Series-1 (January-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Rajasthan is the largest state of India, expanding up to an area of 342,239 km. The state is blessed with a variety of Cultural heritage like, Art, Craft, Dance, Festivals, Religion, Caste, tribe along with conditioned as well as natural Wealth that has provided the state a unique form. It is famous for its War, Story of warriors, Craft, festivals and its hospitality. HandCraft plays a vital role in the advancement of the dignity of this Cultural and Colourful state. It has got more than 50 Handcrafts. These Handcrafts are related to a particular caste and religion of people, this art was passed on to them by their ancestors and it strictly remained in their family only, and they constructed......
Keywords:- Hand block printing, Master Craftsmen, Artisans, Craft labours, Dabu printing
[1]. Bhadani, B. L. (1999). Peasants, Artisans and Entrepreneurs, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Rawat Publication.
[2]. Singh, Rajiv Amar (2005). Medieval history of Rajasthan vol. II, Bikaner, Rajasthan, Kalyani printer.
[3]. Srivastava, A. L. (1968). Social Life In Medieval Rajasthan (1500-1800 A.D.) Agra-3, The educational Press.
[4]. Kantheti P, Kyatam P, and Dasari A,(01,2017), Experimenting backing material of hand block printing table by using alternate sources: All over double colour, ISSN:2165-8064, Journal of textile science and engineering.
[5]. M. L. Meena, G. S. Dangaych and A. Bhardwaj (4 November 2015), An ergonomic approach to design hand block tool for textiles printing handicraft industry, International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical engineering(IJMECH) Vol, No.4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Philosophy of God's Oath as Written in Koran |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dr. Nurdin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401010711 ![]() |
Abstract: Koran as the holy book of Islamic society derives divine revelation handed on to prophet Mohammad and as the last holy book, it is functioned as a guidance and the way of life to achieve the happiness on Earth and the afterlife. The guidance aswritten in Koran probably not easy to except by close-hearted people caused by the crime so that they need a support to receive the guidance especially throughout the oath. Goduses the oath (muqsambih)as written in Koran following God‟s willing. This research is library research. Due to the research objective, the resource of main data is the book of Tafsir al-Qur'an. Data is also compiled by the books related to study of Koranandits interpretation, and other...........
[1]. IbnuQayyum, AlJauziyah,AttibyanufiAqsamilQur‟aniBeirut: DarulKutubAlIlmiyah,2001
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[4]. Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi asy-Syafi‟i, Al-Itqaan fi Ulumil Qur‟an, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1429H/2008M
[5]. Kamaruddin, KamusRiset, Bandung: Angkasa, 1984.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Growth of education in Odisha during Colonial Rule |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Umakanta Nayak |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401011214 ![]() |
Abstract: Although, the British had initiated the modern education in Odisha. But it did not progress fast. There are Several reasons for the above approach of the British towards the education in Odisha.(1) the British was quite apathetic towards the spread of higher education in Odisha. (2) although it wanted that the people of Odisha should learn English, but it never wanted to make them highly educated. It simply wanted a working knowledge of English only to create a clerical class of people as it wanted in case of India also.(3) higher education was very expensive. The British Government never wanted to spend more on education which will benefit the native people.
Key words ; Puspagiri,, Sanskrit Pathsalas, Wood's Dispatch, problem of language, English education in Odisha for their administrative convenience
[1]. Jena. K. C, Socio-Economic History of Orissa during British Period. Delhi. 1978, p 107
[2]. Samal, J. K.. History of Education in Orissa. Calcutta. 1984. p 1
[3]. Panda,H., History of Odisha, Cuttack1997,p. 327.
[4]. Samantray, N, History of Odia literature, Bhubaneswar, 1964, pp 5-7. Minutes of His Lordship in Council on 7"' March 1835, quoted in the Kaye, J. W., Administration of E IC, p 595.
