Version-4 (September-2018)
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Abstract: This research aims at analyzing land dispute settlement of customary right of customary law people in the effort of harmonizing the national law and customary law in Merauke Regency-Papua. It uses normative law and empirical or sociological law research approaches. The qualitative and quantitative data on customary law people's customary right land dispute are analyzed descriptively. The research result indicate that the Marind Anim MHA's customary right land dispute settlement sometimes find social obstacles. These social obstacles, however, can be dealt with by studying further and exploring the social interaction and relation habits which have been built in Marind Anim customary law people which deals with customary land.
Keywords: Dispute, Land, Customary Law, Merauke-Papua
[1]. Alting, Husen. Penguasaan Tanah Masyarakat Hukum Adat (Suatu Kajian Terhadap Masyarakat Hukum Adat Ternate), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2011.
[2]. Dede, Andreas Jefri & Suriel Semuel Mofu, Masyarakat Hukum Adat Dan Hak Ulayat Di Provinsi Papua Barat Sebagai Orang Asli Papua Di Tinjau Dari Sisi Adat Dan Budaya; Sebuah Kajian Etnografi Kekinian, Jurnal Administrasi Publik, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014.
[3]. Islami, Hayatul. Pengakuan Dan Perlindungan Hukum Hak Masyarakat Adat Atas Tanah Ulayat Dalam Upaya Pembaharuan Hukum Nasional, Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2013.
[4]. Maladi, Yanis. Eksistensi Hukum Adat Dalam Konstitusi Negara Pasca Amandemen, Jurnal Mimbar Hukum, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2010. [5]. Permatasari, Elfira, Habib Adjie, and Hardianto Djanggih. "Perlindungan Hukum Kepemilikan Tanah Absentee yang Diperoleh Akibat Pewarisan." Varia Justicia, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2018.
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Abstract: De par leur essence, les Eglises constituent en principe des cadres privilégiés d'entente, de concorde et de cohésion sociale entre leurs différents fidèles. C'est à ce titre qu'Emile DURKHEIM considère une religion comme un « système solidaire des croyances et des pratiques relatives à des choses sacrées, c'est-à-dire séparées, interdites ; croyances et pratiques qui unissent en une même communauté morale appelée Eglise, tous ceux qui y adhèrent »1. Et MASU-GA-RUGAMIKA renchérit qu'une Eglise est « une communauté spirituelle active, prêchant le message d'amour qui libère, désaliène l'homme de son ignorance et de ses fléaux spirituels et sociaux. Son rôle (…) est d'orienter les hommes vers l'espérance du Christ Ressuscité, pour que tous participent à une communauté d'amour, de partage et de solidarité ».2 Ainsi, il est admis que la mission principale de l'Eglise reste de sauver les âmes en prêchant l'amour du prochain et la paix.
Cette caractéristique reconnue..........
[1]. ARON R, Les étapes de la pensée sociologique. Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville, Pareto, Weber, éd. Gallimard, Paris 1967
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[4]. HIRMER O., L'argent-Marx-Le Christ. Une introduction illustrée au capitalisme, au marxisme et au socialisme africain, examinés à la lumière de l'Evangile, Ed. L'Epiphanie, Kinshasa, 1981
[5]. KANGO SALAWA A., Eglise, Pouvoir et Société Congolaise. Une ébauche de la théorie de politologie des religions, Thèse de Doctorat en Sociologie, UNIKIS/FSSAP, Kisangani, 2013-2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The need for Indian cities to adopt a more sustainable urban development approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vikram Mohan Rao |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309042023 ![]() |
Abstract: Urbanization continues to increase steadily across the globe and the numbers and sizes of urban areas and cities are also growing rapidly, especially in developing countries like India. Recent UN reports have indicated that China, India and Nigeria among a few other developing countries will account for the largest growth in urban population over the next few decades. Factors like climate change, globalization and demographic change will also shape the future of cities. The city of Bangalore for instance has seen unprecedented growth and expansion over the past few decades due to some of these factors. While urbanization and development of cities is generally good for a city, the people that inhabit the city and the country by and large from an economic perspective, the uncontrolled and rapid growth in the city of Bangalore seems to be causing the former garden city of India more harm
[1]. Urbanisation in India: Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forwardedited by Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Ravi Kanbur, P. K. Mohanty, 2014
[2]. Sustainable Smart Cities in India: Challenges and Future Perspectivesedited by Poonam Sharma, Swati Rajput, 2017
[3]. The Integrated Urban Eco-system and Urban Sustainability by Luxin, Huang & Shu, Du, 2010
[4]. Ecocity Berkeley: Building Cities for a Healthier Future by Richard Register, 1987
[5]. Dimensions of the eco-city by Mark Roseland, 2010
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Abstract: The aim of this articles is to promote psychoeducation intervention by developing insight as a component among the careers in specific and stake holders in general. The careers will highly have benefited through disseminating in vernacular language of the natives. This article is drafted as outcome of qualitative and quantitative research i.e. through interview and observation. It was found that insight was absent in the rural carers. The psychoeducation on dementia is a greater need in the present scenario is heightened through its rapid spread of Neuro psychiatric disability like dementia. The Dementia occurrences are evident in developing countries due to population ageing, like China and India..........
