Series-4 (January-2019)January 2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Post-independence reservation policy in India is based on the values of compensation for past injuries, protection of vulnerable, proportional equality, distributive social justice and social welfare. Even after sixty-eight years of incessant implementation, "classless and casteless‟ Indian society has not been realised; on the contrary there are ever-increasing demands of various castes through active and aggressive casteism for inclusion in Other Backward Classes category for getting reserved quotas in educational institutes and governmental jobs. It implies that the current reservation scheme is not being successful in eradication of social and educational inequality.......
Key Words: Positive Discrimination,Reservation Policy, Criteria, Backwardness, Scale of Neediness
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Abstract: Teachings during circumcisionarguably contribute to delinquent and anti-social behaviour among boys in Nyandarua County. The aim of this study was to examine influence of cognitive domain on boys' self-esteem in public mixed-day secondary schools.The study was grounded on psycho-education, behaviour modification and rational choice theories. It employed mixed method, concurrent triangulation design. Target population was 1,242 boys, with a sample of 144 participants comprising; boys, teachers, counsellors, psycho-educational service providers andparents.Random, purposive and proportional sampling procedures were used. Research instruments included; questionnaires, interview schedules and focus group discussion guides. Itemcontent validitywasapplied........
Keywords: Psycho-educational domain, Community male circumcision programmes (CMCPs), Self-esteem, Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Health (MOH)
[1]. Bailey, R.C. & Omar E. (2006). Assessment of clinical and traditional male circumcision services in Bungoma district, Kenya. Eldoret, Kenya, Moi University
[2]. Chang'ach, J. (2013). Influence of Keiyo traditional circumcision on aspirations for higher education among boys in Secondary Schools, Keiyo South District, Elgeyo-Marakwet County. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 3 No. 4; Retrieved 4 Sept. 2014 from http//:
[3]. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Educational research: planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
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[5]. Gay, L. R.; Geoffrey, F.M. & Airasian, P. (2006). Educational research: competencies for analysis and application (8th ed.). New Jersey 07458, Pearson Prentice Hall.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Extent of Irrigation and Environmental Degradation in Punjab |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pooja Rana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401041923 ![]() |
Abstract: Irrigated agriculture is the leading human use of water. About 70 per cent of water drawn from rivers, lakes and ground water aquifers is used in agriculture. While irrigation is an ancient practice thought to have originated in Mesopotamia 6000 years ago, the amount of agricultural land under million hectares in 1900. By 1998 more than 271 million hectares were irrigated, with much of the increased occurring after 1960. Much of the agricultural productivity, although constituting about 17 per cent of all crop land produces approximately 40 per cent of the world food. Thus surface flows and drainage from irrigated agricultural lands carry salts, fertilizers, pesticides and other pollutants.......
[1]. Kumar Rakesh, 2007 Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol. no.5 September 10, pp 794,796.
[2]. Lutz Ernst (1998), "Agriculture and Environment: Perspective on Sustainable Rural Development", The World Bank, Washington, U.S.A. p.278.
[3]. Sexena, H.M. (1998), "Environmental Geography", Rawat Publications, Jaipur, pp.118-126 and 147-148.
[4]. Williamson, A.V.,(1925). Irrigation in Indo-Gangetic Plains, Geographical Journal, Vol.65, No.2, pp.1-3.
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Abstract: Democracy thrives on enabling ethos, practices and institutions that are fully or virtually matured so as to guarantee continuity through fair play, debate, compromise and opposition. It is in recognition of this that the paper examines the significance of people‟s perception on electoral process. It argues that credibility of elections in a democratic society engenders active involvement of citizens in politics. A sample of 180 people was chosen at random from three main zones in Igboho. Relying on empirical method of analysis, self-designed questionnaire was administered to collect data just as paired T-test was employed to analyse and interpret data. The findings indicate that the electorates express........
[1]. Adekunle, J.O. (2012): Political Violence, Democracy, and the Nigerian Economy. In Sarsar, S. & Adekunle, J.O. (eds.) Democracy in Africa: Changes and Challenges. North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press Akinkuotu, A. (2015): A Peace Accord Perforated With Bullets. TELL, March 9.
[2]. Albert, I.O. (2007) "Re-conceptualising Electoral violence in Nigeria : In Albert, I.O., Marco, D. and Adetula, V. (eds).Perspectives on the 2003 elections in Nigeria. IDASA-Nigeria.
