Version-3 (May-June 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review Of Video Retrieval Systems: Tiny Videos |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aditi Nain || Prof. K.S Bhagat || Dr.D.K Kirange |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203030109 ![]() |
Abstract: In this review paper, we summarize all the different video retrieval techniques available in the literature. The Tiny video is one of the simplest approaches that we find for retrieval of the videos from large dataset like youtube. We also present a summary table of all other methods along with their advantages and disadvantages. This paper will allow authors to come up with the best suiting retrieval system. We plan to work with tiny videos where kernels of videos are used to retrieve the video. This video retrieval system has combined approaches like content-based with semanticretrieval.
[1] Zhang, Hong Jiang, et al. "An integrated system for content-based video retrieval and browsing." Pattern recognition 30.4 (1997): 643-658.
[2] Jiang, Yu-Gang, Chong-Wah Ngo, and Jun Yang. "Towards optimal bag-of-features for object categorization and semantic video retrieval." Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video retrieval. ACM, 2007.
[3] Hanjalic, Alan, Reginald L. Lagendijk, and Jan Biemond. "Automated high-level movie segmentation for advanced videoretrieval systems." IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 9.4 (1999): 580-588.
[4] Snoek, Cees GM, and Marcel Worring. "Concept-based video retrieval." Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 2.4 (2008): 215-322.
[5] Naphade, Milind R., et al. "Probabilistic multimedia objects (multijet): A novel approach to video indexing and retrieval in multimedia systems." Image Processing, 1998. ICIP 98. Proceedings. 1998 International Conference on. IEEE, 1998.
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Abstract: In Recent years wireless network is the most popular way of communication. For example, internet services in companies, cafes, e-markets and in homes. It must be protected against the malicious users who try to harm the isolation, authenticity and privacy of it. Also there is need of traffic control of information sent over this wireless network. In this research article, a technique for controlling the congestion over the wireless networks is shown and to implement it, machine learning tools and fuzzy logic concepts are applied. Congestion control decision mechanism are Transmission rate, queue size, transmission energy, cost assigned, distance from receiver parameters are necessary to be considered. On calculation of these parameters using fuzzy logic, a desired output for congestion control can be determined and its efficiency is calculated using machine learning tool.
Keywords: Naïve Bayes, fuzzy logic, machine learning tools, wireless networks, congestion control.
[1]. Xuekang, S., G. Wanyi, X. Xingquan, X. Baocheng, & G. Zhigang (2009). Node discovery algorithm based multipath olsr routing protocol. Information Engineering, International Conference on 2, 139-142.
[2]. Manoj Sharma, Dr. R.K.Khola, "Fuzzy logic based handoverdecision system", International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.3, No.4, August 2012.
[3]. Ali Murtaza, Mansoor Ahmed, "Decision algorithm and procedure for fast handover between 3G and WLAN",Master's Thesis in Computer Network Engineering, School of Information Science, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Halmstad University
[4]. M. Sudhakar, (2015). Wmns: Efficient Scheduling Algorithm and Classification of Routers With Multiple Gateways. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 10, Number 7 (2015) pp. 17213-17228 © Research India Publications.
[5]. Yi, J., A. Adnane, S. David, & B. Parrein (2010). Multipath Optimized Link State Routing for Mobile ad hoc Networks. Ad Hoc Networks..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comprehension Bilateral Filtering |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | J.Sreenivasa Reddy || B.Rama Bhupal Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203031727 ![]() |
Abstract: The main of the paper presents an efficient constant-time bilateral filter that produces a near-optimal performance tradeoff between approximate accuracy and computational complexity without any complicated parameter adjustment, called a compressive bilateral filter (CBLF). The constant-time means that the computational complexity is independent of its filter window size. Although many existing constant-time bilateral filters have been proposed step by step to pursue a more efficient performance tradeoff, they have less focused on the optimal tradeoff for their own frameworks. It is important to discuss this question because it can reveal whether or not a constant-time algorithm still has plenty room for improvements of performance tradeoff. This paper tackles the question from a viewpoint of compressibility..............
