Version-5 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimal energy saving for cellular networks Using TACT-Short fading |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Selvalakshmi.B || M.Ilayaraja |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09650106 ![]() |
Abstract: Recent works have valid the chance of increase the energy potency in radio access networks (RANs). done by dynamically turning on/off some base stations (BSs). According to this paper, to extend the analysis over Base Stations switching operations that ought to match up with traffic load variations. . we have a tendency to first of all formulate the traffic variations as a Markov Decision Process. After that minimize the energy consumption of RANs, and to design a reinforcement learning framework primarily based BSs switching operation scheme. Furthermore, to speed up the continued learning method, a transfer actor-critic algorithmic program (TACT), that utilizes the transferred learning experience in historical periods or neighbouring regions, is planned and demonstrably converges. The planned considerateness algorithmic program contributes to a performance jumpstart and demonstrates the feasibleness of great energy potency improvement at the expense of tolerable delay performance. Index Terms: Radio access networks, base stations, green communications, energy saving, reinforcement learning, transfer learning, actor-critic algorithm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Zigbee Based Student Attendance System Using Lan Networking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prajakta S. Joshi || Shubham S.Joshi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09650712 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper provides the design method of wireless fingerprint attendance system based on ZigBee technology using LAN networking. The system includes terminal fingerprint acquisition module and attendance management module through computer. It can realize automatically such functions as information acquisition of fingerprint, processing, wireless transmission, fingerprint matching, and attendance management. Considering the fact and topology of ZigBee network, a fingerprint acquisition module and a wireless alarm module were designed by using the fingerprint sensor and module respectively. The whole system was implemented wireless alarm through messages and internet in the GSM web. All HODs PCs are worked as workstation and LAN connected with the Principal office. In order to achieve the simple and high real-time system, it realized low-cost and high-performance wireless fingerprint attendance function, which provided a new wireless fingerprint attendance system for enterprises and institutions.
Keywords: Zibee Technology, Fingerprint Identification, Wireless Transmission, Wireless Alarm, LAN Networking
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Abstract: Multicasting real time big data and video is an active research part in all communication networks. With Emerging technologies of multi-cast wireless sensor networks, various technologies have been proposed in creating and retaining nodal trees for the said LIMAD protocol. This protocol is uncertain and mlti-dynamic in nature. This articled lays a modeled dynamic scheme for multi-casting in WSN nodes which is suitable for big data and high end streams of live multimedia(audio/video). The approach discussed is generalization scalable works under unicast routing WSNs in WSN. This article illustrates underlying LIMAD protocol in highly adaptive and desirable for association of multi-cast nodes in a session. The basis of this approach is the multicast tree of mobile nodes which are lightweight and intuitive.
Keywords: DDMP, LIMAD, MORP, multicast, unicast, WSN.
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Abstract: GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite based navigation system which provides reliable positioning information to its users (receivers) based on the concept of Time of Arrival (TOA) of the signal at the receiver. The positional accuracy of GPS is affected by several sources such as atmosphere, multipath and satellite-receiver geometry etc., of which ionosphere is one of the major sources of error for single frequency GPS user. When GPS signal propagates through the ionosphere, due to the change in refractive index in atmospheric layers, the signal bends which causes a delay in the arrival of the signal at the receiver. This delay of the signal introduces an error in ranging measurements at the receiver which in turn leads to an error in positioning information. Hence, to improve the positional accuracy, it is necessary estimate the delay of the signal in ionosphere during its transit from satellite to receiver. As this delay is caused by the electron content of the ionosphere, it is also necessary to estimate the Total Electron Content (TEC) in the signal path.
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Abstract: An antenna array on the transmit side provides the system with an extra spatial dimension that can be utilized for coding both in the spatial as well as the temporal domain. The recent development of such space time codes shows that there are ways of exploiting multiple transmit antennas while completely avoiding traditional beam-forming techniques need of accurate channel state information. In this project, we generate a framework for training based channel estimation under different channel and interference statistics. The minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator for channel matrix estimation in Rician fading multi-antenna systems is analyzed, and exclusively the proposal of mean square error (MSE) minimizing training structures..
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Abstract: Digital image watermarking is process of adding some information in image in form of text, image and logo for the purpose of owner identification and security. That information may be in visible or in invisible form. So that anyone can be extracted that info when required for a particular purposes. The main obstacle in extraction process of watermark information is the different-2 attacks perform of watermarked image. These attacks degrade the watermark information embedded in watermarked image. Sometimes they affected so much as the watermark information will be destroyed. Digital image in their raw form require a more amount of storage capacity..
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Abstract: Solar resource is freely available so government is trying to implement the use of Solar panels as an energy source in rural and sub urban areas for lighting the street lights, but the battery used to store the power gets affected due to overcharging & discharging. Charge controllers are usually installed in Solar Home Systems to protect batteries (from over charging and discharging) and to implement proper buck and boost charging techniques (e.g. Maximum Power Point Tracking etc.).Some MPPT controllers have also been developed to incorporate multiple charging sources (e.g. Main-Grid or PV panels) [3] [4]. However, these controllers lack proper charging techniques to ensure efficient use of multiple charging sources. Also due to improper charging algorithm there might be unnecessary or insufficient charging of batteries.
[1]. K.Kavitha , T.Deepa , Dr. A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Microcontroller based Optimal Battery Charging in a Solar Powered Robotic Vehicle , International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014 ,2250-3153
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Abstract: Burstiness has a great influence on network architectures as well as network dimensioning. Hence, the knowledge of the different traffic models goes a long way in helping the network designer to make good choices concerning end buffer parameters, protocol selection as well as functional specifications, and QoS parameters. This paper takes a comparison of three traffic models- the Interrupted Poisson Process, the Interrupted Bernuolli Process and the ON-OFF traffic model with constant distribution. The comparison is based on buffer occupancy, cell delay and utilization; with the aim of investigating the economic implications of using these traffic models. The results of the simulation show that the ON-OFF (Constant distribution) and the IPP have similar impacts which are far better than that of the IBP.
Index Terms: Burstiness, Traffic Model, IPP, IBP, ON-OFF
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Abstract: This paper presents the signal coverage estimation for microcellular network propagation. Firstly, this work presents the techniques for eliminating or reducing the drawbacks like limited service capability, high blocking probabilities and inefficient frequency spectrum utilization that negatively affect the signal network coverage in land to mobile networks and macro cellular networks due to wider or larger cell radii. Secondly, the methodology of improving signal coverage under different morphological conditions is also presented, and this was achieved by creating a communication path between two remote base stations under different morphological conditions.
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Abstract: In the present paper, a wideband circularly polarized micro strip antenna is designed for application in wireless local area network (WLAN). The proposed antenna is L strip fed proximity coupled circular micro strip antenna where the radiating patch is loaded by parallel slots of unequal length. The structure is investigated using circuit theoretic approach and simulated using IE3D simulation software. The patch is designed on a thick substrate of thickness of 13 mm and provides wide band operation. The circular polarization is achieved by cutting two asymmetric parallel to linear axis of feed, slots on circular radiating patch to produce orthogonal modes. The simulation results for input impedance, VSWR, radiation pattern, directivity and gain are presented. Bandwidth is found to be dependent on length of horizontal part of L-strip as well as impedance matching at feed location. A bandwidth of up to 97.72% is enhanced (for VSWR≤2) for Li=0.102λo and h2=0.201λo. The right circularly polarisation was achieved for two bands with 6% and 7% axial ratio band width at resonance frequency.
Index Terms: L-strip feed, proximity coupled, inset slot, circular polarisation, wideband,
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