Series-4 (September-2019)September-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Pinrang Regency is endowed by wealths of natural resources, cultural diversity, and culinaries. It produces a large number of tourist attractions spreaded in its twelve districts. The major objective of this research was to delineate the management of tourist attractions through the perspective of the Penta Helix Model in Pinrang Regency. It was conducted in several tourist attractions whereas data were collected through observation, documentation, and interviews. Equally important, the authors or researchers as the main research instruments are assisted by the guidelines of observation, interview, and documentation. The techniques used in data analysis consist of data reduction, data display.........
Keywords: Tourism; Government; Regional Autonomy; the Penta Helix Model
[1] Arnkil R., Järvensivu A., Koski P. and Piirainen T. (2010), Exploring Quadruple Helix Outlining user-oriented innovation models, Final Report on Quadruple Helix Research for the CLIQ project, under the Interreg IVC Programme.
[2] Carayannis E. G., Barth T. D. and Campbell D. F. J. (2012), The Quintuple Helix innovation model: global warming as a challenge and driver for innovation, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2012, 1:2.
[3] Carayannis E. G. and Campbell D. F. J. (2006), Mode 3: meaning and implications from a knowledge systems perspective, in Knowledge Creation, Diffusion, and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters, (pp. 1–25), Westport, CN: Praeger.
[4] Carayannis E. G. and Campbell D. F. J. (2009), Mode 3 and 'Quadruple Helix': toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem, International Journal of Technology Management, 46 (3), 201-234.
[5] Carayannis E. G. and Campbell D. F. J. (2010), Triple Helix, Quadruple Helix and Quintuple Helix and how do knowledge, innovation and the environment relate to each other? A proposed framework for a transdisciplinary analysis of sustainable development and social ecology, International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development 2010, 1(1):41–69.
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Abstract: While discussing the protection of child rights, this piece of writing briefly introduces the national and international human rights law as well as its application for the protection of child rights in Bangladesh. There had been much discussion regarding the laws and policies to reduce the child rights violations in Bangladesh over the years. In spite of having a strong commitment in the Constitution as well as being a signatory State in almost all the international human rights instruments there are notable violations of child rights in Bangladesh as per the reports of various human rights organisations every year. The paper seeks to highlight a picture of the different ways of these violations. It also highlights the child justice system prevailing in Bangladesh. Lastly, the paper will suggest some recommendations for the better application and thus protection of child rights in Bangladesh.
Key Words: Child rights, International law, Violation, Protection, Government, Child justice.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious and Cultural Syncretism: A Study of Swoyambhu |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | UddhabPuri, Ph. D. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409041827 ![]() |
Abstract: With heterogeneous societyextremely diversereligious and cultural people lives in Nepal. In terms of religions,There are two major religions. Hinduism is predominant followed by Buddhism. Although they differ in philosophical systems, but at practical level most of the cultural and religious tenets have been amalgamate, there by forming religious syncretism. This has been the most spectacular feature of Nepalese society. As a matter of facts, both the sections in the society share common features from one another. They worship same deities by different names and share various rituals and festivals. Swoyambhu as religious shrine attributeto Buddhism, which is one of the oldest religious and cultural..................
Key words – Syncretism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Swoyambhu, , shrines, deities, Bodhisattva
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Visita Íntima Como Direito Humano E Fundamental |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Paloma Gurgel de Oliveira Cerqueira |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409042835 ![]() |
Abstract: The present work has as object of study the conjugal visit federal prisons of the State, whereas the right to health under the constitutional and humanitarian perspective. The justification of the thematic relevance is in compliance with the constitutional guarantees and the Charter of human rights. The inclusion and maintenance of prisoners in penal institutions shouldn't break the family ties, especially since the family has your guaranteed constitutional unit. In addition, the legislation guarantees prisoners due respect the physical and moral integrity. The research methodology used is bibliographical and field. The general objective of this work is to demonstrate the rationale for guaranteeing legal conjugal law.........
Keywords: conjugal; right to health; human rights.
[1]. BRASIL. Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Brasília-DF: Senado: 1988.
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[4]. BANDEIRA, José Ricardo Rocha. Parecer técnico de análise criminológica e psicanalítica. 16 de outubro de 2018.
[5]. LOPES, Robson Mourão; OLIVEIRA, Alexsandro Augusto Carvalho de Oliveira. Parecer técnico de análise dos efeitos prisionaisnº 002/2019-PT. 7 de janeiro de 2019.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Investigation into Errors in the English Passive Voice |
Country | : | Viet Nam |
Authors | : | Bui Thi Loc |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409043641 ![]() |
Abstract: Passive sentences, an important part of every English language teaching grammar syllabus, occur quite frequently in English and cause difficulties to the English learners in Vietnam because of the variety of structures and the complicated meaning in context. The results of the test show that the learners made errors in structures of complex passive, passive with Get and Have, and in progressive aspect. More significantly, the students made a lot of errors in meaning and use. The results from the test and the interview reveal that the causes of errors are: 1) the effects of teaching or context of learning (the students have not been taught the English passive voice at discourse level and the students lack of practice using the English passive in communication, the students are not introduced about Get passive and Have passive properly enough); 2) the interlingual transfer ; 3) learning strategies.
