Version-2 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Abstract: Achievement in any subject seems to be common problem that means what student has learnt in a school subject. It is generally measured on set of question which the student has to respond .Thus the tool for measuring achievements test item. The correct responses are understood in number which is called scores; these scores constitute achiever in a subject. The word achievement means performing successes fully or things have done successfully, especially with efforts and skills .Achievement may be measured through formative evaluation or summative evaluation. Of course achievement play important role of all kind of education. Mathematics is the backbones all sciences and its effect have rather percolated to other non-scientific discipline .Scientific advancement, use of modern technology in day to day life; globalization and modernization tremendously change the mindset of people and student.
[1]. Annual Report 1994-1995,96-97,98-99,1999-2000,NVS New Delhi.
[2]. Buch, M.B (1991), Chief Editor, Fourth Survey of Research in Education, 1983-1988, Volume – I, II, Page No 693-695, 845,874, 1044, N.C.E.R.T., New Delhi.
[3]. Raju. T.J.M.S(2012) :IJPE Patna(ISSN: 0378 -1003) Vol-43(2) Page No131-135 Publisher: HIBS 41-42 Hardeep Enclave, Sikandra ,Agra 282007.
[4]. Saikia L.R and Chutia Manju (2013) : IJPE Patna (ISSN: 0378 -1003) Vol-44(1) Page No 5-7 Publisher: HIBS 41-42 Hardeep Enclave, Sikandra ,Agra 282007.
[5]. Saikia L.R and Kalita Sima (2013) : IJPE Patna (ISSN: 0378 -1003) Vol-44(2) Page No 116-118 Publisher: HIBS 41-42 Hardeep Enclave, Sikandra ,Agra 282007
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Abstract: The role of the teacher is to be facilitator of his students' learning. Teachers are the managers of classroom activities. They are charged with the responsibility of establishing situations likely to promote communication. This paper is premised on a study which set out to determine if the role of the teacher in a Listening and Speaking class is relevant to the tenets of CLT. A descriptive research design was adopted using direct observation and interview methods for data collection. Note-taking and tape-recording were used to record class proceedings and interviews. A total of twelve secondary schools were selected using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. Fourteen teachers of English were involved. A descriptive analysis of data was done. Frequency tables were used to highlight the data. The findings revealed that while learners were passive participants in the process of learning the listening and speaking skills, the teacher played a very active role. He took centre stage. The teacher concentrated on instructing the learner. He planned the lesson alone, and while in class he talked, asked questions, demonstrated, gave notes, answered questions, explained, narrated, described, responded and even read extracts. The learner was hardly involved. For communicative competence to be achieved, there needs to be less teacher control and more pupil centeredness in any listening and speaking task. The findings of the study may provide impetus for the teacher to reflect upon his own, and other colleagues choice of methodology in the teaching of not only Listening and Speaking but also Reading and Writing. This indeed will boost the performance of English language and make it more acceptable as a language of communication.
Keywords: Application, Communicative Language Teaching Approach, Teachers' Role, Teaching Listening, Speaking.
[1] Littlewood, W. (1981). Communicative Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[2] Widdowson, G. H. (2001). Aspects of Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[3] Hendrickson, J. M. (1991). On Communicative Language Teaching. Hispania, 74(1), 197-198.
[4] Gerngross and Pucha (1993). Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. In A. Galloway, Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. Eric Educational Reports. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from Web
[5] A. Galloway, Communicative Language Teaching: An Introduction and Sample Activities. Eric Educational Reports. Retrieved July 21, 2010 from Web
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Abstract: The study described the influence of age, gender and teaching subject on the readiness of students to the use of podcasting as a learning tool in the classroom. The sample comprises a total of 240 pre-service teachers in the faculty of Education, 100 level students offering TEE 141 (Social Studies Methods).There are 2 research questions and 3 hypotheses: What technological gadget do pre-service teachers have to interact with podcast? Are social science pre service teachers ready for the use of podcasting? There is no significant difference in the readiness of podcasting use between male and female pre-service teachers. There is no significant difference in the readiness of podcasting use based on age levels of social science pre-service teachers. There is no significant difference in the readiness of podcasting use based on social science pre-service teachers' teaching subjects. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument used in the collection of data is the Podcast Readiness Questionnaire (PRQ). The reliability coefficient was derived from Kuder-Richardson (KR 20) formula and its value was .94. The result of the study was analyzed using the descriptive statistics, student T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that there is no significant difference in the level of readiness of pre-service teachers based on age, gender and teaching subjects. It further reveals that the pre-service teachers are fully ready for the use of podcasting because they feel it will help them to revise for examinations, revise lectures and help their learning while being mobile. Keywords: Learning Tool, Podcasting, Pre-Service Teachers, Readiness
[1] Evans, C., Fan, J. 2002. Lifelong learning through the virtual university. Journal of Campus Wide Information Systems, 19(4), 127–134
[2] Evans, C. 2007. The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50, 491-498. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2007.09.016
[3] Walton, G., Childs, S., Blenkinsopp, E. 2005. Using mobile technologies to give health students access to learning resources in the UK community setting. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 22 (2), 51-65.
