Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: The objective of the study was to examine the effects of small-group learning and whole-class discussion on students' mathematics achievement. The study also sought to determine the small-group learning and whole-class discussion load that affects student mathematic achievement. In order to conduct the study an approach of action research was employed on one section of First Year Mathematics Students of Mettu University. First observation of students' activity and their perception towards mathematics small-group learning and whole-class discussion was made. Students' perceptions of small-group learning and whole-class discussion gave valuable information to improve the approaches of small-group learning and whole-class discussion so as to improve student achievement.........
Keywords: Improving, small-group learning, whole-class discussion, Students' achievement
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Abstract: In this paper we shall study fuzzy transportation problem, and we introduce an approach for solving a wide range of such problem by using a method which apply it for ranking of the fuzzy numbers. Some of the quantities in a fuzzy transportation problem may be fuzzy or crisp quantities. In many fuzzy decision problems, the quantities are represented in terms of fuzzy numbers may be triangular or trapezoidal. Thus, some fuzzy numbers are not directly comparable. First, we transform the fuzzy quantities as the cost, coefficients, supply and demands, into crisp quantities by using Centorid ranking method [4] and then by using the VAM algorithm to solve and obtain the solution of the problem .
Keywords: Fuzzy set, Fuzzy transportation problem, Trapezoidal Fuzzy number, Ranking Technique.
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Abstract: We consider Bianchi type III string cosmological model in the presence of viscous fluid and . To solve the Eainstein's field equations for Bianchi type III space time, time has been obtained by assuming the condition the coefficient of the viscosity is proportional to the expansion scalar, , expansion scalar is proportional to shear scalar, and cosmological constant is proportional to the Hubble parameter . The physical and geometrical behaviour of cosmological model are discussed.
Keywords: Bulk viscosity, cosmological constant , Bianchi-III space time, expansion scalar, shear, Hubble parameter.
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Abstract: The generalized difference Riesz sequence space 𝑟𝑞(ℳ,Δ𝑛𝑚,𝑢,𝑝,𝑠) of non absolute type was recently introduced and studied by some authors. This paper is devoted to characterize the classes (𝑟𝑞 ℳ,Δ𝑛𝑚,𝑢,𝑝,𝑠 ,ℓ∞), 𝑟𝑞 ℳ,Δ𝑛𝑚,𝑢,𝑝,𝑠 ,𝑐 𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑟𝑞 ℳ,Δ𝑛𝑚,𝑢,𝑝,𝑠 ,𝑐0) of infinite matrices and characterize a basic theorem where ℓ∞,𝑐 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐0 denotes respectively the space of bounded sequences, space of all convergent sequences and space of all sequences converging to zero.
Keywords: Riesz sequence space, sequence space of non absolute type, paranormed sequence spaces and Matrix transformations.
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Abstract: This study was aimed to analyze probability task completion of elementary school students. In this qualitative research, data was collected by giving probability tasks (probability of an event and probability comparison) and interview. The result showed that students used a numerator strategy in solving probability of an event task, and they used different strategy in solving probability comparison. Boy with high math ability used strategy by considering set with less non target event, boy with low math ability used strategy by considering set with more target event, girl with high math ability used strategy by considering set with greater difference in favor of target event, and girl with low math ability used strategy by considering...........
Keywords: Probabilistic Thinking, Elementary Student, Probability Task, Gender
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Abstract: This paper is an introduction for solving Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) using market
equilibrium. By market we mean the conditions under which producers sell and consumers buy a certain
commodity. The term market is used when only one commodity is being bought and sold and the word multimarket
is used when more than one commodity is involved. The price, demand and supply of any one good affects the
prices etc. of any other goods and vice-versa. DDEs discussed in this paper are linear. The most fundamental
Functional Differential Equations(FDEs) is the linear first order Delay Differential Equations (DDEs).Both
DDEs and FDEs are used as modeling tools in models in Economics............
Keywords: Delay differential equations, Demand function, Equivalent systems, Market equilibrium, Method of characteristics, Method of steps, Stability of the equilibrium, Supply function.
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Abstract: This article presents a bound estimation for two functions and consequently puts forwards several inequalities with their proofs. The new inequalities are helpful in estimating the bounds of certain functions and their better proofs are still calling more mathematical skills.
Keywords: Analytic solution, bound estimation, inequality
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Zero Average Method to Finding an Optimal Solution of Fuzzy Transportation Problems |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | A. Edward Samuel || P.Raja |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306015663 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a proposed method, namely, Zero Average Method (ZAM) is used for solving fuzzy transportation problems by assuming that a decision maker is uncertain about the precise values of the transportation cost only but there is no uncertainty about the demand and supply of the product. In this proposed method transportation cost are represented by generalized fuzzy numbers. To illustrate the proposed method a numerical example is solved and the obtained results are comparing with the results of existing methods. The proposed method is very easy to understand and apply on real life transportation problems for the decision makers......
Keywords: Fuzzy Transportation Problem (FTP); Generalized Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number (GTrFN); Ranking function; Zero Average Method (ZAM).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Student Autonomy in Mathematics Assessment: Passive Recipients or Active Participants |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Asha D || Sowmya M |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306016468 ![]() |
Abstract: Within the realm of mathematics assessment research, there is an abundance of different instances of creative techniques. To my surprise, however, the anticipated role that students play in the evaluation process has received a surprisingly little amount of attention from academics. Students have long been seen to be the goals of mathematics assessment, which stems from the idea that assessment is a kind of measuring. On the other hand, assessment policies have been placing a greater focus on the principles of "Assessment for Learning," which represent students as autonomous actors in the learning process. Within the context of these seemingly contradicting tendencies......
Keywords: Mathematics assessment, Passive Recipient, Autonomy, Active Participant
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practices. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(3), 463-477.