Keywords: Dementia, Disability, Psychoeducation, Insight development, Neuropsychiatry
[1]. Bauml, J. (2006). Psychoeducation: A Basic Psychotherapeutic Intervention for Patients with Schizophrenia and Their Families. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 32(Supplement 1), S1-S9.
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Abstract: Though many researchers have stressed that the knowledge of one‟s mother tongue has a great influence on the spoken proficiency of a second language learner (L2), it has been acknowledged that the L2 learner is often challenged with the sounds that are alien to those in his mother tongue. As English and Berom are phonologically different languages (Berom has 25 consonants and 7 vowels while English has 24 consonants and 20 vowels), the alien sounds trouble Berom speakers of English.This study investigates the influence of mother tongue interference on the pronunciation of English sounds among Berom language speakers in Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin ladi, Nigeria. The study compares the segmental phonemes of English and Berom languages and shows how the differences cause problem in the spoken English of the Berom students.The studyalso attempts to identify the sounds of English which are the most affected by the sounds of Berom, and, suggested activities that will help reduce this influence.
Key words: Berom Language, English sounds, Mother Tongue Interference
[1]. A. Banjo. Developmental english(Ibadan; Spectrum Books, 1985).
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2010, 41-45.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revisiting Marxism And Liberalism For Internationalism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | EzhilArasu.C. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309044856 ![]() |
Abstract: Liberalism and Marxism are two schools of thought which have left deep imprints in sociological, political and economic theory. They are usually perceived as opposite, rival approaches. In the field of democracy there is a seemingly insurmountable rift around the question of political versus economic democracy. Liberals emphasize the former, Marxists the latter. Liberals say that economic democracy is too abstract and fuzzy a concept, therefore one should concentrate on the workings of an objective political democracy. Setback of Marxism-Communism and its current crises is seriously a handicap for Marxist all over the world. But, it is survival of capitalism in its most robust form that makes Marxism more pronouncing. Thus there are no alternative to liberal democracy, but reality reveals that Marxism continues to inspire million who feel that they are cheated by modern capitalistic enterprises and its ethos..........
[1]. Liberalism, Marxism and Democratic Theory Revisited: Proposal of a Joint Index of Political and Economic Democracy. Angelo Segrillo .Department of History, University of São Paulo
[3]. POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES AND THE DEMOCRATIC IDEAL NINTH EDITION TERENCE BALL Arizona State University RICHARD DAGGER University of Richmond With the assistance of DANIELI. O‟NEILL University of Florida Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francis.,319 and 331
[4]. How Communism Changed the World. file?...How%20Communism.pdf
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conflict Handling Model For Improved Productivity In Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | NzenwataChisom Beauty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309045764 ![]() |
Abstract: Conflict is a cankerworm that eats deep into the system and performance of an organization affected. Several scholars have previously studied the source and effects of conflict handling styles on the performance of workers and arguments has erupted on the destructive nature of conflict and as well as it profitability. This research was basically captured on Nigerian managers to ascertain how they deal with conflict which they already view as inevitable. Using a self-designed questionnaire 507 responses were obtained from Nigerian managers across selected organization, from the data it was discovered that traditional view of conflict ranks the highest in Nigerian workplace. Four research questions were formulated for the research and data responses were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.............
