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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mushtaq Ahmed Kadhim Aldewan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207010105 ![]() |
Abstract: Wuthering Heights "is an English genre of fiction popular in the 18th century. It is characterized by an atmosphere of mystery and horror and having a pseudo-medieval setting. It is a multi- generational Gothic and romantic novel. It revolves around the doomed love between Heathcliff and Catherine .Wuthering Heights sheds the lights with Lockwood, an owner of Heathcliff's, coming the home of his landlord Mr. Earnshaw, a Yorkshire Farmer and owner of Wuthering Heights, brings home an orphan from Liverpool. The baby is called Heathcliff and lives with the Earnshaw children, Hindley and Catherine.It is a movement that refers to ruin, decay, love, romance death, terror, and chaos, and unusual irrationality and compassion over rationality and sense.
[1]. {The Literature of Terror: A History of Gothic Fictions from 1765 to the Present Day (London. Longmans. 1980), Chapter 15}.
[2]. {Woolf, Virginia. "Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights." Twentieth Century, 1964 ,102}
[3]. {Kettle, Arnold. "Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights." Twentieth Century,1958 ,76}.
[4]. Ellis, Markman. The History of Gothic Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000. 21-22. Print}. 5-Cavaliero, Glen. The Supernatural and English Fiction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 2. Print
[5]. {Bronte, Emily,Wuthering Heights,1985:,28}.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Financial Inclusion in Rural Gujarat: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shweta Bambuwala || Dr.Sneha Shukla |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207010609 ![]() |
Abstract: Implementation of Financial Inclusion Initiatives has come long way in last 10 years starting from many Social Schemes and models to Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna, from focusing only on access to financial services till identifying need for Financial literacy, Demonetization and digitalization and few more. India has now focused efforts and has also initiated herculean task of ensuring access through creating reach of financial services with the help of Banks, Financial Institutions and other bodies and ensuring usage by working on financial literacy. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna, BC model and Financial Literacy campaigns have proved their potential to achieve financial inclusion however there are certain barriers which should be strategically taken care of to achieve maximum .This paper is an effort to review past performance of PMJDY, BC model and FLCs and their contribution to achieve financial Inclusion in spite of existing barriers in Rural Gujarat.
Keywords: BC Model, FLC, PMJDY, Rural Gujarat
[1]. Joshi, D. P. (2011, June 28). Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy. BI OECD SEMINAR -Round table updates on financial education and Inclusiopn programmes in India. Reserve Bank Of India presentation.
[2]. iyer, S. (2016-17, Dec-january). on the path to financial Inclusion. India Now business and economy, 03(04).
[3]. S.Trivedi, A. (2016, july-sept). Reality of Financial Inclusion: India. IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 03(03).
[4]. Dr. Gomathy Thyagarajan, P. J. (2016). Financial Inclusion in India - A Review. 6th International conference on Recent innovations in Science , Engineering and Management (pp. 448-454). Delhi: IIMT college of Engineering.
[5]. Rachana, T. (2011). Financial Inclusion and Performance of Rural Co-operative Banks in Gujarat. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2(06), 40-52..
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Abstract: Water sector has been undergoing various reforms in the past decade aimed at promoting projects sustainability. There is a general acceptance that community project participation influence project performance, however the influence of participation in decision making on sustainability of community water projects is not clear. This study sought to establish the influence of community participation in decision making on sustainability of community water projects in Kenya, a case of Nyeri County. The study adopted a mixed method research anchored on a concurrent triangulation. The study was conducted in three sub counties of Nyeri County, Tetu, Mathira and Nyeri central which had a total of 10 water projects with 1052 beneficiaries. Respondents for this study comprised three strata. In the first strata were water project beneficiaries picked using Yamane formula (1967) and resulted into a sample size of 290 and later proportionately stratified across the ten water projects. Individual respondents of beneficiaries were identified using a systematic sampling procedure and subjected to self administered questionnaire..............
KEY WORDS:Community Project Participation, Community Water Projects, Sustainability of Community Water Projects, Water Service Provider, Water service regulatory board
[1]. Abrams L, Palmer I, & Hart, T (1998); Sustainability Management Guidelines: Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry.
