Version-5 (Sep-Oct 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: Rapid industrialization and urbanization in India leads to development of industries resulting in discharge of by-products, effluent wastes being a great challenge to Civil Engineering community. Due to intrusions of alkaline effluent into the soil has change the compaction and strength behaviour of soil effluent matrix. In this paper silk dyeing effluent has been mixed with expansive soil and compaction and strength tests has been conducted as per IS guidelines. From the test results, it has been found that addition of alkaline effluent in soil has reduced the Maximum Dry Density to about 3.5%. The Unconfined Compressive Strength tests conducted to their Optimum Moisture Content and Maximum Dry Density. These tests were continued for varying curing periods. Soil treated with 30% alkaline effluent has shown 2 folds increase in the strength compared to other combinations.
Keywords: Folds, Matrix, Maximum Dry Density
[1] Ayininuola Gbenga matthew, Agbede Oluwole Akinyele, Sodium and calcium salts impact on soil permeability, Journal of Earth sciences and Geotechnical Enginering, Vol.4, No.3, 2014, 37-45.
[2] P V Sivapullaiah, P Hari Prasda Reddy, Potassium chloride treatment to control alkali induced heave in black cotton soil, Geotech Geol Engg., 2010, 27-36.
[3] A V Narasimha Rao, P Indiramma, Effect of textile effluent on geotechnical properties of black cotton soil: Proc. Indian Geotechnical Conference, Guntur, India, 2009: 308-311.
[4] K Mallikarjuna Rao, V Tirumal Rao, G Reddy Babu, An interaction of a clayey soil with textile dye waste, EJGE, Vol.13 Bund.A, 2008, 1-18.
[5] H N Ramesh, K V Manoj Krishna, H V Mamatha, Compaction and strength behavior of lime-coir fiber treated Black Cotton soil, Geotechnics and Engineering, Vol. 2, No.1, 2010, 19-28.
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Abstract: Laboratory testing shows that only 15% of the energy produced by a carefully tended three stone fire is transfered to the cooking pot and 85% is lost to the enviroment. Indoor air pollution resulting from ineficient burning of biomass in traditional cook stove is also major health hazard affecting around 2.7 people globally according to World Health Organisation. This is expected to grow especially with continual use of biomass for cooking hence need for efficient energy conversion technologies. Most stoves based on the principle of gasification have improved thermal eficiencies and low emissions, however, they have adoption problem due to lighting, material used and characterization........
Keywords: Biomass stove, gasifier stove, water boiling test, indoor air pollution.[1] F Mapelli and J. N. Mungwe Modern energies services for cooking: from improved cook-stoves to domestic and community biogas based systems (Renewable energy for unleashing sustainable development (pp. 43-74): Springer 2013).
[2] C. Roth, Micro-Gasification: Cooking with Gas From Biomass: An Introduction to the Concept and the Applications of Wood-Gas Burning Technologies for Cooking. GIZ HERA—Poverty-Oriented Basic Energy Service, 2011.
[3] M. Owen, R. van der Plas, and S. Sepp, Can there be energy policy in Sub-Saharan Africa without biomass? Energy for Sustainable Development, 17(2), 2013, 146-152
[4] C. Birzer, P. Medwell, J. Wilkey, T. West, M. Higgins, G. MacFarlane, and M. Read, An analysis of combustion from a top-lit up-draft (TLUD) cook stove, 2013.
[5] A. Brew-Hammond, Energy access in Africa: Challenges ahead. Energy Policy, 38(5), 2010, 2291-2301
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Abstract: The increasingly modern urbanized world together with its modernization, technological and industrialization trends have led to an explosive growth of city population with gradually increasing need of smart cities. In the context of Smart City worldwide, built environments play a much important role and are used to convey useful information that can be used to realize Smart City goals. Conventionally, information models are used only during the planning and construction phases. In the Smart City phase however, the
situation is gradually changing. During the operation phase, projects are now producing more data than before. This paper majorly covers futuristic and sustainable smart cities and the technologies used. It looks especially at BIM and its role as a catalyst in the development........
