Version-6 (July-2017)
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Abstract: This study aims to find out and analyze the political communication of legislatives and executives and the research paradigm used is phenomenological paradigm. The subject and the object of the research obtained in the field on the research to the data burnout. The data collection technique used is interviews and observation. Data analysis according to Miles and Huberman is the data reduction, data display, and conclusion. For understanding, the theory used is the theory of relational dialectics of Baxter................
Key Words: Al Quran; political communication; executives, legislatives, religion institution; religion development.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Dissimilarities of Gitanjali and the Wreck of the Deutschland |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kangabam Chanu Lembisana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207060708 ![]() |
Abstract: TRabindranath Tagore and Gerard Manley Hopkins have similarities in their poetic treatment but at the same time they have their dissimilarities too. Man's craving for union with God has been treated by both the poets in their respective poems, and Tagore does it in his own way. Following the Vaishnavite tradition, Tagore, in Gitanjali projects himself as a love and God, the Almighty as a lover. As the beloved of God, he will keep his (her) body pure and chaste. His mind will be free from evil thoughts and malice, for God resides within him. It is an erotic (Vaishnavite) tradition but Tagore exploits it effectively in his own way.................
[1]. Hopkins, Gerard Manley. Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Ed. W.H.Gardner. 3rd ed. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1950.
[2]. Tagore, Rabindranath. Gitanjali. New Delhi: Macmillan, 2000.
[3]. Jayantha, R.A. "Musical Motiff and Metaphor in ' The Wreck of the Deutschland '." The Literary Criterion 12.4 (1977): 5.
[4]. Laxiness, Halldor. "Gitanjali in Iceland." A Centenary Volume: Rabindranath Tagore 1861-1961. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1961..
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Abstract: Conflict or difference of opinion inevitably results from human interaction. Huge potential for conflict exists in the industrial sectors and often the disputants feel a need for outside intrusion. There are two processes to settle a dispute, one is by Adversarial and another is by non-adversarial process. Non-adversarial system is a system by which the dispute is settled outside the court and it is called Alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This is a cheap and speedy remedy for the worker, where settlement of industrial dispute by the court is a costly and time consuming procedure. This article aims to define ADR, application of ADR in the field of Industrial dispute and why ADR system is important and necessary in the field of settlement of industrial dispute..............
KEY WORDS:Alternative dispute resolution, Settlement, Industrial dispute, Strike, lock-out, trade union, collective bargaining Agent.
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Abstract: Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in one's life, work, etc. Among school teachers stress is manifested as growing number of teacher absences per year as well as an increase in early retirement as they have lost their love for the job. The concept of stress cannot be ignored in any profession as well as in the teaching profession. A proper strategy for stress management will help to reduce the stressful situation and enhance the output of an individual in any profession. This study is an attempt to study by a survey, the relationship between stress management and teaching efficacy among school teachers of India. The results of the study prove that there is a significant positive relationship between stress management and teaching efficacy among school teachers in India.
Keywords: Stress management, Teaching efficacy
[1]. Shahin Vaezi & Nasser Fallah (2011). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(5), 1168-1174. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Thalassemia involves the absence of genes that affects the body's ability to produce a protein in the red blood cells called hemoglobin (George & Tan, 2010). The objective of the present study is to explore whether there are gender differences in illness perception, coping, quality of life and their dimensions in adolescents with beta thalassemia. This study also aims to find whether illness perception and coping predicts quality of life in adolescents with beta thalassemia............
Key Words: Adolescence, Caregivers, Coping styles, Illness perception, Thalassemia, Quality of life
[1]. Alsén, P., Brink, E., Persson, L. O., Brändström, Y., &Karlson, B. W. (2010). Illness perceptions after myocardial infarction: relations to fatigue, emotional distress, and health-related quality of life. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 25(2), E1-E10.
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[5]. Chen, S. L., Tsai, J. C., & Lee, W. L. (2009). The impact of illness perception on adherence to therapeutic regimens of patients with hypertension in Taiwan.Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(15), 2234-2244.
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Abstract: This article developed and validates the psychometric properties of attributes that influences edu-tourists from emerging economies to study in emerging country (AISE) in respect to Malaysia. A survey was done on 1000 international edu-tourists from Africa, Asia and Middle-East in 13 Malaysian edu-tourism institutions. The structure of the underlying dimensions of decision to study abroad was framed based on the Push andPull theory and literature. Reliability analysis, exploratory, and confirmatory factor analysis were applied to investigate internal consistency and construct validity of the AISE model using SPSS and Analysis of Moment Structure version 22.............. .
KEY WORDS: Edu-tourism, International Edu-tourists, Emerging-Economy, Malaysia.