[4] Campbell 2005. There is something in the air: podcasting in education. EDUCASE Review, vol. 40, no. 6 (Nov/dec 2005): 32-47.
[5] Udell, j. "Hypermedia: Why Now?" O‟Reilly Network, March 18. html
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Abstract: Life skill training is extremely relevant to the social skillsof children. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the effectiveness of life skills training on the social skills of hearing impaired students between 10 and 12 years old.This research employed the experimental method using pretest and posttest design, with a control group. The participants were 38 male hearing-impaired students, with sensory-neural hearing in the range of 50 to 90 decibels. They were selected from two schools for the deaf in Tehran Province using a cluster sampling method. Subjects were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group, each consisting of 19 students. The experimental group was subjected life skills training for 9 sessions, whereas the control group was not. The Wechsler intelligence test was used for matching the groups in their IQs, while their social skills rating scale was used for measuring their social skills. The data were recorded and statistically analyzed using MANOVA. The results of MANOVA showed that life skills training had a significant effect on the social skills and subscales (cooperation, assertiveness and self-control) in the experimental group, while in the control group no change was observed (p < 0.0001).Life skills training can improve the social skills of hearing impaired students. Therefore, training of life skills has a crucial role in improving the social skills of hearing impaired students, and deserves to be given more attention.
Keywords: Life skills, social skills,hearing impaired students.
[1]. Fellinger, J.,Holzinger, D.,Sattel, H.,Laucht, M., Goldberg, D. Correlates of mental health disorders among children with hearing impairments.Journal ofDevelopment Medical Children Neural.2009; 5: 635-41.
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[3]. Beria J.U., Raymann, B.C., Gigante, L.P. Hearing impairment and socioeconomic factors: a population-based survey of an urban locality in southern Brazil. Review Panama Salud Publication. 2007; 21:381–87.
[4]. WHO.Deafness and hearing impairment. April, 2010. http://www.Who.Int/ media Centre/ factsheets/fs300/en/index.html (accessed April 26, 2011).
[5]. Bubbico, L., Rosano, A., Spagnolo, A. Prevalence of pre-lingual deafness in Italy. Act Otorhinolaryngology Ital. 2007; 27: 17–21.
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Abstract: Secondary school agriculture syllabus was introduced in Kenya to equip learners with knowledge on the basic principles of farming. In the wake of the last quarter of the 20th Century, climate change became the single most challenge to the Worlds agriculture sector, the developing countries being the most vulnerable. To tackle the phenomena, each country ought to find appropriate solutions to secure its own agricultural production. In Kenya, lack of knowledge on climate change adaptations affects the agriculture syllabus in meeting its objectives, which in turn translates to a shortfall in response to the farmers needs. The problem that the study sought to investigate therefore is lack of empirical data on the perceptions of teachers towards integration of adaptation strategy topics on climate change into secondary school agriculture syllabus. The purpose of the study, therefore, was to investigate the perceptions of teachers towards the integration of adaptation strategy topics on climate change into secondary school agriculture syllabus. The design of the study was descriptive survey research design. The target population was three hundred and fifty (350) agriculture teachers in public secondary schools in Machakos County. A sample of a hundred (100) agriculture teachers was selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents.
Key Words: Perception, Integration, Climate change adaptation, Secondary school agriculture syllabus, Agriculture teachers, Climate change
[1]. Food and Agriculture Organization, (2008). Climate change and food security. A Framework Document. FAO: Rome, Italy.
