Version-3 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Abstract: In recent times, the high rate of socio-economic activities in Ogoja urban has led to the rapid increase in population andhigh demand for residential housing which is the focus of this research to investigate the population growth as an index for housing market in Ogoja urban. Information such as population growth and number of building were obtained from field survey in the ministry of lands and housing at the same time population commission. The data collected shows that there was a drastic increase in the demand for housing as a result of population increase in the area which was also evidenced in the tested hypothesis which shows a correlation value(r) as 0.79 less than the table (t) value of 2.31 at 0.005 sign level. This result indicatesthat there is a relationship between population increase and number of housing supply in the area. It is on this note that all stakeholders in the housing industry must provide a mechanism that would ensure adequate supply of housing in the area.
Keywords: Assessing, Growth, Housing Index, Population.
[1]. Akeju, A. A. (2007) Challenges to providing affordable housing in Nigeria. Being a Paper Presented at the 2nd Emerging Urban Africa International Conference on Housing Finance in Nigeria, Held at Sehu Yar'adua Center Abuja, October 17-19, 2007
[2]. Aminah Md. Yusof dan Azimah Razali (2004) House price discovery in malaysia: a preliminary analysis. International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS) 2004. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[3]. Animashaun, I. A. (2007) The residential environmental in some neighbourhoods of metropolitan Calabar, Nigeria. The Social Educator, 3 (1): 53 – 70.
[4]. Animashaun, I. A. (2010) Provision of residential housing and environmental development in Calabar: Policy Contradictions. Retrieved from:
[5]. Aribigbola, A. (2006) Housing affordability as a factor in the creation of sustainable environment in developing world: the example of Akure, Nigeria.
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Abstract: This study was designed to identify and analyse problem of word recognition in reading among junior secondary school (JSS) students in Gwagwalada and Kwali Area Councils of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. The study adopted a survey research design. The population for the study was 4,535 JSS II students. 3 research questions and 2 null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The instruments used for data collection was English language reading passage developed by the researcher. To ensure validity of the instrument, the instrument was subjected to face validation by English language teachers in FCT College of Education Zuba, Abuja. The reliability coefficient computed for the instrument was found to be 0.75 using Cronbach Alpha formula. Frequency and Mean was used to answer the research questions; while t-test statistics was employed to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found out that that the junior secondary school students committed errors in word recognitions during reading and male students had more problems in word recognitions during reading than the female students. The study also found out that there was no significant difference between the errors committed by male and female students in reading. Consequently, it was recommended among others that stakeholders in education should provide facilities like library and teaching aids that can encourage students reading competence and improve their performance in English language. Teachers should pay particular attention to the teaching of reading in English Language.
Key words: Analysis, Word Recognition, Reading and Junior Secondary School Students
[1]. Aboki, F. A. & Oyetunde, T. O. (1998). Teaching Reading in Primary Schools. Vol.1 Jos; LECAPS Publishers.
[2]. Ajuziem, G. N. (1991). Identification of Problems in the Implementation of Oral English Curriculum for Secondary Schools in Imo State. Unpublished M.Ed thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
[3]. Akanbi, T. (2005). Gender difference in achievement in science: A review. Ilorin journal of science education, 1 (2), 29-38.
[4]. Andrew F. F(2010). The Four Language Skills. Retrieved on July 20, 2008 fromhttp://edwebsdu:edu/courses/edutech/html.
[5]. Becker, B.J. (1991). Gender and science achievement: A re-analysis of students forms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 26 (2), 141-169.
[6]. Bukoye, R.O. (2000). Career guidance for secondary school students. ibadan: Botolan Educational publishers
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Abstract: The topic for present study is A Comparative Study of the Factors Contributing to Excellence in Government and Non-Government Primary Schools of Kanpur Mandal .In which 120 excellent government primary schools and 120 excellent non-government primary schools are selected from rural & urban areas and comparing 240 excellent primary schools. The data from these schools is collected from 2500 respondents by the help of self-constricted Questionnaire, Opinionnaire and data collection tool. For the analysis of data Critical Ratio (CR) & Chi-squire,Mean, being used. On the basis of data analysis ,the researcher found following conclusions-(1)-Fundamental facilities ,Teacher-taught ratio, Qualitative planning's, Sports facilities, Examination results, Educational environment, Indifferent environment regarding students, Language & Mathematical development, All-round development, Student attendance and No of working dyes of non-government primary schools are found superior to government primary schools. (2)-Teacher qualifications, Student enrollment (Blow poverty line), Obstacles besides teaching work; of government primary schools are found superior to non-government primary schools. The findings or concluding's of the study will provide help to guardian's to select superior schools, to education officers to organize primary schools & to provide then recognition, to help Research scholar's.
