Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of the bit error rate and Q-factor in optical networks |
Country | : | Slovakia |
Authors | : | Tomáš Ivaniga , Petr Ivaniga |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09610103 ![]() |
Abstract: The article defines the relation between the error parameters in networks that are built on optical transmission paths in relation to the optical wireless links. Due to the large volume of the transmitted data caused by the association of many tributary signals, the high demands on the transmission error are expected. The aim of the article is to develop measurement methods, evaluation of individual error parameters and explain the relation between them.
Keywords: Bit Error Ratio, Quality Factor.
[1] P. Ivaniga, Evaluation of error rate in high-speed digital networks, Published by University of Žilina in Žilina, EDIS – ŽU 2007, 87p, 1st Edition, ISBN 978-80-8070-771-2.
[2] P. Tošovský, Tester for optical fiber-free connection, Elektrorevue 53, 2007, ISSN 1213-1539, p. 1-6.
[3] L. Mikuš, Evaluations of the error rate in backbone networks, Elektrorevue 2(12) 2010, ISSN 1213-1539 p.1-6.
[4] D. Kilper, et al., Optical Performance monitoring. IEEE Lightwave Technology Journal, 22, 2006 p. 294-304.
[5] P. Ivaniga, Error rate characteristics for multi operator transmission path, Elektrorevue 1(15) 2013, ISSN 1213 -1539
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Abstract: With the electric industry undergoing change, increased attention is being focused on power supply reliability and power quality. Power providers and users alike are concerned about reliable power, whether the focus is on interruptions and disturbances or extended outages. Monitoring can provide information about power flow and demand and help to identify the cause of power system disturbances. The proposal in this paper is to monitor the power consumed by a model organization such a household consumers from a centrally located point. Monitoring the power means calculating the power consumed exactly by the user at a given time. The power consumed by the user is measured and communicated to the controlling substation whenever needed by the person at the substation. The feedback from the user helps in identifying usages between authorized and unauthorized users which helps in controlling the power theft, one of the major challenges in current scenarios. Communication between user/household and substation can be of wired and wireless
Keywords: Zig Bee, power theft, GSM, AT commands, wireless meter reading.
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[5] international Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2009, pp. 1–4
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Abstract: In image enhancement process involves removal of noise and distortions like artifacts ,to improve the visual perspective for a viewer. Due to unique characteristics the document image having different contents with different regions which distorted differentially by noises and several artifacts. In many applications, single filtering approach will not give a good result at each pixel locations. So we provide a new approach a Combined Filtering based on a hypothesis for image quality improvement . It utilizes an approach to select a set of filters to improve the quality of distorted region of image with different regions. The HCF extracted the featured vector to predict the performance of filtering for estimating pixel intensity in original image. Maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters are calculated by unsupervised clustering Expectation Maximization(EM) algorithm and FCM clustering ,which used to weighting for the filter output. In this way, the HCF serves as a framework for combining the outputs of a number of different user selected filters, each best suited for a different region of an image.To improve contrast quality Bi histogram equalization techniques applied for various images such as remote sensing images and general images which are obtained at the output of combined filtering The scheme consistently improves the quality of the decoded image over a variety of image content having different charecteristics.
Keywords: Denoising, Artifacts,HCF,EM algorithm,FCM clustering,Maximum likelihood estimate,feature vectors,Ringing artifacts,Blocking artifacts, Bi histogram equalization
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[5] T.-S. Wong, C. A. Bouman, I. Pollak, and Z. Fan, "A document imagemodel and estimation algorithm for optimized JPEG decompression,"IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 2518–2535, Nov. 2009
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Abstract: Design of non-uniformly spaced linear array of dipoles is presented. Array synthesis is done by controlling the appropriate excitation amplitudes and element spacing to get the radiation patterns with reduced sidelobe level (SLL) and improved beam width. The objective of this work is to generate synthesized patterns with low sidelobe level and to compensate the coupling effect with a low prefixed dynamic range ratio for non-uniformly spaced array. The excitation amplitude distribution and position of individual array elements are determined. The patterns of dipole elements are compared with those of the isotropic elements. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the algorithm for the design of the linear array.
Key words: Pattern synthesis, linear array, low sidelobe level, APSO
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Abstract: India is a vast country with more than 22 recognized languages and 12 major scripts .There are many Optical Character Recognition(OCR) systems available in the market but mostly for roman Chinese ,Japanese and Arabic characters .Not enough research is done in recognizing Indian scripts especially south Indian languages. India is a multilingual multi script country therefore it is necessary to identify different scripts regions of a document in order to recognize the characters of the individual documents. This papers main focus is to develop a model to identify Telugu, Tamil and English scripts from a printed documents. The proposed model uses distinctive features extracted in a priority check scheme. The accuracy of the scheme proposed is 99.33%.