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[5]. G.O K, (2013). National Climate Change Action Plan 2013 -2017. Government Printer. Nairobi
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Abstract: The study was designed to further clarify the claims by several authors that methods of instruction could change students' attitude towards science. It was the belief of the author that if students' were allowed to develop higher cognitive processes through problem-solving instructional strategy using The Seven Step Chemistry Problem-Solving Model as suggested by Frazer (1981) and Selvarantnam (1983), their attitudes might change positively. Therefore, the effect of problem-solving instructional strategy on students' attitude toward chemistry was investigated. The findings revealed that problem-solving instructional strategy influences students' attitude towards chemistry learning based on gender. Also, students' numerical ability do not have any significant interaction effect on students' attitude towards chemistry learning based on gender. It was then recommended that students' should develop a proper attitude towards problem-solving with a view to improving their performance in chemistry. Besides giving students the content, the process is equally important for them to comprehend some scientific concepts and principles. This could make them develop more positive attitude toward the learning of science.
Keywords: Students' Attitude, Science, Problem-Solving.
[1]. Abimbade, A. (1983):- The Relative effectiveness of programmed instruction to the Traditional teaching of secondary mathematics. Unpublished M.Ed Dissertation, University of Ibadan.
[2]. Aiken, L.R. (1976):- Update on Attitudes and other variables in Learning Mathematics. Review of Educational Research. 46: 293-311.
[3]. Aiyelaagbe, G.O. (1998):- The Effectiveness of Audio, Visual and Audio-Visual Self-Learning Outcomes in Basic Literacy Skills in Ibadan. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Ibadan.
[4]. Balogun, T.A. (1975):- Interest in Science and Technology Education in Nigeria. Journal of Science Teachers' Association of Nigeria. 23(1 and 2): 92-99.
[5]. Bodner. G.M. (2000):- The Role of Representations in Problem-Solving in Chemistry. University Chemistry Education, 4: 24-30.
[6]. Decorte, R. and Scriners, J. (2002):- Supporting and promoting argumentation discourse in Science Education. Studies in Science Education 38: 39-72.
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Abstract: One of the commonly accepted indicators for assessing the level of development of any nation is the efficient management of its refuse. Inefficient management of refuse poses great threats to public health in any environment. The indiscriminate dumping of refuse is unsightly, risky and exposes people to diseases. This paper examined the environmental risk-factors arising from indiscriminate disposal of refuse by residents of Ekiti-State. The paper also identified those risk-factors, such as water pollution, air pollution, flooding, environmental accidents, outbreak of diseases which can lead to health hazards ranging from mild ill-health to severe health calamities. Suggestions were made to help checkmate the risk-factors of indiscriminate disposal of refuse in Ekiti-State.
Keywords: Environment, Pollution, Refuse, Health hazard, Risk-factors
1] Achalu O.E and Achalu E.I (2004) Environmental Health and Pollution Control.LagosSimarch
2] Ajayi F.T. (2004) A Guide to Primary Health Care Practice in Developing Countries, Government Printer; Ekiti-State.
3] Alakija W (2002). Essentials of Community Health: Primary Health Care and Management. BeninAmbik Press.
4] Anderson C.L.(2003) Community Health St. Louis C-V Mosby Company
5] Andrew I.O (2007) Water Pollution in Nigeria: Concepts, Causes and HealthImplicationsNigerianSchool Health Journal 19 (2) 38-43
6] Ayodele-Oni S. (2007) Environmental Health Education in Schools and In the Community.NigerianSchool Health Journal 19(2) 116-122
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Abstract: Ce travail porte sur le discours des filles et des garçons entre implicite/explicite et rapports de force en Basketball. L'étude a touché 8 classes de 3éme année de base de la région de Bizerte. Toutes les situations de jeu sont filmées en vidéo numérique. Toutes les séquences de verbalisation « verbatim » sont enregistrées à l'aide d'un caméscope et sont par la suite transcrites par écrit pour analyse du discours (Charaudeau, & Maingueneau, 2002). L'étude quantitative a montrée une augmentation des balles jouées et des tirs au but en faveur de la deuxième situation jouée. Les paniers marqués ont connu une amélioration légère pendant le deuxième match au cours des trois dernières séances. Ces résultats vont de soi avec les travaux de Turner et Martinek (1992) selon lesquelles des cycles de moins de huit leçons seraient trop courts pour enregistrer des apprentissages remarquables.
Mots clefs: discours, apprentissage, verbalisation, jeu, basketball.
[1]. Caragati, F., & Mugny, G. (1985). La théorie du conflit socio-cognitif. In G. Mugny (ed). Psychologie sociale du développement cognitif. Berne : Peter Lang.
[2]. Charaudeau, P., & Maingueneau, D. (2002). Dictionnaire d'analyse du discours. Paris : Seuil.
[3]. Cottinet, C., & Harmand, M. (2003). Verbaliser pour apprendre, une activité centrale en EPS. Les cahiers EPS de l'académie de Nantes n°29 – Décembre 2003.
