Version-3 (July-August 2014)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: Now-a-days, fire accidents are occurring very frequently in public transport system which causes the loss of most valuable human lives and the government property. There are a number of methods to avoid fire accidents and to reduce the severity of loss in case of fire accidents in public transport system. But the damage is catastrophic as a rescue service could not reach at right time due to improper communication. So we can further reduce the loss caused by fire accidents in trains and buses if we are able to inform the respective authorities immediately after the accidents and open the emergency door automatically. The system which is proposed in this paper uses the modern technology to detect the fire accidents and also to inform the respective authorities with minimum delay. Three types of sensors fire, smoke and heat sensors are used to detect the fire accidents. The signals from these sensors will activate the microcontroller which in-turn activates the message transfer system, alarm system, water sprinkler system and the motor to automatically open the emergency door of the bogie in which the accident took place. The proposed system is designed by using GSM technology and AT89c52 microcontroller along with sensors.
Keywords: GSM, Microcontroller, Motor drivers, Sensors, Water sprinklers.
[1]. J.A.Stankovic, T.F. Abdelzaher, C. Lu, L. Sha, and J.C.Hou. Realtime communication and coordination in embedded sensor networks.
[2]. The 8051 Micro Controller Architecture, Programming and Application by Kenneth J aioli.
[3]. Micro Controllers [Theory and Applications] by AJAY V DESHMUKH
[4]. Introduction to fire prevention by Robert W.Klinoff.
[5]. By John Vetelion Aravind Reghu Sensor Thermistors Frederick Josept Hyde
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Statistical Analysis of M-ary FSK over Different Fading Models |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shruti |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09430918 ![]() |
Abstract: Statistical analysis of M-ary FSK over different fading models is done. Frequency selective fading is considered and the M ary FSK modulation scheme have been analysed statistically for different models to see their effect on the output of the receiver. The effects of noise and interference are considered along.The paper involves Rayleigh fading model,Nakagami fading model and Weibull fading. The performance results are obtained through MATLAB simulation.
Index terms: probability density function, cumulative distribution function, M-ary FSK, Rayleigh Fading,Nakagami Fading,Weibull Fading, intersymbol interference, gaussian noise
[1]. J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1989.
[2]. K. A. Farrell and P. J. McLane, "Performance of the cross-correlator receiver for binary digital frequency modulation", IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 45, No 5, May 1997.
[3]. Marvin K. Simon, Mohamed-Slim Alouni, Digital Communication over Fading Channels, Second Edition, Wiley Interscience, New Jersey, 2005, pp. 586.
[4]. R. L. Bogusch, "Digital Communications in Fading Channels: Modulation and Coding," Mission Research Corp., Santa Barbara, CA, Report no. MRC-R-1043, Mar. 11, 1987.
[5]. B. Sklar, Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1988.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Complexity Decoder for CCSDS Turbo codes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.V Karthik, Naveen I.G |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09431923 ![]() |
Abstract: Error correction codes are a means of including redundancy in a stream of information bits to allow the detection and correction of symbol errors during transmission. In Forward Error Correction (FEC) it is desirable to have low Bit Error Rates (BER) and low decoder complexity for reliable data transmission Turbo code is a great achievement in the field of communication system. Turbo code also consists of an interleaver unit and its BER performance also depends on interleaver size. This paper presents a low complexity turbo decoder for CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) telemetry channel coding standard. Simulations are done in MATLAB to assess the BER performance of the design in an AWGN channel. Log–MAP decoding algorithm is less computationally complex with respect to MAP (maximum a posteriori) algorithm, without compromising its BER performance. A register transfer level (RTL) turbo encoder is designed and simulated using Hardware Description Language.
Index Terms: Turbo decoder, CCSDS, Log-MAP
[1] NASA, "Telemetry channel coding. CCSDS 101.0-B-6 recommendation for apace," U.SA., October 2002.
