Version-6 (Sep-Oct 2014)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5 Version-6
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Abstract: The study investigated school and teacher effectiveness issues in Ekiti State, Nigeria. As a descriptive survey, teachers and students in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State constituted the study population. The sample comprised of 288 teachers and 1920 students, randomly selected from 32 schools that were stratifiedly selected and drawn from 16 local government areas in Ekiti State..Four different measuring instruments were used to collect data. The data collected were subjected to statistical analysis involving ANOVA, Correlations and Regression .Findings from the study showed among others that, teachers possessed adequate qualifications but their teaching was not effective. There was a significant positive relationship between teacher effectiveness and school effectiveness, and the result of multiple regression analyses indicated that independent variables like teacher's classroom management skills and qualifications made significant positive contributions to teacher effectiveness. The study recommended that government should do more to monitor implementation stages of its education policy. Serial and genuine implementation of policy is as important as its formulation. The inspectorate division of the ministry of education should take seriously the monitoring of what goes on in our classrooms, especially schools in rural areas where student as expect "miracle" passes.
[1]. Abdullahi, O. F. & Onasaniya, S.A (2010). Effect of Teacher Effectiveness on Kwara State Secondary School Students' Achievement in Mathematics. Medwell Journals. Scientific Research Publishing Company. Vol. 5 issue 4p286-292.
[2]. Adeyemi, T.O. (2012).Portability of Teacher Effectiveness Across School Settings Calder Working Paper no.77-5796.
[3]. Adeyemi, T. O.(1998).School and Teacher Variables Associated with the Performance of Students in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations in Ondo State Nigeria. Ph.D Thesis (unpublished). University of Hull, United Kingdom.
[4]. Adesina, S.(1983). Education for Development. The Challenges of the 1980s. In Adesina S. Akinyemi k. And Ajayi K. (eds). Nigerian education trends and issues. Ile-ife university of ife.
[5]. Adu,E.T. (2010). School-Based Variables and Internal Efficiency of Colleges In education in nigeria. Unpublished ph.d thesis of faculty of education.unad.
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Abstract: In this article efforts have been made to describe how education and awareness programme on seismograph setup helps the school students to learn more about the occurrence of earthquakes and safety measures to be adopted during the earthquake. Soon after the Bhuj earthquake of January 26, 2001, a mission mode project in seismology was initiated by the Government of India with a view to create new scientific and technology (S&T) base and appropriate human resources for mitigating the adverse impact of earthquake hazard. Ministry of Earthquake Sciences (MoES), Government of India has sponsored this project to CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad to setup 80 broadband educational seismographs in secondary schools in the earthquake prone region of Western Maharashtra. A educational seismograph setup in secondary school campus creates interest among schools students to know more about a felt earthquake in the area or destructive teleseismic earthquakes. The schools teachers shall be trained on operation of seismograph, seismic data retrieval, analysis and locating the earthquakes.
[2]. Brijesh K bansal & Mithila Verma, Education and awareness: A key to earthquake risk reduction, Journal Geological Society of
India, Vol.80, 2012, 451-454.
[3]. A.Sateesh, G Suresh, R Vijayaraghavan, Satish Saha,Ans Sarma, PR Jitender, YVVBSN Murthy & D Srinagesh, "Western
India Schools Earthquake Lab Programme,"Technical Report No. NGRI-2014- SEISM-874, 2014, 1-25.
[4]. Seisan: The earthquake analysis software. Jens Havskov, Lars Ottemöller and Peter Voss.