Keywords: Edge-preserving smoothing, constant-time bi-lateral filtering, compressibility
[1] V. Aurich and J. Weule, "Non-linear Gaussian filters performing edge preserving diffusion," in Mustererkennung 1995, 17. DAGM-Symposium, 1995, pp. 538–545.
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[3] C. Tomasi and R. Manduchi, "Bilateral filtering for gray and color images," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Vis. (ICCV), Jan. 1998, pp. 839–846.
[4] G. Petschnigg, R. Szeliski, M. Agrawala, M. Cohen, H. Hoppe, and K. Toyama, "Digital photography with flash and no-flash image pairs," ACM Trans. Graph. (Proc. SIGGRAPH), vol. 1, no. 212, pp. 664–672, Aug. 2004.
[5] E. Eisemann and F. Durand, "Flash photography enhancement via intrinsic relighting," ACM Trans. Graph.(Proc. SIGGRAPH), vol. 1, no. 212, pp. 673–678, 2004..
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Abstract: The image may be corrupted with noise during the process of image acquisition or transmission. Denosing is the process of removing the noise from the corrupted image. Denoising of the image ia an important step in the image restoration process. This paper describes two efficient denoising techniques, wavelet transformation and Principal Component analysis using Local Pixel Grouping. The wavelet transformation is the technique in which the input signal is divided into multiple scales or sub-bands which contains different time frequency components. At each scale, thresholding is performed to suppress noise. This technique i shaving a disadvantage of edge distortion and PCA using LPG overcomes this advantage...............
Keywords: Local Pixel Grouping(LPG), Peak Signal to noise ratio(PSNR), Principal Component Analysis(PCA), Thresholding, Wavelet transformation.
[1]. R. C .Gonzalez, R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, second edition., Prentice- Hall,EnglewoodCliffs, NJ, 2002.
[2]. Sameer Khedkar, Kalyani Akant and Milind M. Khanapurkar, "Image denoising using wavelet transform" – IJRET Journal, vol-5, 2016.
[3]. Wavelet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia available online at :
[4]. S.Kother Mohideen, Dr.S.Arumuga Perumal and Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik, "Image De-noising using discrete wavelet transform " - IJCSNS International Journal, vol-8, 2008.
[5]. P.C.V. Amulya and Sai Vijaya Laxmi, "Image denoising with wavelet based thresholding "- IOSR Journal, vol-18, pp 01-04, 2016..
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Abstract: This work describes the performance analysis of micro strip rectangular patch antenna using coaxial feeding technique and micro strip line feeding technique for wireless application i.e. for Bluetooth application. In this work two types of feeding techniques (Micro strip line feed, coaxial probe feed) are used. The Proposed antenna is designed using FR-4 dielectric substrate which has a dielectric constant of 4.4 and loss tangent of 0.02 with dimensions of 46.70x38.60x1.6mm3.The proposed antenna calculations are done for the frequency 2.4GHz. The Return loss ,Impedance, VSWR, Efficiency ,Gain and Radiation pattern are simulated & comparison of all these parameters for strip line and coaxial feeding is studied. Simulation is done by using CADFEKO Suite 7.0..
Keywords: Bluetooth, Coaxial Feed, Feeding technique, Microstrip Antenna, Microstrip feed line.
[1] C. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design, second edition (NewYork, John Wiley and Sons, 1997).
[2] K.P.Ray and Girish Kumar,Broadband Microstrip Antenna (Artech House, Boston London).
[3] A.B. Mutiara, R.Refianti, Rachmansyah, Design Of Microstrip Antenna For Wireless Communication At 2.4 GHz, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,33(2), 2011,184-192.
[4] Ogunlade Michael Adegoke, Charles Okand aNyatega,,Design Of Dual Band Coax Patch Antenna For GSM and Bluetooth Application, International journal of science and research,3(12),998-1002,2012.