[1] Azhar, S. (2011). "Building information modeling (BIM): Trends, benefits, risks, and challenges for the AEC industry." Leadership
and Management in Engineering
[2] Benoid, F., Lapierre, A. (2010): The Benefits of a 3D City GIS for Sustaining City Infrastructure
[3] Hamilton, A., at al. (2005): 'Urban information models for city planning' Journal of Information Technology in Construction
(ITCon), 10 Special isssue , pp. 55-67.
[4] I.S. Jacobs and C.P. Bean, "Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy," in Magnetism, vol. III, G.T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds.
New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271-350.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Project Progress By EVM And ESM Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dishant Shah || Smit Chheda |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405051725 ![]() |
Abstract: Cost is one of the main parameters for the success of a project. Earned Value Analysis is a method to check the actual project progress and compare the actual cost incurred to the value of the work performed. This technique is very useful in comparing the budgeted cost of work to the actual cost. Earned Value analysis is very valuable in determining profits and losses and the total cost overhead during the project. Using Earned Value analysis provides us the means to determine the activity which is contributing to the project delay and increase in cost. It is a powerful tool to control project progress and cost. The objective of the research is to provide advantages and also to discuss the main aspects.......
Keywords: Cost overrun, Delay, Earned Value Management, Earned Schedule Management, Project performance[1]. Sagar K. Bhosekar, Gayatri Vyas,(2013). Cost Controlling Using Earned Value Analysis in Construction Industries, International
Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT).
[2]. Virle Rajesh, Mhaske Sumedh (2013). Application of Earned Value and Earned Schedule to Construction Project, International
Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER).
[3]., Earned Schedule - New analysis of schedule in Earned Value Management.
[4]. Katia Rizkallah (2012).Earned value in the UAE construction industry: awareness efficiency and areas of improvement,
Proceedings of the CIB W78 2012: 29th International Conference –Beirut, Lebanon, 17-19 October.
[5]. PMI, Standard Committee (2011), "Practice standard for Earned Value Management", An American National Standard, Project
Management Institute, 2nd Edition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Strength of Concrete by Adding Jaggery |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Fouziya Qureshi || Anil Kumar Saxena || Gourav Soni |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1405052630 ![]() |
Abstract: This examination manages the impacts of the jaggrey on the cement concrete. Studies were done on a cement paste, four sorts of various concrete blends, with and without the utilization of jaggery.The impacts of various dose levels 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 percent of the jaggery by weight of concrete with M-30 review, blend outline of concrete. At last it was reasoned that workability and compressive quality of concrete upgraded when admixtures like Jaggery included into the concrete structure.
Keywords: Compressive Strength, Flexure strength, Jaggery, Setting Time, Split Tensile Strength, Workability[1]. A. V. Pavan Kumar. (2015) Effect of Sugar, Jaggery & Sugar Cane Ash on Properties of Concrete'. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research 4(51), 11000-11006.
[2]. BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). (1991-07). Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete. BIS 516-1959, Edition 1.2, New Delhi 110002.
[3]. BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards). (1998). Recommended Guidelines For Concrete Mix Design. BIS 10262-1982, Edition 5, New Delhi 110002.
[4]. IS 383-1970, Indian Standard Specification for Coarse and Fine Aggregates from Natural Sources for Concrete (2nd revision), Reaffirmed 1997.
[5]. IS: 2386-1963: Method of Tests for Aggregate for Concrete, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1982.
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Abstract: In Industries it is essential to have precise and accurate control on the flow of fluid at various operations as per requirement for optimum and efficient working of plant. This can be achieved by proper valve sizing and accurate plug design as per the required flow characteristics. Here we have a developed a method to obtain the plug profile required to have the desired fluid flow characteristics depending on type of fluid and flow parameters. In this method, a random plug shape with size in accordance with size of valve (DN50) is taken. Using the modeling and CFD Analysis software, fluid flow analysis is done with proper input parameters at multiple plug location between fully open and closed condition. Pressure drop is obtained as a result at all the points, which gives the empirical relation between valve flow co-efficient Cv and fluid flow area
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Equal percentage flow characteristics, Globe Valve, Inherent characteristics, Plug profile of a globe valve
[1] Computational Fluid Dynamics the Basics with Applications by Jr., John D. Anderson
[2] Valves, Piping & Pipelines Handbook by T. Christopher Dickenson F.I. Mgt
[3] "Valve Basics and Sizing Information" by Johnsons
[4] Fox and Mcdonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics
[5] "Design and Analysis of a High Pressure Globe Valve" by Prabha Kurian, C R Krishnamurthy, Rajesh R in
[6] International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2014
[7] Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Frank P. Incropera
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Abstract: A good road transport system stimulates to improve of movements to improve accessibility and inter-regional mobility. This research aims to determine the potential of the region, the priority of road infrastructure and concept of rural road transport network development of farming product for distribution of potential areas in Baraka-Enrekang Regency. This research is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive, research using Location Quotion (LQ) and Destination Matrix Analysis (DMA) to determine road transport network and development strategy. Development of road transport network based on accessibility index and mobility is still low, Baraka Sub-district is a fast growing and potential area in agropolitan-based agriculture sector which has been supplying its superior commodities to various regions both regional and national scale, to support the availability of adequate facilities and road infrastructure, should be upgraded its construction and addition of road capacity.
