Version-4 (July-August 2014)
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Abstract: In this paper, we will examine the effects of Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) on the OFDM signals. We will also show the deterioration in Bit Error Rate (BER) as well as the loss in Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) due to the CFO for an OFDM system. The paper also presents comparative analysis between three different CFO estimation methods namely: Cyclic Prefix (CP) based estimation technique, Symbol based estimation method and Pilot Tone based estimation scheme. The comparison is done in terms of Mean Square Error (MSE) by using MATLAB Software.
Keywords: Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO), Cyclic Prefix (CP), Inter-carrier Interference (ICI), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
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[3]. Roshan Jain and Sandhya Sharma, Simulation and Performance analysis of OFDM with different Modulation Techniques, IJETR, Volume-1, Issue-1, March 2013
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Abstract: Now days, the knowledge of the physical properties of liquid is always of high scientism and practical point of view. In this research paper electrical resistivity of a liquid has been taken as an important property and find out same for two liquids one for serum and second for water. Also the effect of Copper and Graphite electrode for both the liquids has been highlighted. The four followings experimental findings are compared 1) Copper Electrode-Water Liquid 2) Graphite Electrode-Water Liquid 3) Copper Electrode-serum Liquid 4) Graphite Electrode-Serum liquid. This resistivity fact will provide the important data base in the field of bio-electronics.
Key Words: Liquid State Electronics, Bio Electronics, Resistance, Blood Plasma, Water, Copper & Graphite
[1]. Shiv Prasad Kosta, Manthan Manavadaria, Killol Pandya, Yogesh Prasad Kosta, Shakti Kosta, Harsh Mehta and Jaymin Patel, Human blood plasma-based electronic integrated circuit amplifier configuration, Journal of Biomedical Reseach, ISSN: 1674-8301,vol 27 issue 6, 2013, pp 520-522
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Abstract: A new dispersion flattened PCF is proposed by introducing ring core and circular air holes based cladding. By tailoring the width of ring in the core of fiber, ultra-flattened dispersion is obtained for telecomm wavelength 1.5 μm while a zero dispersion is being reported at optical telecommunication wavelength of E-Band(1.3 μm).By controlling the width of ring, endlessly single mode propagation condition is obtained with large MFD.FDTD method with perfectly matched boundary layer is used to investigate the guiding properties of the proposed PCF.
Keywords: PCF, FDTD, dispersion, Mode Field Diameter, Effective Area
[1]. M.R.Lebbal,T.Boumaza,M.Bouchemat,"Structural Study of the single mode photonic crystal fiber"optik124(2013)4610-4613.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Direction-Of-Arrival Estimation for Adaptive Antenna Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrunal Patil, D. G. Ganage, M. B. Mali |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09441520 ![]() |
Abstract: Adaptive smart antenna system manipulates the signal impinging on various antenna elements in such a way that, the main beam is directed towards the desired signal and a null is formed in the direction of interferers. Such smart antenna systems play a very important role in wireless and military applications as they can increase capacity, coverage range and resolution. To locate the desired signal, in smart antenna system direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms MUSIC and ESPRIT are considered. This paper evaluates and compares MUSIC and ESPRIT DOA estimation algorithms which are mostly used in design of adaptive antenna system. MUSIC and ESPRIT provide a higher resolution and accuracy hence, are explored much in detail. Implementation of MUSIC and ESPRIT shows that, MUSIC is more stable and accurate than ESPRIT therefore, MUSIC is widely used to detect DOA of incoming signals.
Keywords: DOA, ESPRIT, MUSIC, Smart Antenna
[1]. Reaz , K. Haque, F. Matin, " A Comprehensive Analysis and Performance Evaluation of different Direction Of Arrival Estimation Algorithms", IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI), 2012, vol 18 - 20, March 2012, pp 256, 259
[2]. M. P. Priyadarshini and R. Vinutha, " Comparative Performance Analysis of Music and ESPRIT on ULA", International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC), vol 21-22, Dec. 2012, Pages 120 – 124
[3]. Oumar , Ousmane Abdoulaye , Siyau, Ming Fei , Tariq P., "Comparison between MUSIC and ESPRIT Direction of Arrival Estimation Algorithms for Wireless Communication Systems, " Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT), Vol 12, 13 , Dec 2012, Pages 99-103
[4]. Lavate , T. B. Kokate , V. K. Sapkal , A. M., " Performance Analysis of MUSIC and ESPRIT DOA Estimation Algorithms for Adaptive Array Smart Antenna in Mobile Communication, Second International Conference on, " Computer and Network Technology (ICCNT), 2010 , vol 23- 25, April. 2010, pp.308, 311
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study between UMTS, HSDPA and HSUPA |
Country | : | Khartoum |
Authors | : | Osama Abdallah Mohammed Enan, Dr. Amin Babiker A/Nabi Mustafa |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09442130 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to effectively analyze the application of 3G especially in relation to the implementation of UMTS technology. An extensive examination of the UMTS architecture will be explained. The prime need of conducting an extensive research on this topic is to get an insight into the principle areas that enhance the speed and data rates of the organizational operations. The study will also incorporate a brief discussion of the HSDPA and HSUPA in the latter part of the paper for better demonstration of the efficacy offered by the 3G technology.