[2] C. Berrou, A. Glavieux, P. Thitimajshima, "Near Shannon limit error- correcting coding and decoding: Turbo codes " Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Communications, pp. 1064-1070, 1993.
[3] A. J. Viterbi, "An intuitive justification and a simplified implementation of the MAP decoder for convolutional codes," IEEE journal on Selected Areas in Communications, VOL. 16, NO. 2, Feb. 1998, pp.260-264.
[4] Indrajit Atluri, Tughrul Arslan, "Area/ Power Efficient Implementation of a Log-MAP Decoder for Turbo Codes through Memory Optimizations." Xiao-Jun Zeng and Zhi-Liang Hong, "Design and Implementation of a Turbo Decoder for 3G W-CDMA Systems". IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 2, May 2002.
[5] J.M.Mathana, Dr.P.Rangarajan, "FPGA implementation of high speed architecture for Max Log MAP Turbo SISO decoder, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 2, No. 6, November 2009
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Abstract: LabVIEW developed by National Instruments is a graphical programing tool based on the data flow. Due to its characteristics, the recent years it is an ideal tool for both design and implementation of embedded software. This paper presents the development of LabVIEW based Real time GUI system for the studies of variations of percentage of occurrence of VHF amplitude scintillation characteristics using radio beacon signals of 250.649 MHz transmitted from FLEETSAT satellite positioned at 73o E longitude received over near equatorial station Anantapur(14.7oN, 77.7oE, Dip angle 15.4oN). Already real time digital recording system isexisted, but the disadvantage with the system is inability of the graphical representation of amplitude scintillation patches. Hence , an attempt has been made to overcome this problem with the help of LabVIEW based GUI system for the amplitude scintillations suitable to have data compatibility with Excel and Origin graphical packages for further analysis of the Ionospheric irregularities Scintillation Index (SI),effect of Geomagnetic storms and power spectral variations with amplitude scintillations. The developed system is implemented and executed successfully.
Keywords: Ionosphere (Ionospheric Irregularities), Radio Science (Ionosphere Propagation, Space & Satellite Communication), Magnetic Storm, LabVIEW (NI DAQ).
[1] Ram Rajagopal,SubramanianRamamoorthHierarchical Control Systems, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, Volume 2008, Article ID 162747, 14 pages , doi:10.1155/2008/162747
[2] B V Sumangala K Bhargava Ram Advantages of LabVIEW over Embedded System in Home Automations International Conference on Advancement in Engineering Studies Technology, ISBN : 978-93-81693-72-8, 15th, JULY, 2012, Pondicherry.
[3] LabVIEW Graphical Programming by Gary W Johnson (TMH).
[5] Aarons J, Whitney H E, Mackenzie E ;Basu S, Microwave equatorial scintillations intensity during solar maximum, Radio Sci(USA), 16 (1981) 939
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Fir Filter Using a Novel modulo Adder for 2n-2k-1 Residue Number System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.V. Padmaja, B. Sarala |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09433036 ![]() |
Abstract: Modular adder is used in Residue Number System (RNS) addition. Moduli set with the form of 2n-2k-1(1≤ k≤ n-2) can offer excellent balance among the RNS channels for multi-channel RNS processing. In this paper, a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter using a novel algorithm and its Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) implementation structure are proposed for modulo 2n-2k-1 adder. In the Modular adder algorithm, parallel prefix operation and carry correction techniques are adopted to eliminate the re-computation of carries. Any existing parallel prefix structure can be used in the novel modulo adder. Thus, we can get flexible tradeoff between area and delay. This paper presents FIR filter implementation with modulo 2n-2k-1 adder and compared to the conventional FIR filter. This method improves speed, reduces power, delay and area.