[1]. Agarwal, U. and Winkler, D. R. (1985). Foreign Demand for United States Higher Education: A Study of Developing Countries in the Eastern Hemisphere. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 33, (3), 623-44.
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[3]. Armstrong, A., King, B., and Michael, I. (2014). The Travel Behaviour of International Students: The Relationship Between Studying Abroad and Their Choice of Tourist Destinations. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 10, (1), 57-66.
[4]. Bagozzi, R. P., and Yi, Y . (2012). Specifications, Evaluation and Interpretation of Structural Equation Models. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, 40, 8-34.
[5]. Baloglu, S.andUysal, M. (1996). Market Segments of Push and Pull Motivation: A Canonical Correlation Approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 8, 32-38.
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Abstract: Social media has also become a common ground for individuals to practise unethical acts. This study discusses the unethical acts that people have been involved in on social media, its effects on people's wellbeing and roles of the society to reduce these unethical acts. The study uses quantitative design whereby respondents were given questionnaires. The study reveals that unethical acts on social media are a normal occurrence faced by the participants and little is being done to address the situation. Thus, it is recommended that various measures must be implemented to prevent such heinous acts on social media.
Keywords: social media, unethical practices, society
[1]. Alexander, D. (2013). Social Media in Disaster Risk Reduction and Crisis Management. Retrieved 7 April 2017, from
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[3]. Swis, T., Collin, P., McCormack, J., & Third, A. (2015). Social media and the wellbeing of children and young people: A literature review. Retrieved 7 April 2017, from
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Abstract: Therapeutic communication activity implemented health workers to the patient, implemented communication form with warmth and sincerity, is interpersonal communication, so patient feels close and comfortable. Therapeutic communication is a process developed by nurses to study clients where nurses use a planned approach, conduct interpersonal relationships and focus to the client. Therapeutic communication can be either verbal communication or nonverbal communication. Verbal communication can be distinguished: verbal communication using vowels, ie spoken language and verbal communication do not use vowels, ie written language. Communication activity can reduce the burden of mental disorders of patients. In the theory of therapy psychology can be done by someone by conveying the problem as far as possible to others.
Keywords: Al Quran; therapeutic communication; patient's healing
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Local Press and Interest Conflict at Local Election in Central Sulawesi |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Achmad Herman |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207066474 ![]() |
Abstract: Press is sometimes used to refer to both print and electronic media. This term is also often called media or mass media Press is a complicated and sometimes contradictory phenomenon. The attempt of journalism to get the truth in a blurry world is by sorting out from the beginning the fact of the misinformation that goes with it. This definition helps us to use the word of right and wrong every day by deconstructing those words. Our goal is truth even though it does not seem simple. Because of the complexity, journalists attempt to replace the word of truth with the term of fairness (not one side) or balance............
Keywords: local press; conflict; local election; media
[1]. Aksa, Sahrul. 2005. "Pemberitaan Kampanye Pemilu 2004 di Media Cetak (Kedaulatan Rakyat dan Bernas)" dalam Dinamika Politik Lokal di Indonesia: Demokrasi, dan Potret Lokal Pemilu 2004. Salatiga: Yayasan Percik. [2]. Al-Fayyadl, Muhammad. 2012. Derrida. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
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[5]. ____________. 2014. Kuasa Negara Pada Ranah Politik Lokal. Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia Group.
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Abstract: Batak Toba tribe since the ancient time until today still retains the traditional and religion values inherited from their ancestors, although sometimes it is contrary to religious teachings. The cultural phenomenon of the construction of the monument or tugu (tambak na timbo) and the mangongkal holi event is one of Batak Toba traditions that still survives and is preserved today in the origin area (bona pasogit) and in the overseas area (parserakan). This tradition persists because of the strong roots of traditional culture, cosmology and religion of Batak Toba that influence their cognition.........
Keywords: tugu; tambak na timbo; Batak Toba; Samosir
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Abstract: The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has been in existence for thirty one years as Nigeria's major employment agency, having been established in 1986 with the objective of designing and implementing programmes to combat unemployment in Nigeria. Hence, the study aimed at assessing the distribution of the small scale entrepreneurial program of the directorate across the states of the federation between 2011 and 2014. In order to achieve the objective of the study, data was collected from secondary sources and the annual report of the directorate was consulted and used...........
Keywords: National Directorate of Employment; Entrepreneurial Skills; Small Scale Enterprise; Policies; and Employment.
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[5]. Ogunlola, I. Y. (2012) Impact of the Programmes of the National Directorate of Employment on Graduate Employment and Unemployment in Kaduna State of Nigeria. PakistanJournal of Social Sciences 9 (1) 40-45