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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Rural Development Strategy in Nigeria: Lessons from the Past |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Oshinfowokan Oluseyi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309060110 ![]() |
Abstract: Rural development is centrally focused on organizing human and natural resources designed to provide a solution to the perennial problems of poverty and deprivation of rural folks with a view of raising their living conditions. Nigeria since the past five decades has been in a continuous search for the solutions to virtually major development problems, this situation has posed serious challenges to the development strategies in Nigeria The study assessed the rural development strategy in Nigeria and the lesion learnt from it. The specific objectives include evaluation of the extent to which rural development policies and programmes have been addressed and tackled in Nigeria and the challenges of its implementing rural development rural development............
Keywords: poverty, rural, development, strategy, population
[1]. Abass I. M (1993) ―the Challenges of Rural Development in a deregulated economy‖. being a paper prepared for a National seminar on Rural Development doing more less developing Rural resources in a deregulated economy organized by New Nigerian Newspapers Limited In collaboration With Arthur Green Consultants held at Shiroro Hotel MInna ,Niger State 10-12 february.
[2]. Adedayo, A(1988): An evaluation of Public Policies for Rural Development in Nigeria in Sao Paulo Afica:Revata Do contro d EstudesAfricanes)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The effect of explicit correctivefeedback on phonological intelligibility |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | KaushikaPremarathne |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309061119 ![]() |
Abstract: The effect of explicit instruction on pronunciation has been a scarcely studied area in the field of Second Language teaching. Thus, whether to correct errors or not to correct errors was strictly based on the intuitive notions of facilitators due to the lack of researchand guidance on error correction. During the 19th century, L2 researchers began to study the impact of Corrective Feedback on pronunciation and discovered a discernible effect of explicit instruction on pronunciationon the basis of "Uptake‟ (Moley, 1994; Light& Spada, 1999; Kazuya, 2013& Baker, 2016). Uptake.........
KEYWORD: Explicit corrective feedback, phonological accuracy, phonological fluency
[1]. Ahangari.S. (2014). The effect of self, peer and teacher correction on the pronunciation improvement of Iranian EFL learners. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 5(1). Doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.5n.1p.81
[2]. Baker, A. and Murphy, J. (2011). The knowledge base of pronunciation teaching: Staking out the territory. TESL Canada Journal, 28, 29-50. Retrieved January 14, 2018, from
[3]. Baker, A., &Burri, M. (2016). Feedback on second language pronunciation: A case study of EAPteachers‟ beliefs and practices. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(6). Retrieved on March 10, 2018, from
[4]. Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M., & Goodwin, J. M. (1996). Teaching pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Couper, G. (2006). The short and long-term effects of pronunciation instruction. Prospect, 21(1), 46-66.
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Abstract: Marriage in view of the Minahasa community as noble and sacred event because it brings and confound two large families that previously had no family relationship to be just one big family. The mating process of the sons and daughters of two families who do not have any family relationship is a process of building a new family of two families which is separated without kinship. Marriage binds two large families became one big family new belt by the basic values of family and customary laws are adhered together. The importance of this study is to describe and analyze the background of changes in marriage customs sub-ethnic Minahasa people in the village TountemboanRaanan Lama, District Motoling West, South Minahasa regency. Research on traditional marriage Minahasa sub-ethnic society Tountemboan using qualitative descriptive approach, with the grounded theory method because in this study the researchers tried to construct a theory based on the data that exist in the field.............
KEYWORD: Marriage, Tradition, Change, Cultural, Social
[1]. Keesing, Roger M &Gunawan S. (1992). Antropologi Budaya Suatu Perspektif Kontemporer. Jilid II. Terjemahandaribuku..............
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Abstract: Religious behavior is an action or activity undertaken follower of Islam Wetutelu Bayan, Lombok, associated with traditional ceremonies Gama and Luir Gama. Religious behavior in both ceremonies that are syncretic consisting of the elements of local beliefs, Hinduism, and Islam. In various forms of traditional ceremonies Gama and Luir Gama, the unique look of religious behavior that is different Islamic Lima Time in Lombok. In a traditional ceremony of the Koran tomb after establishing IdhulFitr prayers for example, clearly visible in the governance of the influence of the Hindu ceremony.The syncretic behavior, the identity of which is attached to the present. Syncretic behavior is the result of construction ToaqLokaq (ancestor) of the process of acculturation and adaptation against foreign culture in terms of maintaining its existence. The purpose of this study, to describe and analyze the.........
