Version-11 (July-2017)
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Abstract: This study examined the relationship between resident's socio-economic status and the factors they consider in making their residential location decision in Port-Harcourt metropolis. Three specific objectives considered were; to ascertain the factors that influence residential location decision, determine the prominent factors influencing residential location decision in Port-Harcourt, and examine the relationship between these factors and socio-economic characteristics of residents. The questionnaire was used to illicit information from residents. The study.............
Keywords: Housing, Determinants, Neighbourhood,, Residential and Portharcourt .
[1]. Ahmad, N. (1992) "Choice of Location and Mobility Behaviour of Migrant Households In a Third World City" Urban Studies , 29 ( 7) 1147-1157.
[2]. Anand, P.D., and Taraknath, M. (2010)"Residential Location Choice: A Study of Household Preferences for the City of Nagpur" Institute of Town Planners Indian Journals, 7 (3) 1 – 19.
[3]. Burgess, R., and Skeltys, N. (1992) Findings from the Housing and Location Choice Survey: an overview', eds. Housing and Urban Development Division and Department of Health Housing and Community Services. Australian Government Publishing Service
[4]. Clark, W.A.V., and Withers, S. (1999)"Changing Jobs and Changing Houses: Mobility Outcomes of Employment Transitions" Journal of Regional Science, 39(4), 653–673
[5]. Eun, J., Daniel, A., Rodriguez, Y. (2008) "The Role of Employment Sub Centers in Residential Location Decision" Journal of Transport and Land Use, 1 (2) 121–151.
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Abstract: Based on the Axial Coding from the visiting spot and theme of the Member of the Political Bureau between 2013 to 2016, this article is used to explore the recently dynamic of governance after 18th CPC National Congress. The Chinese Member of the Political Bureau have been to all provinces in China, however, the visiting spot or theme are not balance, In order to achieve governance objectives, they have to think about the national policy and the particularity of each province. All the Member of the Political Bureau have been pay more attention on decentralization and innovation. As we can see, the decentralization between government and market has been made a policy. We found that the reform and innovation are the main policy and dynamic. The Power of Chinese government and the activity of market has consisted............
Keywords: the latest dynamic of Chinese governance; visiting density; market-augmenting government; axial coding.
[1]. Heilmann,Sebastian. Policy Experimentation in China's Economic Rise Studies in Comparative International Development,2008,43(1)
[2]. Roland,Gerard. Transition and Economics: Politics,Markets and Firms. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press,2000
[3]. Mancur Olson. The Rise and Decline of Nations Yale University Press, 1982.
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Abstract: This paper assesses the sanitation management approaches in Mavoko town. It analyses the geographical aspects and takes into account the economic considerations used in managing sanitation. The assessment reveals that the sanitation management approaches used are neither appropriate nor sustainable. The conventional sewer system serves less than 40% of the population while the septic tank is widely used in Mavoko town but compromises the environment with potential threat to the health of the population's resident in the study area due to the low infiltration capacity of the black cotton soils which are not conducive to onsite sanitation systems (OSS). The resident population is desirous of protecting the environment but is challenged by the high cost of operation and maintenance of the septic tank. Government intervention is recommended to facilitate pooling of financial resources spent on maintaining the septic tank to upgrade to a conventional sewer system which is best suited for the area.
KEY WORDS: Location, Mavoko, sanitation management approaches, sustainable development.
[1]. Anand, P.B. (2006) is the Millenium Development Goal for water and Sanitation on track. Target 10 revisited. University of Bradford. International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development. 5: 3 2006 Intellect ltd. pp 197-208
[2]. Biran A, Schmidt W P, Zeleke L, Emukule H, Khay H, Parker J and Peprah D (2012) Tropical Medicine and International Health Vol 17 No. 9 pp1133-1141
[3]. Burnham environmental services limited (2015) waste and sewage treatment plants
[4]. Caincross, S (2003) Sanitation in the developing world: Current status and future solutions. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 13, S123-S131
[5]. Gaikwad, K.S, Mehta, K.S, Sonecha, R.J, Daxini, P.D, and Ratan, P.B (2014) Journal of Engineering Research and Applications 4:5 pp 25-32
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Abstract: In a college, libraries play the most vital role in educating the user community. Yes, libraries do not take classes but it helps in widening the knowledge by providing essential resources and services to the users. Therefore, to do this library must have a good amount of collections. Without adequate collection college library cannot helps its users in developing their knowledge and skill. Now a day's library not only collects the printed resources for its users, besides this, it collects electronic resources, online resources for performing better service to its users. In this paper, an effort has been made to define the term collection development and the status of collection development in the libraries of Dhakuakhana subdivision of Lakhimpur district, Assam .
