Version-7 (September-2018)
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Abstract: The study examined the influence of location on women susceptibility to breast Cancer screening in South West Nigeria. It also investigated if there are relationship among location of women, Breast self examination clinical breast examination and mammography. The descriptive research design of the survey type was used for the study was used for the study. The population for the study was all women in the attending clinics and hospitals in the six states of South West Nigeria. 1,800 respondents were randomly selected using multistage sampling procedure. A self designed instrument used for gathering data was titled "Psychosocial Factors and Breast Cancer Questionnaire" (PFBSQ).The instrument's validity was ascertained using face content and construct validities. Test retest reliability of the instrument was ensured and a reliability coefficient of the instrument yielded 0.75 coefficient...........
Keywords: Breast cancer, Screening, location, breast examination, mammography, Traumatic, Anticipatory
[1]. Sariego, J. (2010): The impact of Faculty Volume/Size on Breast Cancer treatment and Outcome. AmSung 76:12 (1333-7). Retrieved 24/12/2014
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[4]. Oluwatosin, O.A. and Oladapo, O. (2006): The Level of Knowledge of Breast Cancer and its Early Detection Measure among Rural Women in Akinyele Local Area, Ibadan Nigeria BMC Cancer 6.271.http// Retrieved 28/04/2014.
[5]. Odusanya, O.O. (2001): Breast Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Female School Teachers in Lagos, Nigeria, Breast Journal: 7(3): 171-1785. Retrieved 10/08/2013..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Elementary Students Class Iv Poetry Reading Skills |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Mansyur Suma || Achmad Tolla || Mayong Manan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309070612 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to describe the ability to read poetry elementary students in reading poetry in the pronunciation, Intonation, gesture, and Expression of appreciation. The research method used in this research is quantitative descriptive research. This type of descriptive quantitative analysis is assessed more following the topic issues raised by the researcher, making it easier to identify and explain the existing problems. The technique of data analysis result of research done by using descriptive analysis to comprehend ability of poetry reading of elementary school student of class IV. Based on the results of the research test (2 tests), using the frequency distribution and percentage. The results showed that the ability to read the poetry of elementary students in reading poetry in the pronunciation, Intonation, Gesture, and Expression / appreciation as follows. The ability to read poetry elementary.........
KEYWORD: Elementary Students, Reading Skills, Learning,
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[5]. Djumingin, Sulastriningsih dan Mahmudah. (2007). Pengajaran Prosa Fiksi dan Drama. Makassar: Badan Penerbit UNM.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Consumers' Usage of Commercial Websites Advertising In Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Henry Nkoru Nabea |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309071328 ![]() |
Abstract: Commercial websites are a form of internet advertising which is formed by companies as an advertising tool hosting many forms of online advertisement to promote products and services. Researchers and practitioners have equally agreed on the abilities of a commercial website as an advertising instrument that offers unlimited potential and benefits. This study sought to investigate consumers‟ uses and gratifications obtained from commercial websites advertising in Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design. Purposive sampling procedure was used to sample Nairobi. Random sampling was used to sample Kenyan 384 commercial websites users with a from a target population........
KEYWORD:Website, Advertising, Use, Gratification.
[1]. Allen, K., & T Gray, R. (2014). Social Media Use and Social Connectedness. Positive and the Potential Pitfall,Educational and development, 18-31. Retrieved from` potential-pitfalls.pdf
[2]. Atheunis, S. (2013). Uses and gratifications and Internet profiles. (R. NV, Ed.) A factor analysis. Is Internet use and travel to cyberspace reinforced by /unrealized.
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[4]. Berthon, E. A. (1996). Perspectives on Marketing communications and Buyers Behaviors on the Web. Journal of Advertising, 15, 287-301.
[5]. Bonds, D. &.Raacke, H (2010). Social Network sites. . How To Market To Each Generation On Social Media Part 2Defination,History and scholarship. Retrieved from
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that contribute to the continuity of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) among the Kisii community, Kisii Mission. The study used cross-sectional survey and phenomenological qualitative design. The data was analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. A strong belief that cultural practice of the community is the framework for the community life of which FGM is founded on the way of life of the Abagusii people. FGM one of the cultural practices which is one of the ways that reduce women‟s sexual desires. The exercise goes a long side with traditional training of young women to be responsible and disciplined future wives, mothers, and members of the society. Despite commitment of both Methodist Church in Kenya and national government to eradicate this cultural practice, it still continue as an indication that culture of the people is what.........