KEYWORD: Behavior of religion, adherents, Islam Wetutelu, custom Gama, and Luir Gama.
[1]. Bogdan, Robert and Steven Taylor. 1992. Introduction to Qualitative Methods. Surabaya: National Business.
[2]. Branca, AA, 1964, Psychology: The Science of Behavior, Ally and Bacon. Inc., Boston
[3]. Budiwanti, Erni. 2000. Islam Sasak: Time versus teluWetu Lima. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
[4]. FadliBahri, 2008. Encyclopedia of Muslim, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Jakarta: PustakaAzzam.
[5]. FazlurRahman. 1987. Islam, Second Edition, Chicago & London: University Of Chicago Press.
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Abstract: This research aims at discovering the fulfillment of worker's wage in bankrupt estate clearance process and the legal protection of worker's wage in bankrupt estate clearance process. The research is conducted with data collected using interview and documentation. The method used is juridical-normative one directed towards regulations of law (statute approach) using case approach. The research result indicate that since law is made for human, rather than for objects or other goods such as security from the secured creditor and the state with its taxes, it is therefore quite fair if the fulfillment of worker's rights is prioritized over other bills.
Keywords: Worker's Rights,Bankrupt Estate, Company
[1]. Asep Suryadi, Tanggung Jawab Direksi Dalam Kepailitan Perseroan Terbatas, Jurnal Wawasan Hukum, Vol. 26 No. 01, 2012.
[2]. Ardy Billy Lumowa, Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan YangDinyatakan Pailit Terhadap Pihak Ketiga, Lex Privatum, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2013.
[3]. Catur Irianto, Penerapan Asas Kelangsungan Usaha Dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Kepailitan Dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaraan Utang (Pkpu), Jurnal Hukum Dan Peradilan, Vol. 4, No. 2015.
[4]. Djoko Imbawani Atmadjaja& Anwar, Kedudukan Menteri Keuangan Dalam Kepailitan Perusahaan Asuransi, Jurnal Media Hukum, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2012.
[5]. Erma Defiana Putriyanti dan Tata Wijayanta, Kajian Hukum Tentang Penerapan Pembuktian Sederhana Dalam Perkara Kepailitian Asuransi, Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2010..
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Abstract: This research aims at analyzing the essence of political party's right to recall its members in DPR, whether this right to recall its members in DPR has been consistent with the principles of law-based democratic country and what juridical consequences of this right to recall if it remains in the political party's hand.This is normative law research. The research result indicates that the essence of political party's right to recall its members in the House of Representatives is to allow the political party to monitor their members who represent them in the parliament for this party is nevertheless a political organization with its own aspirations going into the democracy arena hence its members should remain compliant and obedient to the party's policy even if it conflicts with the fighting spirit of people's representatives. Yet, a political party's right to recall is not consistent with the principles of a democratic country if the reason for recalling their members in the House of Representatives (DPR) merely because their members in DPR violate the political party's Statutes and Bylaws..
Key words:Recall, Membership, Regional House of Representatives
[1]. B.N. Marbun, kamus politik, Penertbit Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1996.
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[5]. Moh. Mahfud MD, 2003, Demokrasi Dan Konstitusi Di Indonesia, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fanonism, Orientalism and Othering with Reference to The Mimic Men |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shyama E || Dr.Salil Varma R |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309064853 ![]() |
Abstract: Cultural identities reflect common historical experiences and shared cultural codes which are distorted and destroyed when colonisation turns to the past of oppressed people. Fanon advocates passionate research to discover beyond the misery of today, beyond self-contempt and resignation, some very beautiful and splendid era whose existence rehabilitates us. Said‟s Orientialism exposes Eurocentric universalism, which takes for granted both the superiority of what is European or Western, and the inferiority of what is not. Othering describes the ways in which colonial discourse produces its subjects. Spivak explains othering as a dialectical process: the colonizing Other is established at the same time as its colonized others are produced as subjects. This paper examines The Mimic Men by V.S. Naipaul in the light of Fanonism, Orientalism and Othering.
