of surveillance cameras. Successful automated video surveillance services are expected to provide effective means for enhancing the individual's privacy protection. Recently, many studies about privacy protection in video surveillance have been proposed. Clearly, for video surveillance, privacy protection can be carried out before or after the video compression. Actually, for the videos captured by cameras, many compression standards have been developed, like H.120, H.261, MPEG-1, H.263 and H.264. The system is stable, reasonable and reliable.
Keywords: Data Security; Quantum cryptography; Video surveillance; Video Encryption; Chaos Algorithm; Wireless communication
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Abstract: In recent years the development in communication system requires the development of low cost, minimal weight and low profile antennas that are capable of maintaining high performance over a wide spectrum of frequencies. Microstrip patch antennas are the most common antenna types in frequency range of 2 to 4 GHz (S-band).Generally these antennas uses different feeding techniques like micro strip line feed, co-axial feed and proximity coupled feed methods. In this paper a rectangular microstrip patch antenna has been designed using Aperture coupled Feed Technique to improve the antenna parameters like Front to Back Ratio (FBR), Return Loss and VSWR. It is designed and simulated on HFSS (High Frequency Structural Simulator) software.
Keywords: Aperture coupled feed, Front to back ratio, Return loss(db), Rectangular micro strip ,VSWR
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Abstract: The importance of cryptography applied to security in electronic data transactions has acquired an essential relevance during the last few years. A proposed FPGA-based implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) algorithm along with key encryption for images is presented in this paper. An efficient image encryption scheme based on FPGA using AES algorithm integrated with RC4 encryption standard is proposed. The use of RC4 algorithm imparts additional level of security to the encryption. The design converts the original image into its hex values using Matlab and then give it as input to the proposed AES. The key input given to AES is further encrypted using RC4 encryption algorithm.............
Keywords: AES algorithm, RC4 algorithm, image encryption, key encryption, image decryption, key decryption
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Abstract: In this paper, a compact two inverted L-shape slotted rectangular microstrip monopole patch antenna is presented. The proposed antenna comprises a planar rectangular patch element with slotted L-shaped rectangular slots which offer quad band. The impedance bandwidth can be tuned by changing the ground plane geometry parameters (length and/or its width). The overall size of the antenna is 47mm×48mm×0.8mm including finite ground feeding mechanism. The antenna operates in four bands which are 0.93-0.98GHz, 2.18-2.27GHz, 3.29-3.42GHz, and 4.85-4.94 GHz. Stable Omni-directional radiation patterns in the desired frequency band have been obtained. The proposed geometry was practically realized and tested its parameters. Measured data fairly agree with the simulated results.
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, Finite Ground, and Monopole Antenna.
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Abstract: Video surveillance is commonly observed in many places. The video recording is intended to detect and track a particular object or a person One of the major issues related to these video recording is changing of illumination during recording at different intervals of time, which degrades the working performance of detection algorithm. In this paper, a simple and fast pre-equalization approach is proposed along with mean shift tracking. Each frame that is supposed to be processed for detection is normalized and the intensity values are adjusted with the use of histogram properties and then the frame is fed to tracking algorithm. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach is providing promising results when compared with the results obtained under low or varying illumination and other equalization methods.
Keywords: Object detection, Object tracking, Equalization, Mean Shift tracking
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Cryptographic Encryption Algorithms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Chaitra B || Kiran Kumar V.G. || Shantharama Rai C |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203026671 ![]() |
Abstract: Protection of the network to enhance the safety of the information is great challenge in cryptography. With the developments in the cryptography lightweight cryptography has large space towards security by its simplicity in the implementations. For majority of applications present and TEA are excellent and preferred choices. However present is suitable for low constrained devices like RFID tags and sensor network. In this paper we describe ultra-lightweight cryptographic algorithms in detail. Both efficiency and security of information are important while designing and implementation considering security, cost and performance. The efficiency of present and TEA are higher as they have ability to resist cryptographic attacks and also due to their adequate security. In this paper the performance analysis of present and Tea are described
[1]. "A Random Present encryption algorithm based on dynamic s box", Ziyingi Tang, Jie cie, Hong Zhong, Mingyong yu, International journal of security and its applications, Volume 10 no.3, 2016
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[3]. " A Secure encryption technique based on advanced hill cipher for a public key cryptosystem", Suman chandrashekhar, Akash H.p., Adarsh K., Mrs. Smitha sasi, Volume 11, issue 2, May-june 2013.
[4]. "Design space exploration of present implementations for FPGA's", Mohamad sbeiti, Michael silbermann, Axel poschmann, christof paar, Hortz gortz institute for IT security.
[5]. " PRESENT: an ultralightweight block cipher", A. bogdanov1 , L.R. Knudsen2, G. Leander1, C.Paar1, A. Poschmann1, MJ.B. Robshaw3, Y. Securin3, C. Vikkelsoe2, Hortz gortz institute for IT security
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Abstract: In present days, medical images and medical records are being stored in repositories so that physicians can engage in accurate diagnostic. Thus the repository requires large storage capacity and this kind of system is very expensive. So,"COMPRESSION" is one of the techniques to solve this problem. The main idea behind our paper is to compress an image, so that we can use the storage space effectively. In our project we are using lifting base DWT which is ideal for compressing images. The reason behind choosing the Lifting Base Algorithm is, complexity is reduced when compared with other algorithms and provides an efficient way to compute wavelet transform.The image compression analysis has been done by using the design metrics Peak Signal to Noise Ratio(PSNR),Mean Square Error(MSE).
Keywords: Compression, Lifting Scheme, Compression ratio, PSNR
[2] Salomon, D., Data Compression, 4th Edition. Springer, 2006-07
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[5] S. Majumder, et. al., "Wavelet and DCT-Based Image Coding & Reconstruction for Low Resolution Implementation" pg 814-818 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation 2007, AMSE, Dec' 07.
