Version-2 (September-2018)
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Abstract: Teachers play a crucial role in the classroom instructional process. The purpose of the study was to project teacher capacity gaps in West Pokot County by 2030. The study was guided by three objectives namely to determine the primary school enrolment and the number of teachers from 2008 to 2015, to determine the teacher capacity gap from 2008 to 2015 and to project the teacher requirements gap to 2030. The research design employed was mixed method and the instruments used in data collection were interview schedule and document analysis. The study findings revealed that there would be a projected teacher capacity deficit in West Pokot County by 2030 if effective planning is not carried out; it is recommended that the government through the Teachers' Service Commission should deploy more teachers to the county
[1]. Chebitwey, D. H. (2013). Participation in primary education curriculum in North Pokot District, West Pokot County. Unpublished M. Ed Thesis. University of Nairobi.
[2]. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (3rd Ed.). University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Sage publications Inc.
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[5]. ILO-UNESCO. (2015). The Challenge of teacher shortage and quality: Have we succeeded in getting enough quality teachers into classrooms? Committee of experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching personnel (CEART). Paris: UNESCO
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Abstract: Restorative Justice (RJ) has been stipulated by Law No. 11 of 2012 regarding the Criminal Justice System for Children (CJSC) in Article 5 paragraph (1) to be implemented by the CJSC component through Diversion. Its characteristic is criticizing the work of the general criminal justice system that gives less attention to balance in society. It is still partially implemented. The problem is that there is no standard model in the restorative justice application. The formulation of problem is "How is the model for handling cases of children in conflict with the law based on Restorative Justice in the District Police of Timor" with purpose of identifying and suggesting the RJ application in handling child cases and models used by the officers of District Police Timor. The method used......
KEYWORD: Model, Handling, Children in Conflict with Law, Restorative Justice
[1]. Arief Barda Nawawi, Mediasi Penal Penyelesaian Perkara di Luar Pengadilan, Master Library, Semarang, 2012.
[2]. Balitbang Depkumham,. Kajian tentang aspek HAM dalam UU Pengadilan Anak No 3 tahun 1997, Jakarta, 2004
[3]. Arief Barda Nawawi and Muladi , Teori-Teori dan Kebijakan Pidana, Alumni, Bandung, 2010
[4]. Johanes Sutoyo, (editor); Anak dan Kejahatan, Criminology Department - Faculty of Social SciencesUI and YKAI, Jakarta., 1993
[5]. Marlina, Konsep Diversi dan Restorative Justice Dalam RUU Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak; Power Point: 2010
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Abstract: Despite the Middle East is considered as a conflict-ridden region, relatively some major tourism destination such as Jordan is safe, however, these destinations' geographic location has resulted in tourists‟ misperceptions and had a negative effect on tourism throughout the Middle East. This study aimed to uncover the challenges of decreased the flow of tourists to the Jordan to restore a positive image after the crisis following the Arab Spring uprisings. Literature analysis method was applied to review previous literature on perceived risks in the Middle East. Results of the analysis revealed the issues that influence tourists‟ perceived risk toward the region and Jordan particularly were geographical ignorance of safe destinations, a biased coverage of the media, different culture influence personal characteristics concerning freedom, and weakness of previous experiences. Findings further revealed that studies regarding during-traveling sampling of international tourists in the Middle East are limited
KEYWORD: Perceived Risk, Tourism Crisis, Middle East, Jordan.
[1]. Garg, A. (2015). Travel risks vs tourist decision making: a tourist perspective. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Systems, 8(1), 1-9.
[2]. Jensen, S., & Svendsen, G. T. (2016). Social Trust, Safety and the Choice of Tourist Destination. Business and Management Horizons, 4(1), 1-9.
[3]. Chew, E., & Jahari, S. A. (2014). Destination image as a mediator between perceived risks and revisit intention: A case of post-disaster Japan. Tourism Management, 40, 382-393.
[4]. Sohn, H. K., & Yoon, Y. S. (2016). Verification of Destination Attachment and Moderating Effects in the Relationship Between the Perception of and Satisfaction with Tourism Destinations: A Focus on Japanese Tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 33(5), 757-769.
[5]. Mitchell, V. W., & Vassos, V. (1998). Perceived risk and risk reduction in holiday purchases: A cross-cultural and gender analysis. Journal of Euromarketing, 6(3), 47-79.