[1]. Agarwal, J.C. (1987). Progress of Education in free India: Modern Indian Education & its Problems, New Delhi,Arya Book Dept.
[2]. Annual ReportBhawan, NishatGanj, Lucknow, (2010-11).
[3]. Buch,M.B.(Editor),Second Survey of Research in Education.P.77-78.
[4]. Desai, D.M. (1953).Universal Compulsory and Free Primary Education in India, Bombay:Indian Institute of Education.
[5]. District ElementryEducation Report card: 2010-11.
[6]. ElementryEducation: State Report Card (U.P.).
[7]. Govt. Publication, (1919).The U.P. Primary Education Act.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Television as a Dominant Source of Infotainment among Youths in Bangalore City |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Narasimhamurthy N |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04532128 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study is to examine the television is a dominant source of infotainment for youths in Bangalore city. Television has direct and straight relation withyouth's lives. At early stage of their life they become familiar to several programs of television. The early exposures to the television the youths are mainly depend on television as an important media for their information and entertainment. Television plays a significant role in the lives of youths, in the development moral formation and attitudinal change in the daily lives. Youths are more intelligent in understanding a choosing their content from television programs. The most significant social trends during 21st century involved the rise of television as the dominant leisure time activity for most people in nations where television was widely available. The prime aim of this study is to find out the how television is an important source for their infotainmentTelevision is not only eroded values; it has also managed to group out old-fashioned conversation and more amusements like reading. Family members have now retreated into a cocoon to watch different programmes. Television today, plays a major role in shaping the society. It has a vast impact on Indian society and this effect is both positive and negative. The advent of television has changed and reformed Indian society to a great extent. In this present study the survey is conducted to know how television is an important source of information and entertainment for youths.
Key words: Television, youths, information, entertainment, Bangalore city
[1]. Banerjee, I (2002). The locals strike back? Media globalization and localization in the new Asian television landscape. Gazatte: The International Journal of Communication studies, 64(6), 517-535.
[2]. Butcher, M. (2003). Transnational Television, Cultural Identity and Change: When Star Came to India. New Delhi: Thousand Oaks, Calif; Sage Publications.
[3]. Crabtree, R.D. &Malhotra, S (2000). A case study of commercial television in India: Assessing the organizational mechanisms of cultural imperialism, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 44, pp.364-385.
[4]. Elasmar, M.G & Hunter, J E. (1997).the impact of foreign TV on domestic audience: A meta-analysis, Communication year book 20, 47-69.
[5]. Fernandes, L. (2000). Nationalizing the global: Media images, cultural politics and the middle class in India, Media, Culture and Society, 22(5).
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Abstract: In order to assess Carnatic music students' emotive responses to a few selected Carnatic ragas, two interdisciplinary researchers and a music teacher conducted a qualitative study supported by Gee's definition1 of discourse. The researchers analyzed the narratives written by Carnatic music students from India and a major city in the southwest of the United States. The study participants were six young adults between the ages of eleven and sixteen who have learned Carnatic music for more than five years. Some of them have performed their solo debut recitals after learning music for more than 4 years or more with a trained teacher. The participants recorded several emotions such as happiness, melancholy, anger, etc. after they listened to songs based on the selected ragas the researchers provided to the students. Participants also described their observations on the preselected ragas.
Key words: Carnatic music, ragas, emotive responses, feelings, Asian Indian students
[1]. Bhargav, M. et al. (2003). The gigapop ritual: A live networked performance piece for two Electronic dholaks, digital spoon, digitaldoo, 6 string electric violin, rbow, sitar, tabla, and bass guitar,‖ New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME).
[2]. Bello, J.P., Chew, E., Turnbull, D. (Eds). (2008). Music information retrieval.
[4]. Cole, M. (1996). Cultural psychology: A once and future discipline. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
[5]. Eisner, E. (2002). The arts and the creation of mind, In Chapter 4, What the Arts Teach and how it shows, (70-92). Yale University Press.