Keywords: collection development, electronic resources, college library, Dhakuakhana,, Lakhimpur.
[1] Choudhary, B.K. (1989).Collection development policy in college libraries. ILM, 2(4), Pp165-171
[2] Gardener, R.K. Library collection their origin selection and development.( New Delhi, MacMillan)
[3] Katz, W.A. (1980). Collection development: the selection of materials for libraries. New Delhi. Rinehart and Winston.
[4] Ashraf, Tarit (2004). Problems of library acquisition.New Delhi. Anmol Publication.
[5] Gorman, G.E and B.R. Howes. (1989) .Collection development for libraries.4th ed. London: Bowker – Saur.
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Abstract: The issue of women and children are sophisticated in our legal system. There are some strict laws and regulations but they are not working in a satisfactory way. That is why this article attempts to find out what are successes and failure of the Act that governs the women and children repression in Bangladesh. This article examines the Prevention of Women and Children Repression Act 2000 and assesses whether the Act is effective to achieve its objectives. The article then analyzes the provisions contained in this Act and tries to remove its deficiencies.
Key Words: A The Prevention of Women and Children Repression Act 2000; rape; dowry; abduction; trafficking; sexual assault; ransom; media print; media electronic; offence by inflammatory substance; abetment; jurisdiction; cognizance; tribunal; custody; appeal; false case; investigation; under ss 144 and 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure; constitution of tribunal and jurisdiction; trial and execution process; general observation; statistical studies of recent trends; success and failure of the Prevention of Women and Child Repression Act 2000.
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Abstract: There is two cases study on this research. First, the ratio decidenci on law decision. Second, the substantive aspects of ratio decidenci in criminal cases. This normative legal research uses statutory approach, conceptual approach, philosophical approach, historical approach, and comparative approach. The primary material in this research is the 1945 National Indonesian Republic Constitution and Law No. 48/2009 on the Judiciary Power. Meanwhile, the secondary materials consist of books, results of experts research, documents issued by authorized institutions, as well as journals or scientific works relating to judicial power. The results of this study concluded into 2 things. First, the position..............
Keywords: substantive aspects, retio decidendi, judges, law decision, criminal justice system
[1]. Jaksa menuntut Mochtar Mohammad selama 12 tahun penjara dan denda Rp 300 juta subsider enam bulan. Jumlah hukuman tersebut merupakan kumulatif dari empat perkara yang didakwakan kepada terdakwa. Lihat, Viva News, "Pengadilan Tipikor Bebaskan Walikota Bekasi", dalam, (Accessed 14 December 2011).
[2]. Viva News, "MA: PN Tipikor Surabaya Bebaskan 9 Koruptor", dalam, (Accessed 2 February 2012).
[3]. Republika, "Terdakwa Kasus Sandal Jepit Terbukti Bersalah", Republika, 5 Januari 2012. Lihat juga, M. Gibran Sesunan, "Kasus Sandal Jepit Cermin Menjauhnya Keadilan", dalam keadilan.html., (Accessed 2 February 2012).
[4]. Umar Sholahuddin, Hukum & Keadilan Masyarakat Perspektif Kajian Sosiologi Hukum, (Malang: Setara Press, 2011), 64
[5]. Kediri Jaya, "Kasus Basar Ubah Paradigma Hukum", dalam, (Accessed 2 February 2012..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Secularism in India: A Myth or Reality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sumbul Fatima |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207114953 ![]() |
Abstract: India, the land of bewildering diversity, is a conglomeration of people, cultures, languages and religions. India's diversity is reflected in the coexistence of sensuality and asceticism, carelessness and efficiency, gentleness and violence. In short, India is a kaleidoscope, you touch it and there is a new combination of shapes and colours. The American society is looked at in the terms of a 'melting pot', India, on the other hand, is not a 'melting pot' it is a 'mosaic'. India is a country which is a host to all conceivable religions and ways of life. India has followed a principle of "unity in diversity................
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence of marital conflict on depression among parents living with mentally retarded children (Intellectual disability). One hundred and eight (108) comprising 61 parents of mentally retarded children and 47 parents of non-retarded children between the ages 28-54 drawn from population of parents with mentally retarded children attending school at the Therapeutic Day Care Center (T. D. C. C.); Evami special school independence layout Enugu and UNTH Ituku Ozalla (OPD section) were used for the study using criterion sampling............
