Version-5 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Abstract: This article deals with the most effect models methods and process in the teaching learning process called scientific illustration technique is used as a tool in the teaching learning process. This tool is installed with a new strategy called self regulated learning this study includes 20 students from Government high school in Kalaiyarkoil block district Researchers adopted two activities i.e 1. Balancing equation 2. Lattice method through illustration technique with self regulated learning. As a result of the study it was performed that the illustration technique through self regulated learning improve the teaching learning process
[1]. Ferre Partica and joseph E Trumpey 1999 Assessing the effectiveness of scientific illustration as a learning tool in the elementary school classroom. Journal of Natural science illustration 391) 33-42.
[2]. Aam M.Gale A, Brown M. Khan Al (2010). The importance of human skills in project management professional dev elopement . Internet J.Managing pproject Bus. 3(3):495+516
[3]. Bronfenbrenner U.(1979) The Ecology of Human Development 3 Experiments by Nature and Design (Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge, MA)
[4]. Levasseur RE (1991) People skills: Self-awareness- A critical skill fro MS OR professionals, interfaces 21(1): 130-133.
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Abstract: This article discusses the acceptance and use of online shopping by the digital natives and digital immigrants. Online shopping means the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet. Today, online shopping using the Internet is gaining attention. Online shopping has been growing in tandem with the growth of the Internet. More and more people are leaning towards online shopping. Despite this growth, we are not sure how the digital immigrants are using the development of the Internet for online shopping. We also do not know if there is any difference in the pattern of online shopping use between the savvy digital natives and digital immigrants. The focus of this research is to study the acceptance and use of online shopping by the digital natives and digital immigrants. This is to compare the pattern between both the generations and also to find out how effective is this online shopping. This study was carried out by using survey questionnaire. The instrument for this study was developed and modified from Davis's Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A total of 200 respondents from both the generations participated in this study. The research instrument was validated by two experts in the related field. As for the reliability of the instrument, the Cronbach alpha value obtained was 0.959. This research finding showed the characteristics and differences in the pattern of online shopping between the two generation in terms of usage pattern, satisfaction, perceived usefulness and ease of use. Suggestion for further research was also provided.
Keywords : Online Shopping, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.
[1] Ajzen, I., Fishbein, M., & Heilbroner, R. L. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior (3ed.).Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[2] Davis, F. D. (1986). A technology acceptance model for empirically testing new end-user information systems: theory and results (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[3] Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota, 13(3), 319-340.
[4] Davis, F. D. (1993). User acceptance of information technology: system characteristics, user perceptions, and behavioral impacts. Int. J. Man-Machine Studies, 38, 475-487.
[5] Liu, I.-F., Chen, M. C., Sun, Y. S., Wible, D., & Kuo, C.-H. (2010). Extending the TAM model to explore the factors that affect Intention to Use an Online Learning Community. Computers & Education, 54, 600-610.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | VICTERS -Reaching The Unreached: How Do Secondary School Students Of Kerala Utilise? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sathiyan. S , V. Sumangala |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04551620 ![]() |
Abstract: Government of Kerala has been utilising the service of EDUSAT - the educational satellite - and set up the first Interactive Broadband network for school education in India- the "ViCTERS‟ (Virtual Classroom Technology on EDUSAT for Rural Schools), which is now re-named as "VICTERS"-Versatile ICT Enabled Resource for Students since 2005. VICTERS telecast the programmes pertaining to school education and the channel operates 17 hours daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. The programmes are chartered to cater the needs of educational community of Kerala schools including students, teachers and educational administrators. The present study is an end user study to know how far standard IX Students of Kerala Secondary Schools utilise such programmes by a survey design administering a structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis used for the study is Percentage analysis for Total sample and Sub samples. Key words: EDUSAT, Survey study, Utilisation, VICTERS
[1]. S.M.Fisch, and R.T. Truglio (Ed.). "G" is for "growing": thirty years of research on children and Seasame Street. (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001a).
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[3]. P.C. Mohanty, A critical study of the educational television programmes for primary school children in the state of Orissa. doctoral diss., Utkal University,Utkal, 1988.
[4]. I. Arularam, Evaluation of the UGC country-wide educational television, M.Phil diss., Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, 1990.
