Series-5 (January-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of Child Sexual Abuse at Mpilo Central Hospital in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe |
Country | : | Zimbabwe |
Authors | : | Vonie Mbaya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401050105 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper seeks to analyze the effects of child sexual abuse at Mpilo Central Hospital, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. A descriptive, qualitative approach was taken using semi-structured interviews on a purposive sample of sexually abused children and their caregivers.A sample of twenty sexually abused children and their caregivers was used. Data collected was presented in descriptive ways to facilitate easy analysis explanation. The study found out that child sexual abuse affects children's psychological well-being and their development into adulthood negatively. It is recommended..........
Key Words: Psychological Effects, Child Sexual Abuse, Mitigation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agrarian Structure and Transformation in Mizoram, North East India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr C. Lalengzama |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401050623 ![]() |
Abstract: Shifting Cultivation also known as Juhum cultivation has been livelihood options for tribal in North East India from the very first time that their existence is known. Shifting Cultivation is extensively practiced in the states of North Eastern region. Although it has been practiced widely it is understoodand categorised as one of the major challengesfor the development of tribal people in India. Henceforth, certain state governments have come up with a number of jhum control programmes to wean people away from the so called ecologically destructive practice of shifting cultivation and.......
Key Words: Jhum Cultivation, Shifting Cultivation, Agrarian Transformation, Agrarian structure, Mizoram
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Attitude of Student's toward Learning Computer in Secondary School |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pooja Tripathi || Nabanita Maity |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401052428 ![]() |
Abstract: With the developments of Information High Technology, all applications of the instruction start to owntendency towards technology-based instruction in place of directed, teacher-centered instruction. It is very important tomention that computers are the main instructional support to the training and teaching process. Therefore, the investigation-based study handled the attitudes of students towards computers and its new trends. In addition, attitudes towards teacher-centered instruction versus student centered instruction and tendency towards the spotof technology in learning and teaching process can be determined with the reflections of the statistical surveys.Required research reflected the consciousness about the usage of computer in every day of life and educationalcycle as well. It is very..........
Key words; Teaching, Attitude, Computer Science
[1]. Isman, A., Caglar, M., Dabaj, F., Altinay, Z., & Altinay, F. (2004). Attitudes of Students toward Computers. TOJET: The Turkish online journal of educational technology, 3(1).
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[5]. Weir, S. (1989). The computer in schools: Machine as humanizer. Harvard Educational Review, 59(1), 61-74.
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Abstract: The implementation of public services carried out by government officials, especially in the field of port services, is still felt not per the demands and expectations of the community, especially port users. The poor performance of public services is partly due to the lack of transparency and accountability in the delivery of public services. Therefore, public service must be carried out transparently and accountable, especially in this research is the accountability of port services because the quality of the performance of the civil service bureaucracy has broad implications in achieving public welfare. This study aims to (i) analyze the accountability of public services.........
Keywords: accountability, port services, martyrdom, port authority
[1]. Carino, L.V. 1991. Accountability, Corruption and Democracy, Manila, Philippines Institute for Development Studies.
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[3]. Denhardt, Robert B dan Janet V, Denhardt. 2006. Public Administration: An Action Overview, Fisth Edition, Thomson Wadsworth, United States of America.
[4]. Derhardt, Janet V dan Robert B Denhardt, 2007. The New Public Service -Serving, not steering. Expanded Edition, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York, London, England.
[5]. Dubnic, M. 2005. Accountability and Ethics. Reconsidering the Relationship.
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Abstract: Micro Enterprises become an integral part of national business, having strategic position, potential and role in achieving national development goals. Given its role in national development, micro enterprises must be developed through the spirit of kinship, mutual understanding, and by strengthening partnerships between micro, small and large enterprises, leading to equity and the realization of prosperity for all Indonesian people. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of micro enterprises empowerment policy on business performance in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. This study employs quantitative research approach with Partial Least Square (PLS). To measure the variables of this study, questionnaires were used. The results reveal that the policy on micro enterprises empowerment.............
