Series-9 (January-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Elections can be seen as a mechanism for selecting government leaders as well as removing conflicts of interest from the community to representative bodies of the people. This study aims to analyze the mechanism of democratic legislative election in Gorontalo District. This research method uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type, the main data source for capturing various data and information related to the research focus studied is through interview methods. The results show that there are several problems in the aspect of legal certainty, that is, there are often rule changes that are contrary to the above rules which only benefit unilaterally and violate the hierarchy of state administration. Set. In addition, the recommendations in this study are the professionalism of the election organizers not only owned by the KPU or Bawaslu but to the level of the citizens involved in the election.
Key Words: Mechanism, Election, Legislative, Democracy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamism of Authority and Power in the Socio-Economic Mobility of the Israelites |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abiola Ayodeji Olaniyi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401090719 ![]() |
Abstract: Every religious group organizes the institutionalization of its various sources of authority (sacred writings, charisma, tradition and bureaucracy) that assist its leadership in helping followers accomplish their shared concern. Ancient Israel and Judah as religious entities engaged certain social dynamics in transforming the administration of their territories through power relations from ancient Aramean/Syrian origin. Existing studies have examined the rise of the Levites into prophetic authority, especially, charismatic leaders like Moses and Samuel. They have also surveyed the transformation of the Judahites into royal status under the Law/Torah. However, the employment of rituals for public...........
Keywords: Authority and power, Socio-economic mobility, `ärîm Hûcôt, the ´ádämâ, the Sädeh, the migräš.
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Abstract: In line with the principle of good regional financial management, which prioritizes the principles of accountability, transparency, and participation, the local government are demanded to have good financial performance in the management of their budget. For the regional financial performance to be good, an evaluation on the regional financial performance in managing their finance needs to be conducted. The measurement of financial performance has many purposes, among others is to increase the accountability of the local government. Furthermore, measurement of the regional financial performance will also be useful in the process of making policies regarding regional financial management..............
Key Words: LGR performance, FAI, RIL, RItL, regional financial ability map.
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Abstract: Filing is one of the main subjects in Office Administration Expertise Competence at Vocational High School. When viewed from the meaning of the word archive by Undang-Undang No 43 tahun 2009, archives are records of events or events in various forms and media in accordance with the development of information and communication technology created and accepted by state institutions, regional government, educational institutions, corporations, political organizations, community organizations, and individuals in the implementation of community life, nation, and state. This archive material examines how archives/documents are stored using a particular system so that when it is needed it is easy to rediscover............
Keywords: Learning, E-Learning, E-filing
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Abstract: This study is anchored on Odebunmi's Pragmatic contextual model and Lakoff and Johnson's theory of conceptual metaphor. Various intellectual arguments have been advanced as to the role of metaphor as an important pragmatic agent.The study is a corpus based pragmatic analysis which employs the quantitative method of data selection and analysis. The study employs the antconc digital software for data selection. As a result of the context sensitive nature of this study, ten lexical items were selected from the corpora and fed into the antconc concordance software. The results were then analysed based on their respective context of occurrence. This study is informed by the fact that presidential inaugural speeches as an aspect of political discourse have continued to attract academic interest. This is not unconnected with the fact that this category of discourse is actually employed to achieve certain communicative objectives..........
Keywords: Metaphors, inaugural speech, antconc, pragma-metaphoric, developmental metaphor, evaluative metaphor, prescriptive metaphor, descriptive metaphor, historical metaphor, context.
[1]. Adebiyi, C. (2006) Mood and Style in Public Speaking. In Ajiboye, T. &Osisanwo, W. (ed) Mood in Language and Literature. Lagos: Femulous-Fetop Publishers. Pp 111- 124.
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[3]. Akinrinola, T. (2016) Rhetorical Analysis of the Inaugural Speech of President MohammaduBuhari.Papers in English and Linguistics (PEL).Vol 1 (3&4).Pp 87-108.
[4]. Alo, M. (2012) A Rhetorical Analysis of Selected Political Speeches of Prominent African Leaders.British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Vol 10 No 1, pp 87- 100.
[5]. Austin, John (1962) How to do Things with Words. Oxford: The Claredon Press..
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Abstract: Early detection of breast cancer is very important to do to avoid advanced breast cancer, especially teenagers who have menstruation. From interviews with 10 female students, there were 6 students who did not understand about early detection of breast cancer, 3 students who knew enough about early detection of breast cancer and 1 female student who already knew about early detection of breast cancer. This is probably due to the absence of health education about breast cancer in the 10th grade of Bulukumba Regency. Research Objective: the research to find out the description of knowledge about early detection of breast cancer in female students in Bulukumba 10th Middle School..........
Keywords: Early detection, breast cancer, Knowledge, female students)
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Abstract: The study examined the relationship between exposure to air pollution and anxiety, depression and psychological wellbeing. The study used one hundred and fifty participants that were confirmed to be severe exposed to air pollution .The study used Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (Hamilton, 1959) ,Depression Screening Scale (Radolf ,1977) and General Health Questionnaire for the purpose of data collection. Using Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient, Independent t-test and anova design result showed a positive relation between exposure to air pollution and anxiety , positive correlation between exposure to air pollution and depression , positive relationship between exposure to air pollution and psychological wellbeing . Furthermore result showed that age, and socio-economic status does not positively correlate with anxiety..............
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Abstract: The problems that will be observed are as follows: (1). Implementation of Fulfillment of the Right of Prisoners to Get Health Services in Class I Correctional Institutions of Makassar City, (2). What factors influence the implementation of the fulfillment of the rights of prisoners to obtain health services at the Class I Correctional Institution in Makassar City.The objectives of this study are as follows: (1). To find out and analyze how the implementation of the Fulfillment of the Right of Prisoners to Get Health Services in Class I Correctional Institutions of Makassar City. (2). To find out and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of the Fulfillment of the Rights of Prisoners to Get Health Services at the Class I Correctional Institution of Makassar City.The type of research used is non-doctrinal legal research (empirical) and doctrinal legal research (normative) with qualitative analysis, which uses primary data and secondary data.
Key Words: Implementation of Fulfilling Rights, Health Services, Class I Correctional Institution
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vedic Education System for Modern Time |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | आलोक कुमार द्विवेदी |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401098184 ![]() |
Abstract: The Vedas are a large body of knowledge text originating in the ancient Indian subcontinent. Vedas are also a guide to live a successful and real life. There are two major aspects of life- one is external and other is internal. Vedic education system was beautifully designed to balance between both these aspects. In Vedic period education was provided in "gurukula". It was unique system of education. Students used to go in gurukulas and there "gurus" provided them the holistic knowledge, meaning knowledge related with every aspect of life. Especially moral education was a permanent aim of Vedic education. The function of school was not only to make to students knowledgeable but also to make them well cultured. Thus the Vedic education system has both the characters employment oriented and character building.