[5] Sanjay R. Bhongale, Pramod N. Vasambeka,Comparison of Stripline and Coaxial Feeding In Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology,5,21-24,2015..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 1-D Photonic Crystals Containing Negative Index Materials |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | J P Pandey |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203034246 ![]() |
Abstract: Photonic crystals have been investigated by many researchers for negative refraction. These materials are typically composed of insulators and therefore, can exhibit very low losses, even at optical frequencies. Meta-materials can be strictly distinguished from other structured photonic materials. In the photonic crystals, the band-gaps arise as a result of multiple Bragg scattering in a periodic array of dielectric scatterers. The periodicity of the structure here is of the order of the wavelength and hence homogenization in this sense cannot be carried out. In meta-materials the periodicity is by comparison far less important and all the properties mainly depend on the single scatterer resonances. In this paper, the propagation of electromagnetic waves through 1-D periodic structures consisting of alternate layers of negative index material (NIM) and positive index material (PIM) is investigated. The possibility of omnidirectional reflectance and the dependence of zero-nav gap on the angle of incidence and thickness scale are also studied.
[1]. J. Li, L. Zhou, C. T. Chan, and P. Sheng, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 083901, 2003.
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[4]. I. V. Shadrivov, A. A. Sukhorukov, and Y. S. Kivshar, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3820–3822, 2003.
[5]. H. Daninthe , S. Foteinopoulou, C. M. Soukoulis, Photonics and Nanostructures–Fundamentals and Applications 4, 123-131, 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Simulation of GPON networks over different FBG techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Baneet Kaur Bhatia || Er. Manjit Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203034752 ![]() |
Abstract: GPON stands for Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks and is used in fiber optic communication channels for establishing an effective communication between source and destination. Digital GPON communication uses various encoding schemes for successful communication but the issue was that most of research work had been conducted by using NRZ encoding scheme which is quite effective encoding schemes. Hence the proposed work implements the FBG, Ideal FBG and Uniform FBG system as the objective of this study is to analyze the performance of NRZ encoding scheme on three different type of FBG systems. . The simulation is done by using optisystem platform and the results are evaluated in the form of Q factor and BER. The result section of this study shows the efficiency of the proposed work.
Keywords: Optical Fiber Communication network, Fiber Brag Grating, NRZ
[1] Sanjeev Verma et al, "Performance analysis of Q-Factor and polarization for GPON network using Optisystem", International Conference on Information Technology, Pp. 138-141, 2016
[2] Ivica Cale et al, "Gigabit Passive Optical Network - GPON", Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces, Pp. 679-684, June 2007
[3] Naresh Kumar, "Improved performance analysis of Gigabit passive optical networks", Optik 125, Pp. 1837-1840, September 2013
[4] Marilet De Andrade et al, "Passive optical network (PON) supported networking", Optical switching and networking, Vol. 14, No. 1, Pp. 1-10, August 2014
[5] Marino Rodrigues et al, "Plastic Optical Fibers in Access Networks", Conference on Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Procedia Technology, Vol. 17, pp. 601-607, 2014
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of a Low Noise Amplifier with matching Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Sekharbabu || G.Narendra |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1203035357 ![]() |
Abstract: An electronic equipment will increase the ability of each the signal and also the noise gift at its input. However there square measure disadvantages with the increasing noise power throughout amplification. Therefore, there was a desire for various such signals ought to be amplified maintaining noise power constant. Hence, LNAs square measure designed to attenuate further noise. Low-noise electronic equipment (LNA) is electronic electronic equipment that amplifies an awfully low-power signal while not considerably degrading its SNR value. Noise will be reduced by considering electrical resistance matching, selecting the electronic equipment technology (such as low-noise components), and choosing low-noise biasing conditions. LNAs square measure found at the receiving...........
[1] Molavi, R.; Mirabbasi, S.; Hashemi, M., "A wideband CMOS LNA design approach, "Circuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on, vol., no., pp.5107,5110 Vol. 5, 23-26May 2005
[2] Qiang Li; Yue Ping Zhang.,"A 1.5-V 2–9.6-GHz Inductor less Low- Noise amplifier in 0.13μm CMOS",IEEE Transactions On
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 55, No. 10, pp 2015-2023, October 2007.
