Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to review the state of art on integrated water resources management (IWRM) approaches for sustainable irrigation at the basin scale under semi-arid and arid climatic conditions, with main emphasis in Barind area where Surface water irrigation has not been developed satisfactorily due to its limited availability and undulated topography. As IWRM is an interdisciplinary approach and used for different objectives, the main emphasis is given to IWRM approaches for sustainable irrigation and their environmental aspects. In general integrated approaches in Bangladesh are scarce. Groundwater is the main source of irrigation as well as for domestic and industrial purposes in Barind area. In recent years, lowering of groundwater table is observed in some areas of the region. Lowering of groundwater table during dry months creates problems in the operation of STWs and hand tubewells. In some places of Tanore Upazila, declining trend of groundwater level also observed. In the next 25 years, food demand of the country is expected to increase by 29% which will require increased cropping intensity. In absence of major surface water diversion, added pressure on groundwater will lead to further depletion of the sources. Rivers being recharged from groundwater causing a major natural loss of groundwater through Mahananda and the Ganges river. Reduction of surface water flows and lowering of groundwater table combined with climate change will aggravate the existing water scarcity problem. All these have compounded the sustainable management of water in this area. To overcome this complexity, an integrated water resources management (IWRM) is necessary. Upazila wise potential resource as well as usable resource, present and future demand for expanded irrigation coverage, number of DTW, surface water availability, impact of conserving surface water on kharies have been assessed for the study area which is very important for IWRM.
Keywords: IWRM, Drought, Climate Change, Declining trend of Groundwater, Sustainable Irrigation, otential Recharge
[1] GWP. 2000. Integrated Water Resources Management. TAC Background Papers No. 4, Global Water Partnership: Stockholm. 67 p
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[6] Jahan CS, MazumderQH, Islam ATMM and Adham MI (August 2010). Impact of irrigation in barind area, northwest Bangladesh-an evaluation based on the meteorological parameters and fluctuation trend in groundwater table. Journal Geological Society of India. Vol. 76, pp. 134 – 142
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Abstract: The objective of this work is to develop a numerical model of the resistance spot welding process with a flat cylindricallower electrode, enabling to predict accurately the spot weld geometry development. A 2D axisymmetric electro-thermo-mechanical finite element (FE) model is developed to study the effect of spot welding parameters on nugget size using ANSYS commercial software package. The nugget formation processes at the various welding conditions were investigated by both experimental measurement and FEM simulation.In order to improve the accuracy, temperature dependent properties of material are taken into account during the simulation. Experiments were carried out to verify the preciseness of simulation. Two different thicknesses of austenitic stainless steel sheets were used in the study. The FE predicted weld nugget sizes agreed well with the experimental results. Overall, the present work indicated that finite element analysis can be very useful as an off-line observation tool to estimate the influence of welding parameters on the welding quality and to predict or improve the welding quality.
Key words: Resistance spot welding, Austenitic stainless steel, Finite element method, Nugget.
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[5] Tsai, C.L., Jammel, O.A., Papritan, J.C., Dickinson, D.W., 1992. Modeling of resistance spot weld nugget growth. Welding J. 70, 47–54.
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Abstract: Agro industry plays a crucial role in the industrialization process of developing countries. Sugar industry is second largest agro industry in the world. In sugar manufacturing plants there are various processes for production of sugar i.e. extraction of juice, clarification, evaporation, concentration of juice, forming and separating crystals etc. These processes consumed energies in the form of mechanical energy, electrical energy and heat energy. So there are various sources of waste heat in sugar factory i.e. waste heat from hot flue gasses, hot water from evaporative body and boiler blow down. The large amount of waste heat passes from various devices of sugar factory causes decrease in the efficiency of sugar plants, and also increase the "Global Warming" which is very dangerous for our environment. The present cooling system for condenser is inappropriate & hence decrease vacuum in evaporators and pans. This will increase the boiling point temperature of juice. The proposed cooling system gives solution of both problems. The most important source of waste heat i.e. hot flue gases are use to run absorption chiller. The absorption chiller gives better cooling system for condenser. There will be improvement in condensation of vapour in condenser which will cause increase vacuum in evaporators and pans thereby reducing boiling point temperature of juice. This reduced boiling point temperature of juice requires less amount of steam for boiling, ultimately saving of bagasse and fuel economy can be attained. Thus this arrangement can be treated as the efficient method of utilization of waste heat for cooling condenser water in sugar factory thus saving further depletion of natural resources like coal, petroleum or else increasing its availability to other important processes and one can hope that the "waste heat recovery" may play an even greater role in the industrial development in this new millennium.
