Series-10 (September-2019)September-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9 Ser 10
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Abstract: Declining interest in science among high school students across the world is well documented although the extent of such disinterest varies by region and country. One indicator of dismal interest in science is below average academic achievement in the science subjects in standardized tests. Results from PISA, for example, provide insights into the achievement of participating countries and offers good feedback on science curricula in the same countries. This paper presents part of the findings from doctoral study on the effects of using multiple instructional approaches on secondary school students' learning outcomes in chemistry in Vihiga County, Kenya. The study employed a mixed methods approach using a sample of 550 students from intact classes. Five learning outcomes were studied........
Key words: Science education, Correlations, Academic achievement, Science process skills, Scientific literacy, Science motivation, Science self-efficacy.
[1]. Aurah, C. The Effects of Self-efficacy Beliefs and Metacognition on Academic Performance: A Mixed method Study. American Journal of Educational Research , (2013a); 1(8), 334-343.
[2]. Mutisya, S. M., Rotich, S.K. & Rotich, P.K. Conceptual understanding of Science Process Skills and Gender Stereotyping: A Critical Component of Inquiry Teaching of Science in Kenya's Primary Schools. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities(AJSSH) , (2013); 2(3), 359-364.
[3]. Odundo, P.A., & Gunga, S.O. Effects of Application of Instructional Methods on Learner Achievement in Busines Studies in Secondary Schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, (2013); 1(5), 1-22.
[4]. Ongowo, R.O., & Indoshi, F.C. Science Process Skills in the Kenya Cerificate of Secondary Education Biology Practical Examinations. Creative Education , (2013); 713-717.
[5]. Oyoo, S. Science teacher Effectiveness as a Condition for Successful Science Education in Africa: A focus on Kenya. The International Journal of Learning , (2010); 17(9), 469-484.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Life a Gift of Humanity: Part 1 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gaurav Khetwal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409100607 ![]() |
Abstract: The hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray is very correct. This saying elucidates that if a man wants to worship God he can do better by serving the poor and the needy. A poor taxi driver filled with humanity and kindness proved it practically by saving the life of a roadside accidental victim by selling his taxi the only source of his livelihood.
Key Words: Humanity , kindness, accidental victim , helping disabled , lifetime
[1]. Taylor (ed.), On Humanity © Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited ,1994
[2]. Agier, "Humanity as an Identity," 34
[3]. Denis Kennedy Humanitarianism Governed: Rules, Identity, and Exclusion in Relief Work Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and
[4]. Development University of Pennsylvania Press Volume 10, Number 2, Summer 2019 pp. 207-237
[5]. Faith Counts, 5 Lessons Gandhi teaches us about humanity Published on: Jun 22, 2016|Categories: Inspiration, Living Your Faith Relationships Stories
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Abstract: The purpose of the present study was mainly to explore the influence of media violence on aggressive behavior among adolescents in selected secondary schools in Rajshahi, Bangladesh. To reach at the end of this study, aggressive behavior of 120 respondents was measured by administering adaptedBengali versionof Measure of Aggressive Questionnaire (MAB). The result of the study revealed that violent film-watching respondents significantly showed higher aggressiveness than non-violent film-watching respondents. Results also found that male respondents showed significantly higher aggressiveness than female respondents. It was also indicated that there is a significant difference in the influence of media violence on aggressive behavior on the basis of different age level.
Keywords: Adolescents, Age level, Aggressive behavior, Gender, Media violence
[1]. W. Wood, F.Y. Wong, and J.G. Chachere, Effects of media violence on viewers' aggression in unconstrained social interaction, Psychological Bulletin, 109, 1991, 371-383.
[2]. B.J. Bushman, Priming effects of media violence on the accessibility of aggressive constructs in memory, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 24, 1997, 537-545.
[3]. F.L. Zeng, Q.Y. Dai, S.Q. Tang, and W.Y. Zhang, Effect of watching violent TV on aggressive behavior of adolescents, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1, 2004, 35-37.
[4]. C.A. Anderson, and B.J. Bushman, Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and pro- social behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature, Psychological Science, 5, 2001, 353-359.