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Abstract: Considerable proportions of married women in India experience violence from their male partners. Gender theorists have underscored the role of masculine norms in contributing to alcohol intoxication and violence towards female partners. Though there exist a number of studies on gender based violence in general and domestic violence in particular, not many studies have focused solely on the men's account of the violence. This study attempts to examine the gender construction ebedded in the selves of male perpetrators of domestic violence. The study includes case studies of 15 (Fifteen) heterosexual, married men hailing from Malappuram District, Kerala who were selected purposively. A qualitative methodology was used for the study. It was found that these men presented themselves as..........
KEYWORD : Domestic Violence, Masculinity, Alcoholism
[1]. Anderson & Umberson. Gender and Society, 2001;15(3):358-380
[2]. Conell, RW. Change among the gatekeepers: men, masculinities, and gender equality in the global arena.Signs, 2005; 30(3):1801-1825. [3]. Dobash, R. E., & Dobash, R. P. Violent men and violent contexts. In R. E. Dobash & R. P. Dobash (Eds.), Sage series on violence against women, Rethinking violence against women.1998;9:141-168.
[4]. International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and ICF. 2017. National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), 2015-16: India. Mumbai: IIPS.
[5]. Kirkwood,. Leaving abusive partners: From the scars of survival to the wisdom for Newbury Park, 1993;44
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Abstract: In this study an attempt has been made to an analysis of impact of credit on the performance of J&K state economy output. For the measurement purpose simple and a multivariate regressions have been employed and the results of both the model confirms that credit plays an important role in improving the performance of our state economy output. Therefore, policy makers should make optimum utilization of credit so that growth rate of output of our state economy can be still improved which finally enhance the standard of living of the people in our state economy.
Key Words: Credit, Impact, Performance, Output, regression models, etc
[1]. Digest of statistics; Directorate of Economics and Statistics; Govt. of J&K, various issues.
[2]. J &Economic Survey 2014-15.
[3]. J&K, State Level Bankers Committee, various issues
[4]. Ministry of Finance and Commerce, Government of Jammu and Kashmir various issues
[5]. Official websites of RBI and, and
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Abstract: The Kenyan government has since the 1990s born the pain if being reminded that it has to undertake certain policy reforms in order to receive development aid from the West. This research examines the challenges that the EU and Kenyan government have faced in using Country Systems to manage EU development aid since 2007. The study is guided by conditionality theory. The research uses a mixed method case study research design to gather data from 60 respondents and 3 Key Informants purposely selected from 180 staff members tasked to manage EU funds at the European Union Delegation to Kenya and 6 line ministries. Primary data collection is done through questionnaires containing.........
Keywords: Country Systems, Foreign aid management, EU development aid, Kenya Government, EU.
[1]. OECD (2012), Aid Effectiveness 2011: Progress in Implementing the Paris Declaration, Better Aid, OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI:
[2]. Accra High Level Forum (2008). Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Accra Agenda for Action, Accra, Ghana, 2–4 September 2008. Retrieved March 21 2011, from
[3]. Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (BPa), (2011). Endorsed at the Fourth High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan, Republic of Korea, 29 November-1 December 2011. Retrieved from
[4]. OECD (2009), Managing Development Resources: The Use of Country Systems in Public Financial Management, Better Aid, OECD Publishing, Paris. DOI:
[5]. CABRI (Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative) (2014). Towards a greater use of country systems in Africa: Recent trends and approaches. Synthesis report. Pretoria: CABRI. Retrieved from
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Abstract: This article is a critical analysis of the Arabic version of the 'Moroccan strategic vision of education and training'. This 'vision', which was issued by the Moroccan Supreme Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research, establishes a roadmap for reforming the Moroccan educational and training systems from 2015 to 2030. The 'vision' is analyzed within the framework of critical discourse analysis. As such, micro and macro linguistic features are utilized to scrutinize the structure of the text. The focus is, in particular, on how language can be strategically used to influence the reader's perception of education and training and implicitly enforce them to accept the council's recommendations. By analyzing the text, it is observed that the council uses a number of linguistic techniques (e.g. nominalization, metaphorization, handling responsibility, techniques of persuasion, etc.) to negatively evaluate the past and present education and training situations and dictate an urgent action to reform education and training..