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Abstract: With the changing time came revolutionary changes in the thinking, choices and priorities of men. People of today are not what they used to be a decade ago. We people are involved in a rat race of grabbing, power, accumulation, wealth and pursuing material comforts by neglecting the need of value education among children and teenagers. The tremendously increasing competition in today's world is forcing every one of us to develop creativity and improve thinking and analytical skills at an early stage during grass root levels. Hence, it is quite necessary to develop these skills so that one can easily compete the challenging world and can survive easily even in the hard times and this can only be possible if we start preparing from the very initial. In accession to the conditions mentioned above, CBSE (at school level) took certain initiatives and introduced some schemes which in turn proved useful and fruitful and germinated thinking grey cells in the young minds , focusing on developing English speaking and Listening skills at Personal and Professional level. These developments brought a major change in the teaching style and increased the standards beyond limits
[1]. Miglani Seema, Goyal Shikha(2013),English for Professionals: A book of communication skills in English
[2]. Rao N.D.V Prasada, M.A, D.T.E, Ph.D,(2008), High School English, S.Chand Publications
[3]. Sinha Sanjay, (2010), The Kings Grammar, S.Chand Publications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mathematics Literacy as a Foundation for Technological Development in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Mr. Adeyemi O.B, Adaramola, M.O |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04562831 ![]() |
Abstract: The role of mathematics literacy is critical to the realization of Universal Basic Education as it contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Therefore, mathematics literacy must be improved with relevant teaching materials, mathematical laboratory and e-library, to meet the expected programme of Universal Basic Education. If mathematics literacy is well-developed, improved and adequately managed, it can lead to acquisition of mathematics skills which can lead to achievement of Universal Basic Education. Based on this premise, this paper explores the relevance of mathematics literacy as a complementary tool to the achievement of technical education especially at the Universal Basic Education level in Nigeria. It has also suggested ways through which Technological development would be attained in Nigerian schools. The paper recommends that mathematics literacy should be improved through provision of mathematical laboratory, e-library and electronic board, also funds should be made available to purchase computers, as well as provide in- service training, workshop and conferences for teachers on a rotational basis to fast track Technological Developments in schools in Nigeria.
Keywords: Mathematics literacy, Technological Development
[1]. Odili G.O. and Maduabum,M.A.(2007) trend in gender performance in futher mathematics in Nigeria: a survey ABACUS: the journal of mathematics association of Nigeria. 32(1)115 – 123
[2]. Onabanjo, J.O (2000) Peer tutoring assisted instruction; parents supportiveness and students' locus of control as determinant of learning outcomes in senior secondary school mathematics. Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Unibadan.
[3]. Ojo, J. O (2004) Relative effectiveness of self regulatory and cooperative learning strategies on learning outcomes in secondary mathematics in Ibadan North, Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Unibadan
[4]. Ugwu.A.N. and Etiubon, R.U.(2011): Changing STM. curriculum for the information age: Implications for the teachers: Global Journal online;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Inclusion of Sex Education in School Curriculum of Bangladesh: Parents' Attitude |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Mohammad Kowsar Bhuiyan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04563240 ![]() |
Abstract: The study examined the attitude of Bangladeshi parents' regarding inclusion of sex education in school curriculum of Bangladesh. Using 21 topics of comprehensive sex education, parents were asked to explore which topics they believed should be taught in schools. The study also assessed the relationship between the parents' demographic characteristics (residence, sexual orientation, religious belief, occupation, and educational background) and their attitude towards sex education. The study found that 48.3% parents support sex education whilst 25% parents did not support sex education and rests were found neutral position among 120 sampling size. Most of the parents supported the topics of sex education which were mostly value and culture oriented instead of the knowledge of sexual intercourse, abortion, taking protection for premarital sexual activity etc. Moreover, form Chi-square test the study found that there had significance difference between the attitude of parents towards inclusion of sex education and their residence, occupation or educational background.
Keywords: Sex Education, School Curriculum, Parents' Attitude, Bangladesh.
[1]. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. (2004). Bangladesh Population Policy. Dhaka: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.
