Series-5 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Each year the timber industry develops to obtain more sustainable products, not degrading nature and increasingly renewable, this prominent position, makes growth continuous and necessary for renewal. However, this follow-up still lacks a lot of effective management, so the PDP is an interesting approach to achieving important results in the business of this sector. With the execution of the current state map to analyze the current moment of the company and subsequently use the PDP with aid in Lean You can measure financial results, identify business opportunities and also show other actions of Improvements in other company processes. Thus, the application of the PDP with Lean aid in the timber industry will bring returns as improvements in waste reduction and adding value to this type of activity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of inclusion of Hexagonal Mesh on Expansive Soil |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akshay Sudesh Jaiswal || Dr. G.K.Patil |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1603050814 ![]() |
Abstract: Presence of expansive soil creates difficulties in construction activities because of swelling and shrinkage properties. This soil is widely found in India, hence stabilization of this soil is essential. Hexagonal mesh is used in Ferro cement concrete technique to reinforce R.C.C. Structures, hence an attempt is made to use hexagonal mesh to reinforce the expansive soil for stabilization. The objective of the study is to determine the effect of inclusion of hexagonal mesh on expansive soil. In this work unconfined compressive strength test, California Bearing Ratio test were conducted on expansive soil.Hexagonal mesh isused for reinforcing the soil by varying the number of layers of hexagonal mesh from 1 to 5.Maximum strength of unreinforced soil is found 4.86 kPa, whereas after inclusion of 5 layers of hexagonal mesh as a reinforcement it is increased to 20.41 kPa.
[1]. Amit kumarsingh, Effect of jute fibre reinforcement layers on unconfined compressive strength of black cotton soil, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Volume 4 Issue XI, November2016, 579-582.
[2]. A.K.Choudhary, Gill, K., Jha, J., & Shukla, S. K.Improvement in CBR of the expansive soil subgrades with a single reinforcement layer: Research paper, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi, India, 2012, 289-292.
[3]. Das tapas and singhbaleshwar, Deformation and strength characteristics of jute geotextile reinforced soils, Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Vol. 8 No. 04, April-June 2014.987-995.
[4]. D. Baglari, Improvement of expansive soil by lime and reinforcement: Research paper, Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, Roorkee, India, 2013, 22-24.
[5]. H.P. Singha, Strength and Stiffness of Soil Reinforced with Jute Geotextile Sheets, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.3, August 2013, 1143-1146..
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Abstract: Construction supervision consultants share the responsibility of project success with construction contractors. The support, directions, and timely inspections of completed works helps projects progress as planned. Supervision consultants help their clients address problems and improve upon project performance; Their role is to complement the effort of contractors to ensure a successful completion of a project as planned. To clients, when projects slip over their planned schedule, the supervision consultant may be blamed for not providing expected care to the project. The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between the size of the supervision team and the project progress in large governmental housing projects in Egypt. The Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities of Egypt is currently implementing a mega national program of social housing since 2012. This.......
Keywords: Human Resource Index (HRI), Schedule Performance Index (SPI), Social Housing Project
[1]. Pheng L.S. and Chuan Q.T., "Environmental Factors and Work Performance of Project Managers in the Construction Industry", International Journal of Project Management, 2006, 24: 24-37
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[5]. Bandow D., " Time to Create Sound Teamwork", The Journal for Quality and Participation, 2001, 24 (2): 41-7.".
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Abstract: In the era of globalization and privatization, manufacturing firms are greatly relying upon the principle of quality to fight with the challenges of current market trends. In developing nation like India, Small and Medium scale industries (SMEs) play a vital role in providing employment and boosting the economy of the country. By adopting the suitable lean tools productivity can be enhanced considerably. The concepts of lean management to increase productivity and reduce rejection in forging industries of small and medium scale in the area of central Karnataka........