[4]. Caragati, F., & Mugny, G. (1985). La théorie du conflit socio-cognitif. In G. Mugny (ed). Psychologie sociale du développement cognitif. Berne : Peter Lang.
[5]. Delignières, D. (1992). Apprentissage moteur et verbalisation. Echanges et controverses, 4, 29-42.
[6]. Durand, M. (2001). Chronomètre et survêtement. Paris : PUF.
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Abstract: Ce travail vise une conception novatrice en matière d'EPS. Il s'inscrit dans un paradigme purement sémio-constructiviste. L'objectif est de cerner les conceptions véhiculées par les inspecteurs de la région du Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie à propos d'un enseignement avec verbalisation. Pour ce faire, on a opté pour un questionnaire papier crayon au près de 20 inspecteurs des différentes régions de la Tunisie. Les résultats trouvés, ont montrés que la majorité des inspecteurs émettent des avis non favorables vis avis d'un enseignement d'EPS avec verbalisation. Pourtant, nombreux sont les travaux qui mettent l'accent sur les effets bénéfiques d'un enseignement couplé avec des moments de débat d'idées (Gréhaigne, 1990 ; Delignières, 1992 ; Nachon, 2004 ; Wallian et Chang 2007a ; 2007b ; Zghibi, 2009). Summary. This work is an innovative approach towards the EPS. It is part of a pure semiotic constructivist paradigm. The objective is to identify the concepts that are conveyed by the inspectors in the region of the north-west of Tunisia about teaching with verbalization. To do this we opted for a questionnaire about 20 inspectors from different regions of Tunisia. The search results have shown that the majority of the inspectors issue unfavorable opinions overlooked an EPS teaching with verbalization. Yet many are the work that focus on the benefits of education coupled with moments of discussion of ideas (Gréhaigne 1990; Delignières 1992; Nachon, 2004; Wallian and Chang 2007a, 2007b; Zghibi, 2009)
[1]. Austin J.L. (1970). Quand dire, c'est faire. Paris: Seuil.
[2]. Alibali, M.W., Kita, S., & Young, A.J. (2000). Gesture and the process of speech production: we think, therefore we gesture. Language and cognitive processes, 15 (6), 593-613.
[3]. Bernicot, J. (1992). Les actes de langage chez l'enfant. Paris : PUF.
[4]. Cottinet, C., & Harmand, M. (2003). Verbaliser pour apprendre, une activité centrale en EPS. Les cahiers EPS de l'académie de Nantes n°29 – Décembre 2003.
[5]. Delignières, D. (1992). Apprentissage moteur et verbalisation. Echanges et controverses, 4, 29-42.
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Abstract: The choice of our subject is within this perspective that focuses on designs that are teachers of EPS of team sports. This choice is justified by the difficulties posed in this type of sport as a minor activity within the EPS. To analyze the conceptions of the teachers about team sports, we found it useful to use, the method of analysis 'global' to compare the responses of the teachers surveyed regardless of the different variables. The found results showed that the majority of teachers hampers to give operational definitions for concepts "tactics/strategy" and "principles for action/action rules". These teachers are even enormous difficulties to differentiate between these concepts.
Key-words: design, principles of action, rules of action, tactics and strategy.
[1]. Bouthier, D., Grehaigne, J.F & Godbout, P. (1999). The foundations of tactics and strategy, in team sports. In Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 18, 159-174.
[2]. Caty, D., & Gréhaigne, J.F. (2005). Modélisations de l'attaque et didactique des sports collectifs en EPS. eJRIEPS, 8, 75-88.
[3]. Caty, D., Meunier, J.N., & Gréhaigne, J.F. (2007). Modélisations des attaques réussies pour progresser dans les sports collectifs en EPS. Spirales, 40, 105- 116.
[4]. Gréhaigne, J.F. (1989). Football de mouvement. Vers une approche systémique du jeu. Thèse (non publiée). Université de Bourgogne.
[5]. Gréhaigne, J.F. (1992). L'organisation du jeu en football. Paris : ACTIO.
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to understand and examine the attitudes of Engineering Technology (ET) students towards engagement in mathematics during their studies at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). In the study, a set of questionnaire that covers the questions on the students' attitudes towards engagement in mathematics was utilized. A total of 332 second year ET students at FTK, UTeM were requested to complete this set of questionnaire during the final week of semester two for 2013/2014 session. From the findings, a conclusion has been drawn regarding the attitudes of the ET students towards engagement in mathematics. The result showed that most of the ET students were very engaged in mathematics, and their engagement was more on behavioral types during the learning process of mathematics in class at FTK, UTeM.
