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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Estimates in the Operator Norm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Gunasekaran || R.Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1404020104 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we will obtain estimates of the distance between the q-k-eigenvalues of two q-k-normal matrices A and B interms of A || B || Apart from the optimal matching distances. AMS Classifications : 15A09, 15A57, 15A24, 15A33, 15A15.
Keywords: q-k-Hermitian , q-k-Skew-Hermitian, invariant norms, etc.
[1]. Bhatia, Rajendara: Matrix Analysis; Springer Publications(1997) 159 – 164.
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[3]. Grone. R, Johnson. CR, E.M.SQ, H.Wolkwicz: Normal matrices; Lin.Alg.Appl., 87 (1987) 213-225.
[4]. Gunasekaran.K and Kavitha.R: on Quaternion-k-normal matrices; International Journal of Mathematical Archive-7(7),(2016) 93-
[5]. Gunasekaran.K and Kavitha.R: Some Equivalent conditions on Quaternion-k -Normal.
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Abstract: Drums are the world's oldest and most widespread of musical instruments. If basic shapes (like rectangular, circular and triangular), are considered to be the drum membrane; ignoring the air column below, whether it is possible to distinguish them by observing their frequency and amplitude spectra is addressed by solving the wave equation in this research. The wave equation in two dimension was solved in rectangular Cartesian coordinates and cylindrical polar coordinates using the method of separation of variables. Amplitude spectrum for all three cases were determined through numerical implementation of discrete Fourier transforms using Maple software. Results of the study shows that all three drumheads have distinct amplitude spectra when subjected to initial symmetrical.............
Keywords: Amplitude spectra,Discrete Fourier Transform, frequency spectra, Amplitude spectra.
[1]. D.A.Thatrigoda and D.S. Rodrigo. (2014). Numerical Implementation of Fourier Transforms and Associated Problems, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, vol.1,pp 1-10.
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Abstract: The problem of hydromagnetic mixed convection heat transfer across a porous medium due to buoyancy force, difference in temperature , the presence of pressure gradient and radiation is considered between two finitely long vertical isothermal walls, one of which is wavy. The presence of the heat source and combined effects of viscous dissipation and Joule heating in slip flow regime is taken into account. The resulting nonlinear dimensionless governing equations are linearized by perturbation technique and then solved numerically using the software MAPLE. As a result, the dimensionless velocity, temperature, skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt number are illustrated through the graphs and discussed for different physical parameters..
Keywords: Frictional heating, hydromagnetic slip flow, isothermal wavy channel, Joule heating, porous medium.
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Journal of Engineering Mathematics.: Theory and Application (IeJEMTA), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.1-28.
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Abstract: Nitrogen is a vital nutrient that enhances plant growth which has motivated the intensive use of nitrogen-based fertilizers to boost crop productivity. However, Pollution by nitrate is a globally growing problem due to the population growth, increase in the demand for food and inappropriate Nitrogen application. The complexities and challenges in quantifying nitrate leaching have led to development of a range of measurement and modeling techniques. However, most of them are not widely applied due to their inaccuracy. This calls for new approaches in which nitrate leaching can be analysed in order to give better understanding of nitrate fate and transport process for proper management of groundwater............
Keywords: Nitrate, Modeling, Advection-Dispersion, Leaching, Groundwater, Soil Porosity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geometrical Series with Multiple Reasons |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Gleison Guardia |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1404022731 ![]() |
Abstract: the present article deals with geometric series, a numerical sequence of exponential behavior used in financial markets, study of bacterial growth, cell reproduction, population growth, atomic decay, etc.However, what is presented in the literature on this topic, talks about a single factor(reason), interfering in its growth, which makes predictive work limited to this characteristic.The purpose of this study is to discuss the possibilities of working with several factors (reasons) of interference in the growth or decrease of the series, making them attractive to those who need a more robust and real simulation.In this paper we present an advance related to the already published article on the Arithmetic Series by the same author, in which a general term equation for any value of the sequence is defined, as well as an equation for the calculation of the sum of these terms.
Keywords: Modular Arithmetic, Simulations, Reasons, Geometry, series.
[1] G. Guardia, N. B. do Nascimento, Arithmetic Sequence with multiple Reasons, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), Volume 7, Issue 5 2018, 370-376.
[2] J. Stewart, Cálculo (Cengage Learning,Tradução da Edição Americana: Universidade de Caxias do Sul- RS, 2017).
[3] S. Bera, Fibonacci and Lucas Identities with the Coefficients inArithmetic Progression, International Organization of Scientific Research - Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Volume 13, Issue 1 Ver. IV 2017, 57-63.
[4] R. Subramanya, Remodeling of Equations of Arithmetic Progressions (Sn& Tn), International Organization of Scientific Research - Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. III 2017, 11-26.
[5] D. I. Sari, I. K. Budayasa, D. Juniati, Analyze of Probability Task Completion of Elementary School Students Based on Math Ability and Gender, International Organization of Scientific Research - Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM), Volume 13, Issue 6 Ver. I 2017, 25-32.
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Abstract: The study was a descriptive-correlational one that aimed at determining the correlates of the level of Mathematics performance of sophomore students of public integrated schools in the Division of Samar. The result of the study would serve as basis for instructional redirections. Moreover, the factors that were studied were categorized into three, namely, (a) students related-factors, (b) teacher-related factors and (c) home-related factors .The study involved all the eight Mathematics II teachers of the seven integrated public schools of the Division of Samar and 281 sophomore students and their parents of the public integrated schools, namely: Zumarraga IS, Cabungaan IS, Burgos IS, Tenani IS, Mualbual IS, Tominamos IS, and Guinsorongan IS. Using an "Achievement Test in Mathematics............
