Version-3 (Sep-Oct 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: This paper presents a static and dynamic simulation and analysis of the bevel gear set using Solidworks software, stress, strain, deformation, reactions and torque are calculated. Dimensions and materials of the bevel gears are important factors in determining the values of stress, strain, and displacement. The change in angular velocity and torque applied also change the values of stress, strain, and displacement of the bevel gear.
Keywords: Bevel gears, static, dynamic, stress, strain, deformation, solidworks.
[1]. Jihui Liang, Lili Xin, 2013, Dynamic Simulation Of Spiral Bevel Gear Based On Solidworks And Adams, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 20th January 2013. Vol. 47 No.2.
[2]. David G. Lewicki and Robert F. Handschuh, Zachary S. Henry, and Faydor L. Litvin, 1994, Improvements in Spiral-Bevel Gears to Reduce Noise and Increase Strength, International Gearing Conference sponsored by the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne, England, September 7-9, 1994. NASA Technical Memorandum 106613.
[3]. Xiang Tieming*,1,2, Zhou Shuiting1 and Yi Liao, 2015, Free Modal Analysis for Spiral Bevel Gear Wheel Based on the Lanczos Method, the Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, 2015, 9, 637-645 637 1874-155X/15 2015 Bentham.
[4]. A. Fernandez del Rincon, F. Viadero, M. Iglesias, P. García, A. de-Juan, R. Sancibrian, "A model for the study of meshing stiffness in spur gear transmissions", Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 61, 2013, pp. 30-58.
[5]. Faydor L. Litvin, Qiming Lian, Alexander L. Kapelevich, " Asymmetric modified spur gear drives: reduction of noise, localization of contact, simulation of meshing and stress analysis", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 188, No. 1-3, 2000, pp. 363-390.
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Abstract: Cutting tools in CNC machining is directly related to the processing parts, so the quality of the tool and the degree of wear and tear directly affect the quality of the parts to be processed. It also plays an important role in the modern tools in machining, machining in modern manufacturing factory, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of machining parts, we must know the actual situation of the real time of the tool, the only way to timely tool compensation or timely change the knife, finally to improve the processing efficiency parts and spare parts processing quality assurance............
Keywords: Audio signal; threshold; wavelet packet analysis; wavelet analysis; mean square deviation; signal-to-noise ratio[1]. Ren Zhong. Advanced manufacturing technology. Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology press, 2013.
[2]. Miao Zhen. Research on tool wear monitoring based on surface texture of workpiece. Zhejiang: Zhejiang University of Technology,
[3]. Hai Tao Fang, Deshuang Huang , Yong Hua Wu. Anti-noise approximation of the lidar signal with wavelet neural networks .
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[4]. Hu Changhua, Li Guo Hua, Liu Tao et al .Wavelet Analysis of System Analysis and Design Based on MatLab 6.0 . Xi′an: Xi Dian
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[5]. Xu Fei, Shi Xiao Hong, et al. Matlab Application of image processing. Xi'an: Xi'an Electronic and Science University press, 2002.
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Abstract: When a structure is subjected to Earthquake, The seismic forces drives the structure into motion& oscillates the structure into various directions. The time required for the structure for a single oscillation is called as Time Period. The longest of which is called as Natural Time period. Natural time period and the damping of the structure has phenomenal effect on the response of Structures. According to IS 1893(2002) the approximate natural time period (T) in sec, is influenced by two parameters, the height of the structure & secondly the base dimension of the building. In this study an investigation is made for Parameters which may elongate the natural time period of the RC structures apart from the height and base dimensions. The elongation of the natural time periods will result into improved Response of the RC structure. The Time History analysis of various R.C. Models using Imperial Valley (1940) Ground motions has been carried out using CSI Etabs 2016 & SAP 2000.
Keywords: Number of storeys, Natural Time period (T), Response, Natural Frequency (𝑓𝑛 ), Storey height.[1] Nilesh V. Prajapati, "Effect of height to natural time period of multi storey building." International Journal of Emerging
Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), volume 2 issue 11, November 2012. 2250-2459
[2] L.Lin, N. Naumoski, S. Foo and M. Saatciogl, "Elongation of the natural periods of reinforced concrete frame buildings during
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[3] Abbas Ali Dhundasi, "Equation for estimation of natural time period for elevated water tank". International journal of civil
engineering and technology (IJCIET), Volume 5, Issue 9, September (2014), pp. 266-275. 0976 – 6308
[4] Mehmet Metin Kose, "Parameters affecting the natural period of RC buildings with infill walls".Elseviers Engineering Structures
31. September (2009). 093-102.
[5] IS: 456(2000), Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plan and Reinforcement concrete (Fourth Revisions), Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS), New Delhi.