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Abstract: The study seeks to investigate various pathogenic organisms that may result into contamination and subsequent high human health risk in Erelu dam- a major source of water supply to Oyo and its environ. Fecal Indicator Bacteria andProtozoa were investigated.Water was sampled every morning for one week within the dam, furthest downstream and upstream.These samples were subjected to extensive microbiological analysisusing membrane filter technique. The result indicated high numbers of fecal indicator bacteria and protozoan which greatly exceeded acceptable WHO standard (0colony forming unit(cfu)/100ml)Escherichia coli indicates the presence of bacterial pathogens, while Clostridium perfringens, an obligate anaerobe, indicates the presence of parasitic protozoan and enteric viruses. This research work opined that Oyo State Water Corporation should embark on a treatment technique with high level of technological performance which public water systems must follow to ensure control of pathogens and indicators in Erelu pipe borne water.At the same time, the distribution pipe should be totally overhauled to minimize breeding of microbes which may be responsible for the high level of microbial activities observed upstream (Sabo Area).
[1]. Ahmed, W.; Goonetelleke, A and Gardner, T. (alternative indicators for detection and quantification of faecal pollution water, 39 (1) 46-49
[2]. Alcoma, I.E. (1994): Chemical control of microorganisms. Fundamental of microbiology 4th ed. The Benjamin/ Cummings publishing Company. Inc. New York.
[3]. APHA (America Public Health Association), 1992: Standard Methods for examination of water and waste water. Greenberg, A.V., Clescer L, L.S., and Eaton, A.D. 18th ed. American public Health Association Washington, D.C.
[4]. Ashbolt, N.J., Kueh, C.S. and Grohmann, G.S. (1993) Significance of specific bacterial path ogens in the assessment of polluted receiving water of sydney, AustraliaWater Sc. technol., 27(3-4): 449-452
[5]. EL- shatoury S.A..; Gada, H.A., Kamal, O.G. and Ahmed, (2010): Indicators of pathogenic Bacteria in gorund water of saint Katherine world Heritage site. Egyptian Journal of Natural Texins, 7(1,2). Pp 53-66.
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Abstract: In the education system, the teaching of physical education is considered as an activity rather than a formalized intellectual activity. As a result, the perception of the pedagogical relationship actors in this field it is not always favorable, especially in Western countries. No data are currently available on this subject in Algeria. The goal of our research is to fill this gap. We proposed to 142 physical education teachers and 464 students in secondary and middle schools in the Algiers region to complete questionnaires to collect their representations with respect to physical education. We based on closed questions ( Likert scale with four levels). In addition, an open question was included in the questionnaire for teachers. In this case a content analysis allowed us to classify the responses into a system of categories (% agree intra- analyst 93.3 %). Among the results, we will retain that: (1) the representation of the majority of teachers to comply with official guidelines ; (2) physical education teachers mainly consider the status of physical education as "lower" than other school subjects ; (3) physical education is well appreciated by all students subject in school, (4) representations of actors pedagogical relationship differ between the Algerian situation and that of European countries.
Key Words: Objectives of P E, perception, teachers, students
[1]. Arnaud, P. (1983). Les savoirs du corps. Lyon : Presses Universitaires.
[2]. Bailey, R. et Dismore, H. (nd). Le projet de sport dans l'éducation : examiner le rôle de l'éducation physique dans
[3]. Cloes, M., Ledent, M., Diniz, J., Didier, P., & Piéron, M. (1997). Pratique et importance des principales activités de loisirs chez des jeunes de 12 et 15 ans dans cinq pays européens. Sport, 159/160, 51-60.
[4]. Cloes, M., Ledent, M., & Piéron, M. (2004). Motiver pour éduquer, un éclairage qualitatif. In, G. Carlier (Dir.), Si l'on parlait du plaisir d'enseigner l'éducation physique. Montpellier : Editions AFRAPS. 65-73.
[5]. Delfosse, C., Ledent, M., Carriero da Costa, F., Telama, B., Almond, L., Cloes, M., et Piéron, M. (1997). Les attitudes de jeunes Européens à l'égard de l'école et du cours d'éducation physique. Sport, 159/160, 96-105.
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Abstract: The incidence of media violence on aggressive behaviour among adolescents has become a serious physiological, emotional and psychological issue. This study investigated the influence of media violence on aggressive behaviour among adolescents in secondary Schools in Ogbomoso. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for this study. The target population for the study was made up of all secondary school adolescents in Ogbomoso zone. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the six secondary schools from the forty public secondary schools, while two private schools were selected from the twelve viable ones. Total of 400 respondents were selected for the research work. Influence of Media Violence on Aggressive Behaviour Questionnaire (IMVABQ) was administered. The questionnaire contained twenty-five items with reliability co-efficient of 0.72. Three null hypotheses were generated and tested at 0.05 alpha level of significant. Descriptive, t-test, ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) were the statistical tools used to analyze the data generated. The major findings indicated that there was no significant influence of media violence on aggressive behaviour on the basis of gender. The findings further showed that there was a significant influence of media violence on aggressive behaviour on the basis of age. While the result of the third hypothesis indicated that there was significant influence of media violence on aggressive behaviour on the basis of School type (private or public schools). Based on these findings, recommendations were made which include the need for professional counsellors to intensify effort in organizing counselling programmes for the adolescents on the evil of their exposure to violent media programme. Both parents and government should set up modalities to reduce the in flock of violent media programme in both private and national television stations. Again, there is the need for parents to be more vigilant in helping and censoring their adolescents 'consumption of violent media programmes.