Key words: error, discourse level, interference, context, learning strategy
[1]. Azar, Betty Schrampfer (1989): Understanding and Using English Grammar. Longman.
[2]. Bland, Susan Kesner(2003): Grammar Sense 3. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis Of The Impact Of Kkp Candy Number 56 Of 2016 On The Income Of Mangrove Crab Surabaya City |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Novyandri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2409044254 ![]() |
Abstract: Fisheries is one sector that is important for the country's economy. Utilization of the fisheries sector must also have a sustainable use paradigm because if these resources are used without any limitations it will cause scarcity and even loss of the potential that exists and will have an impact on the decline in people's welfare, especially those directly dependent on the sector. The sustainable utilization paradigm has prompted the government to issue a policy of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries No. 56 of 2016 which specifically regulates or limits the capture of crabs (Scylla spp)........
Keywords: Permen-KKP No. 56-2016, Mangrove Crab, Revenue, Grindlle Research Location: Sub District Wonorejo, Surabaya City.
[1]. Agustino, L. (2008). Dasar- dasar Kebijakan Publik. Bandung: Alfabeta.
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Abstract: Technology has changed our lives forever. The successful changes brought out by Technology can be seen vividly in our education system too. The purpose of education has been redefined. At present, the focus is on skill based education. We are in the age of Flipped classrooms and Blended learning. English is learnt as a Second language or as a foreign language in most of the places. Learning a foreign language poses many difficulties- both for the teacher and the student. English language teaching focuses on the development of the four skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Computer Assisted Language Learning comes as a saviour, making the language learning more effective........
Keywords: Language Skills, Mobile phone, technology, tertiary level, flipped classroom, challenges
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Abstract: The essence of social function in Article 20 of Basic Regulation Agrarian Principles (UUPA) is a hereditary right,the strongest and fullest to possess the land of the provision in Article 6. The research method used in this study is legal empirical research. The juridical approach to analyzing the various rules relating to wakaf land, while this study uses an empirical legal approach by taking legal analysis obtained from the social behavior related in social aspect. This paper provides the implementation of the principal of social function, balancing the invidual and social interest that could be achieved for purposes of UUPA.Waqf is an important institution in the Islamic socio-economic system which not only for religious purpose but also social aspect. This research endeavours to examine how the waqf sector can play an enhanced role in the socio-economic development. The structure of waqf instruments that could be further developed for construction of potential assets contemporary societies.
Keywords: Social Function Principal, Waqf Land, Social Welfare.
[1] Onny Medaline, The Development of "Waqf" on the "Ulayat" Lands in West Sumatera, Indonesia, Journal of Social Science Studies ISSN 2329-9150 2018, Vol. 5, No. 1
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the enhancement of Public Services through the implementation of E-Government at the Surabaya City Government Media Center. This research is qualitative by making a systematic, factual and accurate description of the facts of the implementation of E-Government in improving public services. The data analysis method uses inactive model analysis with three procedures, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Improvement of Public Services at the Surabaya City Government was carried out through the implementation of E-Government which consisted of presence by forming a media center to manage the information needed by the community. Interaction by providing interaction facilities between the community and local government which is displayed in the form of download and email communication facilities on the government website. Transactions, namely local government web that interact facilities in public services such as e-sapawarga.
Keywords: E-Government, Public Services, Media Center.
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Abstract: Elartículo científico haz un estudio sobre los mitos en algunos pueblos hasta llegar al pueblo de la etnia Wajãpi en el municipio de Piedra Branca de Amapari- AP.Desde los mitos griegos, romanos, nórdicos y hebreos hastalos Wajãpi semejanzas son descritas fundamentándose en el estructuralismo como respuesta a partir de las consideraciones epistemológicas del filósofo Claude Lévi-Strauss. En la secuencia se tienela cultura de la referida población indígena yla narrativa delMaririe del mito diluviano como punto de partida para elcruzamiento entre los conocimientos empíricos y filosóficos-científicos ahí producidos en franco desarrollo cultural, social, ambiental y humano, resaltandola importancia del censo común para conlos demássaberes.
Keywords: antropología indígena, pueblos tradicionales, Amazonia.
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Abstract: Thepurpose of this study is to analyze and discover the nature of criminal law enforcement in the arrangement of coastal areas, South Makassar City, along Jalan Metro Tanjung Bunga, Tamalate District and Mariso District, Makassar City covering an area of 1000 Ha. Research is interdisciplinary, so the method used is a survey, interview and questionnaire distribution so that all field phenomena can be observed in their entirety and comprehensively (comprehensive-integral). The results of the study show that the nature of criminal law enforcement (PHLK) in the structuring of coastal areas (PWP), when viewed from the three indicators used, has proven not to show and trends positive because it does not protect the interests/rights of the community, community acceptance (socially acceptable) program PWP........
Keywords: Environmental Law, Coastal Areas, Makassar City
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