Version-1 (July-August 2014)
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Abstract: Flow sensor based water meter presents very low cost, reliable, quick water meter system accompanying with existing GSM networks. Paddle wheel flow sensor JT121 measures the water flow accurately with the help of rotating paddles. Monthly water usage can be sent to municipal corporation office within fraction of seconds in the form of text message by using existing GSM network. Such metering system reduces manpower, with higher accuracy and less power consumption. It gives better results than any other metering systems such as mechanical, ultrasonic, electro-magnetic systems. By using this system water consumption can be observed in real time with controlled use of precious water resources. Water resources be managed for future planning. Non revenue water will be detected and loss can be avoided in distribution system.
Keywords: flow sensor JT121, GSM network, GSM Mode, water management real time monitoring
[1] S.-C. Hsia, S.-W. Hsu, Y.-J. Chang," Arrow-Pointer Sensor Design for Low-Cost Water Meter". Published in IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 13, NO. 4, APRIL 2013
[2] Liu jie, Li hong-wei, Lv mou, Dong shen," Investigation on Water Recording system for Large User of Water Supply Network Based on PLC". 1878-0296 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Intelligent Information Technology Application Research Association. doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2011.12.155
[3] Aditi Dayal, Researcher's "Ensuring Efficient Water Supply" report on Malkapur's 24*7 water supply system. February2012
[4] Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran. .<
[5] Roy McKenzie and Brian Houston "Implementing Automatic Meter Reading for Water: A Reflective Approach to Weighing Options" FLORIDAWATER RESOURCES JOURNAL AUGUST 2011
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Abstract: In this paper, establishing a light path setup in WDM network done by implementing an ant-based mechanism Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm used for providing survivable routing in WDM network. The major problem in survivable routing WDM network is routing wavelength and assignment (RWA) problem, It sets up light path by routing and assigning a wavelength to each connection such that no light path use the same wavelength on same link .Our study aims to develop an routing and optimize the light path setup for survivable routing based upon the bit transmission to which supports data transfer supports to run continuously thus it can provide dynamic path. By adopting a new routing table structure and keeping a number of mobile agents in the network to cooperatively explore the network states and continuously update the routing tables, our new ant algorithm can efficiently support the ants' foraging tasks of route selection and wavelength assignment in WDM networks. Each path in the network is assigned by feasibility value. This feasibility value is calculated by considering the metrics such as bandwidth availability, path length and number of free wavelengths. When an ant is launched in the network by its node, it moves towards random destination to gather information such as bandwidth availability, path length and free wavelengths in that path. The value of path load is dynamically updated by the mobile agents in the load table.
Using NS-2 simulation we show that the proposed ant based routing achieves better channel utilization and throughput with reduced delay, when compared with the normal routing. Optimization of light path performance is measured by varying the CBR traffic sending rate and flows.
Key words: WDM optical network, WDM light path, blocking probabability, delay, CBR, Expo
[1]. Son-Hong Ngo, Xiaohong Jiang, Susumu Horiguchi, and Minyi Guo: Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Networks with Ant-Based Agents. L.T. Yang et al. (Eds.): EUC 2004, LNCS 3207, pp. 829–838, 2004.
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[3]. B. Tonderayi Mangara and F. Wilhelm Leuschner,"Survivable Routing for WDM Networks: Challenges faced by the South African Service Providers", In Proceedings of the Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC), 2003.
[4]. S. Ramamurthy, Laxman Sahasrabuddhe, and Biswanath Mukherjee, "Survivable WDM Mesh Networks", IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2003.
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Abstract: Transcript cum result processing and transfer has become a very big administrative problem in our universities in Nigeria. In view of the above, web based virtual transcript processing and transfer system was developed. The model adopted for the design was structured systems Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM). Visual Basic.Net,, HTML and Java script were used in developing the system. The developed new system has quickened the processing and transfer of transcripts and by extension internal results.
Keywords: Virtual, administrative, processing, structured, methodology
[1]. Abidde, S.O. (2007). Requesting Transcripts from Nigerian Universities ( Accessed 10/5/2012
[2]. Adekiigbe, A. and Amosa B.M.G (2009). Journal of Computer Science and its Application, Vol. 16, No 2 Pp.45.
[3]. Akinyede, R.O., Boyinbode O.K., and Alese B.K. (2009). Poverty reduction in Nigeria, using information technology, NCS international Conference Vol. 20 Pp.3
[4]. Emeagwali, P. (2009). Around the Globe, Technology Widens Rich-poor Gap: A paper presented at African diaspora conference in Tucson, Arizona http://www.phi lip Accessed 5/1/2009.