[2]. Briscoe, J., and Ferranti D (1988); Water for Rural Communities, Helping People Help Themselves. Washington, DC: World Bank.
[3]. Carpenter, S, B. Walker, Anderies J. M., and Abel N (2001). From metaphor to measurement: resilience of what to what? Ecosystems 4:765–781
[4]. Carter RC, Tyrrel SF, Howsam P. (2009). Impact and Sustainability of Community Water Supply and Sanitation Programmes in Developing Countries, Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 13. 292-296
[5]. Carter, R. C. (2009). Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supplies: Challenging the Community-based O&M Paradigm. Rural Water Supply Network Perspectives No. 2.Retrieved from
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Abstract: Swami Vivekananda was a great and the most adorable connoisseur of India. He was a seer who had realized the absolute truth, a monk with an encyclopaedic erudition, an esteemed spiritual teacher, a patriot saint, a magnificent orator with a capacious mind and an incredible memory, endowed with a sonorous and musical voice and an imposing appearance. But, seldom, do we ever recognize him as 'a scientific visionary 'or 'a genius scholar of science'. According to Swami Vivekananda, science is that the explanations of things are in their own nature, and that no external beings or existences are required to explain what is going on in the universe. In his speeches at the World's Parliament of Religions held in September 1893 made him famous as an 'orator by divine right' and as a 'Messenger of Indian wisdom to the Western world'. After the Parliament, he spent nearly three and a half years spreading Vedanta as lived and taught by Sri Ramakrishna, mostly in the eastern parts of USA and also in London..............
[1]. Mayavati Memorial (2000).The Complete Works Of Swami Vivekananda .Calcutta. Advaita Ashrama Publishers.
[2]. India's Gift to the world (1895) Brooklyn Standard Union, February 27,
[3]. Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (1947) Vedanta Press. South California
[4]. Steven M. Rosen (2008). The Self-evolving Cosmos: A Phenomenological Approach to Nature's Unity-in-diversity. World Scientific.
[5]. David Bohm (1980).Wholeness And the Implicate Order. Routledge. Great Britain.
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Abstract: Charles Dickens, the greatest English novelist of the Victorian Era, attempts to draw the attention of his readers with the theme of poverty, one of the central problems in some of his novels. Mulk Raj Anand, an eminent Indian writer in English, is notable for his depiction of the lives of the poorer castes in traditional Indian society in his novels. The present article aims at making a comparative study of the poor and oppressed people in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, and Untouchability by Mulk Raj Anand. The problem of poverty was very serious in English society of the late 19th century, and so Charles Dickens chose this theme as one of the central themes of some of his novels including Oliver Twist (1839). This novel represents the Victorian English society where the poverty is next to enormous wealth.................
[1] Oliver Twist. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[2] Ruth Richardson "poverty and working class", The novel 1832-1880, British Library
[3] Naik M.K "A History of Indian English lit 'page-155
[4] Anand M. R "Untouchable "Penguin books India, 1993 page -70
[5] Mulk Raj Anand "The Source of Protest in my Novels "Atlantic publishers &Distributors , ISBN 81-7156-855-6S.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Higher Education GER – A Study for West Bengal and Orissa |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tushar Kanti Ghara |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207013235 ![]() |
Abstract: The Higher Education status is still derived by the value of GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio). The districts of West Bengal and Orissa, India have been compared taking data from National Survey (AISHE). The districts are also compared and grouped.
KEY WORDS:All India Survey on Higher Education, GER, Cluster Analysis, Ranking
[1] All India Survey on Higher Education, MHRD, Govt. on India:
[2] Bhandari, P(2012), Refining State Level Comparisons in India, Working Paper Series, Planning Commission, India
[3] Educational Statistics at a glance(2014), MHRD, Government of India
[4] Everitt, Brian (2011). Cluster analysis. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley
[5] Global Monitoring Report (2006), Planning Commission of India, Govt. of India.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Systematic Archaeological Survey at Dholi Mangari: A Preliminary Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Meghali Roy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207013643 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper is a preliminary report of the systematic archaeological surface survey conducted by the author at Dholi Mangari, district Udaipur, Rajasthan. The paper discusses the methodology, findings and the results of the survey. An attempt has been made to establish atentative chronology of the site with the help of ceramic analysis as well as a comparative study of pottery from Dholi Mangari with the excavated sites in the region such as Ahar and Balathal.