Keywords: Government, Policy, Micro Enterprises, Performance
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Abstract: Background: Nutrition transition is an important factor which can affect dietary intake, particularly in developing countries. Children and adolescents taking more calories in fast food and other restaurants than at the home. Outside ingestion of food additionally adds approximately 160 and 310 extra calories per day. When fast food frequently replaces nutritious foods in the diet, it can lead to poor health and nutrition. The World Health Organization has described obesity as one of today's most neglected public health problems, affecting every region of the globe. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was estimated among adolescent to be 61% for women and 39% for men. Hence, the investigators planned to assess the knowledge regarding ill effects of junk foods among adolescents. Aim: The aim of the study was..........
Keywords: Knowledge, Adolescents, Junk Food
[1]. Singh AK, Maheshwari A, Sharma N, Anand K. Lifestyle associated risk factors in adolescents. Indian Journal of Pediatrics2006; 73:901-6. 6. Sharma V. Adolescents knowledge regarding harmful effects of junk food. ISOR journal of nursing and health sciences2013 ;( 6):1-4 7.
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Abstract: This study investigated the influence the police officers perceptions on the institutional factors which are contributing to persistence of corruption among members of the police service in Kenya. Grounded theory research design was used. The target population was all the police stations in Nakuru County having combined population offorty police `stations. A total of five police stations were selected. The stations were drawn purposively in Nakuru County. A focus group discussion guide was used to gather information from the police officers. The data analysis was done through thematic content analysis with the help of Nvivo software where themes and concepts were analyzed..........
Keywords: Bribe, corruption, institutional factors, perception, police
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Abstract: Positive association between physical fitness and academic achievement in youth students has been suggested yet the causal effect of physical fitness on academic achievement remains unclear. The aim of this study is to compare the physical fitness and academic achievement of handball project trainees and non-trainees students of Bench Maji zone, SNNPRS, Ethiopia. To achieve the innate objective of the study cross sectional research design with quantitative approach is employed. In so doing purposefully twenty five Mizan primary and secondary school students whose member of handball project with the age of 15.9+0.7 and twenty five students from grade 9, 15.7+.6 years old were selected randomly. Physical fitness is measured by 60 meter shuttle; 12 meter cooper test and Illinois agility.......
KEY WORDS: Handball trainees and non-trainees, physical fitness and academic achievement
[1]. Aklilu, S.A; Rani, S; and Negussie, B;. (2014). Relationship between Physical Fitness and Academic
Achievement: The Case of Model School Students at Haramaya University, Ethiopia. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 4 (1)
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze and explain the nature of the legal settlement of the Tolaki Tribal Customary Crime. Society is a social system that produces culture, giving birth to habits from that habit also giving birth to the rules of this rule which become the legal basis or better known as customary law. Customary law is a law that grows and develops in each region. a masterpiece that has a child of its purpose is to form a good and just life order, in behavior and creation in order to realize the welfare of the community itself..
KEY WORDS: Customary Penalty, Progressive Law
[1]. Abdurrahman. (2009). Peradilan Adat di Aceh (Sebagai Sarana Kerukunan Masyarakat). Aceh: Majelis Adat Aceh (MAA)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Resilience Building among the Underprivileged Youth Pursuing Higher Education in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mary Angeline Santhosam |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401057380 ![]() |
Abstract: Resilience is a term used to describe a set of qualities that foster a process of successful adaptation and transformation despite risk and adversity (Benard, 1995). Among the underprivileged youth only a few bright students are lucky enough to graduate from school and even college. But these students face lot of challenges in adapting themselves in higher education campus. Higher education institutions must play a critical role in fostering resilience for underprivileged youth students. The admission of disadvantaged groups to educational and training programmes is part of the wider concern of promoting their resilience building. There are various factors that hinder their promotion in educational institutions like attitude of other students, mental hurdles, inability to balance tradition and modernity...........
[1]. HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA. Access, Equity, Quality. Obadya Ray Shaguri, EAN World Congress Scholar 2013