[3]. Aloysius, M.O. (2005): Electoral Fraud and the Future of Elections in Nigeria: 1999-2003. In G. Onu & A. Momoh (Eds.) Elections and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria. Lagos: Educational Publishers and Printers. Pp 432-447
[4]. Elliot, K.A. (1997) Corruption as an International Policy Problem: Overview and Recommendations. In Elliot K.A. (Ed) Corruption and the Global Economy. Washington DC: Institute for International Economics
[5]. Hippler, J. (1995): Democratization of the Third World after the End of the Cold War. In Hippler, J. (ed.) The Democratization of Disempowerment: The Problems of Democracy in the Third World. London: Pluto Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Always A Woman, Never A Colleague": Police Women In Serbia |
Country | : | Serbia |
Authors | : | Danijela Spasić, PhD || Ivana Radovanović, PhD |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401043140 ![]() |
Abstract: Gender issues within the police organisation, personnel structure and police culture have only recently become the subject of detaild academic research. Despite numerous analyses that deal with issues of organizational culture within the institutions of the security sector, there are still relatively few cross-cultural studies that deal with issues of equal opportunity, position, role, perspective, and barriers to the integration of women police officers. This work aims to help in getting better perspective of the current situation, i.e. a gender perspective within the police organization in Serbia, taking into account the current situation and opportunities provided to women working in the police. The paper..........
Keywords: police, gender equality, gender perspective, discrimination
[1]. Spasić, D. & Radovanović, I. (2012). Rezolucije o ženama, miru i bezbednosti i njihova primena u reformi sektora bezbednosti. Kultura polisa, Kultura – Polis Novi Sad i Kriminalističko-policijska akademija Beograd, godina IX, posebno izdanje 2- Kultura ljudskih prava u XXI veku, (ur. Milošević, Goran, Milašinović, Srdjan), pp. 291-306.
[2]. Europe Council (1998). Gender mainstreaming, Konceptualni okvir, metodologija i pregled dobrih praksi, Završni izveštaj o aktivnostima Grupe specijalista za mainstreaming (EG-S-MS).
[3]. Spasić, D. (2011). Police Culture and Gender Identity. Western Balkans Security Observer : journal of the Belgrade School for Security Studies .Centre for Civil-Military Relations, 2006- (Beograd: Goragraf).
[4]. Milosavljević, B. (1997). Nauka o policiji (Police Science). Belgrade: Policijska akademija (Police Academy).
[5]. Nickels, E. (2008). "Good guys wear black: uniform color and citizen impressions of police", Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 31(1), 77 – 92.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Disaster Management in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Irine Cheruto Rotich |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2401044151 ![]() |
Abstract: Disasters occur often and the most vulnerable are the poor who are exposed to various disaster risks. Majority live in developing countries where the level of disaster preparedness, resources and knowhow is still low. Kenya, like other developing countries of the world, is vulnerable to disaster risks resulting in deaths and loss of property worth millions. This study explores disaster management approaches using document reviews. The findings showed that Kenya has put up efforts towards disaster risk reduction though this has been inadequate. Byinte grating the findings of the present study with previous literature the author suggests recommendations towards effective approaches to build approach connectedness..
Keywords: Disaster, Disaster management, disaster risk reduction
[1]. Akali 2013 disaster preparedness and response strategiers in Kenya, Research gate, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1751.0724 Baas, S.Ramasamy, S , DePryck, J.D & Battista, F (2008) Disaster Risk Management Systems Analysis, Environment, Climate Change And Bioenergy Division Food And Agriculture Organisation Of
The United Nations Rome, Behnke, R and Muthami, D. (2011). "The Contribution of Livestock to the Kenyan Economy‟,FAO& IGAD.
[2]. GoK.(2008). Building Resilient Communities in Kenya. Strategic Plan Accessed on June 12, 2013.
[3]. GoK.(2009). National Disaster Response Plan. Accessed on April 12, 2013.
[4]. GoK.(2010). Kenya Population and Housing Census, 2009.
[5]. GoK.(2010).National Disaster Management Policy of Kenya (Final Draft). on May 6, 2013.
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Abstract: The Substantial Justice becomes an important aspect for consumers in Indonesia in terms of receiving products that have been through length measure, volume measure, weight measure, and their equipment (UTTP – ukur, takar, timbang dan perlengkapannya) beforehand, which are the research object of legal metrology. The definitions of Metrology and legal Metrology are regulated in Article 1 point a and b of the Act No. 2 of 1981 regarding Legal Metrology as a field of Science that covers broad concept of measurement, while Legal Metrology is a metrology that manages the measurement units, methods, and tools related to the technical requirements and regulation based on the law aimed to protect public interests in terms of measurement truths. The affirmation aligns........
Keywords: Substantial Justice, Legal Metrology, Consumer Protection
[1] Andersen, Gosta Esping with Duncan Gallie, Anton Hemerijck and John Myles. Why We Need a New Welfare State. New York : Oxford University Press Inc, 2002.
[2] _____, The Three World of Welfare Capitalim. Cambridge : Polity Press, 1999.
[3] Attamimi, Hamid S (1994) . Der Rechtstaat Republik Indonesia dan Perspektifnya menurut Pancasila dan UUD 1945, Makalah pada Seminar Sehari dalam rangka Dies Natalis Universitas 17 Agustus Jakarta Ke-42, diselenggarakan oleh FH Universitas 17 Agustus Jakarta.