KEYWORD: Female Genital Mutilation, Abagusii, comprehensive formation, cultural demands, morals. Clitoridectomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Itikadi katika Riwaya za Dunia Yao (2006) na Mhanga Nafsi Yangu (2013) za S. A. Mohamed |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Jesseemurithii |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309073946 ![]() |
Abstract: Makala hii inanuia kuonesha kuwa itikadi ni dhana badilifu na nyumbufu kulingana na maendeleo ya kijamii, kiuchumi, kisiasa na kiteknolojia. Itikadi ndiyo huelekeza misimamo, mielekeo na imani ya mtunzi na hivyo kuathiri mtazamo wa mwandishi kuhusu ulimwengu unaomzunguka, ambao huweza kubadilika kulingana na wakati na mahitaji ya kijamii. Katika mkabala huo makala hii inalenga kutathmini itikadi ya mtunzi katika riwaya za Dunia Yao (2006) na Mhanga Nafsi Yangu (2013) za S. A. Mohamed. Kwa kutumia riwaya hizo, makala hii inatarajia kuthibitisha kwamba, itikadi ni dhana badilifu na nyumbufu na hutangamana na jinsi mtunzi anavyobadilisha mikakati yake ili kukidhi mahitaji ya jamii lengwa kiwakati.,
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Abstract: The 101st United States Congress enacted the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Pub.L. 101-467 law), to provide children with disabilities the same opportunity for education as those students who do not have a disability. Though, equal opportunities are made for all students in special education, minority students particularly Native American, African-American and Latino-American have been struggling to receiveequal opportunities in special education. Many minority students have been incorrectly or unfairly labeled with a disability by underfunded districtsand at times through questionable means. The gap between minority students and their white counterparts in terms of the quality of education received, success and failures through special education are significant. This.........
KEYWORD: Special Education, Misidentification, Disabilities, Evaluation
[1]. A'Vant, E., J. Baker, D. Chandler, S. Graves, E. McKinney, T. Sayles, and A. Sullivan.Confronting Inequity in Special Education, Part I: Understanding the Problem of Disproportionality.Multicultural Affairs. NASP Communiqué, Vol 38, #1 September 2009 <;
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[3]. Blanchett,W.,Klingner,J., Harry,B.The Intersection of Race, Culture, Language, and Disability Implications for Urban EducationUrban Education Volume 44 Number 4 July 2009 389-4092009 10.1177/0042085909338686
[4]. Cavendish, W.,Samson,J. Intersections of Race and Class in Special Education PolicyColloquium Recommendations Sponsored by the Hunter College Office of the Provost and the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter CollegeDate of Report Release: September 2016
[5]. Donovan, S. M., & Cross, C. T. (2002). Minority students in special and gifted education. Washington, DC:National Academies Press..
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Abstract: This study examined the influence of student-teacher relationship on business students‟ academic achievement at a Malaysian polytechnic. Ninety-seven students from three academic programs completed the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) developed by Dr. Robert C. Pianta. The STRS inventory consists of 28 items that measure aspects of the relationship between the student and teacher and has three subscales (Conflict, Closeness and Dependency). Students‟ self-reported Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) was used as the measure of academic achievement. Data were analysed using descriptive and correlational analyses to determine whether or not student-teacher relationship significantly influenced students‟ academic achievement. Pearson Correlation........
KEYWORD: Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, Academic Achievement
[1]. Adeyele, J. & Yusuff, Y (2012). Effect of Teaching Method, Choice of Discipline and Student-Lecturer Relationship on Academic Performance. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 3, 1-7.
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[3]. Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., & Horsey, C. S. (1997). From first grade forward: Early foundations of high school dropout. Sociology of Education, 70(2), 87-107.
[4]. Alos, S. , Caranto, L.C., & David, J.J.T. (2015). Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Student Nurses of BSU. International Journal of Nursing Science. 5(2), 60-65. Retrieved January 11, 2017 from:
[5]. Ang R. P. (2005). Development and validation of the Student-Teacher relationship Inventory using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. J. Exp. Educ. 74 55–74..