Keywords: Lean; forging; casting; cylinder liner; cause-effect; Pareto analysis
[1]. R. J. P, S. T. R, R. C. G, and B. Ashok, "Implementing the Lean Framework in a Small & Medium & Enterprise (SME) – A case Study," IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 376, p. 012126, 2018.
[2]. R.G.Priyaadarshini, V. R. S. Kumar, and S. A. Rajlakshmi, "Study on lean thinking among MSMEs in the Machine tool sector in India," IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng., vol. 310, p. 012091, 2018.
[3]. M. Almanei, K. Salonitis, and Y. Xu, "Lean implementation frameworks : the challenges for SMEs," Procedia CIRP 50th CIRP Conf. Manuf. Syst., vol. 63, pp. 750–755, 2017.
[4]. T. Wagner, C. Herrmann, and S. Thiede, "Industry 4.0 impacts on lean production systems," Procedia CIRP 50th CIRP Conf. Manuf. Syst., vol. 63, pp. 125–131, 2017.
[5]. B. Mrugalska and M. K. Wyrwicka, "Towards Lean Production in Industry 4.0," Procedia Eng. 7th Int. Conf. Eng. Proj. Prod. Manag., vol. 182, pp. 466–473, 2017...
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Abstract: In this study the experimental attempt was carried out to investigate the performance, combustion and emissions by changing the various nozzle holes size of the injector such as (3 hole x Ø0.28 mm), (3 hole x Ø 0.30 mm), (4 hole x Ø 0.28 mm), (4 hole x Ø 0.30 mm), (5 hole x Ø 0.28 mm), (5 hole x Ø 03.0 mm).The experi-ments are performed on Kirloskar 4-stroke single cylinder direct injection diesel engine fueled with diesel and rubber seed oil methyl ester (RSOME) at 1500 rpm, and coupled with electrical dynamometer with the standard injection timing of 23.4° bTDC ( before top dead centre) with an injection pressure of 240 bar kept up invariant throughout the experimental diesel and RSOME work. It is found that Ø 0.28 mm nozzle hole diameter 4 hole gives higher brake thermal efficiency, lower specific fuel consumption, Carbon monooxide, HC, for Diesel and RSOME compared with other nozzle geometry conditions.
Keywords: Biodiesel, Nozzle hole diameter, Diesel engine
[1]. Sushrut S, Halewadimath, Banapurmath NR and Khandal SV, Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of modified diesel engine fuelled with neem oil methyl ester (nome), SciFed Journal of Biofuel and Bioenergetics,(2017).
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[3]. G.Suresh, H.C. Kamath & N.R. Banapurmath , Effects of injection timing, injector opening pressure and nozzle geometry on the performance of cottonseed oil methyl ester-fuelled diesel engine ", International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 7(1), 72-82, (2014) [4]. Ambarish Datta and Bijan Kumar Mandal: Effect of injection timing on the performance and emission characteristics of a ci en-gine using diesel and methyl soyate Biofuels 6(5),1-8,(2015)
[5]. Rajesh, B. M. Kulkarni, N. R. Banapurmath and S. Kumarappa: Effect of injection parameters on performance and emission cha-racteristics of a crdi diesel engine fuelled with acid oil biodiesel–ethanol blended fuels ,Biofuels ,9(3), (2018)...
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Abstract: The performance of the Makassar Paotere port is still low and has an impact on ship service. This study aims to find clarity about the performance of wharf in Paotere Port and solution alternatives for improve performance. The performance of Berth Occupancy Ratio for wharf of Paotere Port is 55% per month. Average value, utilization value for wharf VI as, VII, VIII and IX (GT 100 to 300) = 71.429%. This value is greater than the standard value issued by UNCTAD which is 70%, which means that currently wharf VI, VII, VIII and IX have been unable to serve the flow of ship visits. It was concluded that because the Paotere Port every year experienced a decrease in the flow of ship visits, it was not required to increase the length of the wharf and to improve the performance of the port wharf..