[5]. Peggs, James, A Brief History of general Baptist Mission in Orissa, p389. General report on the Public Instruction in the Lower Provinces of Bengal Presidency. 1857-58, p p l 1 5 - 1 1 6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aged Street Beggars in the City of Dhaka |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Abdus Sattar, Ph.D || Md.Julio Gazi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401011525 ![]() |
Abstract: Begging alms in the streets of the big cities can be found almost in all developing countries including Bangladesh. Even in developed countries they are seen but not frequently. In Muslim countries they are more frequent. Providing alms to poor is a very common phenomenon in Bangladesh. There is a deep-rooted belief supported by religious sentiments and humanitarian sympathy that giving alms is a virtue. Poor people are taking this opportunity. This study attempts to find out the socio-economic condition of the aged street beggars in Dhaka city. Purposive Sampling, a type of Non probability sampling method was applied and information was collected by using a structured questionnaires to 50.......
Keywords: Begging, Poverty, Homelessness, street beggars, Dhaka city.
[1]. Al Helal, M., & Kabir, K. S. (2013). Exploring cruel business of begging: the case of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Business and Economics, 3(3.1).
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[4]. Bukoye, R. O. (2015). Case Study: Prevalence AndConsequencies Of Streets Begging Among Adults And Children In Nigeria, Suleja Metropolis. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 323-333.
[5]. Frederick, M. A. J., Joseph, S. T., Srivastava, H., Frederick, A., Joseph, D., & Srivastava, H. Begging in India: Barricading the Sustainable Financial Development. Social Sciences, 3(03), 2016..
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Abstract: This study was attempted to explore the sustainability of school feeding program in Ethiopia Somali Regional State. Practices, challenges, contributions and sustainability of school feeding program in the region was captured. Different zones such as Gode, Jigjiga, Deghabour and KebriDehar were selected for the study. Different participants such as teachers, directors, parents, students, Woreda education offices, Region education bureau and WFP focal person were participated in the study. To select participants, primary schools of the respective zone were included in the study. All teachers and directors existed in the selected primary school were purposely selected. In the......
Keywords: SFP Practices, SFP Challenges, SFP Contributions, SFP Sustainability
[1]. Bundy, D., Burbano,C., Grosh,M., Gello,A., Jukes,M., & Drake, L. (2009). Rethinking school feeding: Social safety nets, child development, and the education sector. Washington,DC: World Bank..
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[5]. King, F., and Burgess, A.(1995). Nutrition for Developing Countries.United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.pp 209-417.
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Abstract: Gender and linguistic proficiency in mother tongue and a foreign language was aimed at finding out whether there is a significant difference in linguistic proficiency in a first language and a foreign language, which has been formally studied for more than nine years on one hand, and if language achievement in L1 and L2 varies significantly based on gender. The study followed cross-sectional research design. It was non-experimental and descriptive, uncovering the performance of students in their mother tongue, Sidamuafo, and a foreign language, English..........
Keywords: English, Gender, Language proficiency, Sidamuafo, Skill transfer
[1]. Fekede Menuta. 2008. Mother Tongue Education in SNNPRS: Challenges and Changes, in Proceedings of the Third Annual National Conference on Teacher Education in Ethiopia: Prospects and Challenges. College of Education, Addis Ababa University.
[2]. Zeynali, Simin. (2012). Exploring the Gender Effect on EFL Learners' Learning Strategies. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(8): 1614-1620. Doi: 10.4304/tpls
[3]. Banich, MT. 1997. Breakdown of executive function and goal-directed behavior. In M.T. Banich (Eds.), Neuropsychology: The neural bases of mental function (pp. 369-390). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
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[5]. Eagly, A. 1987. Sex differences in social behavior: A social-role interpretation, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
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Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to assess practice and challenge of adult education program. To this end the survey studies design was used and qualitative methods were employed. Sources of primary data use 81respondents, namely 12 facilitator, 2 coordinator, 2 supervisor, 2 adult education experts from administrative city education department and fifty five adult education program learners. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed for this study. Data collection tools were interview guides, focus group discussions and document review and........
Keywords: Socio-Economic, AEP, MoE, Incentives
[1]. Aderinoye, R. A. (2001). Alternative To Teacher Training. In H. Perraton (Ed.) Cost Effectiveness in Teacher Training. Paris: UNESCO.
