Version-9 (July-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the "Belt and Road" Initiative: An Annotated Bibliography |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Mao Jiguang || A Dhanalakshmi || Hui Xu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207090118 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discusses the background of the "Belt and Road" Initiative of China and presents an annotated bibliography on the topic. Secondary source of data was collected from various published articles including online journals. This paper reviews and presents 85 articles in three parts: part one covers the topics in general common to both the "Belt and Road' initiative, part two presents the literature on the "Belt" initiative termed as the " Silk Road Economic Belt" and the part three presents the bibliography notes on the "Road" initiative termed as "The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road". This study is an attempts to provide an annotated bibliography on the topic "The Belt and Road" Initiative as a comprehensive reference.............
Keywords: Annotated bibliography, "Belt and Road" Initiative, " Silk Road Economic Belt", " 21st Century Maritime Silk Road".
[1]. retrieved on May 30, 2017. [2]. retrieved on May 30, 2017.
[3]. Chen, Vicky. CESCO ASIA: 'One Belt, One Road' to unleash copper resources - Minmetals, Metal bulletin Daily, 2016. p303.
[4]. Kanenga Haggai. One Belt One Road Strategy in China and Economic Development in the Concerning Countrie. World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Vol.2, Issue.1, 2016. p10-14.
[5]. Michael Clarke Author. Vitae. Beijing's March West: Opportunities and Challenges for China's Eurasian Pivot, Orbis, Vol.60, No.2, 2016. p296-313.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality Of Life among Transgenders in Kerala |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aneesh M S |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207091924 ![]() |
Abstract: Transgender are the people who are born with male or female anatomies but they feel different from their body structure (Mohammed Rafeek ). Transgenders are most among the vulnerable and marginalized population in all over the India. Based on the geographical area they have to know the different name in different place. Transgenders are faced great adversities from their childhood, experience a poor quality of life that continues to their adulthood. The study has focused on the quality of life among male to female transgenders in the state of Kerala in the age group of 18-40............
Keywords: male to female transgender, quality of life, invisible, Kerala.
[1]. Kerala social justice dept, kerala transgender policy, 2015
[2]. Wilchins, Lombardi, Priesing, & Malouf, 1997, Gender violence: transgender experiences with violence and discrimination, Journal of Homosexuality. 2001; 42(1):89-101
[3]. Peoples‟ Union for Civil Liberties, Karnataka (PUCL-K), Human Rights violations against the transgender community - A study of kothi and Hijra sex workers in Bangalore, India, September 2003
[4]. Venkatesan Chakrapani, Priya Babu TE. "Hijras in sex work face discrimination in the Indian health-care system". Research for Sex Work. 2004; 12-14
[5]. Lauren Mizock & Thomas K. Lewis 2008, Trauma in Transgender Populations: Risk, Resilience, and Clinical Care, journal of emotional abuse , 335-354
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Abstract: Most of the Forest Reservation in Kandhamal subdivision was carried out before Revenue Survey and Settlement of land rights was finalized consequences seems to be that in absence of recognized rights in unsurveyed areas, the Reservation of forests seems to have ignored tribal settlements interspersed within these forests. The problem seems to have been aggravated because even proper physical verification of the areas proposed to be declared as Reserve Forests wasn't taken up to ensure whether settlements existed within these RFs..................
KEY WORDS: Survey and Settlement, Tribal, Sanctuary, Forest right, Forest Village and Minor Forest Produce
[1]. Bapat, Jyotsna . 2005. "Development Projects and Critical Theory of Environment" Sage Publication, New Delhi.
[2]. Baverstock, Philip. The Price of Progress: Buying Development from the Poor Unpublished paper, Forum for Fact-Finding, Documentation and Advocacy (FFDA) Raipur, India
[3]. Cox, D. 1993. "Social Work Practice, Education and People-Centered Development in the Asia Pacific Region" The Indian Journal of Social Work, 54(3).
[4]. Haan, A. and A. Dubey, 2003, 'Extreme Deprivation in Re Explanatory Concept', paper for Chronic Poverty and Development Policy Conference, Univ. of Manchester.
