Version-3 (Nov-Dec 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4
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Abstract: In this companion paper we have to determine the time of sunrise and sunset in any specific terrestrial latitude. Also it has been predicted about the sunrise and sunset in 2017(June - December). Although in this work there are some small errors at different situation but it does not effect on actual time of sunrise and sunset. So this is a good way to determine the time of sunrise and sunset in specific latitude. The result of our calculation is found to be good agreement to the other investigation.
Keywords: Anomaly, Declination, Latitude, Longitude, Time.
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Abstract: numerical simulation is performed to investigate Newtonian sinusoidal flows behavior on three dimensional idealized carotid artery (CA) and single stenosed (75% by area) carotid artery(SCA). The wall vessel is set as rigid during simulation. Bifurcated blood vessel are simulated by using three-dimensional flow analysis. Sinusoidal and parabolic velocity profiles are set out to fix the conditions of inlet boundaries of artery. The investigation has a Reynolds number range of 90 to 1430. Low Reynolds number k model has been used as governing equation. The investigation has been carried out to characterize the flow behavior of blood in two geometry, namely, (i) Normal carotid artery...........
Keywords and Phrases: Atherosclerosis, Carotid artery, Sinusoidal blood flow, Stenosis, Viscosity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Overview of Quantum Cryptography with Lattice Based Cryptography |
Country | : | United States |
Authors | : | Chuck Easttom |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306031821 ![]() |
Abstract: Many researchers believe quantum computing will be a practical reality within the next 10 years. Quantum based algorithms will be able to render current number theoretic asymmetric cryptography algorithms obsolete. This means that other algorithms must be discovered, prior to quantum computers becoming a practical reality. Lattice based cryptosystems are a viable candidate for post-quantum computing.
Keywords: Quantum computing, cryptography, quantum physics, post-quantum cryptography, lattice based cryptography
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[5]. Fano, G., Blinder, S. (2017). Twenty-First century quantum mechanics: Hilbert space to quantum computers: Mathematical methods and conceptual foundations. New York City, New York: Springer.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A New Approach to Solve Fuzzy Linear Equation A.X+B=C𝑪 |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Farooq Hasan || Dr. Abeda Sultana |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306032230 ![]() |
Abstract: Solving fuzzy equations has long been a problem in fuzzy set theory.Fuzzy equations were solved by using different standard methods. One of the well-known methods is the method of.........
Keywords: Density Function, Fuzzy Number, Fuzzy Equation, Probability Distribution, 𝛼−𝑐𝑢𝑡 method
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[5]. J. Wasowski, "On Solutions to Fuzzy Equations", Control and Cybern, Vol. 26, 1997, pp. 653-658.
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Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a fractional heat conduction equation with a time-fractional derivative based on using the fractional heat Fourier law, in a half space in contact with vacuum perfectly-conductive half space. The Caputo fractional derivative is used to study the interaction between elastic, thermal, and magnetic fields. The solutions for displacement, temperature, stress and perturbed magnetic fields both in the vacuum and in the half-space are derived. The solutions are first obtained in terms of Laplace transform. The inverse of the Laplace transform is done numerically using a method based on Fourier expansion techniques. Numerical results for a copper-like material are presented graphically and discussed..
Keywords: Magneto-thermoelasticity; half space; Fractional heat conduction; Laplace transform
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Closed Subsets Of Free Groups |
Country | : | Israel |
Authors | : | Rita Gitik || Eliyahu Rips |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306034547 ![]() |
Abstract: We give two examples of a finitely generated subgroup of a free group and a subset, closed in the profinite topology of a free group, such that their product is not closed in the profinite topology of a free group. [2010]Primary: 20E05; Secondary: 05C25, 20E26
Keywords: Free group, Profinite topology, Closed set
[1]. T. Coulbois, Free Product, Profinite Topology, and Finitely Generated Subgroups, Int. J. of Algebra and Computation, 11 (2001), 171-184.
[2]. R. Gitik and E. Rips, On Separability Properties of Groups, Int. J. of Algebra and Computation, 5 (1995), 703-717.
[3]. R. Gitik and E. Rips, On Double Cosets in Free Groups, J. of Mathematics, IOSR, 12, Issue 6 Version IV (November-December 2016), 14-15.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Découverte de la loi cachée pour les nombres premiers |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | M. Sghiar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306034850 ![]() |
Abstract: From an idea inspired by quantum mechanics, the purpose of this article is to give a function....
Keywords:Nombre premier, Théorie des nombres, distribution des nombres premiers, la loi des nombres premiers, l'hypothèse de Riemann, la fonction zêta de Riemann.
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Abstract: We give an extremely easy proof of the atomic decomposition for distributions in.......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Alternative Methods to Prove Theorem of Basis And Dimensions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arpit Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306035556 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we study about alternative methods by which we can proof the theorem,In a vector space V if {α1,α2,…..,αn} generates V and if {W1 ,W2,…..Wm} is linearly independent (LI), then m ≤ n , where dim W = m and dim V = n. OR We can't have more LI vectors than the number of elements in a set of generators. We all are familiar with the methods of proving the given theorems mentioned in books as reference books but there are also other methods by which we can prove the theorem using some theorems directly as statements.