Key words: RNS, modulo adder, LFSR, FIR filter
[1]. A novel modulo 2n-2k-1 adder for residue number by Shang Ma, Jian-Hao Hu, Member, IEEE, and Chen-Hao Wang ieeetransactionsoncircuitsandsystems—i:regularpapers-2013
[2]. Data Conversion in Residue Number System, Omar Abdelfattah, Department of Electrical &Computer Engineering McGill University Montreal, Canada ,January 2011
[3]. A good tutorial paper of RNS: Fred J. Taylor, "Residue Arithmetic: A Tutorial with Examples", IEEE Trans. on Computer, pp. 50~62, May 1994.
[4]. A good paper collections for RNS: M. A. Soderstrand, W. K. Jenkins, G. A. Jullien, F. J. Taylor (eds.), Residue Number System Arithmetic: Modern Applications in digital Signal Processing, IEEE Press, New York, 1991.
[5]. On Modulo 2n + 1 Adder Design, Haridimos T. Vergos, Member, IEEE, and GiorgosDimitrakopoulos, Member, IEEE, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, VOL. 61, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2012
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Abstract: Due to the fruitful and diversified contents of multimedia traffic and the vulnerable environment of wireless communications, applying unequal error protection (UEP) is now an active research topic. In this paper, we present a novel and alternative method of providing UEP by combining the channel code with the modulation-assisted symbol. We use the powerful BCH code and non-uniform 8PSK modulation to handle UEP of the prioritized H.264/AVC bit stream. Based on the non-uniformly distributed property of the importance of intracoded (I-frame) and the predictive coded frame (p-frame), we have found a suitable approach for the non-uniform 8PSK signal constellation. Simulation results show that our proposed UEP scheme is able to significantly improve the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). It has been shown that at a value of Eb/No of 14 dB the video sequence transmitted at a bit rate of 512 Kbps yields a 4 dB gain in PSNR compared with the uniform 8PSK modulation case which makes the proposed UEP scheme robust to wireless communication errors.
Keywords: H.264/AVC, BCH code, Hierarchical modulation, wireless channels, Unequal error protection
[1]. "Draft ITU-T recommendation and final draft international standard of joint video specification (ITU-T Rec. H.264/ISO/IEC 14 496-10 AVC," in Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG and ITU-T VCEG, JVTG050r1, 2003.
[2]. T. Wiegand, G. J. Sullivan, G. Bjøntegaard, and A. Luthra, "Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard," IEEE Trans. Cir. Syst. Video Technol., Vol. 13, pp. 560–576, July 2003.
[3]. S. Kumar, L. Xu, M. K. Mandal, and S. Panchanathan, "Error resiliency schemes in H.264/AVC video coding standard," Elsevier J.Visual Communication and Image Representation (Special issue: Emerging H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard), Vol. 17(2), pp. 425-450, April 2006.
[4]. L. F. Wei, "Coded modulation with unequal error protection," IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 41(10), pp. 1439–1449, Oct. 1993.
[5]. A. R. Calderbank and N. Seshadri, "Multilevel codes for unequal error protection," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 39(7), pp. 1234– 1248, July 1993.
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Abstract: In this research work we propose a fast algorithm for automatically recognizing a limited set of gestures from hand images for Zig-Bee interfaced device control application. Hand gesture recognition is a challenging problem in its general form. We consider a fixed set of manual commands and a reasonably structured environment, and develop a simple, yet effective, procedure for gesture recognition. Our approach contains steps for segmenting the hand region, locating the fingers, and finally classifying the gesture. The algorithm is invariant to translation, rotation, and scale of the hand. As a part of work we also analysis the mean deviation approach with fast algorithm. From the recorded Results of hardware & software we demonstrate the effectiveness of the fast algorithm on the basis of time & accuracies. Thus the system we describe here may be the "Soft Remote Control System" which can provide easy control of home installed appliances to improve the inhabitant's comfort.
Keywords: fast algorithmic rule, Zig-Bee, mean deviation from the mean, hand gesture.
[1] P. Premaratne and Q. Nguyen, "Consumer electronics control system based on hand gesture moment invariant", IET Computer Vision, 1(1), 2007, 35-41.