Keywords: critical discourse analysis, strategic vision, report, Moroccan education, nominalization, metaphorization
[1]. N. Fairclough, and R. Wodak, critical discourse analysis. In T. Van Dijk (Ed.), discourse as social interaction (London: SAGE, 1997) 258-84.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Managing Ethno-Religious Identity Conflicts in Kaduna State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Lamorde, ZayyadAbubakar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-2309025157 ![]() |
Abstract: Nigeria,Africa‟s most populated country,has faced varying levels of internal conflicts in almost all the regions of the country. Having coexisted for over 100 years as a country since its creation by the British colonial administration in 1914, it would have been expected that the different ethnic and religious groups in the country could coexist in peace and harmony but the situation is not so, as ethnic and religious violence is a common occurrence in the country, most especially in the northern regions with Kaduna State among the most affected. This study is undertaken to understand how ethno-religious conflicts in Kaduna and Nigeria can be prevented. This will be done by trying to........
Keywords: Ethno-religious identity, violent conflicts,Management, Kaduna State
[1]. Abdu, H, and Umar, L. (2002). "Hope Betrayed: A Report on Impunity and State-Sponsored Violence in Nigeria". World Organization against Torture (OMCT publications)
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[3]. Adeline, I. and Okechukwu, E. (2015) "Ethno-Religious Identities in Nigeria: Implications for Governance in Nigeria" Journal of Policy and Development Studies Vol. 9, No. 5, November 2015
[4]. Ambe-Uva, T.N. (2010). "Identity Politics and the Jos Crisis: Evidences, Lessons, and Challenges of Good Governance". School of International Studies, National Open University of Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria.
[5]. CNN Wire (2012)
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Abstract: Nations sought the attainment of distinct objectives in the process of governing their entities; some of which they attain on their own, while co-operating with other international actors (states and non-state actors like individuals and INGOs) to meet the more difficult goals. All the decisions, actions and inactions of nations involving the cooperation with or support from other entities transcending their borders to solve pending national and regional issues fall within the ambience of foreign policy. Seen as calculated, goal-oriented, and purposive activities altering or creating a condition outside the sovereign boundaries to gain national advantages, usually define vis-à-vis national interest, foreign policy has serious implication for nation‟s international image. The study examines........
Keywords: Foreign policy, global image, national interest, Afrocentrism, concentric circle, corruption, insecurity, rationality, Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, Muhammadu Buhari.
[1]. Adekaiyaoja, A. (2017, June 2). Foreign policy under president Buhari. Stears Business. Retrieved from
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[4]. Ajayi, K. (2005). Nigeria's foreign policy and image crisis. AJPAM, 16(2), 50-63.
[5]. Akinboye, O. A. and Ottoh, O. F. (2014). A systematic approach to international relations. Lagos, Nigeria: Concept Publications Ltd.
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Abstract: The most difficult goal to achieve by entrepreneurs is keeping the development of their companies on not as muchhigh what optimal level, what is also the main subject and aim of the research in the present article. Enterprises, which start their economic activity,need not only proper resources management, elaborated budget or good finances control, but also good communication, smoothness between departments and different sizes economic entities. To achieve this, they should develop a cooperation strategy consisting in technological and organisational combination of production and distribution with sales or other processes connected with functioning of the entity, what is also the main research hypothesis.Therefore, in the development of entrepreneurship of the Eurasia Countries and Poland the main role should play cooperation. This article includes the research method which takes into consideration a comparative analysis and synthesis of the material...
Keywords: Eurasia · entrepreneurship · development · economy · cooperation
[1]. Acemoglu, D., Aghion, P., Griffith, R., Zilibotti F. (2007). Vertical Integration and Technology: Theory and Evidence, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics University of Zurich. Working Paper Series, No 342, pp. 1-54.
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[3]. Ansoff, H., I. (1957). Strategies for Diversification. Harvard Business Review, 35, pp. 113-124.
[4]. Ayob, A., H., Dana, L., P. (2017). Product Strategies for Export Ventures: An Empirical Investigation among SMEs in an Emerging Economy. Jurnal Pengurusan, 50, pp. 25-33.
[5]. Berggrun, L., Fuenzalida, D., Mongrut, S. (2017).Capital Markets and Firm Performance in Emerging Economies. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 53 (10), pp. 2157-2158.
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Abstract: The aim of this paper was to explore the factors that are associated with low uptake and utilisation of reproductive health services by students in Masvingotertiary institutions. Despite having various reproductive health services in the tertiary institutions,students are faced with unprecedented challenges related to Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH).These challenges include a severe HIV epidemic, exposing young women to extra ordinarily high rates of new infections, high levels of early and unintended pregnancies and limited access to sexual and reproductive health rights (UNFPA; 2012). In response to the National Reproductive Health policy guidelines of 2004 and the National ASRH Strategy1:2011-2015, Masvingo Tertiary institutions have developed friendly corners............
Keywords: Low-uptake, reproductive-health, female, institutions.
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