KEY WORDS:Dholi Mangari, Ahar culture, Chalcolithic Rajasthan.
[1] S.Plog, F.Plog and W.Wait, Decision making in modern surveys.Advances in Archaeological Methods and Theory, 1, 1978, 383-421.
[2] Michael B. Schiffer, Allan P. Sullivan and Timothy C. Klinger, The design of archaeological surveys, World Archaeology, 10(1), 1978, 280-85.
[3] E.B.Banning, Archaeological survey (New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum publishers, 2002).
[4] S.K. FISH and S.A.Kowalewski (Eds.), Archaeology of regions: a case of full coverage survey (Washington D.C., Smithsonian Institutional Press,1990). [5] T.W.Gallant, Background noise and site definition: A contribution to survey methodology. Journal of Field Archaeology, 13(4), 1986, 403–418.
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Abstract: This study explores the evolution of the plan of the Hindu temples in Karnatak, from a single-celled shrine in the 6th century to an elaborate walled complex in the 16th. In addition to the physical factors of the material and method of construction used, the changes in the temple architecture were closely linked to contemporary religious beliefs, rituals of worship and the patronage extended by the ruling dynasties. This paper examines the correspondence between these factors and the changes in the temple plan.
KEY WORDS: Hindu temples, Karnataka, evolution, temple plan, contemporary beliefs, religious, political
[1] Geva, Anat, Frank Lloyd Wright's Sacred Architecture: Faith, Form, and Building Technology (New York : Routledge, 2012) 1.
[2] Kramrisch, Stella, The Hindu Temple, Vol. I (New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., (1946) 1996) 143.
[3] Geva, Anat (2012) 1.
[4] Appadurai, Arjun, Kings, Sects and Temples in South India, 1350-1700 A.D. The Indian Economic and Social History Review, 14 (1), 1977, 47-73.
[5] Meister, Michael, W., The Hindu Temple: Axis of Access in Kapila Vatsyayan (Ed.) Concepts of Space: Ancient and Modern (New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts1991) 275.
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Abstract: Land is the basic natural resource that provides habitat and sustenance for living organisms, as well as being a major focus of economic activities. It is a finite resource and put to many competing uses. In India land is a source of livelihood for 60 % of the population through agriculture and related activities. Urbanization and resultant population growth has led to the consequent demand for land, water and biological resources and has put tremendous pressure on land.............
KEY WORDS:Urbanization, Multi-temporal, Accuracy Assessment, Impervious, Land sat
[1] Angel, S., Sheppard, S.C. and Civco, D.L., 2005, "The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion" (Washington, DC: Transport and Urban Development Department, the World Bank).
[2] Antrop, M., 2004. Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 67(1-4), pp. 9-26.
[3] Chabra, R., 1985. India: environmental degradation, urban slums, political tension", Draper Fund report.
[4] Dollo M, Singh KI, Saha D, Chaudhury S, Sundriyal RC., 2005. Livelihood and natural resources utilization pattern in an ethinically diverse area in Arunachal Pradesh. In Bhatt BP and Bujarbaruah KM (eds.), Agroforestry in north east India: opportunities and challenges. ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Meghalaya, India, 2005; 55-70.
[5] Dollo M., 2007. Traditional farmers groups supporting sustainable farming. LEISA. 2007; 23(1): 22-24..
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Abstract: This article is an attempt to assess the role of money in Nigerian election and political processes as a hindrance to strengthening democracy. Money is needed for democracy because much of its political activity simply could not occur without it. However, when discussing its costs and benefits one should know that the misuse of money in politics can create some major problems for a political regime. Vote buying denies a society the democratic principle of transparency and accountability because vote buyers are under no obligation to serve the masses interest..............
[1]. Adetula, A.O. (2008), Money and politics in Nigeria, Abuja petra Digital Press.
