Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: In developing countries where concrete is widely used, the high and steadily increasing cost of concrete has made construction very expensive. The production of concrete requires various materials like Cement, Fine aggregate and Coarse Aggregate .Due to extensively use of concrete which lead to an increase in cost of materials. Therefore an alternate material is used for partial replacement of Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in concrete. This project is experimented to reduce the cost of concrete. In this research work experiments have been conducted with collection of materials required and the data required for mix design are obtained by sieve analysis and specific gravity test. Sieve analysis is carried out from various fine aggregates (FA) and coarse aggregates............
Keywords: Coconut shell, Quarry dust, coarse aggregate, Fine aggregate.
[1]. J. Karthick,T.Rama,N.ManiBharathi, An Experimental Study on Usage of Quarry
[2]. Rock Dust as Partial Replacement for Sand in Concrete.
[3]. Yogesh Narayan Sonawane, Chetan Jaiprakash Chitte ,Waste Coconut Shell as a
[4]. Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Mix – An Experimental Study.
[5]. AmarnathYerramala et al., Properties of Concrete with Coconut Shells as Aggregate
[6]. Replacement, International Journal of Engineering Inventions ISSN: 2278-7461
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Abstract: The present work, advances in the characterization of the macadamia nut are shown. The study started from the fact that the diffusion in the cultivation and processing of macadamia nut inside the country is not fully developed; On the other hand, its exploitation can be technified through a sustainable use and of low environmental impact. The objective of this research is to propose alternatives of integral use of this fruit. The methodology used included physicochemical and instrumental analysis (infrared spectroscopy). In the case of oil, the peroxide, saponification and acidity indices were obtained...........
[1]. López E 2003Manual for macadamia nut cultivation (Guatemala: National Coffee Association) p 3
[2]. Quintas G 2011Technical manual for macadamia nut producers (Veracruz: Produce Foundation) p 256
[3]. González M J 2008 Nuts: analysis of their health benefits (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 101 – 06
[4]. Agudelo M and Ospina A 2009 Microbiological evaluation of Macadamia integrifolia oil for its potential cosmetic use (Colombia: Technological University of Pereira) pp 21 – 22
[5]. Zamora J D 2007 Rev. Chil. Nutr.34 1
[6]. Miravete A, Larrodé E, Castejón L, Clemente R, Lizaranzu M, Cuartero J, Revuelta D, Millán C, Gómez V, Calvo J, Tolosana N and Peralta J L 2011 Composite materials vol 1 (Zaragoza: Reverté)
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Abstract: This paper presents, stress analysis of a ladder type cross over electric car chassis structure using FEM. The commercial finite element package SOLIDWORK was used for the solution of the problem. Two type of chassis was analysed, solid plate beam and porforated plate beam chassis. To reduce the weight of the chassis of the cross over electric car, the chassis structure design was modified by porforating the beam so that the main beam is not solid. The boundary conditions applied to this model of chassis can be classified into four general cases: static condition., the car climb 30o..........
Keywords: chassis, electric car, cross over, stress, porforate
[1] Laurencas Raslavičius, Martynas Starevičius, Artūras Keršys, Kęstutis Pilkauskas, Andrius Vilkauskas Rastislav Rajnoha, Martin Jankovský, Martina Merková, Economic comparison of automobiles with electric and with combustion engines: An analytical study, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 109, 2014, 225 – 230.
[2] J.M. Miller, A. Emadi, A.V. Rajarathnam, M. Ehsani, Current status and future trends in More Electric Car power systems, Proc. 49th IEEE Conf. on Vehicular Technology, Houston, TX, 1999, 1380 – 1384(2).
[3] Hugo Morais, Tiago Sousa, Zita Vale, Pedro Faria, Evaluation of the electric vehicle impact in the power demand curve in a smart grid environment, Original Research Article Energy Conversion and Management, 82, 2014, 268-282.
[4] D. Sperling, Future Drive (Island Press, Washington, DC, USA, 1995).
[5] M.H. Westbrook, The electric car: Development and future of battery, Hybrid and fuel-cell cars, Society of Automotive Engineers Inc.,Warrendale, PA, USA. 2001
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Abstract: The development of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) has recently been one of the most important developments in the building industry. The paper investigates the influence of aggregate sizes of 10mm, 12.5mm and 20mm on the performance indices of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). Concrete mixes of 1:2:4 were produced with addition of variable plasticizer admixture of COMPLASTSP430 at 3% constant value. Specified tests for Self-compacting concrete (SCC), related to workability such as flowability, filling-ability, and passing-ability tests were carried out on fresh samples. Compressive strength of hardened cured (150 x 150 x 150), results showed a maximum compressive strength of 19.86N...........