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Abstract: In the present work, experimental investigations were performed such as compressive strength test and flexural strength test on the concrete containing (0% and 100% replacement of goldmines waste in place of coarse aggregate. The tests were conducted for the above replacements of goldmines waste for M20 and M40 Grade concrete at different curing periods of.........
Keywords: Compressive strength, Flexural Strength and Durability[1]. B.M. Ramalinga Reddy et al. "Use of Goldmine tailings in production of concrete-A Feasibility study": An international journal.
Vol.09 ISSN 0974-5904 p.p.197-202, 2016.
[2]. Lilies Widojoko, Harianto Hardjasaputraand Susilowati "utilization of gold mine tailings as fine aggregates materials for producing
mortar" An international journal. ISSN 2301-6590
[3]. Kubra KUNT, Miral yildirim et al. "Utilization of Bergama gold tailings as an additive in the mortar" An international journal
Vol.11, Issue 3, p 365-371.
[4]. N. Parthasarathi and K.S. Satyanarayanan et al. "Effect on workability of concrete due to partially replacement of natural sand with
goldmine tailings" An Indian journal of science and technology, Vol.09(35) ISSN No.0974-5645, (2016).
[5]. Renato GuiaoGopaz "Utilizing copper and gold mine tailings as substitute construction material in Roller compacted concrete" An
open access library journal, 2015.
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Abstract: In this work, mechanical properties of Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) dusts filled epoxy composite were studied. Water absorbent test, Hardness, Tensile and impact test were conducted respectively on samples with varying volume of EAF dust reinforcement, ranging from 10% volume fraction to 40% volume fraction of the EAF dust, and the pure epoxy. All the samples showed no changes in weight and physical appearance after submersion in water for 30 days. Sample with 20% volume fraction recorded the highest impact strength (2.79 Joules), the impact strength of the pure epoxy was 2.1 Joules. There was gradual reduction in tensile strength from 176MPa, recorded for the pure epoxy to 155MPa for the 40 vol. % EAF dust reinforcement, while the hardness value increased from 195HB for the pure epoxy to 217HB for composite with 40 vol. % reinforcement.
Keywords: adhesion force, cohesion force, curing, debonding, particle to particle interaction/ aggregation[1]. Shuvo N., Islam M.A., Hossain M.F., and Shoumya (2014) Effect of types of wood on the thermal conductivities of wood saw dust particle reinforced composites. Procedia Engineering, 10th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Vol 90, pp46 – 51.
[2]. Srinivas K., and Bhagyashekar M. S. (2014) Wear Behaviour of Epoxy Hybrid Particulate Composites. Procedia Engineering, 12th Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, Vol 97, pp488 – 494
[3]. Islam E. M, Mahdi H. T., Hosur V. M, and Jeelani S. (2015) Characterization of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites Modified with Nanoclay and Carbon Nanotubes. Procedia Engineering 105, pp 821 – 828. 6th BSME International Conference on Thermal Engineering
[4]. Guofang G, Huayong Y, and Xin F. (2004) Tribological properties of kaolin filled UHMWPE composites in unlubricated sliding. Wear 256, 88 - 94.
[5]. Sudeepan J., Kumar K., Barman T. K., and Sahoo P. (2014) Study of friction and wear properties of ABS/Kaolin polymer composites using grey relational technique. Procedia Technology 14, 196 – 203. 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering, ICIAME 2014
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Abstract: A rapid growing component of urban transportation problem in the cities across the world is traffic congestion. Because of population, economic and vehicular ownership growth, increasing traffic demands exceeds the carrying capacity of the intersections during peak periods, which causes congestion. The congested and hazardous traffic conditions in the city increase fuel consumption of the vehicles, causes noise and air pollution, delay and accidents. There is a need for defining traffic congestion on rational basis and use for measurement of L.O.S. (Level of Service) of roads. The congestion is measured by determining the level of service of the street (L.O.S.) through calculating the traffic flow rate of the street and free flow rate. Thispaper presents the study of the existing traffic situation.........
Keywords: Traffic congestion, Level of Service, Traffic volume studies, Passenger car units(PCU).[1]. Breeten Singh Konthoujam(2015) (PG student, Dept. of Civil Engineering DSCE, Bengaluru), "A study on Urban Road Widening Project based on Prediction of Level of Service(LoS)- A Case Study in Banerghatta Road Bengaluru", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN:2278-0181 Vol. 4 Issue 06, June-2015.
[2]. EbinNirmal Joseph (2014). (Student, Department of Civil Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru), "Evaluation of capacity and level of service of urban roads", International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering (IJETE) ISSN: 2348-8050.
