Version-4 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: The north part of the Neuquén province in Argentina is a region of great wind potential, where high-powered wind turbine parks are currently being under construction. Due to the local wind conditions, the supporting structure of the aerogenerators has to face extreme conditions far from what regulations recommend. A special load case appears when, during a windstorm, the rotor remains stationary in a feathered pitch position. Control mechanisms stop the rotor to protect the turbine integrity, but it is impossible to determine in which position this will happen. This paper aims to study the effect of the rotor position over the wind loads that act on a multi-MW wind turbine tower subjected to extreme typical winds in the Auquinco region in Neuquén. A 1:75 scale aerogenerator tower model was tested in a boundary layer wind tunnel with the aerogenerator stationary in a feathered pitch attitude for two rotor positions. Results suggest that the most favorable position is the one with no blades in front of the tower.
Keywords: wind turbine tower, wind loads, extreme winds, wind tunnel tests
[1]. Ente Provincial de Energía del Neuquén. (2010). Prefactibilidad Técnica y Prediseño de Parque Eólico en Auquinco, Neuquén.
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II(ISSN: 0935-0578), pps. 03-11.
[3]. Lässig, J., Palese, C., Cogliati , M., & Bastanski, M. (1999). Wind characteristics in Neuquén, North Patagonia, Argentina. Journal
of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 79, pps. 183-199
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Abstract: Undesirable ground movements caused by swelling and shrinkage of expansive clays during winter and summer respectively, pose a serious threat to most of civil engineering structures, especially those of imposing light to medium stresses over the underlying expansive clays. In this paper, an attempt is made to control the expansion of swelling clays with bentonite and geosynthetics. Swelling tests were conducted on expansive clays; both natural soils and commercially bentonite clay were selected for the present study such that they exhibit high plasticity, swelling and compressibility characteristics. Sample 1 is obtained from village Sheo (Barmer), Rajasthan, India and sample 2 is obtained from village Hamira (Jaisalmer), Rajasthan, India and geosynthtics as geogrid and geotextile were switched together...........
Keywords: Bentonite clay, Expansive soil, Geogrid, Geotextile, and Swelling Test.[1] ASTM C-578 (2009). Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation, Annual Book of ASTM Standards C578, 04.06, 6, ASTM, West Conshohoken, PA, USA.
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[5] Jean-Louis Briaud. Xiong Zhang. And Sangho Moon. (2003),"Shrink Test – Water Content Method for Shrink and SwellPredictions, " Journal of Geotechnical and GeoenvironmentalEngineering, Vol. 129 No. 7, pp. 590-600..
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Abstract: Now-a-days, natural fiber reinforced polymer composites are increasingly being used for varieties of engineering applications due to their many advantages. Among natural fibers, bamboo has been widely used for many such applications due to its availability. Since these composites are finding wide applications in highly dusty environment which are subjected to solid particle erosion, a study of their erosion characteristics are of vital importance. Generally solid particle erosion, a typical wear mode leads to material loss due to repeated impact of solid particles. For a composite material, its mechanical behavior and surface damage by solid particle erosion depends on many factors. Attempts have been made in this paper to explore the potential utilization of bamboo fiber in polymer matrix composites. Therefore, the present research is focused on the mechanical and erosion wear behavior of................
Keywords: Bamboo, Alumina, Tribological ,Compositeeight.[1] Herakovich C.T., (1998). Mechanics of fibrous composites. New York: Wiley; p. 1–27.
[2] Narayan R., (1992). Biomass (renewable) resources for production of materials, chemicals and fuels – a paradigm shift, ACS Symp Ser 476.
[3] Pool K.V., Dharan C.K.H. and Finnie I., (1986). Erosion wear of composite materials, wear, vol. 107, 1-12.
[4] Aglan H.A. and Chenock T.A. Jr., (1993). Erosion damage features of polyimide Thermoset composites, SAMPE Quartery, 41-47.
[5] Rao P.V., (1995). Characterization of optical and surface parameters during particle impact damage, ASME/Fluids engineering publications, 23:87-96.
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Abstract: Most incidents of building collapse were due to concrete incompetencies caused by many technical factors. Thus, this paper evaluated the effects of delay in hydrating dry-mixed aggregates on the compressive strength of concrete. A total of eighty (80) concrete cubes of ratio 1:2:4 mix and size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were cast and cured for the research. Four (4) sets of specimens were covered – Control, 2-hour delay, 3-hour delay and 4-hour delay before hydrating. For each of the specimens, twenty (20) cubes were cast, cured and crushed to determine the 7, 14, 21 and 28 day compressive strengths. The 28 day average compressive strength results obtained for Control, 2-hour delay, 3-hour delay and 4-hour delay were 20.60 N/mm2, 16.00 N/mm2, 12.60N/mm2 and 10.92 N/mm2 respectively. The compressive strength progressively decreased as the duration of the delay in hydrating the dry-mixed aggregates increased.