[1]. Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin. Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies. Routledge, 1998
[2]. Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory. Manchester University Press, 2010.
[3]. Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin White Masks. Grove Press, 1963.
[4]. --- "On National Culture." The Wretched of the Earth. Grove Press, 1963.
[5]. Gugelberger, George M. "Postcolonial Cultural Studies." The John Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Eds. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994, 581-5.
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Abstract: This study was to see whether there is difference learning outcomes between students taught by a holistic learning model and students taught by the lecture method. The research method used a quasi-experimental. The research sample was SMA Negeri 22 Palembang, SMA Negeri 11 Palembang, SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Palembang, and SMA PGRI 2 Palembang. The instrument used was multiple choice questions. Hypothesis testing was carried out using the t-test. The use of t-test statistics is based on the consideration that the researchers compared the average of the experimental group and the control group. Based on the calculation of the t-test by using SPSS program, Sig. (2-tailed) 0.00 <0.05, then H0 is rejected which means there is a difference between the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group students who were taught by using holistic learning models were higher than the control group students who were taught by the lecture method.
Key words: History Learning Outcome; Holistic Learning Model; Lecture Method.
[1]. Akinoglu, O. (2005). History Education and Identity. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research. Vol. 2, No.1; 2005. 234-242.
[2]. Audigier, F. (2005). Pupils' Conception of History and History Teaching. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teahing and Research. Vol. 5, No. 1.
[3]. Brett, P. (2005). Citizenship Through History-Whats Is Good Practice. International Journal of Historical, Learning, Teaching and Research. Vol. 2, No. 3; 132-141.
[4]. Gonggong, A. (2003). Sejarah Membosankan, Kurikulum Pendidikan Harus Dirubah. Semarang:
[5]. Hasan, H.S. (2003). Strategi Pembelajaran Sejarah Era Otonomi Daerah Sebagai Implementasi Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi. Historia Magistra Vilae. 2003. Bandung: Historia Utama Press.
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Abstract: The study investigated learned helplessness and self-efficacy as predictors of examination phobia among secondary school students in Obio-Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers state, Nigeria. Two research questions and two corresponding null hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted a correlational design. A sample of 241 senior secondary two (SS2) examophobic students was drawn from the population of 609 senior secondary two (SS2) examophobic students through stratified random and purposive sampling techniques. The three instruments used for data collection were:Learned Helplessness Scale (LHS), Self Efficacy Scale (SES) and Examination Phobia Scale (EPS).The three instruments, LHS, SES and EPS were validated by experts in measurement and evaluation............
Key words: Learned helplessness, self-efficacy and examination phobia.
[1]. Akca, F. (2011). The relationship between test anxiety and learned helplessness levels of students. Retrieved on January20, 2018 from www.researchgate/publications/25.
[2]. Azadan, M.N. & Khorvash, M. (2016). Predicting exam anxiety according to personality features and self-efficacy in female students. Retrieved on January20, 2018 from
[3]. Cherry,K.( 2014). Learned helplessness: what it is and Why it happens. Retrieved January 28, 2018 from www.Ver>living well>an overview of psychology>Glossary of psychology terms.
[4]. Cherry,K.( 2017). Self-efficacy. Retrieved on January 17,2018 from
[5]. Cubukcu, F.(2008). Correlation between self-efficacy and foreign language learning anxiety. Retrieved on January 20, 2018 from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Women as Human Trafficking Victim and the Related Laws in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Musfiqa Ashraf |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309066471 ![]() |
Abstract: Trafficking has appeared as one of the wickedest and most pervasive forms of human rights violation of women and children around the world. Today it has become a major social and political concern both internationally as well as nationally. Bangladesh is predominantly a source country for victims of cross-border trafficking due to a plethora of reasons. By this current study our main objective is to explore of trafficking, the present situation and the ways to lessen or combat the issue in a tradition bound society like Bangladesh. Qualitative Method like content analysis and documentary analysis has been taken for the study. Data have been gathered from different secondary sources and reports, like books, journals, newspapers, magazines and related organizations and stakeholders............