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[5] Lempiäinen, J. and Manninen, M. (2003). "UMTS Radio Network Planning, Optimization and QoSManagement", Kluwer Academic Publishers. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Image Steganography Based on DFrFT |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhanchi Gupta ,Navneet Kaur , Praneet Sizariya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09443137 ![]() |
Abstract: As the escalation of internet is one of the main factor of information technology, data hiding techniques has taken a significant role for the transfer of multimedia content. There are many ways to convert data, so it can be understood only by one who knows how to returns it to its original form. The best way to achieve such secure communication is steganography. It is having skill of hiding data in a way to avoid detection by hackers. The Steganography is used to transmit information in a secret way from one place to other place through public channel. Steganography hides the subsistence of a data so that if successful it generally attracts no doubt at all. Hiding a secret message within a larger one in such a way that a viewer cannot detect the presence of contents of the secret message is steganography. In this research paper we propose a steganography technique which embeds the secret messages in frequency domain. For this, various types of transform can be used, we are combining Discrete Fractional Fourier transform (DFrFT) and Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm to enhance the security of image. MATLAB platform is used for simulation; results are shown in the form of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR).
Keywords: Data Hiding; Image Steganography; LSB Substitution; DFrFT; PSNR; MSE.
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[6] Rajiv Saxena and Kulbir Singh, "Fractional Fourier Transform: A Novel Tool for Signal Processing" Journal of Indian Inst. Sci., Jan.–Feb. 2005, 85, pp11–26.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Magic Mirror For Mentally Retarded Person |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. A.A. Bagade, Prof. N.B.Hulle |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09443841 ![]() |
Abstract: Magic mirror is an augmented reality system. Automatic recognition of human facial language having advanced techniques for detection of face, facial expressions, facial emotions and their classifications. Human-machine interface challenges advanced techniques, day by day. This proposed system can be used as smart furniture for mentally retarded person. It includes camera and display device which plays a role of mirror. In this, mentally retarded person come across the mirror (i.e. HD camera and display device), initially it recognizes the person and then its state of mood. With the help of software, it compares the input image with the stored image (database). We proposed a system which helps the doctor/patient's parents to know about the emotional status of that patient, with the help of an algorithm for facial language recognition by using face detection algorithm using viol-john detection algorithm.
Keywords: Human-machine interface system, human facial language recognition system. Face detection from viol-john detection algorithm, Global System for Mobile communication (GSM).
[1] Ruchira Kurve, Nupur Kakde, Aarti Hajari, "Magic Mirror using Augmented Reality." International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS), Volume -2, Issue-1, January, 2014.
[2] Yuan-Chih Yu, Shingchern D. You, and Dwen-Ren Tsai, "Magic Mirror Table for Social-Emotion Alleviation in the Smart Home" IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 1, February 2012.
[3] Hiroko Sukeda, Youichi Horry, Yukinobu Maruyama, and Takeshi Hoshino, "Information-Accessing Furniture to Make Our Everyday Lives More Comfortable", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 52, No. 1, FEBRUARY 2006.
[4] Min Kyung Lee, Scot Davidof, John Zimmerman, Anind Dey, "Smart Homes, Families, and Control", Carnegie Mellon University Research Showcase, 1-1-2006.
[5] Ying-li Tian, Takeo Kanade, and Jeffrey F. Cohn, "Recognizing Action Units for Facial Expression Analysis", IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, vol. 23, no. 2, february 2001.