Keywords: Aggregates, Building collapse, Compressive Strength, Delay, Dry-mixed Concrete.[1] C.G. Rocco and M.Elices.Effect of Aggregate Shape on the Mechanical Properties of a Simple Concrete.Engineering Fractures
Mechanic, 76(2),2009, 286-298.
[2] O.I.Fagbenleand A.O.Olawunmi.Building Failure and Collapse in Nigeria: The influence of the informal sector.Journal of
Sustainable Development. Vol. 3,2010, 268-276.
[3] G.M.Ayininuolaand O.Olalusi, Assessment of Building Failures in Nigeria – Lagos and Ibadan as case study. African Journal of
Science and Technology. 5(1),2004,73-78.
[4] F.K. Kong and R.H. Evans,Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete. (London: Pitman Publishers, 1987).
[5] A.A.Almusallam and H. Bashir, Effect of coarse aggregates' quality on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete.
Journal of construction and building materials. 17(2),2003, 97–103..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Evaluation for the Rehabilitated Old Aswan Dam Including Hydrodynamic Water Pressure |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Sahar Abd-Elfatah |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405042632 ![]() |
Abstract: An evaluation for the Old Aswan dam has been prompted by occurrence of a magnitude 5.3 earthquake in November 1981, on Kalabsha fault which is about 55 kilometres southwest of the High dam. This paper evaluates the response of the rehabilitated Old Aswan dam including soil structure and hydrodynamic interactions subjected to earthquake signal have Magnitude 6.3. One of the basic parameters in estimating the earthquake response of the dam is its fundamental natural period. Therefore, this value is determined for the coupled reservoir-dam system. It is apparent that under steady state harmonic vibration, presence of the reservoir results in an added mass for the dam whereas the dam stiffness is unaffected. The natural period of the coupled system will, be longer than that for the dam. Results reflect the necessity and importance of integrating hydrodynamic interaction to analyze dynamic response of...........
Keywords: Aswan Old dam, Dynamic analysis, Earth dams, , Hydrodynamic.[1] M. Paz, Structural dynamics theory and computation (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1979).
[2] R.W. Clough, and J. Penzien, Dynamics of structures 2nd Ed (Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 1993).
[3] Y. X. Hu, S.C. Liu, W. Dong, Earthquake engineering (E&FN Spon, 1991).
[4] Ministry of Irrigation, High and Aswan Dams Authority, Request for technical proposal seismic stability evaluation of the Old Aswan Dam (Aswan, July 1986).
[5] H. Zaki, Heightening of the Aswan Dam, Sixieme Congres Des Grands Barrages, New York, 1958.
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Abstract: In now a days contribution of construction companies to environmental problems can clearly be stated as "thing speaks itself" meaning it generates significant impact to the environment. Comparing it to other industries, it is far behind in implementation of environmental management system. This paper aims to explore the benefits and the major barriers in the implementation of environmental management system in Construction Company. The study reviewed some of the research conducted on the implementation of EMS in Construction Company like USA, China, Hong Kong, Brazil, Spain and Ghana etc... From the review it was found that the major benefit of EMS implementation in construction are proactive environmental attitude, improvement in environmental performance,.......
Keywords: construction, environmental management, ISO 14000, benefits of environmental management systems (EMS).[1] U. S. . Government, NEPA, Lesson learned and next steps: oversight hearing before the commitee on Resource, U.S. House of Representative. USA: DIANE, 2005.
[2] EHSDES Group, ―Environmental Management System Plan,‖ USA, 2009.
[3] L. M. S. Campos, T. Andréa C., D. C. Spenassato, and A. C. Bornia, ―Barriers for Implementation of EMS : A study in the Construction Industry of Brazil and Slovenia,‖ no. 2011, pp. 1–10, 2011.
[4] M. Gangolells, M. Casals, N. Forcada, and M. Macarulla, ―Analysis of the implementation of effective waste management practices in construction projects and sites,‖ "Resources, Conserv. Recycl., vol. 93, no. 2014, pp. 99–111, 2015.