[2]. Teen Pregnancy Rates Go Back Up. (2009, 26 February). Retrieved November 27, 2011, from BBC News:
[3]. Comprehensive Sexuality Education. (2011, June). Retrieved December 3, 2011, from SIECUS:
[4]. Sexually Transmitted Diseases and STD Symptoms. (2011). Retrieved November 13, 2011, from
[5]. The Reproductive Rights of Adolescents: A Tool for Health and Empowerment. (2011, December 4). Retrieved from Center for Reproductive Rights:
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Abstract: The study investigated the causes of poor performance in English language among secondary school students in Dutse metropolis of Jigawa state. Responses were elicited from students and teachers in five secondary schools in Dutse metropolis. The study sample was 379, in which 300 were students and 79 were teachers. The descriptive survey design was used and questionnaire was used in collection of data. Frequency and simple percentage were used in the analysis of data. The findings of the study led to the conclusion that the dominance of mother tongue, inadequate qualified teachers of English language, negative attitudes of students toward English language, improper use of method in teaching English language, inadequate instructional media and facilities, lack of language laboratory for teaching English language are the causes of poor performance in English language among secondary school students of Dutse metropolis of Jigawa state.. The study also found out that provision of qualified teachers of English language, using the right approach to teaching of English language, provision of language laboratory, engaging of students in debating and listening to English programmes are some of the ways that can improve secondary school students' performance in English language. The study also recommended that qualified teachers of English language should always be employed to teach it, adequate facilities and instructional media/materials need to be provided and where they are not available teacher are to improvise, proper supervision by all stakeholders should be imbibed and so on.
Key words: Poor Performance, English Language, Secondary Schools Students, Dutse Metropolis
[1]. Abdullahi, M. (2003). The attitude of Science Teachers in the Use of Instructional Media. In Kano Journal of Education. 2 (1): pp 30-33.
[2]. Adedokun, A. O. (2011). Notes on Language Linguistics (Phonetics and Phonology) and English Language Method. Ibadan: Fab Publishers.
[3]. Danladi, S. S. (2013). "Language Policy: Nigeria and the Role of English Language in the 21st Century". European Scientific Journal: 9 (17) pp. 1-21.
[4]. Daily Trust, Wednesday, 25th August, 2010.
[5]. Eguiridu, C. Daily Trust, Thursday 21st August, 2014
[6]. Fema, B. M. (2003). Problem of Teaching English Language in NCE Programme. In Azare Journal of Education. 4 (1): pp. 107-112.
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Abstract: This Study Investigated The Difference Between The Academic Performance Of Students With High Self-Esteem And Students With Low Self-Esteem. A Descriptive Research Design Of Survey Type Was Adopted For The Study. The Population For This Study Comprised All Public Secondary School Students In Ondo State. The Sample Consisted Of 240 Students From Six Randomly Selected Schools. A Questionnaire Tagged 'Academic Performance Questionnaire' Was Used To Collect Data. Expert Judgements Were Used To Ensure Face And Content Validity. Test-Retest Method Was Used To Determine The Reliability And A Reliability Coefficient Of 0.72 Was Obtained. Data Collected Were Analysed By Using T-Test. The Result Revealed That There Is A Significant Difference In The Academic Performance Of Students With High Self-Esteem And Students With Low Self-Esteem. It Can Be Concluded From The Result That Students With High Self-Esteem Perform Better In School Work Than Students With Low Self-Esteem. It Was Recommended That Parents Should Help Their Children To See Themselves In Positive Light. They Should Also Desist From Belittling Their Children And Doing Things That Can Deflate Their Self-Esteem.
[1]. Bachman J.G. And O‟malley P.M. (1977). Self Esteem In Young Men: Analysis Of The Impact On Educational And Occupational Attainment. Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology, 33:365 – 380.
[2]. Baumeister R.F.; Dale K. And Sommer K.L. (1998). Freudian Defense Mechanisms And Empirical Findings In Modern Social Psychology. Journal Of Personality, 66:1081 – 1124.
[3]. Bonet, Jose – Vicente (1997). Se Amigo De Ti Mismo: Manual De Autoestima. Ed. Sal Terrae. Maliano (Cantabria, Espana).
[4]. Branden, N. (1969). The Psychology Of Self-Esteem. New York: Bantam.
[5]. Davies, J And Brember, I. (1999). Reading And Mathematics And Self-Esteem: An Eight-Year Cross-Sectional Study. Moral Studies, 25:145 – 147.