Key words: Human trafficking, NGOs, Victims.
[1]. UNODC on human trafficking and migrant smuggling". United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. 2011. Retrieved 22 March 2011
[2]. Amnesty International – People smuggling". 23 March 2009. Archived from the original on 9 March 2011. Retrieved 22 March 2011
[3]. MARRIAGE IN FORM, TRAFFICKING IN CONTENT: Non – consensual Bride Kidnapping in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 April 2014. Retrieved 2 November 2016
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Abstract: This paper aims to examine the current natural gas production stage in the Amazon Basin, as well its role for sustainable development and governance in this region. The methodology consists of literature review and survey data for the production of natural gas in the region of the sedimentary basin of the Amazon. Considering that natural gas has environmental benefits due to the lower amount of emissions when burning it compared to other fossil fuels, we drawn considerations on its uses trends to conciliate development, sustainability and governance for the inhabitants in this Brazilian region.
Key words: Energy resources, non-renewable energy source, natural gas, Amazonian basin.
[1]. ALMEIDA, F. F. M. Geologia do continente sul-americano: evolução da obra de Fernando Flávio Marques de Almeida / organizado por VirginioManteso- Neto, São Paulo; Beca, 2004.
[2]. BALCOMBE, Paul; ANDERSON, Kris; SPEIRS, Jamie; BRANDON, Nigel; HAWKES, Adam; Methane and CO2 Emissions from the Natural Gas Supply Chain an Evidence Assessment. Sustainable Gas Institute/Imperial College London. Princes Gardens, London. SW7 1NA. Sep.2015 Disponível em:
[3]. BONFIM, Pedro Roberto Almeida. Estruturação de sistemas logísticos integrado para exploração e produção de petróleo em área remota. Florianópolis, 2000. Dissertação de mestrado – Engenharia de produção, UFSC.
[4]. BRITO, T. L. F.; GALBIERI, Rodrigo; MOUETTE, D.; MEDEIROS COSTA, HIRDAN KATARINA DE; MOUTINHO DOS SANTOS, E.; FAGA, M. T. W. Bus fleetemissions: new strategies for mitigationbyadopting natural gas. MitigationandAdaptationStrategies for Global Change, v. 23, p. 147-160, 2017.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spirit Of Alms In The Quran; Legal Hermeneutics Approach |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ahmad Dakhoir |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309068291 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describes the many models of zakat management that are still waiting and passive. The existing legal conditions of zakat management are far from the spirit of the command of zakat in the Koran. Through the hermeneutic approach of Islamic law, this paper concludes that the paradigm of zakat management in the Koran is active. The active paradigm in the spirit of zakat is stated clearly both in the Al-Quran texts such as lafadz - lafadz command orders such as lafadz "aatuu", "uutuu" and "khudz" and lafadz affirming the importance of zakat and threats for those who are reluctant to pay zakat. No fewer than 49 verses in the Koran, Allah commands zakat by using lafadz commands such as lafadz "aatuu", "uutuu" and "khudz" etc. Lafadz orders the implementation of zakat in the Koran, using the form amr (command) which shows the demands of the superiors (Allah SWT) to his subordinates (muzakki) to do a job (zakat). Zakat orders actively are also clearly visible through the contextualization and action of the implementation of zakat by the Messenger of Allāh erta along with his companions.
Key words : Spirit, Zakat, Legal Hermeneutics
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[3]. Abdurrohman Qodir. 2001.Zakat (Dalam Dimensi Mahdhah dan Sosial).Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[4]. Ahmad Al-Mursi Husain Jauhar. 2009.Maqashid al-Syariah fi Al-Islam.Translation Khikmawati: Jakarta, Sinar Grafika Offset.
[5]. Ahmed Belouafi, AbderrazakBelabes, Research Trends On Zakāh In Western Literature, Islamic Economic Studies Vol. 24, No. 1, June, 2016, (49-76) DOI: 10.12816/0025313