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Abstract: this paper presents a digital pen for handwritten digit and character for interactive printing applications. It is consists of an ARM processor, microphone, & camera. The drawing application lets user draw on any surface by observing the movement of index finger. Also can access or manipulate the information using fingers. Take a photo by Just make a square with fingers using color markers, & highlight that frame, and this system will capture the photo. Arrange these photos using own hands over free space. The device has a large number of applications, it is portable and easy to carry & that can wear it in neck. The camera also helps user to take pictures of the scene is viewing and later can arrange them on any surface. This system also used for reading a newspaper. Reading & viewing videos in a newspaper instead of the photos. Live sports can be updates while reading the newspaper. Users can use the pen to write digits or character. Our experimental results have successfully validated the effectiveness of the trajectory recognition algorithm for handwritten digit and character using the proposed digital pen.
Index Terms: ARM processor, camera, microphone, color markers, MATLAB, Human-Computer Interfacing.
[1]. Jeen-Shing Wang, Member, IEEE, and Fang-Chen Chuang, ―An Accelerometer-Based Digital Pen With a Trajectory Recognition Algorithm for Handwritten Digit and Gesture Recognition‖, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 59, NO. 7, JULY 2012.
[2]. Moniruzzaman Bhuiyan and Rich Picking, ―Gesture-controlled user interfaces, what have we done and what's next?‖, Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR), Glyndŵr University, Wrexham, UK.
[3]. Piyush Kumar, Jyoti Verma and Shitala Prasad, ― Hand Data Glove: A Wearable Real-Time Device for Human-Computer Interaction‖, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 43, June, 2012.
[4]. RENUKA R, SUGANYA V & ARUNKUMAR B ―ONLINE HAND WRITTEN CHARACTER RECOGNITION USING DIGITAL PEN FOR STATIC AUTHENTICATION‖, Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 20th October 2013, Chennai, India. ISBN: 978-93-82702-34-4.
[5]. Sushmita Mitra, Senior Member, IEEE, and Tinku Acharya, Senior Member, IEEE, ―Gesture Recognition: A Survey‖, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 37, NO. 3, MAY 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Interference & BER with Simulation Concept for MC-CDMA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ravisha, Mrs. Saroj |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09444651 ![]() |
Abstract: As demand for higher data rates is continuously rising, there is always a need to develop more efficient wireless communication systems. Efficient use of the spectrum is an essential problem in creating any multi-user cellular mobile system. The bandwidth requirements of the future 4G systems far exceed what the existing traditional setup can provide. A more creative utilization of the available bandwidth is more important now than ever before. The work described in this paper is my effort in this direction. I evaluated interference and bit error rate for multicarrier code division multiple access wireless communication system. In this thesis my concern is find out the effect of fading in MC DS-CDMA system. Performance analysis of a multi carrier direct sequence CDMA system will be carried out including the effect of fading. In this Paper, our main objective is to evaluate the effect of fading and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI) in a MC DS CDMA wireless system, to find out the expression of Unconditional BER of MC DS CDMA system including the above system limitations. I find out the analytical results of interference and BER analysis. Simulations are given to support the system and receiver design. All the simulation is carried out on MATLAB tool.
[1] V.Nagarajan and P. Dananjayan, "Performance Analysis of MIMO MC-DS/CDMA System Using Chaotic Spreading Sequence" , International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, April, 2010
[2] Tao LUO, Gang WU, and Shaoqian LI, Yong Liang GUAN, Choi Look LAW, "DS-CDMA and MC-CDMA with Per-User MMSE Frequency Domain Equalization", International journal of hybrid information technology, vol 1.1,No. 3, july2008
[3] V.Nagarajan and P.Dananjayan, "Performance Enhancement Of Mc-Ds/Cdma System Using Chaotic Spreading Sequence" , Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2005 - 2008 JATIT.
[4] Salih M. Salih, N. Uzunoglu, A. A. Ali and Waleed A. Mahmud "A Proposed Improvement Model of MC-CDMA Based FFT in AWGN Channel" Pg.517-520, IEEE 2007.