[5]. Mirilla, D.F (2009). Information Technology as a Strategy to Developing Nigeria's New Economy, NCS 9th International Conference, Conference proceedings, Vol. 20.
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Abstract: A novel triple-band Defected Ground Structured (DGS) meandered monopole antenna is presented in this paper. In the proposed antenna, three vertical and one horizontal protrudent strips are employed onto ground plane to increasethe bandwidth. High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software based on Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to attain the performance parameters of proposed antenna.The simulated results of triple-band proposed antenna cover the required bandwidths of the PCS-1900/UMTS-2100 and the 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN standards.
Keywords: Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA), Defected Ground Structure (DGS), Triple Band, Peak Gain and Peak Directivity, Bandwidth (B.W.), Return Loss (S11), Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR).
[1]. D. M. Pozar and B. Kaufman, "Increasing the bandwidth of a microstrip antenna by proximity coupling," Electron. Lett., vol. 23, pp. 368–369, Apr. 1987.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey Of Fuzzy Based Image Denoising Techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mansi Pathak ,Dr.G.R.Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09412736 ![]() |
Abstract: Image denoising algorithms may be the oldest in image processing. A first pre-processing step in analyzing such datasets is denoising, that is, estimating the unknown signal of interest from the available noisy data. There are several different approaches to denoise images. To remove noise several techniques and image denoising filters are used. This paper shows a comparative study and analysis of image denoising techniques relying on fuzzy filters.
Keywords: Image Denoising ,Fuzzy Filters, Fuzzy Logic
[1] Stefan Schulte, Mike Nachtegael, Valérie De Witte, Dietrich Van der Weken, and Etienne E. Kerre, A Fuzzy Impulse Noise Detection and Reduction Method, IEEE Trans. Image Processing., vol. 15, no. 5,pp. 1153-1162, May 2006.
[2] . Jinsung Oh and Luis F. Chaparro, Adaptive Fuzzy Morphological Filtering of Impulse Noise in Images,,Multidimentional systems and signal processing,11,2000,pp.233-256.
[3] Jian Wu · Chen Tang, Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-loca means,Springer-Verlog London Limited 2012, SIViP DOI 10.1007/s11760-012-0297-1.
[4] Liangrui Tang Hongting Wang Bing Qi, A New Fuzzy Logic Image De-noising Algorithm Based on Gradient Detection, IEEE Trans.,Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 2007).
[5] Nguyen MinhThanh and Mu-Song Chen, Image Denoising Using Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy system, IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 36:1, IJAM_36_1_11,Advance Online Publication:1 February 2007.
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Abstract: Electromagnetics has an important role in power and energy industry. In this paper, the concept of rectenna is introduced firstly. The times past of rectenna for wireless energy harvesting and transmission is then reviewed. Finally examples are employed to illustrate some rectenna design and measurement issues such as rectenna impedance matching and its conversion efficiency. It isalso shown that rectennas can harvest wireless energy efficiently under certain conditions and have the potential to become a power supplier for some special applications. A high-efficiency rectenna component has been calculated and experienced at 6.2 GHz planned for applications involving microwavepower show. The dipole mast and filtering circuitry are printed on a thin duroid substrate. A silicon Schottky barrier mixer diode with a low fail voltage is used as the rectifying device. The rectenna component is tested inside a waveguide simulator and achieves an RF-to-dc conversion efficiency of 85% at an input power level of 55-mW and 347-load. Closed-form equations be agreed meant for the diode efficiency and effort impedance as a sense of payment RF power. Measured in addition to intended efficiency results are in first-class agreement. The mast and circuit design are base on a full-wave electromagnetic simulator. Next harmonic power levels are 19 dB down from the primary input power.
Keywords: Microwave Power, rectanna, RF Power, Electromagnetics
[1]. Giuseppina Monti, Luciano Terricone and Michele Spartano, " X-band planar rectenna", IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.10,1116-1118,2011.
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[5]. L. Mateu, and F. Moll, "Review ofenergy harvesting techniques and applications for microelectronics", Proceedings of the SPIE Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, Sevilla, pp. 359-73. 2005.