[3] Yu-Tsung Lo; Jean-Fu Kiang., "Design of Wideband LNAs Using Parallel to Series Resonant Matching Network between Common- Gate and Common-Source Stages",IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory And Techniques, Vol. 59, No. 9, pp 2285-2294, September 2011.
[4] Xuelian Liu and John Mcdonald "A 1.5 V Wideband, Noises Cancelling LNA in 0.13μm CMOS" International Conference on
Solid-State and Integrated Circuit (ICSIC 2012) IPCSIT vol 32. Page 45-50.
[5] Nam Hwi Jeong, Choon Sik Cho and Seungwook Min "Highly Linear wideband LNA Design Using Inductive Shunt Feedback" Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science, Vol. 14, No.1, February 2014.
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Abstract: Memristor, first time proposed by Prof. Leon O. Chua in 1971, is the 'missing' fourth fundamental passive circuit element which has a memory retention capacity but of course they can't store energy. Memristor model realised for the first time in HP laboratory in 2008 was based on linear ion drift model. Though it worked well along the length of device, there is no explanation on the behaviour of device at the boundary. Various window functions have been introduced with their own merits and limitations to address this problem.
Keywords: memristor, memory, model, window function
[1]. Chua, L.O., IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory, "Memristor- the missing circuit element", 1971;18(5)5:507-519. 1971, vol. CT-18, no. 5, Pp 507-519.
[2]. Pershin, Y. V. and M. Di Ventra, 2009, "Putting memory into circuit elements: memristors, memcapacitors and meminductors", Phys. Rev. B 79(15), 153307
[3]. Singh, Raj Kumar and Mamta, Kumari, "Memcapacitor and memcapacitive systems: Basic fingerprints of nanoscale memory", African Journal of Science and Research, 2014, (3) 4:16-20.
[4]. Singh, Raj Kumar and Mamta, Kumari, "Spin-based memory: Memristive devices and their applications", European Scientific Journal, Vol. 10, No. 18, Pp 230-246, June 2014.
[5]. S. Mohanty, "Memristors: From basics to Deployment", IEEE Potentials, 0278-6648/May-June 2013©2013IEEE
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Abstract: the automated irrigation system designs using wireless sensor network. In this paper raspberry Pi and Arduino used. Raspberry Pi allows collecting the sensor information from sensor node continuously, store it in a database and providing the web interface to the user. This paper uses Humidity, temperature sensor, soil moisture sensors to detect the water quantity present in agriculture. Arduino using for collecting parameters like Humidity, Soil Moisture Sensor, and Temperature. Aim of this paper is to monitor status of sensors on remote pc through a webpage. Here Humidity, soil moisture sensors, temperature sensors monitored on webpage through Raspberry Pi can...........
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, DC motor, Humidity, Soil Moisture Sensors, Temperature Sensors
[1]. Gutierrez, J: Villa-Medina, J.F; Nieto-Garibay; Porta-Gandara, M.A, "Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module" Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transaction on, vol.63, no.1, pp.166, 176, Jan 2014.
[2]. Yunseop Kim; Evans, R.G.; Iversen, W.M., "Remote Sensing and Control of an Irrigation System Using a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network," Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on, vol.57, no.7, pp.1379, 1387, July 2008.
[3]. Wark, T.; Corke, P.; Sikka, P.; Klingbeil, L.; Ying Guo; Crossman, C.; Valencia, P.; Swain, D.; Bishop-Hurley, G., "Transforming Agriculture through Pervasive Wireless Sensor Networks," Pervasive Computing, IEEE , vol.6, no.2, pp.50,57, April-June 2007.
[4]. Rani, M.U.; Kamalesh, S., "Web based service to monitor automatic irrigation system for the agriculture field using sensors," Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2014 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1,5, 9-11 Jan. 2014.
[5]. Genghuang Yang; Yuliang Liu; Li Zhao; Shigang Cui; Qingguo Meng; Chen HongDa, "Automatic irrigation system based on wireless network," Control and Automation (ICCA), 2010 8th IEEE International Conference on , vol., no., pp.2120,2125, 9-11 June 2010.