Series-4 (May-June 2019)May-June 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of a Floating Hollow Cylindrical Break water in Experimental Study |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | El Saie, Y.M. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1603040107 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the present study is to investigate the performance of a floating hollow cylindrical breakwater system based on experimental laboratory tests.These experimentswere carried out in a recirculating open channel flume located inthe Hydraulics Laboratory at Higher Institute of Engineering in El Shorouk City. The physical model consists of five models of different diameters (2, 3, 4, (3&4) and (2,3&4) inches), horizontal hollow cylindrical floating pipes worked as floating breakwater, tested as a single then as a group. In every case the incident and transmitted wave heights can be measured with system of wireless Sonic Wave Sensor, then wave coefficients (Ct, Cr and Cd) can be calculated, also the percentage of transmitted energy can be calculated to evaluate the performance of these models.........
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Abstract: Design and construction of soil retaining structure consist of an important part of road and railway projects. Hence, accurate estimation of Active earth pressure is necessary for the safe and economical design of retaining structure. Active earth pressure is one of the important factor for design of retaining wall. The magnitude of active earth pressure depends upon the type of backfill material used. In this research, natural sand, artificial sand and C-ɸ soil have been used and sieve analysis, specific gravity and direct shear tests have been carried out. Accordingly the sands and soil have been determined as poorly graded and well graded. By using the value of internal friction obtained.........
Keywords: Gradation, direct shear test, internal friction angle, active earth pressure, backfill, retaining wall.
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Abstract: The collision force damping system is used to prevent passengers and vehicle from crushing accidents. This system damps collision forces by implementing of extending dampers. The damping assembly fixed in frontal part of the vehicle is attached with bumpers. It operated by microprocessor unit that has unique program for segregated collision situation in roadways. The collision segregated under four different condition it will satisfy all the accidental collision situation in roadways. It is using Solid-State ToF Infrared LiDAR CE30-A to predict the collision by measuring of the distance between primary and secondary vehicle and any obstacle in front of the vehicle and the primary sensing elements are change in distance with respective time, velocity and braking distance of vehicle. If the desired collision is sensed from the sensor it will give the signal to the microcontroller unit and it will........
Keywords: Collision Force Damping System, Dampers, Microcontroller, Obstacle detection, Solid-State ToF Infrared LiDAR CE30-A
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Abstract: Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 – 10129 Torino - Italy An impressive fire devastated the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, one of the symbols of European architecture. The flames started from the scaffolding embracing the base of the spire on the cathedral roof. The fire blazed up in the church during the religious celebration on April 15th at 6:45 p.m. The fire enveloped abruptly the roof and the spire erected by Viollet-le-Duc in 1860. The collapse took place about 80 minutes around 8 p.m [1-3]. Today, the.........
Keywords: Notre-Dame fire; Lutetian limestone; Safeguard; Grid shell
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Abstract: The results from a questionnaire survey of risk management in the different phases of a construction project at Akwa Ibom State Nigeria are presented. The participants of the study were clients, contractors and consultants working in this state.They evaluated the participation of these stakeholders in the stages of the project, in specific, their roles in the system of risk management and their impact on risk management. It has been shown that a construction project's planning and manufacturing stages are the most important for risk management, where risk identification, evaluation and reaction occurs. However, collaboration in terms of risk management between the key players is most intensive in these phases.Compared to other stakeholders, contractors engage more actively..........
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Abstract: Firefighting is traditionally done using firemen and fire engine. Later it was modified to firefighting robots. Fire Fighting Robots were controlled by Computers. Our work aims to manage and provide a solution for firefighting employing a fire extinguisher and any such mechanism fitted on a Drone. Firefighting is harmful job that invariably place the life of a hearth fighter at risk. By putting a fire- fighter drone to perform this task in an inaccessible fire-prone area, it can aid to avoid and/or prevent untoward incidents or the loss of lives. This work describes the development of a firefighting Drone equipped with the fighting instrumentation that may be required to be mounted on it. In literature we've not found any such try being created. Fire Fighter Drone is designed for usage in extreme conditions. It is operated and controlled by remote user and has the flexibleness to extinguish flame. It is design to be controlled with a monitoring system and component communicate in wireless mode.