Key Words: OCR, Script Identification, Distinctive features, priority check scheme
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Abstract: It is paramount for any e-government service providers to get involve their citizen digitally & provide better e-services platform such as cordial web portals with easy access around the clock, updated online information, better ICT infrastructure and considering them as most valued customers. However, there are many reasons behind fully adopting citizens' participation in the developing nations like Pakistan. Thus, citizen's participation can bring very fruitful results to control corruption, to judge government policies, to make better delivery of government services, cost saving by electronically, citizen empowerment, especially in decision-making and effective services in the accountability process in public and private sectors. The main purpose of this study is to find out the answers to the questions like. What are the current challenges faced by citizens while participating in e-government services in Pakistan? What the Government has done to promote citizen's participation in e-government services in all over Pakistan? At the end, a number of recommendations & suggestions are present to the policy makers, ICT service providers, academicians and readers in order to tackle with the problems duly addressed in this comparative research study.
Keywords: e-government, citizens' participation, services, ICTs, Pakistan
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Abstract: The characteristics of dipoles in free space are reported by many researchers. However such characteristics are not considered by many. The data on Far-field patterns of embedded dipoles is generated in the present work. The dipoles are considered to be embedded in different dielectrics, and also they are unique.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Enhancement of SPD Technique in SAC-OCDMA Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ruchita Bajpai || Dr. Neelam Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09615964 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents single photodiode as an effective technique for eradicating the effects of PIIN and MAI by cancelling interference effects in the optical domain in spectral amplitude coding optical code-division multiple-access(SAC-OCDMA)systems. Single photodiode detection(SPD) technique proves to be a better candidate than MODIFIED-AND subtraction detection in terms of BER performance. Appreciable performance can be obtained with SPD technique by using optical hard limiter.
[1]. Z.Jiang , D.S. Seo , S.D. Yang, D.E. Leaird, R.V. Roussev ,C. Langrock, M.M. Fejer, and A.M. Weiner, Four-User,2.5-Gb/s, spectrally coded OCDMA system demonstration using low-power nonlinear processing , Journal of Lightwave Technology,Vol.23,No.1,2005
[2]. Hamza M.R. Al-Khafaji, S.A. Aljunid, and Hilal A. Fadhil , Single photodiode detection for interference elimination in SAC-OCDMA systems , 978-1-4673-6075-3/13 IEEE,2013
[3]. Hamza M.R. Al-Khafaji , S.A. Aljunid , and Hilal A. Fadhil, Performance enhancement of SAC-OCDMA system using MODIFIED-AND subtraction detection , International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics(ICCAIE),2011
[4]. M. Abtahi, S.Ayotte, J.Penon, L.A. Rusch , Balanced detection of correlated incoherent signals: a statistical analysis of intensity noise with experimental validation , J.Lightwave Technol., Vol.26,pp.1330-1338,2008
[5]. M. Noshad, K.Jamshidi , Code family for modified spectral-amplitude coding OCDMA systems and performance analysis, J.Opt.Commun.Netw, , Vol.2,pp.344-354, 2010
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Abstract: The goal of natural image denoising is to estimate a clean version of a given noisy image, utilizing prior knowledge on the statistics of natural images. Noise removal from natural images is a challenging task. Image denoising is an applicable issue for image processing and computer vision problems. There are several existing methods are available for image denoising. A most applicable and expected property of an image denoising is that it should totally remove the noise as well as its preserve edges. This paper represents the review of parameter and algorithms available for image denoising.
Index Terms: Image noise, sparse, over-complete dictionary, Redundancy parameters
[1] Jielin Jiang, Lei Zhang, and Jian Yang,‖ Mixed Noise Removal by Weighted Encoding With Sparse Nonlocal Regularization‖, IEEE transactions on image processing, vol. 23, no. 6, june 2014.
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[5] A. M. Bruckstein, D. L. Donoho, and M. Elad, ―From sparse solutions ofsystems of equations to sparse modeling of signals and images,‖ SIAMReview, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 34–81, 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Technologies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Sudeepthi || Md.Imaduddin || D.Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09617176 ![]() |
Abstract: Now a day's recognition of persons is performed by using biometric technologies like facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, voice recognition, iris recognition and hand geometry. Among all these recognition technologies fingerprint recognition is most popular technique because of its simplicity. Fingerprint technology was simple because of two reasons. First one, it requires very less effort from the person, does not require other information than necessary for the recognition process and provides relatively good performance. Second one, the cost of fingerprint sensors was relatively less which enables easy integration into wireless hardware like PC keyboards. Fingerprint is the combination of ridges and valleys. There are two types of fingerprint matching technologies, namely correlation based and minutiae based. Between these two technologies minutiae based matching is most widely used one. In fingerprint terms, minutiae point is defined as ridge ending point or ridge bifurcating point. Ridge ending is the point at which the ridge ends abruptly and ridge bifurcation is the point at which the ridge divides into two. This means each fingerprint consists of a number of minutiae points and the combination of minutiae points is known as minutiae descriptor. Each minutiae is represented by the particular properties like orientation, location and minutiae type(whether ridge ending or ridge bifurcating). Decision is made on the match between a pair of minutiae depending on the similarity of these properties. This paper focus on the three types of minutiae matching technologies, named Jiang, Novel and Modified.
Keywords: Minutiae, similarity level and matching score
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