Key word: Boiling of juice, bagasse yields, crushing, scrubbing system, vacuum measurement, gur
[1]. Bhatt M.S., "Energy audit case studies‟, Applied Thermal Engineering, 20, pp 285-296, (2000).
[2]. Bhatt M.S., N Rajkumar, "Mapping of combined heat and power systems in cane sugar industry‟, Applied Thermal Engineering 21, pp 1707-1709, (2001).
[3]. Arora, C.P. "Absorption refrigeration system‟, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, pp 358-410, (2001).
[4]. Talbi M., B. Agnew, "Energy recovery from diesel engine exhaust gases for performance enhancement and air conditioning‟, Applied Thermal Engineering 22, pp 693-702, (2002).
[5]. JadhavM.G., "Some findings on heat energy audit for sugar factory‟, Cooperative Sugar 33, pp 635-642, (2002).
[6]. Lu Y.Z., R. Z. Wang, S. Jainzhou, Y. X. Xu, J. Y. Wu, "Practical experiments or an adsorption air conditioner powered by exhaust heat from diesel locomotive‟, Applied Thermal Engineering 24, pp 1051-1059, (2004).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Establishing Relationship between Cbr Value and Physical Properties of Soil |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naveen B Shirur , Santosh G Hiremath |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11512630 ![]() |
Abstract: Subgrade strength is mostly affected by thickness of pavement, in Highway design. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is the one of the method to determine the sub grade strength.CBR test is laborious and time consuming, hence a method is proposed for correlating CBR value with the LL, PL, SL, PI, OMC and MDD. In the present study, different soils samples (having 20<LL<70) were collected from different locations. Various laboratory tests including Atterberg limit, Specific Gravity, Gradation Analysis, CBR and compaction were performed on the samples. Various linear relationships between index properties and CBR of the samples were investigated using simple and multiple linear regression analysis and also predictive equation estimating CBR from the experimental index values were developed.
Keywords: Coefficient of correlation (R) 2, MLRA, Regression, Soaked CBR value, SLRA.
[1] Dilip Kumar Talukdar, A Study of correlation between California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values with other properties of soil. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, volume 4 (2014), pp. 559-562.
[2] Soewignjo Agus NUGROHO, Andy HENDRI, and Rahayu NINGSIH, Correlation between Index properties and California Bearing Ratio test of Pekanbaru Soils with and without Soaked. Canadian Journal on Environmental, Construction and Civil Engineering, Vol. 3(2012), No.1, pp. 7-16.
[3] Patel.Rashmi S. and Desai.M.D, CBR Predicted by Index properties for Alluvial soils of South Gujarat. Indian Geotechnical Conference (2010), pp. 79-82.
[4] Ramasubbarao, G.V. and Siva Sankar, G, Predicting Soaked CBR value of fine grained soils using index and compaction characteristics, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, volume 7(2013), No.3, pp. 354-360.
[5] B.C. Chattopadhyay and J. Maity, Prediction of CBR of different groups of Alluvial soils for design of flexible pavement. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering under Uncertainty: Safety Assessment and Management (ISEUSAM), pp. 833-847.
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Abstract: The current energy situation has placed demand on exploitation of energy resources such as in geothermal reservoirs. Adequate exploitation of geothermal energy potential requires detailed evaluation of temperature profile in the medium. This work has thus developed a model to achieve this. A model was developed based on the conservation of mass, momentum and energy.The governing equations were solved using Crank-Nicholson version of the finite difference technique. The software was designed using MATLAB 5.0, Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Excel. The visual basic component provides a means for the user to input parameters for the simulation. MATLAB provides the main computation while Excel was used to display the results. The software was used to simulate hot water displacement in a porous medium. The results obtained showed that fluid injected from the side of the reservoir medium responds slowly to changes in temperature distribution than when injected from the bottom.
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[3]. Takahashi, M. (1999) Development of a Flow Simulator (WELCARD-V) Considering Inflow Performance and Wellbore Performance of Geothermal Well. Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan, vol.21, pp. 341-352.