Keywords: Firefighting Drone, remotely controlled, Fire prone area.
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Abstract: Egypt is one of the biggest countries in Africa and Middle East, which is suffering from water deficit problem affected by increasing population and many developing projects. Egypt is suffering from deficit of water resources at the present and in the future.Modeling may be helpful in solving water shortage problemsin the Nile valley withsuccessful future planning. Many previous studies had applied mathematical, physical, numerical and mechanical models on Nile river basin and studying the impact of climate change and new strategies in waterresources management and using the GIS and share decisions withal participates.In the present research,we will study the........
Keywords: Integrated Water Resources Management, River Nile, Delta, virtual water
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Abstract: The effect of curing conditions on the compressive strength, surface absorption and permeability of concrete containing admixtures was investigated. Five mixes were designed: a control mix and four admixtures; waterproofer, chloride free accelerator, two superplasticizers- Polycarboxylate Ether (PCE) and Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde condensates (SNF) were used. A grade 30 concrete with a water cement ratio (w/c) of 0.55 at a slump of 150- 180mm was designed as the control mix. Appropriate water reduction was made for mixes with admixtures to obtain the design slump. The concrete samples were divided into two; with one half cured in water and the other in...........
Keywords: Curing, admixtures, durability, permeability, surface absorption, compressive Strength
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Abstract: Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) are new, very promising multipurpose chemical admixtures for concrete. They make available a number of new possibilities with respect to the control of free water in the mixture. In turn they contribute to the control of the rheological properties of fresh concrete and to the mitigation of autogenously and plastic shrinkage through internal curing. Furthermore, pore systems built up as a result of SAP addition seem to remain stable regardless of the consistency of the concrete, the addition of superplasticizers, or the method of placement and compacting. Thus, SAP can be used as an alternative to air‐entrainment agents. This article presents these and other potential practical applications of SAP in concrete construction
Keywords: Super Absorbent Polymer, Plasticizer, internal curing
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Abstract: A modern lifestyle, alongside the advancement of technology has led to an increase in the amount and type of waste being generated, leading to a waste disposal crisis. This study tackles the problem of the waste that is generated from construction fields, such as demolished concrete, glass, and plastic. In order to dispose of or at least reduce the accumulation of certain kinds of waste, it has been suggested to reuse some of these waste materials to substitute a percentage of the primary materials used in the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete. The waste materials..........
Keywords: Waste glass, coarse aggregates, Fine aggregate, workability, aggregate impact value, Compressive strength.
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Abstract: Mechanical splices are commonly used to connect reinforcing bars in modern concrete structures. Recently, due to the tendency to increase the size of reinforced concrete structures, the importance of reinforcing bars has been increased. Commonly, lap splices, welded joints and mechanical splices are used in the field, yet lap splices are the most frequently used due to their workability and low price. However, such drawbacks of lap splices have caused material overuse and degradation of concrete quality. Mechanical splices on the other hand, overcame the existing issues of traditional methods, but often havecomplex design of the shapes and require advance steel molding techniques, SIJ simplified the design and production process by excluding separate sleeves.........
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Abstract: It is projected that road traffic injuries will move up to the third position by the year 2020 among leading causes of the global disease burden.Talawade being a major industrial area in P.C.M.C. due to which lot of heavy vehicles operate along with the local travellers. Hence, the area is prone to accidents. We studied the various accident causes in Ganeshnagar by preparing questionnaire & creating Google form. From which 40% being due to road condition,32% overtaking problems, 14% improper pedestrian crossing 10% maintenance problem & 4% personal problem. We analyzed the geometric errors on the location & also the peak hour of occurance was observed to be 8.00am -11.00am & 3.00pm-10.00pm. The outcomes of the study will help in minimizing the accidents & allow the safe travel with growth in the industrialization...
INDEX TERMS: black-spot, Questionnaire, collision diagram, accident cause model.
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