[2]. Ake C. (2001), Democracy and development in Africa Ibadan. Spectrum publishers.
[3]. Alabi, M. O. (2008) "The Electoral Act 2006 and the Conduct of 2007 Election in Nigeria"
in H. A. Saliu et al (editors) Niger ia Beyond 2007: Issues, Perspectives and Challenges: Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.
[4]. Albert, I. O. (2012), Deconstructing Elite Fragmentation in Nigeria politics. In Ibadan journal of Peace and Development, A Publication of peace and conflict studies Programmed,Instituteof Africa studiesIbadan.
[5]. Davies, A. E. (2006)"Money AndPolitics in the Nigeria Electoral Process: A Memo of Department of Political Science, University of Ilorin – Ilorin.
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Abstract: Researches in learning of English as second language has seen many innovations in terms of development of the five skills of language learning, namely, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Thinking. It is only after sufficient development of the first three, that proficiency in the last two skills of language learning can be achieved. If not in sequence, then at least simultaneously. In a revolutionary step, with regard to English language, the Government of Delhi in April 2000 introduced English as a second language from Class I in all of its schools. To implement its decision effectively, the government delved into the task of developing English textbooks and training its teachers on language content and pedagogy accordingly............
KEY WORDS:English as second language, Elementary education, Language proficiency tests, Writing skill
[1] Skinner, B.F. (1957). Verbal Behaviour. Copley Publishing Group.
[2] Chomsky, N. (1959). Review of "verbal behaviour" (Skinner 1957), Language 35:26-58, 1959.
[3] Bruner, J. (1983) Child's Talk: Learning to Use Language, New York: Norton.
[4] Chomsky, Noam (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
[5] Mukherjee, S (2007). Communicative Perspectives on Teaching of English. Academic Excellence, Delhi.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Armed Conflict and Human Trafficking in Nepal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Sadhna Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207017481 ![]() |
Abstract: It is well known that the armed conflict in Nepal is leading to serious threats in the lives of women and girls. They face various kinds of violence, discrimination and exploitation not only during the armed conflict but also during the post conflict and transition period. The trafficking of women and girls from Nepal to India and other likelihood the Gulf States remain high. The conflict of Nepal has increased the number of women working as prostitutes in Kathmandu and other area and this leads cross-border trafficking..............
KEY WORDS: Armed conflict, Human Trafficking, Women, Policies, Nepal
[1]. ONRT, Trafficking in Persons Especially on Women and Children in Nepal, National Report 2011.( Kathmandu: ONRT/NHRC, 2012).
[2]. National Action Plan On Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 & 1820 [2011/12 –– 2015/16], prepared by Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, 2011.
[3]. Human Trafficking Assessment Tool Report For Nepal, American Bar Association, 2011.
[4]. United Nation News Center, 2010,
[5]. Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Trafficking in women, women's migration and violence against women.2000, E/CN.4/2000/68
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Abstract: Introduction: Aged persons are having health problems like hearing and vision decline, muscle strength diminishes, less flexibility of skin and blood vessels, and an overall decline of physique. Their body's organ performs insufficiently with advancing age. Intelligence were also diminishes with age. The social isolation that often exists among older people can dramatically influence mental attitudes and behaviour. The Indian aged population is currently the second largest in the world. The absolute number of the over 60 population in India will increase from 76 million in 2001 to 137 million by 2021..............
KEY WORDS: Structural Equation Model, Healthcare Management, Elderly healthcare
[1]. Ajai GS, Sanjaya GS (2008). Statistical methods for practice and research: A guide to data analysis using SPSS, Response books, New Delhi. p. 143.
[2]. Alam M. (2004) Ageing, old age income security and reforms: An exploration of Indian situation. Econ Polit Wkly 2004; 39: 3731_40.
[3]. Anderson, J. C., and Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modelling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103, 411–423.
[4]. Angel, J., & Whitfield, K. (2007). Hispanic Health and Ageing in the Americas. Springer, New York.
[5]. Aranda, M., Lee, P., & Wilson, S. (2001. Correlates of depression in older Latinos. Home Health Care Services Quarterly, 20(1), 1–20..