[5]. Katare, P.M & Barik, B.C (Ed. Vol) Development, Deprivation and Human rights Violation, Rawat Publication, New Delhi (2002).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CHILLIES – The Prime Spice – A History |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Indu Mehta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207093236 ![]() |
Abstract: Chillies are known from prehistoric times in Peru. They are believed to have originated in the tropical America. It is also said that chillies have originated in the Latin American region of the New Mexico and Guatemala as a wild crop around 7500 B.C. as per the remains of the pre – historic Peru. The people native to these places domesticated this crop in and around 5000 B.C. Chilli is said to be the first ever domesticated crop in America. At that time, Chillies were cultivated by the farmers together with a primary crop to protect the primary crop from any damage from birds. Columbus carried chilli seed to Spain in 1493. The cultivation of Chilli spread rapidly from Spain to Europe............. .
Keywords: Pepper, spice, Cultivation, Chilli, Varieties
[1]. Anderson, Heather Arndt, 2016, Chillies : SA Global History, Publisher, Reaktion Books.
[2]. Belton, Howard, 2015, A History of the World, Published by Author House, UK, 1663 Liberty Drive, Bloomington, IN 47403 USA.
[3]. Chadha, K.L., 2002 Handbook of Agricultures, ICAR, New Delhi.
[4]. Dave Dewitt, the Chile Pepper Encyclopedia, (William Marrow : New Work), 1999.
[5]. Dave Dewitt, the Chile Pepper Encyclopedia, (William Marrow : New Work), 1999. Pg. 68-69..
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze functional literacy, numeracy, problem solving skills and their impacts on students' culinary creativity at SMK Jasa Boga (Vocational high schools of culinary services). This study is a research of explanatory survey method. The population in this study is all eleventh graders (second-year students) of SMK Jasa Boga in Malang Raya who have done Praktik Kerja Industri (Industrial Work Practice). The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the samples of 327 respondents. The instruments used in the research were Guttman-scale questionnaires for functional literacy and numeracy and Likert-scale questionnaires for problem solving and culinary creativity..........
Key Words: skill, functional literacy, numeracy, problem solving, culinary skill creativity
[1]. ACTE. 2009. CTE's Role in Adolescent Literacy. The Association for Career and Technical Education: 1410 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 800-826-9972 703-683-3111
[2]. Aring, M. 2011. Technical and Vocational Education and Training A Study of Promising Models in International Development. Produced by Education Development Center, Inc.
[3]. Benn, J. 2014. Food, nutrition or cooking literacy-a review of concepts and competencies regarding food education.IJHE ,7(1). Retrieved from Benn, Jette_pdf
[4]. European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. 2012. From education to working life. The labour market outcomes of vocational education and training. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
[5]. Fafeita, J & Lloyd, A. 2012. rPlating up Information Literacy as a Social Practice: A Slice of the Literature. Australian Academic & Research Libraries,.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Niger Delta and Powerless Politics |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nsirim – Worlu, Heoma Gladys |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207094752 ![]() |
Abstract: This work was set out to investigate how the Niger Delta and its people are involved in powerless politics in Nigeria. In the process we described the Niger Delta and its people and further contextualised powerless politics. This work proposed that the more a people engage in powerless politics, the more the region is underdeveloped. With that we went to the field to find out how the elites are engaged in powerless politics and so some three hundred persons were purposively interviewed and more than 75% of the respondents answered in the affirmative.............
Keywords: Niger Delta, Elites, Powerless, Politics and South-South.[1]. Aina, E.O.A and N. O. Adedipe (1996). The Petroleum Industry and The Environmental Impact in Nigeria. Abuja, FEPA.
[2]. Delta Environmental Network (1995). Niger Delta Environment. A paper presented in a workshop in Port Harcourt.
[3]. Ekpo, U. (2004). The Niger Delta and Oil Politics. Lagos, International Energy Communications Ltd
[4]. Fundamentals of Marxist – Leninist Philosophy (1985). Moscow, Progress Publishers
[5]. Giddens, A. (2006). Sociology. Cambridge, Polity Press..
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Abstract: The study evaluated the post effect of port concession on Nigerian dockworkers. Three hypotheses were formulated and tested using Chi square with the help of computer based software known as SPSS version 21. The Chi square analysis revealed that there was significant increase in the level of employment, improved working conditions and that dockworkers are well trained and equipped in the post concession era.
Keywords: Port concession, Dockworkers, Ports, Port model, Dock labour.
[1]. Aponjolosun, M.O (2011). Impact of port privatization on employment in port (A case study of Apapa port). Bsc thesis, Regional Maritime University Accra, Ghana.