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Abstract: A face recognition is ascending as an exuberant research region traversing many controls like image processing, design acknowledgment, pattern recognition, PC vision and neural systems. Face recognition innovation has different business applications and another business. Here this paper introduces an automated complex face recognition based on the combination of w-Quartette and v-HOG which prepares the face picture for recognition and interpret the extraction information. As a piece of the proposed calculations, Filters of Wavelets have been executed utilizing multi-resolution approaches because of their adaptability, reasonableness, and normality for face acknowledgment. The proposed framework enhances the execution of a current face recognition framework by reducing out the occlusions, human intervention, marking and entry of attendance.
Index Terms: Biometrics, Wavelet transform, w-Quartette, v-HOG
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[4] Samuel Lukas, Aditya Rama Mitra, Ririn Ikana Desanti, Dion Krisnadi ,"Student Attendance System In Classroom Using Face Recognition Technique" , IEEE Conference Publications , 2016 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) , Page 1032 - 1035
[5] Dr. Pankaj Tomar,Preeti Mehta, "An Efficient Attendance Management Sytem based on Face Recognition using Matlab and Raspberry Pi 2", IJETSRISSN 2394 – 3386,Volume 3, Issue 5,May 2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On the Performance Bounds of LTE- A System under Varied UE Distributions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Navneet Kaur || Jyoteesh Malhotra |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203028695 ![]() |
Abstract: The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) adapted the LTE. It permits consumers of mobile to attain Internet over several devices. The main aim of the LTE is to provide a steep data transmission rate and many more audiovisual services. Scheduling is that kind of procedure in which distribution of resources to the consumers takes place to get improved amount. The scheduler allocates the common resources i.e. frequency as well as time amongst consumer's stations. In this paper, we have taken the Round Robin scheduling algorithm, the simulation and the examination of the scheduling procedures stayed complete by imitations accomplished on a MATLAB-build downlink link level simulator by the University of Vienna. We accomplish our observation of results that clearly shows the variation in throughput, speed, radii as well as fairness, numerous results are exposed which displays examination and achieves data that upsurges the wireless interacting.
Keywords: RB (Resource Blocks), Round Robin, Throughput, Noise density
[1] M.T.K., A.R.H, H.M. A. B. Farid, Adil M. J. S., Ibrahim K.R., Performance Comparison between Round Robin and Proportional Fair Scheduling Methods for LTE, Department of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Islamic University of Technology Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[2] Habaebi, et al., "Comparison Between Scheduling Techniques in Long Term Evolution", IIUM Engineering Journal, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 66-75, 2013.
[3] S. Schwarz, C. Mehlfuhrer and M. Rupp, ''Low Complexity Approximate Maximum Throughput Scheduling for LTE'', 44th Annual Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, California, 2010.
[4] Ericsson, ''LTE-an introduction'', White Paper, June 2009.
[5] "Fair downlink scheduling algorithm for 3gpp LTE networks", mecs, Vol. 6, pp- 34-41, 2013.
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Abstract: Biometric recognition is noteworthy method for recognition of person in recent years. The aim of our biometric recognition system is to improve the template protection by embedding the iris data to hand vein images based on watermarking technology. In order to handle this issue, researches have proposed different algorithms to be confronted by security of biometric systems. Two major ways are, (1) Encryption, and (2) watermarking by securing biometric images and templates. In this project, we utilize a watermarking technology to improve the template security in biometric authentication. According to, two modalities such as, iris and hand vein is taken to preserve the characteristics of liveliness and permanency. The existing technique of embedding of iris data to hand vein images using watermarking technology consist of following steps, i) preprocessing of iris and hand vein images, ii) iris template extraction, iii) Vein extraction, iv) Embedding of iris pattern to vein images based on region of interest, v)...............
Keywords: - Template, Fingerprint, watermarking, embedding, extraction and authentication
[1] R. Yadav, Kamaldeep, R. Saini, and R. Nandal, "Biometric Template security using Invisible Watermarking With Minimum Degradation in Quality of Template," International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 12, 2011.
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[4] AK. Jain, A Ross, and U. Uludag, "Biometric Template Security Challenges and Solutions," In Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference, 2005.
[5] N. Hajare, A Borage, N. Kamble, and S. Shinde, "Biometric Template Security Using Visual Cryptography," Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1320-1323,2013.
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Abstract: Image Processing and Remote Sensing Technologies are the most efficient technologies to give the accurate processed data for Potential Fishing Zone (PFZ). INCOIS which is the governing body for ocean related parameters provides satellite derived data obtained from Electronic Digital Display Board (EDB) and Wave Rider Buoy (WRB). These data which is obtained from EDB and WRB is used for gaining Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Ocean Color in real time mode. By taking the feedbacks from active fishermen at selected major fish landing centers near Ratnagiri R Tool Technology is used for finding PFZ location to get good catch in less time and fuel. Ratnagiri has a coast line of 237kms and altitude range of 11m having latitudinal position of 16.98ºN and longitudinal position...........
[1] Nammalwar .P, S.Satheesh and R. Ramesh," Indian journal of geo-marine sciences" vol.23 (3) June 2013, pp.283-292.
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[4] S.B Choudhury, B. Jena, M.V Rao, K.H Rao, V.S Somavanshi, D.K Gulati and S.K Sahu,"Validation of Integrated potential fishing zone(IPFZ)forecast using satellite based chlorophyll and sea surface temperature along the east coast of India"IJRS Volume 28,no.12,20 June 2007,2683-2693.
[5] Bob Boothand Andy Mitchell, "Getting started with ArcGIS."