[5]. A.M. Kapadia, The impact of television on students learning, doctoral diss., Utkal University, Utkal, 1992
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entrepreneurial Measurement Modelfor Teacher Education |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | MohdAsri Ispal , MohdKhata Jabor |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04552125 ![]() |
Abstract: The definition of entrepreneurship transcends multi disciplines and not only limited to the profit-making business entities. Within the teachers' education field, entrepreneurship is viewed as a critical component in the process of preparing the competent and skilled teachers in handling the present challenging education environment. This research intends to develop the instrument which can be used in the assessment of the students of Institute of Teachers Education Malaysia towards the identification of their entrepreneurship traits. The domains of entrepreneurship will be explored through the relevant literature review and the expert's opinion as well. In this research, the expert's opinion using four rounds of Delphi Technique is employed to determine and verify the suitability of the elements of entrepreneurship with the teacher's education. The panel of experts selected in the Delphi Technique consists of the practicing entrepreneurs and experts from various public higher learning institutions. There will be twelve experienced expert panels both from the entrepreneurship and teachers education involved in this research activity. The instrument (measurement model) will be developed based on the entrepreneurship elements which have been initially designed. Statistical analysis, structural equation modelling using Confirmatory Factor Analysis will be used to test, modify and to confirm the suitability of the items towards the construct/entrepreneurship elements and fit of the model simultaneously.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, instrument development, Delphi Technique, teacher education
[1]. Abd. Rahim Bakar, ZaidatolAkmaliah Lope Pihie, Mohd. Majid Konting& Genevieve KlangAngking. (2001). The Perceived Entrepreneurial Characteristics of Malaysian Living Skill Teachers: Implication for Teacher Preparation Programme. Pertanica J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 9(2) pp 123-129
[2]. Ashmore, M.C. (1990). Entrepreneurshipin vocational education.InCalvin.A Kent.
[3]. Entrepreneurship Education: Current Development, Future Direction. New York: Quorum Books.
[4]. Azevedo, A., Apfelthaler, G., & Hurst, D. (2012). Competency development in business graduates:an industry-driven approach for examining the alignment of undergraduate business aducation with industry requirement. The International Journal of Management Education. 10. pp 12-28.
[5]. BahagianPendidikan Guru.(2010). BukuPanduan Program IjazahSarjanaMudaPerguruanInstitutPendidikan Guru Malaysia.KementerianPendidikan Malaysia.
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Abstract: Stories provide entertainment and convey information that educates receivers on moral issues and values that endure and benefit generations of different societies. Hence, there is need to expose kids in basic classes to teaching strategy in which they will need to pay attention to relevant elements in the learning environment; to store and transform information in memory. But the strategy has not been adopted in the teaching of kindergarten pupils. This study, determined the effect of digital storytelling on kindergarten pupils' achievement in moral instruction in basic schools in Oyo state. The pre-test, post test, control group, quasi-experimental design with 2x2x2 factorial matrix was adopted. 387 kindergarten pupils from nine Basic schools in Oyo State were used for the study. Five instruments used were: Classroom Observation (CO), Kindergaten Achievement Test on Moral Instruction; Digital story package; Teachers Guide on Digital Storytelling Strategy (TGDSS); Teachers Guide on Conventional Strategy (TGCS). Two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data collected were analysed using ANCOVA. There was a significant main effect of Treatment groups on students' Achievement in Moral Instruction. (F(1,385)= 29.397, P < .05). Pupils in the Digital storytelling group had higher adjusted post test achievement ( x = 9.73), with the control group trailing behind ( x =4.293). Digital storytelling handed down to kids the experiences, exploits, customs, traditions and cultures through stories that are considered before making decisions.
Keywords: Digital Storytelling, Conventional, Gender, Kindergarten pupils.
[1]. Barrett, Helen. (2005) "Researching and Evaluating Digital Storytelling as a Deep Learning Tool" Retrieved August 1, 2011 from
[2]. Buzzeo, T. (2002). Collaborating to Meet Standards: Teacher/Librarian Partnerships for K-6. Worthington, OH: Linworth Publishing Inc.
[3]. Chung, S. K. (March 2007). Art Education Technology: Digital Storytelling [Electronic version]. Art Education, 60(2), 17-22.
[4]. Dogan, B. "Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling: The Challenges of Designing an Online Digital Storytelling Contest for K-12 Students and Teachers" Retrieved August 1, 2011.
[5]. Dogan, B. & Robin, B. (2009). "Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling: Creating Digital Storytelling Contests for K-12 Students and Teachers." In I. Gibson et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009 (pp. 633-638). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Growth and Development of Open Source Software in Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manjari Agarwal |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04553545 ![]() |
Abstract: Open source software is a novice concept which has brought heralds of success in IT Industry. These have modeled a paradigm shift in technological developments by bringing new metaphors of cooperation and collaboration. The future of Open Source Software in education is filled with endless possibilities. In this background, the basic premise of the paper is to explore the growth and development of Open Source Software especially in the field of education. The paper identifies the importance of Open Source Software and its rationale in the educational institutions. It goes on to look the key differences between the two terms used in open source community. Further, it also concludes with the list of common OSS used in academics.