Keywords: Self Compacting concrete, Compressive strength, workability, segregation and plasticizer
[1] Barritt, O. (2004). Strength and Size of the Aggregate, (1st ed). New York: Routledge Publisher, 78-82.
[2] American Society for Testing and Materials, Specifications for pozzolanas. ASTM International, USA, ASTM C618,1978
[3] Francois, L. & Albert, B. (1997). Prevention of Thermal Stress in Concrete. Turkey: Eastern Mediterranean University, 81-95.
[4] Kayode Oluborode and Ilesanmi Olofintuyi, (2015); Self-Compacting Concrete: Strength Evaluation of Corn Cob Ash in a Blended Portland Cement, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) ISSN (Print) 2313-4410, ISSN (Online) 2313-4402 Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers.
[5] Miao, L. (2010). Self-compacting concrete with different levels of pulverized fuel ash. Construction and Building Materials. 24(3), 1245-1252.
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Abstract: In this research-work, six(6) study-visits to each of ninety(90) classrooms in thirty(30) publicschools [located in three South-western Nigerian cities of Akure, Oshogbo and Ado-ekiti] were embarked upon, to obtain the values of indoor environmental-parameters [such as 'Indoor reference Windspeed( ref V )', 'Relative Humidity( RH )', 'Area of total effective Ventilation-opening( net A )', 'Classroom-dimensions( l,b and h )' and 'Occupancy( N )']; using the WM-200 Windmate wind-meter, the AcuRite 00613A1 top-digital
Hygrometer, a measuring-tape, and by visual-observation. The values..........
Keywords: ASHRAE, CIBSE, IAQ, Occupancy, Ventilation
[1]. Z.S. Bakó-Biró, N. Kochhar, D.J. Clements-Croome, H.B. Awbi, and M. Williams, Ventilation Rates in Schools and Learning Performance, Proceedings of Clima 2007 WellBeing Indoors, 2007, 1-9
[2]. M.J. Mendell, and G.A. Heath, Do indoor pollutants and thermal conditions in schools InfluenceStudent performance?A critical review of the literature, Indoor Air,15(1), 2005, 27-52.
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[4]. D.A, Coley, and R. Greeves, The effect of low ventilation rates on the cognitive function of a primary school class. Report R102 for DfES, Exeter University, 2004.
[5]. P. Wargocki, D.P. Wyon, B. Matysiak, and S. Irgens, The effects of classroom air temperature and outdoor air supply rate on the performance of school work by children,Proc. 10th International Conf. on Indoor Air Quality and Climate,Indoor Air, 1(1), 2005, 368-372.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Empirical Approach for Prediction of Indoor Air Temperature of a Building |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B. M. Suman || P. K. Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405014449 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present study a correlation between Building Index and indoor air temperature of a building has been developed. The Building Index is dependent on total peak heat load of a building. Analysis of fit linear polynomial for dataset indoor air temperature vs. Building Index has been made by MATLAB. Correlation factor for this empirical approach is 0.999 which shows the perfectness of the correlation. Prediction of indoor air temperature has been made simple by developing correlation equation through empirical approach.
Keywords: Building Index, Indoor air temperature, Peak heat load, Empirical approach, Thermal insulation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MATLAB GUIDE Development for SCARA Robot |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suyash Shrivastava |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405015053 ![]() |
Abstract: The research work is focused on developing MATLAB GUIDE Graphical User Interface to calculate forward and inverse kinematics of 4 Degree of Freedom SCARA robot. In this research work two different GUI windows were developed for calculations of forward kinematics of SCARA robot and inverse kinematics of SCARA robot. The forward kinematics position.
Keywords: Forward or Direct Kinematics, GUIDE, Inverse kinematics, MATLAB, SCARA
[1]. Mariappan, Saravana Mohan, and Anbumalar Veerabathiram. "Modelling and Simulation of Multi Spindle Drilling Redundant SCARA Robot using Solidworks and MATLAB/ SimMechanics." Facult of Engineering, University of Antioquia (ResearchGate), December 2016: 63-72.
[2]. Chinmayi, k, PVS Subhashini, G Venkata Rao, and NVS Raju. "Kinematic Aanlysis of a SCARA robot for Deburring of Rectangular Paths." International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 7, no. 6 (June 2016): 57-62.
[3]. Venkata Rao, G, NVS Raju, and PVS Subhashini. "Modelling Simulation and Analysis of a SCARA Robot for Deburring of Circular Components." APRN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 9, no. 4 (April 2014): 398-404.