Keywords: Correlates,mathematicsperformance,Integrated,Integrated Schools, educational background, Home-related factors, teacher-related factors, students-related factors.
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Abstract: In the present work 12 different artificial neural networks are constructed to control the limitations of rational decisions taken by them. Forecasts are being studied in relation to the number of repetitions of education combined with the time of training. Artificial neural networks are used to predict the average property price.
Keywords: Neural Networks, Bounded Rationality, MSE, Limited Rational Decisions
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | One Way Analysis of Variance: A Practical Guide with R |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adeniran, A. T. || Faweya, O. || Balogun, K. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1404025867 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrated with example the practical application of R-software to solve Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) problem. Data importation from excel, checking of ANOVA assumptions, descriptive statistics of the data by treatment groups, obtaining ANOVA model and post-hoc analysis were all explored.
Keywords: ANOVA, descriptive statistics, treatments, p-value, post-hoc
[1]. Adebowale, S. A. (2006). Statistics for Engineers, Managers and Scientists, Alfredo Graphics Limited, ISBN-978-06043-2-4.
[2]. Brian, S. E. and Torsten, H. (2010). A Handbook of statistical Analysis Using R, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, ISBN 978-1-4200-7933-3.
[3]. Christophe, L. (2005). R Companion to Montgomery's Design and Analysis of Experiments.
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[5]. James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2013). An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R, Springer, ISSN 1431-875X, ISBN 978-1-4614-7137-0, ISBN 978-1-4614- 7138-7 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-7138-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Direct Product of Brandt Semigroup and Its Rank as a Class of Algebra |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | UDOAKA, O. G || SAMPSON, MARSHAL I. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1404026871 ![]() |
Abstract: The rank of direct product of Brant SemigroupB(G, n) where n≥2 and |𝐺|≥1, is presented as a class of Algebra in comparison to the sum. This study is also extended to the computation of the rank of direct product of cancellativesemigroups.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Universe Collapses or Remains Inert If G Is Not Constant |
Country | : | France |
Authors | : | M. Sghiar. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1404027275 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to show that the universe either remains inert or collapses if G, the"gravitational constant", is not constant in space. And even if G is constant in space but not a constant in time this can have an effect on the climate change of the earth and the universe can collapse.
Keywords: Gravitational constant, gravitation, theory of relativity, gravitation Law, climate change.
[1]. Mahmoud E. Yousif "Newton‟s Gravitation Law is Wrong!" IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) , vol. 10, no. 4, 2018, pp. 34-38.
[2]. NASA, Planetary Facts Sheet – Metric,
[3]. M. Sghiar. "La Gravité Quantique Et Les Deux Forces Qui Régissent Le Cosmos." IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) , vol.
9, no. 5, 2017, pp. 58–63
[4]. M. Sghiar. " Le Mystère De L'intrication Et De La Gravité Quantique Enfin Élucidé." IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) ,
vol. 9, no. 5, 2017, pp. 24–27
[5]. Wikipedia, Gravitational constant, the free encyclopedia, 2018.
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Abstract: In view of the phenomenon of high probability and mathematical statistics examination failure rate in local colleges in recent years, this paper analyzes and investigates the positive influencing factors of probability theory and mathematical statistics passing rate and makes a questionnaire survey.Then, the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to establish the evaluation model of the influencing factors of probability theory and mathematical statistics pass rate, and the weight of each factor of probability theory and mathematical statistics pass rate evaluation is obtained by AHP. Thus, the evaluation results are more objective and scientific.
Keywords: Analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,influence factors of pass rate, probability theory and mathematical statistics
[1]. S Chen, J Li, and X Wang, Fuzzy set theory and its application, Beijing: Science Press, 2005.
[2]. H Zhang, Y Shang, and H Ji, Attribution and reflection on the achievements of college students' probability theory and
mathematical statistics, Journal of Capital Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 39(1),2018, :8-12.
[3]. H Hao, Z Hong, Teaching thinking based on statistical analysis results of students' achievements, Journal of Inner Mongolia
University of Technology(Social Science Edition), 26(1), 2017, 108-111.
[4]. Z Tian, M Zhang, Evaluation model of positive influence factors of higher mathematics pass rate—based on fuzzy comprehensive
evaluation, Contemporary Management of Theory and Practice, 9(8), 2017, 72-75.
[5]. F Pang, W Zhou, The Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model in the evaluation of college students' achievement.
Higher Architectural Education, 27 (1), 2018, 119-21.
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Abstract: This paper addresses the solutions of SI, SIR, SEIR and MSEIR (SIRs) models. Those epidemic models are simplified means of describing the transmission of infectious diseases through individuals. Infectious diseases are a tool which has been used to explore the mechanisms by which diseases dispersal, to prophesy the future course of an outbreak and to esteem strategies to control an epidemic. To find the solution of our models we use the multi-steps differential transform method (Ms-DTM), a reliable and powerful technique that ameliorate reliability and overcome drawbacks advanced in using the standard differential transform method (DTM).Finally, results have been compared with a software package Mathematica using the Parametric ND Solve code and very good agreement is obtained.
Keywords: Nonlinear ................
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