Keywords: Basis of A Vector Space, Dimension of A Vector Space, Linear Dependence of Vectors, Linear Independence of Vectors, Linear Combination of Vectors, Linear Span.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rainfall Data Forecasting By SARIMA and BPNN Models |
Country | : | Sri Lanka |
Authors | : | Seneviratna,DMKN || Rathnayaka,RMKT |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306035763 ![]() |
Abstract: Forecasting is very appropriate and important component in different ways due to the competitive atmospheres around the world. It is a significant methodologyfor inferring the future behavior of a particular field under the uncertainty conditions with the limited known behaviors. This scenario is well suited for many practical applications such as rainfall data.Because of the importance of knowing about weather for agricultural purposes as well as for preventing natural disasters, forecasting rainfall data is significant. Practically, rainfall data forecasting is a difficult task due to its' nonlinear behavior with high volatility and complex nature. Furthermore, rainfall is considered as the most important climatic element that influences agriculture. Therefore monthly rainfall forecasting plays an important role in the planning and management of agricultural scheme and management of water resource systems.........
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[3]. Diaz-Robles, L. et al., 2008. A hybrid ARIMA and artificial neural networks model to forecast particulate matter in urban areas: The case of Temuco, Chile. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 42, pp. 8331 - 8340.
[4]. Etuk, E. & Mohamed, T., 2014. Time Series Analysis of Monthly Rainfall data for the Gadaref rainfall station, Sudan, by Sarima Methods. Intenat in Knowledgeional Journal of Scientific Research, 2(7), pp. 320 - 327.
[5]. Feng, G. et al., 2016. Trend Analysis and Forecast of Precipitation, Reference Evapotranspiration, and Rainfall Deficit in the Blackland Prairie of Eastern Mississippi. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, pp. 1425 - 1439..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | NILPOTENCY: A Characterization of the finite p-groups |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adebisi, S.A. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306036466 ![]() |
Abstract: As parts of the characterizations of the finite p-groups is the fact that every finite p-group is NILPOTENT. Hence, there exists a derived series (Lower Central) which terminates at e after a finite number of steps. Suppose that G is a p-group of class at least m ≥ 3. Then L m-1G is abelian and hence G possesses a characteristic abelian subgroup which is not contained in Z(G). If L 3(G) = 1 such that pm is the highest order of an element of G/L2 (G) (where G is any p-group) then no element of L2(G) has an order higher than pm. [1]
Keywords and phrases : Nilpotency, central series, order, commutator, abelian
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Abstract: Human beings are in constant search for self-actualization, recognition, protection from risks and satisfaction of their needs in order to live in peace and harmony. This can only be achieved when all threats to security are removed. Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education is concerned with the development of human resource which has significant impact on the development of social harmony and building a culture of peace. This is with the view to ensuring physical survival of individuals and groups and protection from threats like disease, hunger, unemployment, political oppression and environment degradation as indices of human insecurity. The paper, Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education for human security and sustainable development looks at Human........
Keywords: Human Security, Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education.
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Abstract: In this paper, we presented some definite integral formula using the well-known Cauchy Residue theorem. These formulas may not be easily derived using the elementary integral calculus method. We also presented a new representation of beta function.
Keywords: Definite integral, Residue's theorem
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Abstract: This research seeksto classify prospective students seeking admissioninto higher institution in Nigeria as fit or unfit using discriminant analysis and artificial neural network analysis. The data is a primary data collected from a sample of 90 second year National Diploma (ND 2) students in various department in Lagos State Polytechnic. Data on students' personal, academic and other information that will accurately classify them as good or bad standing as measured by their first year cumulative grade point average (CGPA)were collected from each student.The data was fitted into discriminating models using discriminant analysis and artificial neural network analysis and the two models complement each other for this purpose. The result of the discriminant analysis was able to classify 60%.........
Keyword: Artificial Neural Network, Discriminant Analysis, Post UTME, Chi-square, UTME[1]. Aru, O.A; Ifeyinwa E. Achumba and F.K. Opara (2016): "Assessment Of The Admission Criteria That Predict Students' Academic Performance in Undergraduate Years in a Nigerian University". Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering & Management (IJRTEM). Volume 1 Issue 2 ǁ March. 2016 ǁ PP 01-05
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Schrödinger Equation Via Laplace-Beltrami Operator |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Esin İnan Eskitaşçioğlu || Mehmet Açil |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1306039195 ![]() |
Abstract: In this work firstly we consider Schrödinger differential equation which satisfies to find wave functions that are important for microscopic systems. Then we generalize these equations by using Laplace- Beltrami operator and compare results we obtained with solutions of Schrödinger differential equations.
Keywords: Differential Equation, Bessel Function, Potential
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