[4]. Fang, Jian, and Wei Li. "Four Degree of Freedom SCARA Robot Kinematics Modeling and Simulation Analysis." International Journal of Computer Consumer and Control 2, no. 4 (2013): 20-27.
[5]. Elaikh, Talib EH, Haider J Abed, Kadhim M Abed, Salah M Swadi, and Kadhim Karim M. "Vibration and Kinematic Analysis of SCARA Robot Structure." Diyal Joural of Engineering Sciences 6, no. 3 (September 2013): 127-143
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Abstract: The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of coarse recycled concrete aggregate, on the properties of self compacting concrete. The effects of such incorporation on fresh, mechanical and permeability properties were investigated and are discussed. Two different series of concrete mixes (i.e. 30 Mpa and 40 Mpa) were prepared to test these properties. In each series, six concrete mixes with replacement ratios of 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of natural coarse aggregate by recycled concrete aggregates were adopted. Results obtained show that self compacting concrete with recycled concrete aggregate exhibits adequate performance. However with increasing replacement of NCA the performance of concrete decreased but at higher strengths it shows improvement in all properties.
Keywords: recycled aggregate, self compacting concrete, permeablity, strength
[1]. P.K. Mehta, Reducing the environmental impact of concrete, Concrete International, 23(2001), pp. 61-66.
[2]. Anagal Vaishali, Nagarkar Geeta, Atnurkar Kanchan and Patel Anisha, Construction and demolition waste management: A case study of pune, 28th National convention of civil engineers and national seminar, organized by Institute of Engineers (India), Roorkee, 12-14 October 2012.
[3]. Etxeberria M, Vázquez E, Marí A, and Barra M, Influence of amount of recycled coarse aggregates and production process on properties of recycled aggregate concrete, Cememt & Concr Research, 37(2007), pp.735–42.
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[5]. Ravindrajah SR, Loo YH, Tam CT. Strength evaluation of recycled-aggregate concrete by in-situ tests, Material & Structures, 21(1988), pp. 289–95.
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Abstract: Recently rapid population growth, high volume of energy demand and depletion of fossil fuels intend to search for an alternative energy source in automobile industry. An abundant source of renewable energy like solar energy is proved as a better option to meet such challenge. The vehicle leaves no emissions like conventional IC engines to control the green house effect and other natural hazards. The design of the vehicle consists of PV cells, motors and other mechanism for both cost effectiveness and environment friendly to optimise the energy efficiency. The paper shows the design and analysis of a solar propelled vehicle and its performance test in terms of mileage, speed and emissions.
Keywords: Solar panel, BLDC motor alternative energy source, solar propelled vehicle, PV cells.
[1]. D. Metz, mechanical engineering1983,105(1),80 2. "SOLAR VEHICLES AND BENEFITS OF THE TECHNOLOGY", by John Connors, ICCEP paper 2007.
[2]. J. Connors, "On the subject of solar vehicles and the benefits of the technology," in Proc. ICCEP'07, 2007.
[3]. Intelligent solar powered automobile-ventilation system," Applied Energy, vol. 80, pp.141–154, 2005.
[4]. K. D. Huang, S.-C. Tzeng, W.-P. Ma, and M.-F. Wu, "5. Rizzo, G. (2010), Automotive Applications of Solar Energy, IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control, July 12 - 14 2.
[5]. Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Solar energy,
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Abstract: The prolific utilization of research results has become of paramount importance in Engineering as well as other organizations. There is an abundance of publications on implementation science and knowledge translation in the health care industry, perhaps more so than in Engineering. In this article, the authors briefly summarized knowledge translation methods from several organizations including the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC). They also introduced methods from the fields of psychology, persuasion, and marketing that can be beneficial to knowledge translation...........