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[3]. Ayalew Shibeshi (2002). "A Study on Non-Formal Primary Education Development Program". AAU "(Unpublished) Berhanu Berke and Ahmed Ali (2002), Equipping Alternative
[4]. Brookfield, Stephen D. (1986). Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. CA: Sage.
[5]. Cresswell, J.W. (2003) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach (2nd Ed.). USA: Sage..
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Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effects of electronic mind mapping on on the development of Arabic language reading comprehension among the fourth grade students in Jordan.. This study used a quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test control groups. The study sample consisted of 65 students, 34 students in the control group and 31 in the experimental group. The experimental group was taught the chosen texts using the Electronic Mind Mapping strategy while the control group was taught the same texts using the traditional method The experimental group was taught using electronic mind mapping, while the control group was given traditional classroom instruction. An achievement test with reliability coefficient of (0.87) was administered for both groups as a pre and a posttest. The results reveal a statistically significant difference between the two groups, in favor of the experimental group attributed to using electronic mind mapping..
Keywords: electronic mind maps, reading comprehension in Arabic language, teaching Arabic
[1]. Al-Awidi, H. & Jaradat, Y. (2015). The Effect of Electronic Mind Mapping Technique on the Enhancement of English Reading Comprehension Among Ninth Grade Students. Journal of Educational Scince, University of Jordan, 11(4), 469-480.
[2]. Abi-El-Mona, I., & Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2008). The Influence of Mind Mapping on Eighth Graders' Science Achievement. School Science and Mathematics, 108 (7): 298–312.
[3]. Amma, C. (2005). Effectiveness of Computer Based Mind Maps in the Learning of Biology at the Higher Secondary Level. Paper presented at the ICDE International Conference, New Delhi, November, 19–23.
[4]. Akinoglu, O. & Yasar, Z. (2007). The effects of note taking in science education through the mind mapping technique on students' attitudes, academic achievement and concept learning. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 6 (3), 34-43.
[5]. Brinkmann, A. (2003). Mind Mapping as a Tool in Mathematics Education. Mathematics Teacher, 96(2), 96-101...
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Abstract: Human Resource Development plays vital role in every organization because it is now considered as a part of modern management system. HRD is helpful in development of employee‟s physical capacities, relationships attitudes, values, knowledge and skills. The success of the Banks depends not only on the satisfaction of their customers but also the satisfaction level of the employees working in the banks. The level of satisfaction of the bank employees can be ensured and enhanced by effective HR-practices adopted by the Banks. The study is aimed at assessing the extent of HRD Practices in Punjab National Bank. For the purpose of the study, primary data is collected from 300 employees of Punjab National Bank from Kangra district through a structured questionnaire. The study revealed that the Performance appraisal, Training and Development, career planning, motivation, compensation management and grievance redressal are better in Punjab National Bank.
Keywords: HRD Practices, Punjab national bank, Satisfaction of the Bank Employees
[1]. Anuradha,S., & Prasanth,S.M.(2016).Employees Perception Towards HRD Practices Among Select Public Sector Banks in Puducherry.Indian Journal of Applied Research,6(4),249-252.
[2]. Bhattacharyya, D.K.(2009), Human Resource Development ,Himalaya Publishing House Pvt.Ltd.,Girgaon ,Mumbai.
[3]. Jain, V.K. (1996), HRD Practices in Indian Industries.Anmol Publications, New Delhi, (India).
[4]. Khanna,P.,&Sehgal,M.(2016).A study of HRM Practices and its effect on Employees Job Satisfaction in Private Sector Banks with Special Reference to ICICI banks in Ludhiana .IPASJ International journal of Management,4(7),36-43.
[5]. Mishra,B.N. & Barnwal,A.K.(2018),PNB Pratibha ,Agriculture & Financial inclusion special issue,PNB staff Journal,New Delhi.