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[5]. Reffstrup, J. and Houbak, N. (1985) A finite Element Analysis of Hot and Cold Water Displacement in Porous Media and Comparison against Experimental Results. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. pp. 249.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A New Design and Analysis of BUS Body Structure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prasannapriya. Chinta , Dr.L.V.Venugopal Rao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11513947 ![]() |
Abstract: Optimization of mechanical response of automotive and body designs are increasingly relies on new models. Generally in international market for passenger's buses design processes can rely on supercomputing facilities. Nowadays for the passenger buses have many local producers which construct vehicles based on local needs. In the competitive to stay these producers comply with the same requirements and weight reduction of their international counterparts without access to latest computation facilities. This paper proposes a new method for designing a bus body structure is designed and modelled in 3D modelling software Pro/Engineer. The original body is redesigned by changing the thickness and reducing the number of elements so that the total weight of the bus is reduced. The present used material for structure is steel. It is replaced with composite materials Kevlar and S 2 Glass Epoxy. The density of steel is more than that of composite materials, so by replacing with composites, the weight of the structure is reduced. Structural and Dynamic analysis is done on both the structures using three materials to determine the strength of the structure. Analysis is done in Ansys.
Index terms: Bus body structure, Redesign, Structural finite element Analysis
[1]. Chandna P., Bhushan G., Singh V. P., Kumar D. and Kumar A., Finite element analysis of a bus body structure using CAE tools. Kurukshetra University, 2008
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[5]. Lan F, Chen J and Lin J. Comparative analysis for bus side structures and lightweight optimization, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs,2004, 1067-1075.
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Abstract: Heat transfer coefficients were measured in a circular tube with dimpled surface. The almond type dimples were fabricated, the tube diameter (D) 19mm and dimple depth 3 mm ratio was kept constant, while holding diameter 10mm of dimple is required length 21.5mm because of the elongated shape. The Reynolds number based on the channel hydraulic diameter was varied from 25000to 95000. An experimental study was conducted for the staggered configuration of the dimple and compare with the base line results of plain tube. In addition to this numerical investigation was carried out for similar experimental conditions with addition to align array of dimple. It was found that staggered array of dimple in circular tube has 66% greater thermal performance factor than align dimple configuration. Heat transfer results are compared with the base line with plain tube. Heat transfer measurement results showed that high heat transfer was induced downstream of the dimples due to flow reattachment. As the Reynolds increased, the overall heat transfer coefficients also increased. For the staggered dimple arrangement, the heat transfer coefficients and the thermal performance factors were higher for the same mass flow rate.
Keywords: almond dimple, enhancement, mass flow ,Renolds number, staggered, thermal performance factor
[1]. Johann Turnow, Nikolai Kornev,Valery Zhdanov, Egon Hassel, "Flow structures and heat transfer on dimples in a staggered arrangement", International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2012, 35, pp. 168–175.
[2]. Yu Rao,Chaoyi Wana, Yamin Xu, "An experimental study of pressure loss and heat transfer in the pinfin-dimple channels with various dimple depths", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55, pp. 6723–6733.
[3]. C. Bi, G.H. Tang, W.Q. Tao, "Heat transfer enhancement in mini-channel heat sinks with dimples and cylindrical grooves", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 55, pp. 121-132.
[4]. S.A. Isaev, N.V. Kornev, A.I. Leontiev, E. Hassel,"Influence of the Reynolds number and the spherical dimple depth on turbulent heat transfer and hydraulic loss in a narrow channel", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, 53, pp.178-197.
[5]. Jonghyeok Lee, Kwan-Soo Lee, "Correlations and shape optimization in a channel with aligned dimples and protrusions", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2103, 64, pp.444-451.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mechanical Characterization of High Density Polyethylene 6063 Aluminium |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | R.T. Oluyori , E.I. Dongo , I.M. Momoh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11515861 ![]() |
Abstract: This work investigated the effects of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) on the mechanical properties of 6063 aluminum. This was with a view to determine the impact of the HDPE on the tensile and hardness properties of 6063 aluminum. Two separate samples of 6063 aluminum were produced and designated A and B for 0 and 5% HDPE respectively. Three test pieces were cut from each sample and prepared for tensile and hardness measurement. The micrographs of the samples were also prepared. The results obtained showed that sample B exhibited higher strength in comparison to sample A. A significant difference was also observed in the hardness in both specimens. The photomicrograph shows that there was segregation of the HDPE towards the grain boundaries thus introducing discontinuity in the grain boundaries.
Keywords: 6063 Aluminum, High Density Polyethylene, Microhardness, Tensile Properties.