Keywords: Agropolitan, Rural Transport, Farm Road, Agricultural Production
[1]. Sumaatmadja. (1988). Geography Study: An Approach to Spatial Analysis. Bandung: PT. Alumni
[2]. Santoso, I. (1996). Planning of Public Transport Infrastructure. Bandung: Study Center and Communication Institute of Technology Bandung
[3]. Nasution, A. (2004). Transportation Management. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia
[4]. Soesilo. (1997). Economics of Town Planning and Management. Jakarta: Univesitas Indonesia
[5]. BPS, (2016). Baraka Sub-district In Figures 2016. Enrekang Regency: Central Bureau of Statistics
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Abstract: This study is initiated by the examination of the problems occurring in regards the management of school administration, which automatically impacts the downgrade of the quality of education in schools as the service agent to public. Moreover, it is considered to be addressed to produce the model design of school management development which may be implemented in many schools in the future. The examination uses the research and development approach as the methodology of the examination and conducted for 3 years within 3 research steps in each year. In the first year of the examination, need assessment was conducted to identify and fetch the premier data, references and the exploration of human resources in the targeted schools. While in the second year, the examination was proceeded to the development of the model............
Keywords: Teachers' competencies; education service; management system
[1] Colquitt, and LePine,(2009). Organizational Behavior. Harper and Row : New York.
[2] Dubois, D.D. (1993). Competency Based Performance Improvement : A Startegy for Organizational Change. USA : HRD Pres, Inc.
[3] Griffin, Ricky. W (2002). Manajemen. Jakarta : Erlangga.
[4] Hardjosoedarmo, Soewarso. (2004). Total Quality Management. Andi : Yogyakarta.
[5] Ivancevich et al (2007). Perilaku dan Manajemen Organisasi. Jilid 1. Erlangga : Jakarta.
[6] Kessler, R. (2009). Competency Based Performance Reviews : How to Performance Employee Evaluations the Future 500 way. USA : The Career Pres, Inc
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Abstract: The transient Couette fluctuating-micro-flow where the upper plate moves with sinusoidal velocity while the bottom plate remained stationary is investigated in this study. The flow problem is modelled and the analytical solution is obtained. The effects of suction/injection and that of other leading flow parameters such as the frequency of the fluctuating driving force, the Knudsen number and the unsteadiness are analyzed, and numerical values for skin friction are obtained. It is found from the study that both suction and injection retard the velocity of the fluid.
Keywords: Suction, Injection, Couette flow,sinusoidal velocity, fluctuating-micro-flow.
[1] Y. A. Cengel, Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, 2nd, Ed., Mcgraw-Hill (Tx), 2002.
[2] J. Maxwell, "On stresses in rarefield gases arisen from inequalities of temperature," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol. 170, pp. 232-256, 1879.
[3] C. L. M. H. Navier, "Me'moire sur les lois du mouvement des fluides," Me'moires de l'Acade'mie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France, vol. VI, pp. 389-440, 1823.
[4] Lauga E., Brenner M.P. and Stone H.A., "Microfluidics: The No-Slip Boundary Condition," in Handbook of Experimental Fluid Dynamics, F. J., T. C and Y. A., Eds., New-York, Springer, 2005.
[5] M. Knudsen, "Die Gesetze der molekularstrom-ung und der inneren reibungsstomung de gas durch rohren," Annalen der Physik, vol. 28, pp. 75-130, 1909.