Keywords: Media Violence, Aggression, Influence, Adolescents, and Gender.
[1]. Anderson, C.A., Berkowitz, L., Donnerstein, L., Huesmann, L.R., Johnson, J.D., Linz. Malamuth, N.M. &Wartella, E. (2003). Influence of Media violence on youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4 (3), 81-110
[2]. Anderson, C.A. & Bushman, B.J (2001). Effect of violence videogames on aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognition, aggress affect physiological arousal, and Prosocial behaviour: A meta analysis review of the Scientific Literature. Psychological Science,12 : 353 – 359.
[3]. Browne, K.D. &Hanilton – Gachritsis, C. (2005). The influence of violent media on children and adolescents: A public – health approach. Lancet, 36: 702 – 710.
[4]. Federman, J. (1998). National television violence study ed.Vol 3. Thousand Oaks:CA: Sage.
[5]. Hogan, M.J. (2005). Adolescents and media violence: Six crucial issues for practitioners. Adolescent Med. Clin. 16 (2) 249 – 268
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality Education and Financing Challenges in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Henry Ajagbawa |
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: | 10.9790/7388-04535475 ![]() |
Abstract: The world continues to be a dynamically changing place and the changes over the centuries have and would continue to challenge the teaching and learning process. Meanwhile a nation's vitality and commitment to economic development anchors on its Education strategy, the quality of schooling, and lifelong learning experience it provides the citizen amongst other vital developmental catalyst. Quality of education appear to have been south bound in recent years in Nigeria thereby challenging the substance of quality manpower development necessary for the development of the country. The purpose of the commentary essay is to highlight perceived gaps in the functionality of the educational system, specifically at the higher education level, to meet the developmental needs of Nigeria. The commentary focuses on the pivotal issues that underlie the disconnection including; curricula content and design concerns, pedagogic delivery methods, poor conditions of service for faculty, loss of self-esteem and dignity of teachers, poor education spendby government, strikes by teachers and students, and inadequate infrastructural and institutional support. The commentary suggest that finance is fundamental to quality education and requires urgent and concerted attention by society in view of government lack of capacity to continue to solely fund higher education, and specific recommendations are made.
Key words: Assessment Evaluation, Development, Education, Finance, Learning Outcomes
[1]. Abayomi, A., Arenyeka, L (2014) Nigerians pay N160bn tuition on 71,000 children in Ghana.
[2]. Vanguard Newspaper on June 07, 2012 /in Education 2:00 am. Retrieved from
[3]. Adeogun, A.A, Subair, S.T, Osifila, G.T (2009). Deregulation of University Education in Nigeria:
[4]. Problems and Prospects. Florida Journal of Educational Administration & Policy. Volume 3, Issue 1 Retrieved from
[5]. Adeyemi, T.O (2011) Financing of education in Nigeria: An analytical review. Retrieved from
[6]. Akinsanya, O.O. (2007). Financing Higher Education in Nigeria. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Atomic Genetics and Origin of the Universe- Volume-9 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. M. Das |
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Abstract: If the phenomenon is not being explained by mind [14] , it is wrong theory . In Raman effect the transformation of monochromatic incident rays ( primary spectrum ) to non monochromatic emergent rays ( primary plus secondary spectrum ) in form of strokes and anti strokes is due to triggering of mind by chemicals and molecules of that transformation. Thus by transmutation and deviation ( in form of strokes and anti strokes ) , of few incoming monochromatic photons by interacting matter makes possible to make the signature of chemical compositions or molecular structure in spectrum ( signature of molecules ) . The same is true in Zeeman effect. The splitting of spectral lines due to magnetism is due to transformation of primary spectrum into new secondary spectrum is by thought triggered by magnetons . Electronic configuration of different atoms of periodic table donot follow any rule ( Pauli's exclusive principle ) rather they follow rule of thought . This has been confirmed by studying first Ionization potential curve . It is just like placing different planets and satellites and asteroids in solar system.
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