Keywords: Performance, wharf, Berth Occupancy, Port Infrastructure
[1]. Bochary L, and Idrus M. (2016). Analysis of Wharf Performance of the South Sulawesi Paotere Port. Journal of Marine Research and Technology. Vol. 14. Makassar.
[2]. Director Genera of Sea Transportation Number UN.002/38/18/DPJL.11 About Standard Port Operational Service Perfomance.
[3]. Firmansyah Sy., Anwar R. M. & Pujiraharjo A. (2016). Study of Makassar Port Development in Supporting Load Unloading Flow at Makassar Port .ISSN. 10: 1978-5658
[4]. Nenny., Wunas S. and Asdar M. (2016). The Development of Paotere Port as a Tour Port in Makassar, South Sulawesi – Indonesia. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science, 5(7):18-26.
[5]. Nurhdini A., Rafiq. and Indrayadi M. (2016). Optimization of Container Loading and Unloading Services at Dwikora Port, Pontianak. Tanjungpura University Civil Engineering...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Equipment-Structure Interaction and its effect on Seismic Demand |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jayarajan P |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1603054450 ![]() |
Abstract: The seismic design and evaluation of structures built in petrochemical facilities present a challenging task for the design engineers. The structures found in these facilities can be broadly classified into building structures and nonbuilding structures. The"combination structures" wherein non-building structures such as vessels, exchangers etc. are supported by a steel or reinforced concrete primary structure represents a unique category in the perspective of seismic design. In reality, the seismic behavior of combination structures is mainly governed by the complex interaction between the primary structure and nonbuilding structures. A good understanding of equipment structure interaction is essential in the design of both the nonbuilding structure as well as the primary.........
Keywords: Equipment structure interaction,Combination structure,Coupled model,Seismic demand,Linear dynamic time history,Nonbuilding structure, Petrochemical facilities
[1]. Azizpour, O. and Hosseini,M. "A verification study of ASCE recommended guidelines for seismic evaluation and design of combination structures in petrochemical facilities, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.7, No.20, 2009, pp.3609-3638.
[2]. Prabhakar, G. Verma, U.S.P. and Warudkar, A.S. "Decoupling criteria with respect to structural response of a nuclear power plant structure", Transactions, SMiRT 16, Washington DC, 2001, paper no.1957.
[3]. Subramanian, K.V., Palekar, S.M. and Mapari, H.A. "Coupled seismic analysis of nuclear safety systems", Transactions of the 17th international conference in reactor technology (SMiRT 17), Prague, Czech Republic,2003, paper no. K02-4.
[4]. M.Perez,Y. Guerra, E.M. and Zurita, E.B. "Seismic response of equipment supported on structures", Transactions, SMiRT-23, Manchester, UK,2015, paper no.670.
[5]. "Guidelines for seismic evaluation and design of petrochemical facilities", Second edition, Task committee on seismic evaluation and design of the petrochemical committee of the energy division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston,VA..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Properties of fresh and hardened concrete |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priji.e.Moses || Prof. Dr. T.e. Kanchanabhan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1603055168 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper reviews the literature related to the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. Workability and fundamental rheological properties, reversible and non-reversible evolution, thixotropy, slump loss, setting time, bleeding, segregation and practical issues related to formwork filling and pressure, are addressed among the properties of fresh concrete. Among hardened concrete properties compressive strength and other mechanical and physical properties of hardened concrete, such as tensile strength, elastic properties, shrinkage, creep, cracking resistance, electrical, thermal, transport and other properties are covered. Testing, interpretation, modeling and prediction of properties are addressed, as well as correlation with properties of fresh concrete and durability, effects of special binders, recycled and natural aggregates, fiber reinforcement, mineral and chemical admixtures. Special attention is given to the properties of hardened lightweight and self-compacting concrete.
Fresh concrete (A);
Hardened concrete;
Portland cement (D);
Properties (C)
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