[4] Bahder Johan Nasution, Hukum dan Keadilan, Bandung: Mandar Maju, 2015.
[5] Derrida dalam Roger, cottorrrel. Sociological Perspective on Law. England: Dartmouth Publishing Company and Ashgate Publising Company, 2001...
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Abstract: Nowadays media is not merely the source of communication but also a source of revolution. It is capable of bringing about huge change in the society as well as in the world. Media has a power to run through the mindset of human being and remold it thoroughly. The audience of present era does not only want information from media but also expect to be able to choose what they read. They are no more only passive gainer of information but also actively contribute the contents and opinions. Since media, having its different forms like TV, radio, newspaper, internet and nowadays social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. have so much of impact on public that they tend to believe each and everything they get through it.We cannot deny the fact that the media is the fourth pillar of the democratic world and its key factors are transparency and honesty; still, it is impossible to conjecture........
KEY WORDS: Media, Information, Religion of peace, Fourth pillar, Contribute, misunderstood
[1]. Jihad: A Misunderstood Concept from Islam - Rebellion Against Rulers
[2]. Shaykh Muhammad HishamKabbani (chairman, islamic supreme council of america) and shaykhserajhendricks (head mufti, cape town, south africa)
[3]. Sahih Muslim. Other hadiths with similar purport are: 1) "There will be upon you leaders who you will recognize and disapprove of; whoever rejects them is free, whoever hates them is safe as opposed to those who are pleased and obey them", they said, "should we not fight them". He r said, "No, as long as they pray." 2)"The best of your leaders are those you love and they love you, you pray for them and they pray for you. The worst of your leaders are those who anger you and you anger them and you curse them and they curse you. He said we replied, "O Messenger of Allah r should we not remove them at that?" He r said, "No, as long as they establish the prayer amongst you."
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Abstract: This study was designed to explore Foreign Language Anxiety and its Relationship with Grade Nine Students' English Language Achievement at HawassaTabor,Yirgalem, and HawassaLangano Preparatory and Secondary Schools. The study was designed on quantitative basis.The participants of the study were 362 grade 9 students and they were selected randomly. Questionnaire and document analysis were employed as data collection instruments. The questionnaire designed by Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope (1986) was slightly modified and used for the study. The data was analysed with multiple analysis methods including descriptive statistics, chi-square test and ordinal logistic regression. The results of study revealed that there existed different levels of foreign language anxiety in grade 9 students at Hawassa Tabor, Yirgalem, and HawassaLangano Preparatory and Secondary Schools. Of the sample subjects, 6.6 % of the subjects showed high level foreign language anxiety, 77.1 % showed medium-level foreign............
[1]. Abate Kassahun. (1996).'English Language Classroom Anxiety, Performance on Classroom Tasks and Tests: A Study of Some Ethiopian Civil Service College 1st year Students'. Addis Ababa: AAU (MA Thesis, unpublished).
[2]. Aydın, B. (2001). A study of sources of foreign language classroom anxiety in speaking and writingclasses.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Anadolu University, Eskişehir.
[3]. Batumlu, D.Z., and Erden, M (2007). 'The Relationship Between Foreign Language Anxiety and English Achievement of Yildiz Technical University School of Foreign Languages Preparatory Students
Journal of Theory and Practice in Education. 3(1): 24 38).
[4]. Brown, H.D. (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (3 rded). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.
[5]. Cubuku.F. (2007). 'Foreign Language Anxiety' .Iranian Journal of Language Studies , Vol 1(2) pp 133-142.
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Abstract: This article is an exploratory aiming at assessing the leadership practices and examining factors affecting school leaders‟ effectiveness in primary in Kambata-Tembaro Zone, Ethiopia. Descriptive survey research design was employed. It was conducted in a sample of 10 primary schools and on 66 school leaders (principals, deputy principals and department heads), and 90 teachers. Data were collected using questionnaire and focus group discussions with Woreda education officers and experts. Both quantitative and qualitative techniques of data analysis were employed. Percentage and frequency were employed to analyze behavioral matrix items; weighted mean was computed to find out average values against each item score of organizational factors affecting leadership effectiveness.......
KEY WORDS: leadership effectiveness, leadership style, organization, school performance, school principal
[1]. Bennis, W.G. & Nanus, B. 1985. Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge. New York, NY: Harper & Row.
[2]. Bush, T. (2008). Educational Leadership and Management: Theory, Policy and Practice. London: Sage.
[3]. Clark, S.N. & Clark, D.C. 2002. Collaborative decision making: a promising but underused strategy for middle school improvement. Middle School Journal, 33(4):52-57.
[4]. Cunningham, W.G. & Cordeiro, P.A. (2006). Educational Leadership: A Problem-Based Approach. (3rd Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
[5]. Cunningham, W.G. & Cordeiro, P.A. (2003). Educational Leadership: A Problem-Based Approach. (2nd Ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.