Keywords: Attitude, Confidence, Engineering Technology
[1] I. Chubb, Mathematics, engineering and science in the national interest, Retrieved from, 2012.
[2] M.S. Yahaya, A. Noordin, S. Ahmad and M.R. Sapiee, Engineering technology program in Malaysia: A market survey, Proc. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Johor, Malaysia, 2012.
[3] A. Sayuthi, Z. Jano, N. hashim, S. Ahmad and R. Abdullah, The implementation of PBL in physics for engineering technology courses: A case study for faculty of engineering technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Proc. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Johor, Malaysia, 2012.
[4] M.S. Farooq and S.Z.U. Shah, Students' attitude towards mathematics, Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 46(1), 2008, 75-83. [5] A.C. Barton, Crafting multicultural science education with pre-service teachers through service-learning, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(6), 2000, 797-820.
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Abstract: L'analyse des pratiques d'enseignement en EPS se fonde sur la reconsidération a priori de fragments de l'action professionnelle dont les didacticiens sont invités à élucider le sens. L'activité de l'enseignant est considérée comme le résultat d'un compromis entre des rationalités multiples. Ces rationalités forment, en grande partie, le processus décisionnel de chaque enseignant qui est « à la fois un phénomène intime et spécifique » (Carnus, 2003). L'étude du processus décisionnel implique l'identification de trois composantes agissant comme « des filtres de l'action didactique » (Loizon, 2004) qui vont orienter implicitement ou explicitement les choix de l'enseignant avant et pendant l'action didactique. Ainsi, la pratique usuelle nous offre « un paysage varié » où se conjuguent les trois « déjà-là » (conceptuel, intentionnel et expérientiel) pour construire un savoir à transmettre en milieu scolaire en rapport avec la discipline du football.
Mots-clés.: Enseignement, déjà là, décision, EPS.
[1]. Astolfi J-P., Develay M. (1989) Didactique des Sciences, Paris, PUF, Que sais-je. [2]. Benavot A. (2002) Une analyse critique de la recherche comparée, Perspectives, Genève : Bureau International de l'Education, 53-82.
[3]. Blaquier, J.L (2003). L'antiphilosophie de J. Lacan, Bourdieu, P. (1993). La misère du monde. Paris : Editions du Seuil.
[4]. Brousseau G. (1986) Fondements et méthodes en didactique des mathématiques, Recherches en didactique des mathématiques, Grenoble : La Pensée sauvage.
[5]. Brousseau G. (1998) Théorie des situations didactiques, Textes rassemblés et préparés par Nicolas Balacheff, Martin Cooper, Rosamund Sutherland, Virginia Warfield, Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, Grenoble : La Pensée sauvage.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Different Hype Cycle Viewpoints for an E-Learning System |
Country | : | Romania |
Authors | : | Logica Banica |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04528895 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper uses Gartner Group's Hype Cycle as an analysis tool for the e-learning platform integration process at the University of Pitesti. The platform was installed three years ago and during this time there were many points of view (by major user groups) regarding the usefulness and adoption rate. Based on this fact, according to us, the e-learning Hype Cycle has two graphical representations, two variation curves that have the first part identical but differ significantly in the following two stages, differences that disappear in the end. Based on our analysis, we found necessary to improve the management strategies, to better motivate the teachers in order for them to reach the same level of interested shown by the students in using the system, and thus bringing the two educational groups to the same opinion. We have depicted all this evolution and the different points of view by the Hype Cycle curve, that should be only one for the 5th year of system presence in our institution, a convergence reached a bit too late in the IT world, where software solutions have a limited life cycle.
Keywords: Hype Cycle, e-learning, academic collaboration
[1] Banica L., Stefan C., Rosca D, Enescu F., Moving from learning management systems to the e-learning cloud. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. [Online]. 2013, 04, pp 865-874. Available from:
[2] L. Banica, V. Paun, L. C. Stefan, Integrating Web 2.0 in the e-learning process, Proceedings of 3nd International Conference EBEEC 2011, Pitesti, Romania
[3] Banica, L., Stefan, C., Jurian, M, Business Intelligence for Educational Purpose, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sibiu, BRCEE 2012
[5] Jari Laru and Sanna Järvelä, Using Gartner's Hype Cycle as a basis to analyze research on theeducational use of ubiquitous computing,2013,