[3]. Haiyuan Li, ZongTian and Yue Zhao(Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada Reno, Reno, NV 89557),"Capacity Models and Level of Service Analysis in Road Diet"
[4]. Mahmoud Ameri& Reza Moayedfar&FatemehJafari (2013), "Determination of Capacity of two-lane suburban roads with neural networks and effect of speed on level of service"
[5]. Saurabh Patel, Shrinath Karli (HasmukhGoswami college of engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India), "Estimation of congestion and level of service for plan of urban road", 2016 IJERT Vol. 2 Issue 3 ISSN :2395-1990.
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Abstract: Arginase was purifiedfrom human erythrocytes. The purification steps included acetone precipitation, DEAE-cellulosechromatography and gel filtration on Sepharoe6B.The molecular weight of native arginase was find to be (94.406Kd), by gel filtration.The kinetic properties determinedfor the purified human erythrocytesarginaseshowed an optimum pH of 10 and anoptimumtemperature 45 °C. The Km for L-argininemonochlorideand Vmaxvalues forhuman erythrocyte arginase found to be (200mM), and (47(Unit/ml)-1) respectively.
Keywords: Purification, Human erythrocytes arginase, Kinetic properties[1]. Snehal Dabir1, PankajDabir, and BaburaoSomvanshi(2005). Purification, properties and alternate substrate specificities of arginase from two different sources: Vignacatjang cotyledon and buffalo liver. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 1(3):114-122.
[2]. MashraSuman and MashraRajnikant. (2017), Mitochondrial membrane-bound activity of arginase is independent of nitrogen excretion pattern in ureogenic and non ureogenic vertebrates. Indian Journal experimental biology, Vol.55, pp.74-78.
[3]. Gökmen, S. S.; Kazezoğlu, C.; Aygit, C. A.; Yildiz, A.; Çakir, A.Türe, M. and Gülen, S.(2010). Arginase and Ornithine in Human Benign and Malignant Skin Tumors. Turk J 35(4): 319–324.
[4]. M.SC Noor AbdulaaliAzeez, Assist. Prof. Dr. SarabDaoudSulaymanAlshamaa,Assist. Prof. Dr. Iman Adel Hadi.(2016).Comparison between tumor marker cea, ca19-9 and some marker enzymes (alkaline sphingomyelinase,cyclooxygenase-2,thymidylate synthase and arginase) in serum of colon cancer journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. Volume 5, Issue 4, 438-460..
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Abstract: Concrete is widely used as building material. It is chosen because of its advantages when compared with other construction materials. In manufacturingconcrete, good treatment greatly affects the durability of concrete. Concrete treatment is not only to obtain high strength but also to improve the quality of its durability, waterproofness, worn resistance, and stability of structural dimensions. In manufacturing the buildings that use concrete in coastal areas, contact with sea water is sometimes unavoidable, where the seawater contains compounds that will reduce the durability of the concrete. Contact with sea water is dangerous because during the treatment period, the concrete........
Keywords: concrete, sea water, fresh water, treatment[1]. Amri, S. 2005. Teknologi Beton A-Z. Yayasan John Hi-Tech Idetama, Jakarta.
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Abstract: The maintenance of public buildings in Nigeria has suffered from lack of fund and total negligence. So much emphasis is placed on aesthetics and infrastructures such that the maintenance takes the back seat. This research examines maintenance culture on public buildings in Nigeria with Osun State as a case study. The study further assesses the factors considered during design and construction stage and the extent of maintenance works on public buildings. These factors were identified and classified using a structured questionnaire that explains the relationship between factors and the elements. Findings were validated and supported by case study projects. This research equally pointed to ways of managing maintenance activities in the construction industry with a view of understanding the occurrence.
Keywords: Maintenance, Maintenance Culture, Public Buildings[1]. Adenuga, O. A. (2010). Labour Composition for Maintenance Works in Public Hospital Built Environment in South-west, Nigeria. Journal of Building Performance. 1 (1) , 83-97
[2]. Adenuga, O. A. (2010). Maintenance management practices in public hospital built environment: Nigeria case study . Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 14(1), 185-201.
[3]. Akin Adeyemi (2005): "Poor Building Maintenance In Nigeria: Are Architects Free From Blames", Department of Architecture, College of Engineering and Technology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ibogun Campus. Paper presented at the ENHR International conference on "Housing: New Challenges and Innovations in Tomorrow's Cities" in Iceland between 29th June – 3rd July,
[4]. British Standard Institution (BS 3811) (1984). Glossary of general terms used in maintenance organisations. Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford. U.K.
[5]. Odediran, S. J., Opatunji, O. A., & Eghenure, F. O. (2012). Maintenance of Residential Buildings: Users' Practice in Nigeria. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(3), 261-265.