[2] Silas Wan and Hung T. Nguyen "Human Computer Interaction using Hand Gesture" Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. EMBS 2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE 2008.
[3] S. Sadhana Rao, "Sixth Sense Technology", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence – 2010, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, T.N., India.27 – 29 December, 2010.pp.336-339.
[4] Muhammad Fajri Bayu Anbya, et al., "Wireless Sensor Network for Single Phase Electricity Monitoring System via Zigbee Protocol" 2012 IEEE Conference on Control, Systems and Industrial Informatics (ICCSII) Bandung, Indonesia, September 23-26, 2012.
[5] Dominik Bunyai, Lukas Krammer, Wolfgang Kastner "Limiting Constraints for ZigBee Networks" Vienna University of Technology, Automation Systems Group 978-1-4673-2421-2/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Progression of LTE Automatic Neighbour Relations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gaurav kochar, Mr. Rakesh Joon (HOD, ECE Deptt.), Devansh Vats |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09435458 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the most time-consuming tasks in today cellular network is the optimization of handover relations. The Automated Neighbor Relations (ANR) feature minimizes the need for the manual configuration of neighbor cell list for the intra and inters frequency handover. ANR in LTE complies with the 3GPP release 8 ANR concept. It is a licensed feature that automatically builds up and maintains a neighbor list used for handover. ANR adds neighbor relations to the cell neighbor list when User Equipment (UE) measurement reports indicate that a possible new neighbour relationship has been found. In this paper, I describe the neighbor relations management and ANR, and effect on ANR in a, commercially deployed network cluster. The results indicate that ANR configures discovered and needed neighbor relations such that handover can be performed in combination with the neighbor relation establishment without dropping the connection and performance in increased by reducing the maintenance of site.
Keywords: ANR, 3GPP, LTE, eNodeB, physical cell identity, global unique cell identifier.
[1]. E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, J. Sköld, and P. Beming, 3G Evolution –HSPA and LTE for Mobile Broadband, Elsevier, 2007.
[2]. 3GPP TS 36.300, v8.12.0, "Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRAN); Overall description"
[3]. LTE L11 "Radio Network Functionality" LND 108 7402 R11B.
[4]. 3GPP TS 36.331, "Radio Resource Control (RRC).
[5]. C. Prehofer and C. Bettstetter, "Self-Organization in Communication Networks: Principles and Design Paradigms," IEEE Communications Magazine, July 2005.
[6]. F. Parodi, M. Kylväjä, G. Alford, J. Li, and J. Pradas, "An Automatic Procedure for Neighbor Cell List definition in Cellular Networks," 1st IEEE Workshop on Autonomic Wireless Access (in conjunction with IEEE WoWMoM), Helsinki, Finland, 2007
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Probability of error for LDPC –OC with one co-channel Interferer over i.i.d Rayleigh Fading |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rekha Rani |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09435963 ![]() |
Abstract: An analytical approach is used to derive bit error rate for LDPC coded-optimum combined (LDPC-OC) system in the presence of only single co-channel interferer. A probability density function has also been derived using moment generating function for optimum combining with one interferer. This paper considered that signal is BPSK modulated and transmitted over i.i.d Rayleigh fading channel. The analytical result shows that for BER 10-2, the LDPC-OC system provides an additional gain of 4.1 dB over OC system alone.
Keywords: irregular low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, optimum combining, rayleigh fading channel
[1]. Jack H. Winters, Optimum Combining in Digital Mobile Radio with Co-channel Interference, IEEE Journal on Selected areas in Communication, 2( 4), 1984, 528-539,
[2]. J. Pearl, probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems networks of plausible inference ( San Franciso Califormia, Morgan Kaufmann,1988).