Keywords: Implementation Science, Knowledge Management, Knowledge translation, Engineering Implementation, Persuasion skills, Engineering Management, GIS web applications, Knowledge Broker
[1]. Meyer, A., and Meyer, D., "Transportation Research Implementation:Application of Research Outcomes", 2014, Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings 51
[2]. Canadian Institutes of Health Research "Guide to Knowledge TranslationPlanning at CIHR: Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches," (2016),
[3]. Sudsawasd, P.,"Knowledge Translation: Introduction to Models, Strategies, and Measures," 2007, TheBoard of Regents of the University of Wisconsin
[4]. Lane, J., and FlaggJ.,"Translating Three States of Knowledge - Discovery, Intention, and Innovation", Implementation Science 2010, 5:9. []
[5]. Graham, l., Logan, J., Harrison, M., Straus, S., Tetroe, J., Caswell, W., and Robinson, N.,"Lost in Translation: Time for a Map?", The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, (2006), Volume 26, pp. 13-24
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CFD Analysis of GOE 387Airfoil |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mohamed A. Fouad Kandil || Abdelrady Okasha Elnady |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405018085 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we have obtained lift and drag forces for GOE 387 airfoil using CFD. The analysis of the two-dimensional subsonic flow over a GOE 387 airfoil at various angles of attack and operating at a Reynolds number of 3 x105 is presented. The geometry of the airfoil is created using ANSYS Design Modeler. CFD analysis is carried out using FLUENT 17.2 at various angles of attack from -5˚ to 20˚. The motivation behind this research is to study the flow field over GOE 387 airfoil and obtain the aerodynamic characteristics of this airfoil. Lift coefficient and drag coefficient are plotted against theangle of attack. Variations of velocity distribution are plotted in form of contours for 3 x105 Reynolds number.
Keywords: Airfoil, Angle of Attack, CFD, Drag Coefficient, Lift Coefficient
[1]. Patel, Karna S., et al. "CFD Analysis of an Aerofoil." International Journal of Engineering Research 3.3 (2014): 154-158.
[2]. Kevadiya, Mayurkumar. "CFD Analysis of Pressure Coefficient for NACA 4412." International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Chennai 4.5 (2013): 2041-2043.
[3]. Bhushan S. Patil, Hitesh R. Thakare, Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade at Various Angles of Attack and different Reynolds Number, Procedia Engineering, 127(2015), 1363-1369
[4]. Nazmul Haque, Mohammad Ali, Ismat Ara, Experimental Investigation on the performance of NACA 4412 aerofoil with curved leading edge plan form, Procedia Engineering, 105(2015), 232-240
[5]. Jin Yao, Weibin Yuan, Jianliang Wang, Jianbin Xie, Haifeng Zhou, MingjunPeng, young Sun, Numerical simulation of aerodynamic performance for two-dimensional wind turbine airfoils, Procedia Engineering, 31(2012), 80-86
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Abstract: The volume of biogas generated within the anaerobic ponds at the Dandora Estate Sewage Treatment Plant (DESTP) has been estimated based on empirical calculations (refer to graph). The biogas production considers seasonal temperature variations, rainwater dilution of the DESTP influent as well as the composition and calorific value of the sewage. In order to determine the quantity of biogas produced in the anaerobic ponds, a relationship between BOD5 removals across anaerobic treatment lagoons as a function of volumetric loading rate, i.e. g BOD5/m3.d was developed using published data. On average DESTP has been generating 7,900m3/day of methane at 52% BOD loading. This would be expected to raise to 15,800 at 100% capacity of 160,000m3/day which has a potential of generating 8 123MWh per month. Currently all this gas is being released into the atmosphere and has a greenhouse effect.
[1] Glynn Henery, J., 1989. Water pollution. In: Heinke, G.W., GlynnHenery, J. (Eds.), Environmental Science and Engineering.Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 297–329.
[2] Mara, D.D., Pearson, H.W., Oragui, J.I, Arridge, H. and Silva, S.A.(2001). Development of a new approach to waste stabilization pond design.School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, England.
[3] Metcalf & Eddy., et al., Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill series in civil and environmental engineering. 2003, Boston: McGraw-Hill.
[4] Otieno Odongo (1998), Nairobi Master Plan for Sewer,Sanitation and Drainage,Third Nairobi Water supply Project.
[5] Sir Alexander GIBB and Partners,(1998).Dandora Sewage Treatment Plant ,Phase 2,Final Design Report
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Nano Composite Material in Oil and Gas Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Md Maajith Sohail G || Bharath S |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405019092 ![]() |
Abstract: Magnesium alloy, the most favorable compound in the field of Science and Engineering. The Magnesium Alloy having Low-Density and High-Strength showed record levels of Specific Resistance and Specific Module in Both Low and High Temperature. Lighter than all Engineering Materials. A silicon carbide is a highly hard ceramic commonly used in industrial cutting blades. The Combination of these two Materials has bought a Magnesium Nano-composite with a 'Record Breaking' Strength to Weight Ratio. This Magnesium based Material, composed of 86% of Magnesium and 14% of Silicon Carbide particles, invented by the researchers in University Of Applied Sciences in Los Angeles. This material said to be the World's Strongest Metal with extreme Lightweight. In the Field of Oil and Gas..............
[3] Schlumberger Oil field review on pipeline Spring 2011.
[5] Technical data on application of the roller dull Grading system, Hughes Tool Co., 1987.