Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Abstract: The need for miniaturized antenna is ever growing in view of the advancements in wireless communication technology. The conventional micro strip antennas take any shape like square, rectangular, triangle and so on. They provide normally single resonance frequency with high quality factor because of narrow bandwidth. However, the fractal antennas are able to provide either multi-band resonances or broad bandwidth because of the self-similar and space-filling properties. In this work, design of a Hilbert curve fractal antenna, sierpinsik gasket carpet fractal antenna is considered for single and multiband applications. Design and simulation is done using HFSS 13.0 software and fabrication is done using on FR-4 clad substrate. For second iteration and third iteration of both the fractal antennas are considered. For Hilbert curve of 2nd iteration return loss is -19dB at 3.5 GHz and for 2nd iteration carpet fractal antenna the return loss is -22dB at 3.5 GHz and -15dB at 7.1GHz which is a dual band characteristics.By using vector network analyzer E5071C the designed antennas are tested and various plots like return loss, VSWR, smith chart and polar plot are verified.The designed antennas are used in implantable medical (IMD) applications and other wireless applications.
Index Terms: microstrip, HFSS, HCFA, IMD
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementing 3D Graphical Password Schemes |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Mcchester Odoh || Dr. Ihedigbo Chinedum E. |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09620917 ![]() |
Abstract: Beginning around 1999, numerous graphical password schemes have been proposed, motivated by the promise of improved password memorability and thus usability, while at the same time improving strength against guessing attacks. Like text passwords, graphical passwords are knowledge-based authentication mechanisms where users enter a shared secret as evidence of their identity. However, where text passwords involve alphanumeric and/or special keyboard characters, the idea behind graphical passwords is to leverage human memory for visual information, with the shared secret being related to or composed of images, parts of images, or sketches. Despite the large number of options for authentication, text passwords remain the most common choice for several reasons. Keywords: 3D, Graphical password, authentication, alphanumeric and special keyboard characters
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Abstract: Computer Engineering is one of the numerous branches of Engineering. Other branches of Engineering include Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Production Engineering, chemical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering. Computer Engineering is defined as that branch of Engineering that uses the principles of Mathematics and Natural Science for the design, construction, maintenance, fabrication, laboratory work, consulting and contracting and other works related to the computer. The computer is defined as a device which accepts data and programs and mathematical and non mathematical instructions and manipulates them with numerous speed and accuracy to produce an output which could be used as information for managerial decision making. Computers which had their origin in antiquity had its formal origin when Babbage, a British mathematician that was a precursor of Taylor designed the Analytical Engine. After Babbage till date here have been five or more generations of computers each next generation having improvements in the inputs, transform and outputs of the computer system and he materials used in the construction. The objective of the study is to determine how computer Engineering Design could be a route to Economic Growth in Nigeria. This and other objectives were fully achieved in the paper.
Keywords: Analytical engine, Engineering design, Economic growth and Input
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Abstract: The FFT processor is a critical block in all multi-carrier systems used primarily in the mobile environment. The portability requirement of these systems is mainly responsible for the need of low power FFT architectures. In this study, an efficient addressing scheme for radix-4 64 point FFT processor is presented. It avoids the modulo-r addition in the address generation; hence, the critical path is significantly shorter than the conventional radix-4 pipelined FFT processor by modifying its operation sequence. The complex multiplier is one of the most power consuming blocks in the FFT processor. A significant property of the proposed method is that the critical path of the address generator is independent from the FFT transform length N, making it extremely efficient for large FFT transforms. The results confirm the speed and area advantages for large FFTs. Although only radix-4 FFT address generation is presented in the paper, it can be used for higher radix-4FFT.
Index Terms: Pipelined FFT, Switching activity, Coefficient ordering.
[1]. S. Mittal, Z.A. Khan, and M.B. Srinivas, "Area efficient high speed architecture of Bruun's FFT for software defined radio", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM '07, pages 3118 -3122, November 2007.
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[5]. S. He and M. Torkelson, "Design and implementation of a 1024-point pipeline fft processor," in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., Santa Clara, CA, May 11-14 1998, vol. 2, pp. 131–134.