Key Words: Open Source Software; Technology; Education "The most unfortunate thing is that India still seems to believe in proprietary solutions. Further spread of IT which is influencing the daily life of individuals would have a devastating effect on the lives of society due to any small shift in the business practice involving these proprietary solutions. It is precisely for these reasons open source software need to be built which would be cost effective for the entire society. In India, open source code software will have to come and stay in a big way for the benefit of our billion people. " – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam1
[1]. Quoted from a Speech in May,2003, last assessed 19/06/2013
[2]. Whitehurst Jim (2009), "Open Source: Narrowing the Divides between Education, Business, and Community", EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 44, no. 1 (January/February 2009), Page No. 70–71., last accessed 16 June, 2013
[3]. Gandal Neil, on Vox posted on (September, 2011), "Open Source Software: Issues and Trends", , last accessed 16 June, 2013
[4]. Friedman Thomas (2006), "The World is Flat", Penguin Books, Chapter One Page No. 96 2006 Edition
[5]. Stallman Richard M. (2010) "Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman", Boston: GNU Press, Page no. 22, 2nd ed.
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Abstract: One strategy proved in literature to have exposed students to a higher thinking order to recognise assumptions, evaluate controversies, and scrutinise inferences is needed in alleviating the problem of low achievement in the teaching of environmental concept in biology. This study, therefore, determined the effects of Pre-theoretic intuition quiz constructivist strategy on students' achievement in environment-related concepts in Biology; it also investigated effects of cognitive styles and gender. The pretest-posttest, control group, quasi-experimental design with 2x2x2 factorial matrix was adopted.451 students from four local government areas of Nigeria were used for the study. Instruments used for data collection were: Teachers Instructional Guides for treatments and control groups; Students' Environmental Achievement Test (r= 0.80), Cognitive Style Test (test-retest r= 0.81) and Assessment Sheet for the research assistants. Three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data collected were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) . Treatment had significant effect on students' Post-test achievement score (F(1,438) = 209.620; P< 0.05). Pre-theoretic intuition quiz improved students' achievement than conventional strategy in environment-related concepts in Biology. It is, recommended that teachers, curriculum developers and textbook writers should adopt the instructional strategy for enhancing students' achievement in environmental education in Biology.
Keywords: Pre-Theoretic Intuition Quiz, Biology, Environmental education, Student's achievement, Conventional strategy, Cognitive style and Gender.
[1]. Abimbola, (2013): The Misunderstood word in science towards a technology of perfect understanding of all. In 123rd Inaugural lecture of University of Ilorin (p22-31) Unilorin Press.
[2]. Adegbile, J.A. (2002). Advance Organizers and Secondary School Teacher, Teaching Strategies for Nigerian schools. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Ibadan.
[3]. Ajiboye J.O. (1997). A Self Learning Programme, The Modified Lecture Method and Students‟ Cognitive and Affective Outcomes in some population Education concepts Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[4]. Ajiboye, J. O. & Olatundun , S. A.(2010)). Impact of Some Environmental Education Outdoor Activities on Nigerian Primary School Pupils' Environmental Knowledge. Published in Applied Environmental Education & Communication. Volume 9, Issue 3 July 2010 , pages 149 – 158.
[5]. Ajiboye, J.O.& Silo, N. (2008). Enhancing Botswana Children‟s Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practices through the School Civic Club. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 3(3) 105-114.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Atomic Genetics and Origin of the Universe- Volume-8 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. M. DAS |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04555798 ![]() |
Abstract: It is being believed that only three times nucleosynthesis did take place after the origin of universe by Big Bang Firstly , after Big bang ( H and He ) , secondly on star ( up to iron )and thirdly in supernovae explosion ( beyond Fe ) . While studying solar system and earth formation , it has been found that all elements of planets , satellites , asteroids were formed by unconditioned working of nature i.e. they were directly formed by from proto planets , proto satellites and proto asteroids . Hence we are not star dust. Decay of particles should be studied in the light of structure of the particles and in the light of dark matter and dark energy which form during the decay of particles both annihilation and materialization . The equation on both the side should be balanced as regard total number of fermions and bosons involved in particle annihilation and materialization or interactions. The spin property of particles is very important property as all physical interactions , chemical interactions and life sciences interactions are maintained by transfer of different messages from one unit to another unit . Had there been no spin of electron , nucleus of atoms , the all interactions would be no more and the structure and functions of atoms, planets , solar system, galaxies , and visible and invisible universe would collapse. Einstein theory of relativity states that nothing could move more than velocity of light . There are two phenomena which are FTL ( faster than light ) phenomena . Firstly is prayer phenomenon and the secondly is pre creation era when programming of universe was triggered by Almighty B.B.B . Had there been no programming of universe in pre creation era , there would have been no creation, no oscillation phenomenon of the universe . It is the mind that decides energy matter interactions . But it is the stimulus ( strength of stimulus )that decides ( conditioned stimulation of thought ) the type of thought to be expressed in energy matter interaction . Compton effect , photo electric effect and pair production , these are three types of energy matter interactions which have different effects as they are triggered by different strength of stimulus leading to different thoughts expression to give that different effects . Abundance of helium in universe or in proto star formation does mean that He had formed after Hydrogen ( H2) . But in quasars , the ejected clouds were free of helium and other heavy elements . It means that He had formed by unconditioned way of nature before formation of proto stars
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