Keywords:Marital conflict, depression, Parents and Mentally Retarded Children (Intellectual disability) Introduction.
[1] Achenbach, T. M & Edelbrock, C. (1983). Manual for the Child Behaviour Checklist and Revised Child-Behaviour Profile. Burlinton, V. T. University, Association in Psychiatry.
[2] American Psychiatric Association (2000) Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed test R) Washington, D.C. Author.
[3] American Psychiatric Association (2008) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – IV 4th Ed Re) Washington D.C.
[4] American Association of Mental Retardation (2010) family Resources and stress associated with having a mentally Retarded child. American Journal of Mental retardation, 93 (2) 184- 192.
[5] Baxter, C, Cummins, R.A. & Polak, S (1995) A longitudinal Study of Parental stress and support: From diagnosis of Disability to leaving school. International Journal of Bailey, D.B & Simeonsson, R. J. (2008). Family Assessment in Early Intervention. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing Company
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Abstract: The present research study is carried out under the title "the impact of skill enhancement trainings of Crop Maximization Project on the agriculture development of small farmers of district Charsadda". The main objective of the paper is to know about the impact of skill enhancement trainings on the agriculture development of small farmers. Two union councils i.e. Rajjar-II and Sarki Tetara were selected for this research study. A sample size of 150 respondents was purposively selected from the research universe. The data were collected through pre-tested interview schedule. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS. For showing the association and relationships between variables...................
Keyterms: Agriculture development, Crop Maximization project, skill enhancement trainings, modern technology and practice.
[1] Ahmad, M. (2007). Impact of Trainings Imparted to Enhance Agricultural Production in District Mansehra. Sarhad J. Agric,vol.23 , 4 .pp.13.
[2] Alila, R. A. (2006). Agricutural Policy in Kenya. Future Agricultures,Kenyian Agriculture Department, pp. 3-5.
[3] Bajwa, R. (2007). Agriculture Extention and the role of the Private Sector in Pakistan. Islamabad: National Rural Suport Program (NRSP).pp.19.
[4] Bushra, M. (2017). Women Empowerment through Income Generating Activated Role of NGOs Credit Program in Sub Division Bagh, AJK.European Academic Research Journal. Bucharest, Romania. Vol. IV, pp.8714
[5] Comer. (1990). Poverty Alleviation and human resources development. National center for development studies ,Austrian National University , pp.24..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Abolition of Untouchability |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gayathri. U |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207117881 ![]() |
Abstract: Untouchability" is a practice which is abolished & considered to be forbidden by law. And practicing this activity is considered to be offence and punishable in Law.Defensive separation is one of the essential strategies through which Constitutional objectives like social and financial equity can be secured to the Women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Defensive separation implies inclination given in admission to open instructive foundations and in broad daylight work to the weaker areas of the general public including the Women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. As India is having assorted qualities regarding religion, standings, conviction and groups with various levels of social and instructive progression, which made it troublesome for the State to embrace uniform arrangement to all segments of the general public............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Free Consent to Contract |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Gayathri. U |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207118284 ![]() |
Abstract: In this, valid contract is an agreement which is enforceable by the law. Void contract is an agreement which is not enforceable by the law. In between valid contract and void contract there stands voidable contract. Voidable contract is an contract which is recognised by the Indian Contract Act and it is valid at the option of the aggrieved party to contract. Voidable contract arises out due to the flaw in consent
According to John Salmond, flaw in consent is known as error in Causa. In this case the consent of the party to contract would not be free........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Judicial Activism And Judicial Restrain In Indian Judiciary |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.Vignesh || Saleem Ahmed |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2207118590 ![]() |
Abstract: The Judiciary has been doled out dynamic part under the constitution. Legal activism and legal restriction are aspects of that uncourageous innovativeness and down to business wisdom.The idea of Judicial activism is in this manner the perfect inverse of legal limitation. Judicial activism and Judicial restriction are the two terms used to portray the theory and inspiration driving some legal choice. At most level, legal activism alludes to a hypothesis of judgment that considers the soul of the law and the evolving times, while Judicial limitation depends on a strict elucidation of the law and the significance of lawful point of reference .
Keywords: Judiciary,Motivation,legal precedent,Interpretation and Pragmatic shrewdness
[1] Dr. J. N. Pandey The constitutional law of India 50th edition Central law agency Page no-4- 8 and 248 – 271
[2] Dr. N. V. Paranjape " JurisprudenceAnd Legal Theory" 6th edition, central law agencyPage No-438
[3] www.differencebetweennet/.../difference