[1] M.F. Ashby and R.H. David (1992): Engineering Materials 2, with corrections (in English), Oxford: Pergamon Press. ISBN 0-08-032532-7, pp. 201-209.
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Abstract: Production of ductile iron using an indigenous 100kg rotary furnace was achieved using the ladle treatment/sandwich cover ladle method. Powdered Ferrosilicon magnesium of 400g was used as a nodularizer together with powdered Ferrosilicon of 20g was used as innoculant. The nodularizer was put in a cylindrical pocket at the base of the ladle with a circular fitting steel plate cover welded to a handle which was removed immediately after tapping the molten metal from the rotary furnace. The resulting melt was subsequently poured into the mould after the violent reaction between the molten metal and the nodularizer. Samples of the as-cast were subjected to metallographic process and characterized using a Nikon Eclipse metallurgical microscope and a Hilger Analytica atomic mass absorption spectrometer for percentage elemental analysis. The average percentage element weight of the samples and microstructures of 200X and 400X compared favourably with the ductile iron produced from standard procedure.
Keywords: ductile iron, rotary furnace, nodularizer, microstructures.
[1] Nofal A.A., Jekova L. (2009): Novel Processing Techniques And Applications Of Austempered Ductile Iron (Review). Journal of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, vol. 44, issue 3, pp. 213-228.
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Abstract: As the growth of construction industry blossoms in Nigeria, this also causes an increase in competition of projects to execute between construction firms which are however achieved at the expense of the workers welfare and their safety. Therefore identifying the various causes and effect of accidents on construction sites and proposing ways and means of reducing these accidents should be acknowledged. This study examines the major causes of accidents and suggests ways of mitigating these accidents on construction sites. A designed questionnaire was administered and descriptive statistics tool such as frequency, mean, percentage and relative importance index were used for the analysis. Construction firms in Nigeria can be classified as Multinationals, Large Scale indigenous construction firms and Small Scale indigenous construction firms. From the research negligence is the main cause of accidents on construction sites, labourers are also the major victims of these site accidents, loss of time in project execution is the major effect caused by these accidents in project execution. To ensure safety and to reduce the occurrence of construction site accidents to the minimum, management of construction firms must undertake and implement some of the context of this study such as implementation of safety policy, use of safety items and gears, training on safety measures and accident prevention methods, ensuring safe working environment and enforcing safety rules etc.
Key Words: Building Sites, Construction Firms, Accidents, Causes, Effects, Safety
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of a Quality Control Programme for steel production: A case study |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O.E. Isaac , A.K. Le-ol |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11517381 ![]() |
Abstract: In the steel making process, effective scheduling is needed for improvement of productivity. This paper study a dynamic process with a release time, where the process times of job may change during production process due to uncertainties, the objective is to ensure continuity of the production process and just in time delivery of final products. A solution methodology is developed which combine a model predictive control (MPC) strategy based approach and lagrangian relaxation algorithm. The MPC approach tackle the parallel process scheduling problem, and the rolling horizon approach allows applying lagrangian relaxation algorithm to solve the model of the scheduling problem in a rolling fashion. Computational experiments are carried out comparing the proposed. Method with the passive adjustment method often adopted by some quality control engineers. The result shows that the proposed method yields significantly better results.
Keywords: model predictive control, lagrangian relaxation algorithm.
[1]. Balakrishnan, A. and Brown, S., (1996), Process planning for aluminium tubes: an engineering-operations perspective. Operations
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completion time. International Journal of Production Research, 34, 1643-1654.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of the Responses of Three Clay Deposits to Deferration by an Organic Acid |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | D.O. Folorunso |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11518289 ![]() |
Abstract: The comparative responses of three different clay deposits to iron removal by leaching, using oxalic acid have been studied. The sieve analysis of the clays was done to ensure uniform size distribution of grains. Different characterization techniques were thereafter employed on the raw clays, using X-ray Fluorescence Machine (ARL 8410), X-ray Diffraction Machine (Philips PW 3710 with PW 1752 graphite monocromator) and Scanning Electron Microscope (XL 30 ESEM/EDX) in order to ascertain the purity levels of the clays. The clays were then treated with oxalic acid of different concentrations (0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6 and 2.0 mol/dm3) at different temperatures (30, 50 and 70 °C), agitation speeds (120, 160, 200 and 240 rev/min) for periods of 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes to remove the impurities in them. XRF and Quantitative XRD were again repeated on the leached clay to know the extent of deferration of the clays. Filtrates of the chemical reactions were also taken at the different combinations of treatment parameters and analyzed, using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) to further ascertain the quantity of iron removed. The exercise revealed that: the iron contents reduced by 53.4, 80.61 and 48.27 % in Ifon, Ipetumodu and Iselin clays respectively.