[5] Shinsuke Hara and Ramjee Prasad, "Overview of Multicarrier CDMA", Pg.126-133, IEEE Dec 1997.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Multiband PIFA loaded with Split Ring Resonator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parneet Kaur, Garima Saini |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09445257 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a multiband planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) with high gain and appreciable bandwidth at the resonant frequencies is designed using metamaterial concept. The proposed PIFA without metamaterial is designed to resonate at 7.46 GHz with return loss of -23.71 dB and gain value 5.41 dBi. The designed antenna is having maximum possible bandwidth of 361.8 MHz. The proposed PIFA with split ring resonator (SRR) loading resonates at multiple frequencies i.e. 5.60 GHz, 6.68 GHz, 7.98 GHz, 8.44 GHz and 9.42 GHz. Return loss at 5.60 GHz is -22.48 dB and gain is 7.10 dBi. At 6.68 GHz return loss is -34.55 dB and gain is 7.68 dBi. Return loss is -30.4 dB at 7.98 GHz and gain is 4.21 dBi. At 8.44 GHz return loss is -15.23 dB and gain is 4.04 dBi. Return loss and gain values at 9.42 GHz is -16.88 dB and 4.77 dBi respectively. After loading with metamaterial maximum bandwidth observed is of 736 MHz. Metamaterial loading has shown to increase the number of resonant frequencies of reference antenna with bandwidth and gain enhancement. It also had an impact on the antenna performance in terms of the return loss improvement and size reduction. Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) method has been employed for verifying metamaterial characteristics of SRR. Design is simulated using HFSS Software.
Keywords: Multiband, Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW), PIFA, return loss, Split Ring Resonator (SRR).
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[5] R. Pandeeswari, Singaravelu Raghavan, and Keloth Ramesh, A Compact Split Ring Resonator Loaded Antenna, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Moscow, Russia,2012,37-40.
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Abstract: MST Radar has been established to study the dynamics of atmospheric processes. In this paper, a method, by recording the noise temperature of a radio source during its transit over the radar, to find errors in antenna beam orientation is discussed. The source used for Radar at Gadanki is Virgo-A (3C274) which has appropriate right ascension and declination to be able to pass through the antenna array beam. This paper outlines the Indian MST Radar signal and data processing methods, method of offline data processing, VIRGO transit recording methodology with the help of digital receiver.
Keywords: MST, Yagi antenna, signal processing, Concept of Interferometry, Virgo-A
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Abstract: A Dedicated Memory Controller is of prime importance in applications that do not contain microprocessors (high-end applications). The Memory Controller provides command signals for memory refresh, read and write operation and initialization of SDRAM. Our work will focus on ASIC Design methodology of Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM Controller that is located between the DDR SDRAM and Bus Master. The Controller simplifies the SDRAM command interface to standard system read/write interface and also optimizes the access time of read/write cycle. Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM Controller is implemented using Cadence RTL Compiler.
Keywords: DMA,SDRAM,Asic design flow,DDR
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Abstract: This purposed paper based on wireless health monitoring system which is real time. Wireless Health Monitoring System (WHMS) is system in which body parameter of patient are sensed by sensor which are connected to the patient's body. When The body parameter of patient senesced by sensors are in the normal range (Below threshold value)it will transferred to Nurse control station on real time using transreceiver models having different range according to model. Nurse control station data transferred to doctor's smart phone using internet on real time .There is bidirectional data transfer between doctor's smart phone and nurse control station. On the other side when the body parameter of patient senesced by sensors are above the normal range(above threshold value )then gives alert message to doctor's smart phone as well as ambulance using GSM module and also transmit data from local site to remote monitoring site. The main goal of system is to provide efficient wireless health monitoring in normal cases as well as in emergency cases.
Keywords: Trans receiver model, sensors, GSM module memory card, smart phone .
[1]. Baba Prasad G, Seema K, Shrikant U H, Gopi Krishna Garge, Anand S V R and Malati Hegde "SeaMo+: A Virtual Real-time Multimedia Service Framework on Handhelds to enable Remote Real-time Patient Monitoring for Mobile Doctor"978-1-4673-5494-3/13.
[2]. Xiaohui Liang, Mrinmoy Barua, Le Chen, Rongxing Lu, Xuemin(Sherman) Shen "Enabling Pervasive Healthcare through Continuous Remote Health Monitoring" 1536-1284/12.
[3]. Namrata Nawka, Anil Kumar Maguliri, Dhirender Sharma, Preeti Saluja "SESGARH: A Scalable Extensible Smart-Phone based Mobile Gateway and Application for Remote Health Monitoring" 978-1-4577-1328-6/11
[4]. Hongzhou Yu, Lu Liu "Remote Health Monitoring System Using ZigBee Network and GPRS Transmission Technology" 978-0-7695-4500-4/11
[5]. Dr.(Mrs).R.Sukanesh, P.Gautham,P.T.Arunmozhivarman, S.Palanivel rajan,S.Vijayprasath "Cellular Phone based Biomedical System for Health Care" 978-1-4244-7770-8/10