[6]. Y. Aoki M. Otsuka T. Idogaki Shibata, T. and T. Hattori. "Microwave energy transmission system for microrobot." IEICE-Trans. Electr., 80-c(2):303-308, 1997.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Correction of Measurements in Circular Polarized Antennas |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Eduardo Rodrigues Vale, Julio Cesar R. Dal Bello |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09414245 ![]() |
Abstract: The great expansion of the communications in recent times has forced the development of more sophisticated techniques in order to make the equipment compatible with the new constraints imposed. In this context, occupying the radiating system device a role of fundamental importance, we sought to achieve a high standard of quality in the design of such devices. To meet this goal and in order to obtain greater reliability, new processes have been established to determine the electrical characteristics of antennas. However, though widely reported, these new methods are not always directly applicable to any type of antenna, with the need for greater care in the use of these methods to a given purpose. This paper discusses one of these cases where the actual characteristics of the antenna may be incompatible with the results of measurements.
Keywords: Antennas, Polarization, Gain, Axial Relation
[1]. R. F. Harrington, Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields (New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1961).
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[6]. Lindsay and J. E. Junior, A Circular Loop Antenna with Nonuniform Current Distribution, IRE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, July 1960, 439-441.
[7]. E. R. Vale, Characteristics of Circular Polarized Antennas, Revista Telebrás, dez 1980, 50-56.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optically induced series resistance and microwave properties of n++np++ X band Si IMPATT diode |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. De |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09414649 ![]() |
Abstract: The effect of optically generated reverse saturation current on the series resistance and negative resistance properties of single drift region (n++np++) X band Si IMPATT diodes under (i) punch through, (ii) exact and (iii) undepleted field distributions have been studied. Simulation following Gummel-Blue approach [1] indicates an overall degradation of microwave properties with an increase of series resistance due to enhancement of illuminated leakage current.
Keywords: IMPATT diode, Series Resistance, Punch Through
[1]. H. K. Gummel, and J. L. Blue, A small signal theory of avalanche noise in IMPATT diodes, IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev. 14, 1967, 569.
[2]. H. W. Yen, M. K. Barnoskii, R. G. Hunspergar, and R. T. Melville, Switching of GaAs IMPATT diode oscillator by optical illumination, Appl. Phys. Lett. 31, 1997, 120.
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[4]. R. T. Neece and R. J. Trew, Optical modulation and switching of IMPATTs, Proceedings of the IEEE Cornell Conference on advanced Concepts in High Speed Semiconductor Devices and Circuits Ithaca, New York, 1985.
[5]. P. R. Herczfeld, A. S. Daryoush, A. Rosen, A. Sharma, and V. M. Caterino, Indirect subharmonic optical injection locking of a millimeter wave IMPATT oscillators, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 34, 1986, 1363.
[6]. N. Mazumder, J. P. Banerjee, and S. K. Roy, Variation of high frequency negative resistance of Silicon n+np+ and GaAs p+nn+ IMPATT diodes with enhancement of reverse saturation current, Phys. Stat. Sol. a 116, 1989, 415.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis and Detection of Skin Cancer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sonali Jadhav, D. K. Kamat |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09415054 ![]() |
Abstract: Medical image preprocessing and segmentation are very important in medical area. This paper deal with the implementation of simple algorithm for detection of skin cancer also and infected area. Skin cancer are the most common cancer in human. Skin cancer are curable cancer after early detection. In hospital doctor used a biopsy (a laboratory medical procedure). There are many different type of cancer. First step is preprocessing by using median filter for removing noise. In second step segmentation done by Thresholding and Fuzzy CMeans (FCM). Feature extraction done by Gray Level Co-Occurance Matricx (GLCM). Four different statistical features are extractd. also calculating standarad deviation of feature extract.
Index Terms: Skin cancer, Segmentation, Fuzzy c-means, GLCM.
[1] www.national cancer institute
[2] Sookpotharom Supot, "Border Detection of Skin Lession Images Based on Fuzzy C-Means Thresholding," in Third International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, pp. 777-780 , 2009
[3] Azaden Noori Hoshyar, Adel Al-Jumaily, and Riza Sulaiman,"Review On Automatic Early skin Cancer Detection," in International Conference in Computer science and Service System(CSSS), pp.4036-4039, 2011.
[4] Margarida Silveria, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Jorge S. Marques, Andre R.S.Marcal, Teresa Mendonca, Syogo Yamauchi, Junji Maeda, and Jorge Rozeira, "Comparison of Segmentation Methods For Melanoma Diagnosis in Dermoscopy Images," IEEE Journal of Selected Topic in Signal Processing, vol.3, no.1, pp. 35-45, February 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wireless Networks & Imt 2000 Challenges and Solutions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof.Sagar.P.More, Prof. S.M.Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09415559 ![]() |
Abstract: communication means, "To establish communication without the use of cables or wires, where data distribution occurs through an unguided medium such as atmosphere by using radio wave technologies." Wireless technology has pervaded our lives – mobile phones, cordless phones & infra red remote control devices are just a few examples of the wireless devices we use.