[5] A. Hendrickson, C. T., and Horvath, ―Resource use and environmental emissions of U.S. construction sectors.,‖ J. Constr. Eng. Manag., vol. 126, pp. 34–44, 2000..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Potential of Using Organic Fluid as Piston Diesel Engine Coolant |
Country | : | Israel |
Authors | : | Alon Davidy |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405043945 ![]() |
Abstract: High-temperature environments and device self-heating are pushing the thermal limits of automotive applications. In general, two-phase cooling has emerged as an attractive solution to meeting the high-temperature. However, it is important to understand the benefits and limitations of various fluids when designing a two-phase cooling system. This work briefly analyzes the heat transfer potential of using organic fluid as a Diesel engine piston coolant.
Keywords: Aircraft, Diesel Engine, Piston, Steel, Heat Transfer analysis, Structural analysis, Water, Boiling point, Two phase flow, Organic coolant, Dowtherm A[1]. Sharar D., Jankowski, N. & Bar Cohen, A., Two Phase Fluid Selection for High Temperature Automotive Platforms, ARL-TR-6171, (2012).
[2]. Rotax Owner Assistance Network (ROAN), Rotax 912/914 Cooling System.
[4]. Piancastely, L., The Different Failure Modes of Automotive and Aircraft Engine, 3rd Conference on Propulsion Technologies for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Samuel Neaman Institute Technion, Haifa, (2014).
[5]. Makens R.F., Organic Coolant Summary Report, IDO-11401, Idaho Operations Office, US Atomic Energy Commission, October, (1964)..
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Abstract: Passion fruit syrup is one of a typical and famous fruit as the souvenir in the form of processed products from North Sumatra Province, especially Medan City. Nowadays, the sustainability of processed products of passion fruit syrup is facing an increasingly competitive market. It is therefore necessary to measure the performance of a superior supply chain supported by the procurement of raw materials that are managed effectively and efficiently. Supply chain performance is an indicator of the success of agroindustry companies in running their business processes. Performance measurement of agroindustry supply chain is needed to control and to determine the performance position............
Keywords: Supplychain performance, Agroindustrial of Passion Fruit Syrup, SCOR.[1] Aramyan, L. 2006, "Performance Indicators in Agro-Food Production Chains‟, Springer, Netherland.
[2] .................. 2007. Measuring Supply Chain Performance In The Agri Food Sector: a case study. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2(4), 304 – 315. Springer, North Netherland.
[3] Austin, J.E. 1992. Agroindustrial Project Analysis. Critical Design Factors. EDI Series in Economic Development. 2nd edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press. USA.
[4] Ballou, R.H. l999. Business Logistics Management: Planning, Organizing, andControlling the Supply Chain. Prentice Hall Intemational, Inc. Upper Sadle River, New Jersey.
[5] Bhagwat R., Sharma M.K. 2007. p.43-62 "Performance Measurement of Supply Chain Management: A balance scorecard approach 11. Journal of computer & Industrial Engineering
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Abstract: A new practical engineering methodology for the analysis of structures under cyclic loading is proposed in this work. A new anisotropic fatigue damage model is developed. The evolution of material properties degradation depends on a failure criterion and its gradient. The anisotropic material degradation will guide the damage propagation. The propagation of damage is mainly depending on the ridges of the criterion's "surface" (zero gradients). The proposed approach can describe the initiation and propagation of the damage until the structural failure under fatigue loading. For each finite element, a non-homogeneous anisotropic distribution of material properties are associated. Schematically, it seems like a material "surfing" on the criterion's...........
Keywords: Damage fatigue, failure criterion, Wohler curve, Damage initiation and propagation.[1] Morel F., Ranganathan N., Petit J., Bignonnet A. (1997). A mesoscopic approach for fatigue life prediction under multiaxial loading. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, Edited by E. Macha, Z. Mróz, Technical University of Opole, Opole, 1, 155-172
[2] Carpinteri A. , Spagnoli A. (2001). Multiaxial high-cycle fatigue criterion for hard metals: International Journal of Fatigue 23 pp. 135-145.
[3] McDiarmid D. L. (1994). Fatigue Fracture Engng. Material and Structure. 14, No. 4 pp. 429-453; and Fatigue Fracture Engng. Mater. Struct. 17, No. 12 pp. 1475-1484.
[4] Sines G., Ohgi G. (1981). Fatigue criteria under combined stresses or strains. ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 103, 82-90
[5] Dang Van K., Griveau B., Message O. (1989). On a new multi-axial fatigue limit criterion: theory and application, Biaxial and Multi-axial Fatigue, EGF 3, Edited by M.W. Brown and K.J. Miller, Mechanical Engineering Publications Limited, London, 479-496.