Series-1 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: In this experimental investigation, the strength of rapid hardening cement concrete paver blocks were evaluated by adding corundum powder as a mineral admixture in M35 grade concrete. Rapid hardening Cement (RHC) is a kind of cement which achieves strength very fast where the 3 days strength of RHC is equal to the 7 days strength of OPC cement with the same water-cement ratio and Corundum is a crystalline form of Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) typically containing traces of iron, titanium, chromium and small amount of silica . It is a rock-forming mineral which has the highest hardness and commonly used as abrasion resistant. Corundum is added to the concrete mixer.......
Keywords: Corundum, Rapid hardening cement, Compressive strength test ,Split tensile strength, Flexural strength test and Water absorption test of paver blocks.
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[5]. Aqeel Hatem Chkheiwer , "Improvement of Concrete Paving Blocks Properties by Mineral Additions " Journal of Babylon University/Engineering Sciences,/ No.(1)/ Vol.(25): 2017.
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Abstract: The road network in the Minapolitan area of Bantaeng which is a liaison between the nodes of production, processing and marketing has not been functioning optimally, hampered by the construction of two bridges that have not yet been connected. It is expected that with this study, it can be seen how the availability of infrastructure and facilities supporting the Minapolitan area and the strategy of developing road network infrastructure. The method used and samples according to Slovin formula, analysis of Location Quotient (LQ) to find out the base and non-base areas and SWOT analysis used for formulating a strategy for developing road network infrastructure, prioritizing the construction of bridges to connect the distribution of fisheries and marine products.
Keywords: Infrastructure, transportation, minapolitan, distribution system
[1]. Jinca, M. Yamin. 2011 Fundamentals of Transportation (Teaching Materials for Technical Training at Staff Level) Transportation Apparatus Training Center, Ministry of Transportation, 2011, Makassar.
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[3]. Republic of Indonesia Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. PER 12/MEN/2010 concerning the determination of the Minapolitan area
[4]. Rangkuti Fred. 2014, SWOT Analysis of Dissecting Business Cases, Eighteenth Prints, Gramedia Main Library, Jakarta
[5]. S, Ikhsan et al. 2013, Development Strategy for the Minapolitan Seaweed Area in Pa'jukukang District, Bantaeng Regency, Hasanuddin University Regional Development Planning, Makassar
[6]. 143574 - [_Content_] - Content D119.pdf, Development of the Minapolitan Area, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta.
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Abstract: Laterite formation is noticed about 70.7% in Konkan region. When laterite soil comes in contact with water it loses its strength. Use of biopolymers instead of other chemical compounds for soil treatment will develop a sustainable geotechnical system. The current study illustrates the potential of Xanthan gum polymer stabilized laterite soil. Xanthan gum in proportion 1%, 2% and 3% by mass is used for stabilization. For DST conducted on samples, cohesion increased by 35% and angle of internal friction decreased by 20% as we varied the xanthan gum content from 0% to 3%. The significant change in shear strength properties were observed for curing period of 3 days. The direct shear test was conducted using four different normal stresses of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 kgcm2
Keywords: Biopolymer, Direct shear test, Laterite Soil, Shear strength, Xanthan gum (XG).
[1]. Abhinav V. Lotankar, OmkarRane, Ankita D. Usare, Nagraj H. Koppa, "Stabilization of Lateritic soil by using Terrazyme",
[2]. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 7 Issue 04,April-2018.
[3]. Ahmad Safuan A. Rashid, NimaLatifi, Christopher L. Meehan, Kalehiwot N. Manahiloh (2017), "Sustainable improvement of tropical residual soil using environmentally friendly additive," Springer International Publishing Switzerland,2017.
[4]. Brendan C. O‟ Kelly, Hamid Reza Khatami (2013), "Improving Mechanical properties of sand using biopolymers", ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume139.
[5]. Ilhan Chang, AwliaKharisPrasidhi, JooyoungIm, Gye-Chun Cho (2015) ,"Soil strengthening using thermo- gelation biopolymers",
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Abstract: Finite Element Method (FEM), is a numerical method was used for checking on single deck bus body structure belonging to one of bus manufacturer in EGYPT according to standard regulations UN-ECE R66. The simulation implemented on a section of the proposed bus in A Static Structural module in ANSYS. Also, experimental rollover test has been used in this paper, some problems have been encountered in the weldment of side rails with the roof members during test. So, the authors fully depended on the simulation results. The purpose of this paper is to implement the simulation in order to evaluate the bus section during rollover, take to account the influence of the longitudinal friction force during rollover. investigate the influence of this additive force on the bus structure during rollover.........
Keywords: Bus Structure Integrity, Rollover Test ECE R66, Residual Space, Structure Topology Optimization.
[1]. M. Raghupathi, M. Saravanan, G. Sivakumar. "Comparison of Crash Worthiness of Two Materials Used in Bus Skeletal Frame"American Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2015, pp. 22-30.
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[5]. P. Chinta, L.,Venugopal,"A New Design and Analysis of Bus Body Structure", IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 2014.,
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Abstract: This project evaluates the effects of quarrying of granite rock in Ebenezer quarry on the environment. The objectives of the study were achieved through samples collected from the study area. Soil samples were collected at intervals of 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm for laboratory determination of physicochemical properties. The air quality analysis was also carried out using air particle counter and the noise and vibration generated by the blasting operation in the study area were estimated by adopting mathematical models. The results of the soil samples analysis shown that the average soil pH, for 0-15 cm is 4.86 and for 15-30 cm is 4.87, total..........
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Abstract: The objective was to observe the changes in the various properties of concrete blocks when additives like iron nails and shredded plastic was added to it. It was helped the disposal of waste material in a better manner in order to act it as an additive. These additives were collected from the near areas of Chandigarh. The durability properties i.e.flexural strength and compressive were evaluated. To search for new construction materials as well as a method to dispose the waste material and provide additional strengthening properties. Therefore, it can be concluded that the addition of additives in concrete is eco-friendly for the environment. The test specimen for the two tests will be.........
[1]. Dr. S.S.Verma, IIT - Delhi, "Roads form Plastic Waste".
[2]. \Ms.R.Laksmi&Mr.Nagan, "Concrete Containing E-Wastes".
[3]. Ms. Sabina, Mr. Tabrez A Khan, Ms. Sangita, Mr. D K Sharma and Mr. B M Shanrma,"Performance evalution of waste plastic/polymer modified bituminous concrete mixces".
[4]. Mr. ShailendraMudgal& Mr. LorcanLyons."PLASTIC WASTE IN THE ENVIRONMENT – (European Commission DG ENV)". [5]. Dr. S.S.Verma, IIT - Delhi, "Roads form Plastic Waste".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Diffused Distructionof a Spherical Vesselunder Internal Pressure |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mammadova M.A. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1603015661 ![]() |
Abstract: The failure front equations and formulas of initial failure time of an isotropic spherical layer under the action of monotonically increasing and cyclically changing internal pressure were derived. The numerical calculations were conducted and the failure front motion curves were constructed for monotonically increasing pressure. A formula of critical number of loading cycles to the first failure was derived.
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