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Abstract: The research aims to: (1) analyze, and discover the nature of the Attorney General‟s authority representing the government in submitting applications for the dissolution of political parties in the Constitutional Court; (2) analyzing, as well as finding legal arrangements for implementing the authority of the Prosecutor‟s Office on behalf of the government in submitting applications for the dissolution of political parties in the Constitutional Court; (3) analyze and find the forms of criminal liability and legal liability for the dissolution of political parties in the Constitutional Court by the Prosecutor‟s Office. This research is a normative (doctrinal) legal research with legislation approach, case approach, comparative approach, and conceptual approach to legal material collected through library studies and interviews that are simple in nature and then analyzed using content analysis methods in series with grammatical, systematic interpretation methods extensive and teleological.
Key Words: Authority, Prosecutors‟ Office, Dissolution of Political Parties, Constitutional Court.
[1]. Ahmad, Kamri. (2014). Peninjauan Kembali dalam Teori dan Praktik. Makassar: Kretakupa Print.
[2]. Ali, Achmad. (2009). Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) dan Teori Peradilan (Judicialprudence): Termasuk Interpretasi Undang-Undang (Legisprudence) (Vol. 1). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[3]. Almond, Gabriel A., & Jr., G. Bingham Powell. (1996). Comparative Politics: A Developmental Approach. Boston: Little Brown & Co.
[4]. Arief, Barda Nawawi. (2016). Bunga Rampai Kebijakan Hukum Pidana. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[5]. Asshiddiqie, Jimly. (2005). Model-Model Pengujian Konstitusional di Berbagai Negara. Jakarta: Konstitusi Press..
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Abstract: This study focuses on challenges and coping strategies of girls employed to culturally unfamiliar industrial working culture in Hawassa industrial park. Industrial Parks (IPs) have been and are key policy instruments in enhancing economic transformation by attracting investment, promoting technological learning, upgrading and innovation and generating stable and decent employment. As Industrial park created job opportunities for youths in nearby community, people from the nearby rural communities migrate in search of job in industrial parks. Majority of operation workers are girls from rural villages with minimal awareness to industrial/factory working culture. Hence, the study was aimed to explore challenges encountered and strategies employed by industrial park workers to cope with the new............
Key Words: Industrial Park, Challenges, Coping Strategies, Working Culture, Rural Girls
[1]. Amado, J. D. Free Industrial Zones: Law and Industrial Development in the New International Division of Labor. (1989). U. Pa. J. Int'l Bus. L. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 81-150
[2]. Zeng, D. Z. Global Experiences with Special Economic Zones: With a Focus on China and Africa. Investing in Africa Forum, The World BankTrade and Competitiveness Global Practice, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2015.
[3]. UNCTAD (2015). Enhancing the Contribution of Export Processing Zones to the Sustainable Development Goals: An analysis of 100 EPZs and a Framework for Sustainable Economic Zones. UNCTAD/ DIAE/IPB/2015/, United Nations Publication.
[4]. Farole, T. Special Economic Zones in Africa: Comparing Performance and Learning from Global Experience (World he International Bank for Reconstruction and Development /The World Bank,1818 H Street NW, 2011).
[5]. United Nations Development Program, A Study on Women Manufacturing In Ethiopia: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategic Intervention , 2018.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Climate Change Impacts on Urban Poor: A Study on Slum People in Dhaka City |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Karisma Amjad |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409104075 ![]() |
Abstract: Dhaka, the capital and only megacity of Bangladesh, is exposed to multiple types of climate- induced hazards including variations in temperature, excessive and erratic rainfall, water logging, heat and cold waves. These hazards negatively affect on city life and livelihoods of the poor. This study is a quantitative study conducted at Dhaka to review climate change effects on the slum people. This study uses five slums in Dhaka- Karail slum at Mohakhali, Beltola slum at Banani, Molla Slum at Mirpur, Chairman Bari slum at Abdullahpur and Uttara slum, for climate change impacts of the poor livelihood. The study conducted on slum of Dhaka with purposive sample survey...........
Key Words: Climate change, climate impact, urban poor, slum dwellers, season.
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