Keywords: Conflict, Styles, Productivity, Model, Nigeria
[1]. O.Azamosa, Industrial conflict in Nigeria universities: The case of the academic staff union of the university teacher‟s strike of December 2002-June 2003.
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[4]. H.Weihrich, M.Cannice&H.Koontz, Management: A global and entrepreneurial perspective (13th ed., New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2011).
[5]. O.Uya, Nigeria: The land and the people (Buenos Aires ; Edi Public S.A, 1992).
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Abstract: Hace más de 3.000 años la humanidad pasó a preocuparse con los cambios que estaban ocurriendo en el universo, el hombre desde los tiempos más remotos percibió en la naturaleza un medio de cambiar su manera de vida y de cómo relacionarse con la misma. Pueblos de las más antiguas tradiciones volvieron sus atenciones para intentar entender y comprender el porqué de su existencia y principalmente cuál el origen del universo. Y es justamente ese universo que tanto intriga a la humanidad hasta los días actuales. Partiendo de esa premisa este artículo intenta en su esencia comprender la importancia del fenómeno del Equinoccio y la producción de alimentos en la ciudad de Macapá. En este sentido, es interesante observar que el estudio a respeto del análisis más sistemático de la naturaleza se da desde los filósofos pre-socráticos que volvieron su atención para la práctica de la observación de la misma y no más para los fenómenos
[1]. ANDRÉ, A. I. N. F. Sazonalidade e alimentação: Influência da sazonalidade nos hábitos alimentares. 2013. 132 f. Tese (Mestrado em Saúde Pública)- Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição, Universidade do Porto, 2013.
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[3]. AYOADE, J. O. Introdução a climatologia para os Trópicos. 4º edición. Río de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil, 1996.
[4]. BATALHA, Mário Otávio (ORG). GEPAI: Grupo de estudos e pesquisas agroindustriais.
[5]. Gestão Agroindustrial. 3º edición. 7. reimpr. São Paulo: Atlas, 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The ASEAN Community and Its Crucial Role in Socio-Economic and Maritime Security Dynamics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jonali Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309047174 ![]() |
Abstract: The importance of ASEAN adheres to the fact that it has strategic and socio- economic dimension attached to it. In the recent times, the global security prospects brought up new areas to limelight. ASEAN is an emerging community and in the coming years, its importance is going to increase because of the locational factors and the strategic stronghold it has got. The potential areas of resource collaboration and social formulation make ASEAN community one of the interesting area to focus upon. It is also an emerging economic hub, with the increase and investment of FDI and FII in the region; the global order too has expectation from ASEAN.In the areas of infrastructure too ASEAN has taken new initiative as it is the key issue for development and connectivity.
[1]. ANZ, ASEAN'S rise in the global economy, 2015.
[2]. ASEAN, 'ASEAN Investment Report 2013-2014 FDI Developments and Regional Value Chains'.
[3]. ASEAN Automotive: Looking to 2015, The Economist Intelligence Unit 2014.
[4]. ASEAN Briefing, ' ASEAN'S Demographic Dividend'.
[5]. ASEAN, 'Overview of ASEAN'S Aims Purposes and Principles'.
[6]. ASEAN Statistics.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uhusiano Wa Itikadi Na Mtazamo Wa Mtunzi |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Murithi Joseph Jessee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2309047583 ![]() |
Abstract: Wahakiki wengi wanapohakiki kazi za fasihi hufikiria kuwa mtazamo wa mtunzi na itikadi inayojitokeza katika kazi zake ni sawa ni kama kwamba itikadi huwa moja na msimamo wa mtunzi huwa mmoja na tengemano kila mara. Kinyume na hayo, makala haya yananuia kuonyesha kuwa itikadi huwa tofauti na msimamo mwandishi pia huwa tofauti ila huwa kuna uhusiano maalum kati ya itikadi na msimamo wa mwandishi kuhusu maswala anayojadili katika kazi zake. Aidha, huwa kuna uhusiano wa historia na itikadi katika nyakati tofauti na hivyo mtunzi huathirika aidha akaunga mkono itikadi tawala au akaipinga. Tunalenga kutimiza haya kwa kumrejelea S. A. Mohamed aliyeandika vitabu vingi na makala mengi kwa kipindi kirefu kwa lengo la kuonyesha uhusiano uliopo baina ya itikadi na mtazamo wa mtunzi kwa kurejelea riwaya zake.
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