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Abstract: Image de-noising is one of the fundamental problems in the field of image processing needed for improving the image quality before performing different high-level vision tasks. Numerous wavelet based de-noising methods were utilized for performing image de-noising process. In such works, there is a lack of analysis in selecting the appropriate threshold value. Moreover, such analysis leads to the determination of static threshold value. The basic formulae exist if we treat noisy image as a single image without dividing it into blocks. We can also check the performance of the conventional methods by dividing the noisy image into different block sizes and then applying dynamic methods to choose proper threshold value. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive image de-noising technique by dividing the noisy image into blocks then applying wavelet transform on it and then by applying Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique to select proper threshold values. The performance of the image de-noising technique is evaluated by comparing the result of proposed technique with the conventional soft thresholding technique in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).
Keywords: Image De-noising, wavelet Decomposition, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Adaptive Thresholding
[1]. Thangavel, Manavalan and Laurence Aroquiaraj, Removal of Speckle Noise from Ultrasound Medical Image based on Special Filters: Comparative study, ICGST-GVIP Journal, 9(3), 2009, 25-32
[2]. Sudip Roy, Nidul Sinha and Asoke K.Sen, A New Hybrid Image De-noising Method, International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management, 2(2), 2010, 491-497
[3]. Jean-Luc Starck, Emmanuel J. Candes and David L.Donoho, The curvelet Transform for Image De-noising, IEEE transactions on Image Processing, 11(6),June 2002,670-684.
[4]. Kother Mhideen, Arumuga Perumal, Krishnan and Mohamed Sathik, Image De-noising and Enhancement using Multiwavelet with Hard Threshold in Digital Mammographic Image, International Arab Journal of e-Technology, 2(1), 2011,49-55.
[5]. Chinna Rao and Madhavi Latha, Reconfigurable Wavelet Threhloding for Image De-noising while keeping Edge Detection, IJCSNS international Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 11(3), 2011, 222-226.
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Abstract: Image process is one among most growing analysis space these days and currently it's greatly integrated with the medical and biotechnology field. Image process will be used to analyze different medical and MRI pictures to induce the abnormality within the image. In medical image processing, medical images are corrupted by different type of noises. It is very important to obtain precise images to facilitate accurate observations for the given application. Removing of noise from medical images is now a very challenging issue in the field of medical image processing. Most well known noise reduction methods, which are usually based on the local statistics of a medical image, are not efficient for medical image noise reduction.
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Abstract: The evolution towards 5G mobile communication networks will be characterized by increasing number of wireless devices, service complexity and the requirement to access mobile services ubiquitously. This article presents an overview of future mobile communication generation (5G) with its Perspectives, Challenges and Services. Morever we propose novel network architecture for next generation 5G mobile networks with evolution of HETNET Architecture (5G). It serves with its key elements as Small cells, MULTI-RAT, D2D communication and Cloud-RAN to ensure users with Quality of service (QoS) requirement in a spectrum & energy efficient manner.
Keywords: 5G, Heterogeneous networks, Multi-RAT, D2D communication, Cloud RAN, Quality of Service (QoS)
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[5]. A. Shakil. ,"Evolution of Technologies, Standards, and Deployment of 2G-5G Networks.", Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, Second Edition. IGI Global, 2009. 522-532. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
[6]. Bangerter.B, Talwar S., Arefi R. & Stewart K, "Networks and devices for the 5G era," Communications Magazine, IEEE , vol.52, no.2, pp.90,96, February 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wireless Robotic ARM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | AbhishekVerma || Ashish Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09625053 ![]() |
Abstract: Robots are now becoming a part of our daily life and performing everyday tasks much more efficiently and smartly. Robotics as a branch of engineering deals with design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Their mobility is as efficient as the control signal. Humans can perform highly precise tasks without much effort. This project aims at giving the same mobility to robotic arm, so that it can perform tasks precisely in an environment not accessible or suitable for humans, remotely using very simple potentiometers as sensors and Atmel ATmega32 microcontroller.
Keywords: Potentiometer, Atmel, ATmega32, AVR, Haptic Hand, Wireless Hand
[1]. "Design And Implementation Of A Robotic Arm Based On Haptic Technology" Rama Krishna, G. SowmyaBala, A.S.C.S. Sastry, B. Bhanu Prakash Sarma, GokulSaiAlla / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.3098-3103
[2]. "Robotic Arm" - www. NASA explores. com from Teacher Sheets pg:1-2
[3]. "ATMEL – short notes",
[4]. "Six-servo Robot Arm" from on 13-11-2011 pg: 1-18