Keyword: Characterization,defferation, Filtrates,Leaching andPurity.
[1]. R. Asmatulu, Removal of discolouring contaminants of east Georgia kaolin clay and its dewatering, Turk. J. Eng. Environ. Sci. Vol. 26, 2002, 447–453.
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[3]. I. Styriakova and I. Styriak, Iron removal from kaolins by bacterial leaching, Ceram-Silik. 44, 2000, 135–141.
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[5]. J. W. Stucki, B. A. Goodman and U. Schwertmann, Iron in Soils and Clay Minerals. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1988, 83–350.
[6]. H. H. Murray, Applied Clay Mineralogy, Occurrences, Processing and Applications of Kaolins, Bentonites, Palygorskite-Sepiolite and common clays", Pub.By Elsevier, 2007,188 pages.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Heat Treatment on Materials Used In Automobiles: A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Utsav Vatsayan , K.M Pandey , A.Biswas |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11519095 ![]() |
Abstract: Automobile sector is one of the most thriving sectors in today's date. Increasingly, need of the hour requires automotive industry to be more environmentally responsible and fuel efficient with respect to their products and processes; reasons include regulatory requirements, product stewardship, public image, and potential competitive advantages. This paper presents an exploratory study of the effects of heat treatment on materials used in automobiles, major ones being steel and aluminium. This paper addresses the benefits of heat treatment on metals like aluminium on a comparative basis and stresses upon the application of same in automobile parts. Findings suggest that if aluminum is subjected to various heat treatment processes, its physical properties get remarkably enhanced which justifies its trendy use in modern world. These specific findings can be helpful to engineering and automotive industry managers as they respond to environmental and competitive demands entailing quality assurance.
Key words: Heat treatment, attrition, annealing, normalizing, tempering
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[7] Sturgeon, T.J. and J. Van Biesebroeck , Effects of the Crisis on the Automotive Industry in Developing Economies, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper,(2010) No. 5330.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of the diffusion operator by the SPH method |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Abdeljabbar.Nait El Kaid , Pr: Ghita.Mangoub |
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: | 10.9790/1684-115196101 ![]() |
Abstract: The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is a purely Lagrangian method which was developed initially to simulate the dynamic of astrophysical fluids (Lucy 1977, Gingold and Monaghan 1977, Benz 1990). The basis of the SPH method drift fundamentally of the Lagrangian description of fluids and that, considering that the movement of a control volume of a fluid can be represented by a particle carrying all physical information (mass, solicitation, energy, ... ). In this work, we study the numerical behavior of the diffusion operator in the SPH method) with two different formulations. The first formulation is called the gradient formulation given by G_Liu and the second one is called Laplace. An Application to the problem of heat conduction in a square plate is considered. The differential operators are discretized by the SPH method while for the time derivatives,we use an explicit schema based on "velocity Verlet" algorithm.
Keywords: Conduction, diffusion, particle method, SPH method
[1] G. R. Liu, M. B. Liu, ―Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - A Meshfree Particle Method‖, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 5 Toh Tuck Link, Singapore 596224, 2003
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Controlled Multiple-Object-Dropping Mechanism Using Single Radio Channel in UAVs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gaurang Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1151102109 ![]() |
Abstract: The conventional way of dropping any object from a UAV (Unmanned Ariel Vehicle) can be just used once as the servo-mechanized system rotates and the object is dropped but another object cannot be loaded for the next drop when aircraft is airborne (for e.g. dummy missile under the wing). Secondly, when multiple objects are dropped from the fuselage, it's not in a controlled manner (as all drop at once). Thirdly, the number of objects to be dropped requires the equal number of radio channels for the operation, which restricts the number of objects, which can be dropped (as we have limited number of radio channels). This paper explains how to design such a mechanism to overcome these three practical issues by the virtue of which,objects, when placed in the fuselage of the aircraft can be dropped one after another in a controlled manner using a single radio channel as a control.
Keywords: Bomb,Dropping, Mechanism, Object, RC-plane, UAV
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