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Abstract: This study has been undertaken to explore the influencing factors that limit the primary school participation of epileptic communities in Me‟enit people who live in Me‟enit Goldia wereda at Bench Maji zone administration. The target people in the study area are facing extreme form of discrimination and live in a severe poverty and illness. They feel hope less and not seeking for their rights get respected. Majority of them are excluded from all forms of social activities. They all are illiterates and live in a poor and severely affected health condition that resulted mainly from burn injury and fractures. Furthermore, the study employed qualitative research method to collect and analyze primary data from the target people. Accordingly, the sample respondents were selected from people affected by epilepsy, from primary school management bodies (school directors, PTAs, KETB members.............
Keywords: Epilepsy, empowerment, livelihood, participation, schooling
[1]. Bench Maji Zone Finance and Economic Development Department, 2015.
[2]. Berhanu S, Alemu S, Asmera J, Prevett M. Primary care treatment of epilepsy in rural Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 2008, 16: P.235
[3]. Betts, T.A.; Merskey, H. & Pond, D.A. (1976). Psychiatry. In: textbook of epilepsy, Laidlaw J & Richens A. Churchill Livingstone, pp 145-184, ISBN 0443014264, Edinburgh, UK
[4]. Carod-Artal FJ, Vazquez-Cabrera CB. (2007). An anthropological study about epilepsy in native tribes from Central and South America. Epilepsia 48(5):p.886
[5]. Center for Project Access E P I L E P S Y & M Y C H I L D T O O L K I T, ,,accessed May 14,2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | समकालीन ह िंदी कविता में ककसान विमर्श |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | BIVA KUMARI |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401018288 ![]() |
Abstract: भारत कृषि प्रधान देश है। यहाां की बहुसख ् यांक आबादी कृषि पर ननभभर करती है। कृषि हमारी सांजीवनी शक्तत है। कृषि हमारी सांस ् कृनत, अर्भव ् यवस ् र्ा और सांप्रभुता की रीढ़ है। ककसी भी राि ् ट्र के षवकास में ककसानों की भूममका अत ् यांतमहत ् वपूर्भ रही है। ककसान को अन ् नदाता कहा जाता है क ् योंकक वह हमारे जीवन की सबसे बडी आवश ् यकता भोजन को पूरा करता है। लेककन सबका पेट भरने वाला ककसान स ् वयां अन ् न के मलए तरसता है। ददनभर पररश्रम करने के बाद भी दो वक ् त भरपेट भोजन तक उसे मयस ् सर नहीां होता।.............
1.चौधरी राम आनलाद(सांपादक), 'स ् वाधीनता', शारदीयषवशेिाांक, विभ-2010, पृटठ-323 2.शुक ् लअि ् टभुजा, 'पद-कुपद'(काव ् य सांग्रह), प्रर्म सांस ् करर्-2013, मानव प्रकाशन, कोलकाता, पृटठ-36
3.अरषवांदाक्षन ए.,'पतझड का इनतहास'(कषवता सांग्रह),पहला सांथकरर्-2013, मानव प्रकाशन, पृटठ-36 4. वही, पृटठ-50 5. वही, पृटठ-20
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Introduction to the Globalization of Indian Music |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P K MOHD NAWAZ |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401018994 ![]() |
Abstract: From its birth to the present, Indian classical music has gone through many modifications and transitions. It has adopted and rejected various characteristics in the process while keeping a perfect balance with the old age tradition. Society witnessed visible phases of change in the realm of globalisation, with the course of economic flexibility and technological growth. The incorporation of western ideals, ideas, technologies, and institutions altered the essential values of culture, ushering in an era of commoditization in nearly every element of human life, including music. The market has evolved into a critical criterion for determining the quality of music.
Keywords: Change in patterns, impact of technology and communication, market, economic status
[1]. Rajender Menen (2005); The Miracle of Music Therapy; Pustak Mahal, Delhi; p – 46-47.
[2]. Rajender Menen (2005); The Miracle of Music Therapy; Pustak Mahal, Delhi; p – 107.
[3]. Article available at :
[4]. Article available at :
[5]. Swami Vireswarananda; Srimad Bhagvad Geeta (Translation by Swami Vireswarananda), Chapter 14 : Gunatrayavibhaagayoga (The Separation Of The Three Gunas); Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Madras; p – 276-289
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