[3]. Satoshi Gounai and Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Performance Analysis of LDPC Code with Spatial Diversity, Proc. 64th IEEE Conf. on Vehicular Technology , Montreal, Que 2005, 1-5
[4]. Surbhi Sharma and rkhanna, Analysis of LDPC with optimum combining, international journal of electronics, 96(8), 2009, 803-811.
[5]. Beng Soon Tan, Kwok Hung Li, and Kah Chan, The Efficient BER Computation of LDPC Coded SC/MRC Systems over Rayleigh Fading, Proc. 4th IEEE Conf. on Signal Processing and Communication Systems , Gold Coast, QLD, 2010, 1-5.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "MEMS Based Micro Heaters in Fiber Tapering" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jasmine.J.Nainita, Assistant Professor |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09436467 ![]() |
Abstract: The number of applications for MEMS micro-heaters devices is increasing rapidly as they are key components in sub-miniature micro-sensors, especially in gas sensors. The metal oxide gas sensors utilize the properties of surface absorption to detect changes in resistance as a function of varying concentration of different gases.So there proper design is of critical importance. They are designed considering factors such as power consumption, temperature uniformity etc. MEMS micro-heaters make use of low power and produce efficient thermal dissipation there by helping in fiber tapering without the loss of fiber. MEMS CAD tool come in handy for this design and analysis.[1]
Keywords: MEMS,CAD tool
[1]. Tai-Ran Hsu,"MEMS and MICROSYSTEMS Design and Manufacture'' .
[2]. Cobianu, O.M."Comparison of microheaters efficiency for sensing applications," Dept. of Electron. &Telecommun. Sci., Politechnica Univ. of Bucharest, Romania
[3]. D. Wiesmann and A. Sebastian, "Dynamics of silicon microheaters:Modeling and experimental identification," in Proc. IEEE MEMS Conf.,Feb. 2006, pp. 182–185.
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Abstract: CAD-CTC helps the radiologists for the automatic detection of suspicious polyps in the CT images of the colon. In this paper, a novel method is proposed in order to decrease the computational time taken by the CAD system. In the proposed CAD system, segmentation of the colon is done by Otsu's method of thresholding and clustered by k-means for extraction of the candidates. Classification is performed by SVM (Support Vector Machine) and ANN (Artificial Neural Network) from the training and testing images of candidate extraction. The proposed CAD system is evaluated with 16 slices (each) of normal and abnormal images. The CAD system achieved a minimal computation time (10 minutes) and an increased learning rate of about 1.2608 at an epoch 411.Thus the good results demonstrate that the proposed system may provide relevant additional information for the clinical decision process.
Keywords: ANN(Artificial Neural Network), CAD(Computer Aided Diagnosis), CTC(Computerized Tomographic Colonography), SVM(Support Vector Machine), Otsu's method.
[1]. M. Miller,M. Franaszek, and R. M. Summers, J. Yao, (2011) "Colonic polyp segmentation in CT Colonography-based on fuzzy clustering and deformable models," IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1344–1352.
[2]. I. Bitter, D. Brickman,R. Choi, M. Franaszek,et,al, (2010),"Computed Tomographic Virtual Colonoscopy Computer-Aided Polyp Detection in a screening population,"Gastroenterology, vol. 129, no. 6, pp. 1832–184.
[3]. C.D. Johnson, J. D. Malley, L. M. Pusanik, J. E. Reed, R.M. Summers and A.M.Youssef, (2010)"Automated polyp detection at CT colonography: Feasibility assessment in a human population," Radiology, vol. 219, no. 1, pp. 51–59.
[4]. B. Acar, C. Beaulieu, S. Gokturk, R. B. Jeffrey,,(2010)," Edge displacement field-based classification for improved detection of polyps in CT Colonography". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,vol. 21 ,no-9,pp.1461–1467.
[5]. G. Kiss,G. Marchal, P. Suetens and J. Van Cleynen breugel, (2010) "Computer Aided Detection in CT Colonography, via spin images," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, in Proc. MICCAI Conference , pp. 804–812.