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Abstract: Depuis plus de deux décennies, l'Est de la RDC a connu des moments de crise cyclique dus à une instabilité socio- politique de dimensions locale, nationale et régionale. Cette fragilité s'est spécialement plus cristallisée dans les provinces de l'Ituri, du Nord et du Sud- Kivu. Au Nord-Kivu par exemple, ce contexte déjà fragile a été exacerbé par les guerres dites de libération prônées par l'Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo/Kinshasa (AFDL) en 1996 et celle du Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie, (RCD) en 1998 et même celle du Congrès National pour le Développement, (CNDP) en 2008 et récemment par celle du Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) en 2012 et fin 2013. Une multitude de groupes armés nationaux...........,
[1]. COMMISSION NATIONALE POUR LES REFUGIES (CNR) /NORD-KIVU, Secrétariat Exécutif du Gouvernement Provincial, Rapport annuel, Goma, 2016
[2]. COMMISSION NATIONALE POUR LES REFUGIES (CNR), Secrétariat Permanent/Antenne de Goma-Nord-Kivu, Rapport annuel 2017. Administration et gestion des sites de déplacement, Goma, 2017
[3]. CNR, OIM et UNHCR, Rapport de fermeture et regroupement des sites de déplacement de Mugunga 1, Bweremana, Kibabi/Kishusha, Kilimani, Kalinga, Bihito, Kashuga 1 et 2, Goma, Octobre 2016
[4]. COMMISSION NATIONALE POUR LES REFUGIES, (CNR), Secrétariat Permanent/Antenne de Goma, Administration et gestion des sites, Rapport intérimaire, situation des sites au 25 mai 2018.
[5]. HCR/Goma, Solutions novatrices adaptées à la situation des personnes déplacées internes et réfugiés rwandais au Nord-Kivu, Document de travail, version du 6 juillet 2016.
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Abstract: Since the introduction of elections as a mechanism in the governance process of Nigeria by the British colonial administration in the early years of the 20th century, there has been the association of the electoral process with political violence. This has been most manifest during the post- colonial era. This paper attempts to interrogate the nature and causative factors of electoral violence in Nigeria during the first and second republics in Nigeria. It further examines post- election violence in Nigeria in the first and second republics and contends that the inadequacy of electoral governance mechanism is a fundamental push factor that predisposes the political process in Nigeria.........
KEYWORD: Nigeria,Violence,Electoralgovernance.
[1]. Anifowose, Remi,(1984)Violence and Politics in Nigeria: The Tiv and Yoruba experience, London: Nok Publishers International, p. 1.
[2]. Albert, I.O.(1994),‟‟ Urban Violence in Contemporary Africa: Some Theoretical Explorations‟‟ in I.O Albert, J. Adisa, T. Agbola and G.Herault(eds) Urban Management and Urban Violence in Africa, Ibadan: IFRA, pp9-20
[3]. Afolabi. A.A (2003) "Electoral Violence and the Democratization Project: The Nigerian Experience,‟‟ In Olasupo B.A. Electoral Violence in Nigeria; Issues and Perspectives. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung(FES) p.79
[4]. Arikpo, O (1967). Development of Modern Nigeria, Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books.
[5]. Bola Ige, (1994), People, Politics and Politicians of Nigeria, 1940-1979, Ibadan: Heinemann Educational Books Nigeria Plc. Pp407-410..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Kitchen Sink Drama In John Osborne's " Look Back In Anger |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Sadaf Zaman |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309077780 ![]() |
Abstract: John Osborne was born in London, England in 1929 to Thomas Osborne, an advertisement writer, and Nellie Beatrice, a working class barmaid. His father died in 1941. Osborne used the proceeds from a life insurance settlement to send himself to Belmont College, a private boarding school. Osborne was expelled after only a few years for attacking the headmaster. He received a certificate of completion for his upper school work, but never attended a college or university. After returning home, Osborne worked several odd jobs before he found a niche in the theater. He began working with Anthony Creighton's provincial touring company where he was a stage hand, actor, and writer. Osborne co-wrote two plays -- The Devil Inside Him and Personal Enemy -- before writing and submittingLook Back in Anger for production.......