[2]. Dock labour (Registration and Control of Employment) rules (1990) section 2 cap.198
[3]. International Labour Conference 90th Session (2002). Available from: 1b.pdf [accessed 15 March 2017]
[4]. Leigland, J and Palson, G (2007). Technical and financial Assessment of the Nigerian Port Sector: Recommendation for port reform. Report to the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Transport, PPIAF, Washington, DC.
[5]. Lucey .T (2002). Quantitative Techniques, sixth edition, MPG Books Ltd,Bodmin.
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Abstract: HIV/ AIDS is the fourth most common causes of premature deaths in the world and the leading cause of deaths in Africa. The fight against HIV/AIDS is of public concern because the epidemic could undermine the collective development effort. In staging this effort, the participation of both men and women is critical in combating the scourge. However, it is evident that the participation of men in Kenya has been minimal or non-existent in the various intervention strategies. This paper is based on a study that was carried out in Nairobi, Kenya, to establish the reasons of non-participation of men in the HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives............
[1]. Abdool Karim, S. S., Abdool Karim, Q., Preston- Whyte, E., &Sankar, N. (1992) Reasons for Lack of Condom Use among High School Students. South African Medical Journal.
[2]. Abdool Karim SS (2010, 25th February) 'Timing of initiation of antiretroviral drugs during tuberculosis therapy' New England Journal of Medicine
[3]. AEIGS (1999, 3rd December) 'Health-Kenya: President Moi Joins the campaign Against HIV/AIDS'
[4]. African Press International (2009, 11th November) 'The Global Fund supports 2.3 million people on life- prolonging antiretroviral drugs'
[5]. AIDS Analysis Africa (20000 'Kenya calls AIDS a national disaster- but vetoes condoms', Feb-Mar:10 (5):10.
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Abstract: Trafficking in Persons (TIP) has become a detoriating issue in our society. The study investigated the effects of socio-economic status of trafficking in person on incidence of human trafficking in Southern Nigeria. TIP records were collected from National Agency for Prohibition of Traffic in Persons (NAPTIP) between 2010 and 2014 while socio-economic characteristics were collected from National Bureau of Statistics. Clusters analysis was carried out to segment the number of incidence at the LGA level into statistically contiguous groups....................
Keywords: Socio-economic Characteristics, Trafficking in person, Clusters, Southern Nigeria
[1]. Abdulkadir M.S.(2010) Economic Crises, Poverty, Unemployment, Slave and Human Trafficking in Nigeria. International Colloquium on Slavery, Slave Trade and their Consequences 2010;
[2]. Agbu O. (2003): Corruption and Human Trafficking: The Nigeria Case West Africa Review ISSN: 1094-2254 volume 4, number 1
[3]. Akor,L. (2011). Trafficking of women in Nigeria, causes, consequences and the way foward. Corvinus Journal of Sociological and social policy,volume 2 , 89-110.
[4]. Anderson, B. & O'Connell Davidson, J. (2002): Trafficking–a demand led problem? A multi-country pilot study, save the Children Sweden pp 42
[5]. ANPPCAN. (2010). African Network for Preventing and Protection Against,Child Abuse; Eradicating child Abuse and Neglect in Nigeria City square. Nairaobi, Kenya: ANPPCAN.
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Abstract: Everyday thousands of people from all over the country are falling victims to different kinds of offences. As a result of the occurrences the victim as well as his/her family suffers tremendously. The victims as beneficiaries of the laws do not have any specific access to receive compensation as of right rather have been made optional by the laws in particular and by the courts in general. Apart from this the existing laws are quite insufficient to redress the sufferings of the victims as a whole...........
Key words: Victim of crime; reluctance of victims to report crimes; crime victim compensation right; concept & nature of victimization with effects; primary victimization & its consequence; idea & scope of victimology with its variants; crime victim's compensation right-International perspective; crime victim in the criminal justice system of Bangladesh; findings, recommendations & unit summary.
[1]. Faruk, Omar and Khatun, Nurjahan (2008), Crime Index Bangladesh 2007,
[2]. First Edition, Academic Press and Publishers Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[3]. Kulshrestha, V.D (2005), Landmarks in Indian legal and constitutional History eighth edition, India.
[4]. Paranjape, Dr. N.V. (2005), Criminology and Penology; Twelfth Edition; Central Law Publications; India.
[5]. Sutherland, Edwin H. & Cressy, Donald R. (1960); Principles of Criminology, J.B. Lippincott Company, USA..