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Abstract: In some buildings of Dhaka city, the first storey of the RC frame building open to generate parking space called open ground storey also termed as Soft storey. In this study, the equivalent static force method is carried out for bare frame and masonry infill frame following Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2006. The study has been performed to investigate as well as compare the performances of bare, full in-filled and open ground story buildings subjected to seismic load. The paper mainly follows the procedures of ETABS 9.5.0 software in the seismic analysis of residential buildings in earthquake zone II of Bangladesh. Modeling of infill is considered by "Equivalent diagonal strut method". The performances of the buildings are determined in terms of displacement, drift and base shear. The analysis shows that the performance of an in-filled frame is much better than a bare frame structure. It..........
Keywords: Base shear, Drift, Displacement, Equivalent diagonal strut method, Soft Storey[1]. Holmes, M. (1961). "Steel frames with brickwork and concrete infilling." Proc., Institution. of Civil. Engineers. London, England, Pan 2, Vol. 73, 473-478.
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[3]. Chopra, A.K., 2003. Dynamics of Structure –Theory and Application of Earthquake Engineering. Second ed. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
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[5]. BNBC, 1993. Bangladesh National Building Code. Housing and Building Research Institute, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stabilized Lateritic Bricks as Alternative To Mud Housing In Bauchi, North East Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | E.E. Ndububa |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1684-1405036773 ![]() |
Abstract: Samples of laterites from borrow pits in mud house construction locations of Bauchi, North East Nigeria were investigated. The laterites had particle components of 22.0% clay, 16.8% silt and 61.2% sand. They were stabilized with cement, lime and bitumen respectively and tested for compressive strength, water absorption capacity, linear Shrinkage and permeability. The stabilizers were introduced to the laterite in ratios of 3%, 5% and 7% respectively before testing. They were cured for 7, 14, 28 and 42 days respectively. After 28 days of curing, cement stabilized laterites (CSL) possessed compressive strengths of 1.98N/mm2, 2.83N/mm2 and 3.48N/mm2 respectively. Zero stabilized laterite (ZSL) had a maximum value of 1.27 N/mm2 after 42 days. The water absorption capacities were 6.65%, 5.23.......
Keywords: Laterite, Strength, Soil, Cement, Lime, Bitumen[1]. Alhassan, M. (2008, April). Potentials of Rice Husk Ash for Soil Stabilization. Assumption University Journal of Technology, 11(4), 246-250.
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[5]. Awoyera, P. O., & Akinwunmi, I. I. (2014). Compressive Strenght Development for Cement, Lime and Thermite-hill Stabilized Laterite Bricks. The International Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 3(2), 37-43
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Abstract: The need to develop a highly stable suspension system capable of operating in multi terrain surfaces while keeping all the wheels in contact with the ground. The design has a mechanism that can traverse terrains where the left and right rockers individually climb different obstacles. It is also done to sustain a tilt of over 50deg without tipping over the sideways. In order to go over an obstacle, the front wheels are forced against the obstacle by the rear wheels. The rotation of the front wheel then lifts the front of the vehicle up and over the obstacle.
[1] Hong-an Yang, Luis Carlos Velasco Rojas*, Changkai Xia, Qiang Guo, School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern
Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China, Dynamic Rocker-Bogie: A Stability Enhancement for High- Speed Traversal- Vol. 3, No. 3,
September 2014, pp. 212~220 ISSN: 2089-4856.
[2] R.E. Moore, Interval analysis (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1966). (8)
[3] Note that the title of the book is in lower case letters and italicized. There is no comma following the title. Place of publication and
publisher are given.
[4] Brooks Thomas; Graham Gold; Nick Sertic; DARK ROVER ROCKER-BOGIE OPTIMIZATION DESIGN, The University of
British Columbia, Project Number 1076 January 18, 2011
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Abstract: In concrete technology, thenew particle packing models and theories makesit possible to design different types of concrete, such as high strength concrete and self-compacting concrete.This researchaims to apply packing density theory of compressible interactions Packing Model (CIPM)on high strength self-compacting concretemixes. Mixes were selected with different cement contents and different sizes of aggregate to applyin the (CIPM) packingdensity model. The output parameters were calculated by packing density theory, which used to predict the compressive strength and reduce the water contentimprove the compressive strength of the mixes with achieving the workability in the reference mixes as possible within the limits of self-compacted concrete specifications. The results showed that using appropriatewater amount improvedthe packing..........
Keywords: Self compacting concrete, packing density, slump flow.[1]. ACI (2007), self-consoldating concrete (ACI 237R-04). American concrete institute,Farmington Hills, Mich, 2007.
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