[1]. Wireless Communication Technology, by – Roy Blake.
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[3]. Wireless Communication for the next millennium by – Pallapa Vyankatraman.
[4]. Electronics For You
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Abstract: Steganography is the art of hiding a message in an image and also the fact that there is a message inside the image. Steganography is a type of information hiding technique which embeds a secret message in a image,vedio,audio etc called the cover file. The main purpose of steganography is to provide security to personal or public data. In this paper Interpolative Absolute Moment Block Truncation Coding(I-AMBTC) is used for compressing the cover image and to embed the secret data into the cover. I-AMBTC compression is more than the AMBTC technique as only half of the number of pixels in the binary converted image are transmitted.
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[5]. S. Lyu and H. Farid, ―Steganalysis using higher-order image statistics,‖ IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vo1, no. 1, pp. 111–119, Mar. 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Energy optimize design for Data Encrypted Wireless Sensor Node |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Miss Nikita Jaideo Gotmare, Mr. Dinesh Rotke |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09416679 ![]() |
Abstract: Dynamic Energy utilization stays as a significant obstruction for full organization and misuse of remote sensor system (WSN) engineering these days. This paper introduces the outline and execution of a vitality mindful sensor hub, which can help in building vitality proficient Wsns. A vitality proficient methodology, which goes for minimizing vitality utilization from both the sensor hub level and the system level in a WSN, is proposed. To minimize the correspondence vitality utilization of the sensor hub, the separation between the transmitter and the recipient is evaluated before accessible transmission, and after that, the most reduced transmission force required to transmit the estimation information is figured and decided.
[1]. C. Chong and S. P. Kumar, ―Sensor networks: Evolution, opportunities, challenges,‖ Proc. IEEE, vol. 91, no. 8, pp. 1247–1256, Aug. 2003.
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[3]. A. Tiwari, P. Ballal, and F. L. Levis, ―Energy-efficient wireless sensor network design and implementation for condition-based maintenance,‖ACM Trans. Sens. Netw., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1–23, Mar. 2007.
[4]. F. Salvadori, M. Campos, P. Sausen, R. Camargo, C. Gehrke, C. Rech,M. Spohn, and A. Oliveira, ―Monitoring in industrial systems using wireless sensor network with dynamic power management,‖ IEEE Trans.Instrum. Meas., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 3104–3111, Sep. 2009.
[5]. D. Gallo, C. Landi, and N. Pasquino, ―Multisensor network for urban electromagnetic field monitoring,‖ IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 3315–3322, Sep. 2009.
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Abstract: Phase estimation is a problem of paramount importance in synchronous digital communication system, especially for high bit rate signaling such as QAM modulation. QAM is particularly attractive for high-throughput-efficiency application and better performance compared to PSK as size of constellation increases. Ideally, the phase estimation must be performed in a blind manner, means without using known training sequences of known transmitted symbols. To better understand, consider data is transmitted by transmitter using 8-QAM modulation. The data will be divided into symbol that consist of 3 bits per symbol and each modulated data will be placed at specific angle (−45𝑜,+45𝑜, −135𝑜, +135𝑜 in this case) [5] and transmitted through the common channel. At the receiver, it is required to know this phase angle accurately; else the demodulated data will encounter errors. Therefore, the accuracy in phase recovery is very important.
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Abstract: Now a day's everyone is busy with their regular activities such as their jobs, parties, vacations, text messages, facebook, blackberry bbms, new relationships, nobody is ready to look what's happening around them. In India, an accident happens every 60 seconds and every 3.7 minutes, to be precise, a road mishap snuffs out a life, some can be saved if the victim has been given medical care as soon as possible. This is an intention to develop intelligent accident identification and location display system. This system has been developed and implemented using the smart sensors and LPC2148 controller based mobile technology.
[1]. Rajiv Theodre, "Road to hell-every 3.7 minutes,death swoops in " Available online at:TheAmericanBazar minutes-death-swoops-in/ , August 21, 2013.
[2]. Bharat Dogra, "Save the golden hour" Avilable online at: The Hindu, october 25, 2013.
[3]. National Safety Council , Available online at:
[4]. 45 dead in bus fire near mahabubnagar" available online at: Sakshipost
[5]. Available online at: