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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An evaluation of students performance using TOPSIS and Entropy approaches |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Siti Rohanah |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806010106 ![]() |
Abstract: This study uses techniques for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) combined within formation entropy weight to investigate the performance of 20 students. Assessments in teaching and research and development ability reflect the short-term and long-term performance. Exact values and intervals characterize the attribute values in the current model. A comparison and experimental analysis show the applicability, feasibility, effectiveness, and advantages of the proposed method. In this study focused on the TOPSIS and Entropy to calculate the student's performance. First, in this case, study the logic of TOPSIS conferring to the standard decision...........
Keywords: Evaluation, Entropy, Performance, Student, TOPSIS
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Abstract: Work place motivation is an important factor that inspires workers in any organization to pursue their goals and perform their duties effectively. However, lack of motivation among public secondary school teachers in Kinangop Sub-County has negatively affected quality of teaching and learning thus leading to poor performance in national examinations. The objective of the study was to establish the influence of appreciation of teachers on students' performance in KCSE in public secondary schools in Kinangop Sub County. The target population comprised 28 headteachers and 310 teachers totaling to 338. Slovin's formula was used to select a sample of 184 participants. Stratified random sampling........
Key words: Motivation, Performance, professional development
[1]. Abdullah, N., Shonubi, O., Hashim R. & Hamid, N. (2016). Recognition and Appreciation and its Psychological Effect on Job Satisfaction and Performance in a Malaysia IT Company: Systematic Review, OSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 21, Issue 9, Ver. 6 (Sep. 2016) PP 47-55e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Professional Knowledge: assessment and in-service teacher training |
Country | : | Mexico |
Authors | : | María del Carmen Gabriela Flores Talavera |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0805051317 ![]() |
Abstract: End of descriptive correlational research ex post facto evaluation of the Professional Knowledge of Elementary Teachers report. The aim is to describe the professional knowledge of Mexican teachers on 2 cores targeting: the knowledge of the subjects of mathematics and Language and curricular knowledge of the current curriculum in Mexico. It is assumed that the level of professional knowledge of teachers is substantially affecting student achievement is reflected in the performance indices of national and international assessments such as PISA. The investigative process.............
Keywords: Professional knowledge, evaluation, teachers training, curriculum knowledge, disciplinary knowledge
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | History of Education and Management |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Jubayer Anwar |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806012223 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is the ancient most intervention in positive change of human behavior. This paper contextualizes the problem of the colonial legacy of British rule over India to some of the current problems Bangladesh is facing in its education, management and moral issues from a management, organization perspective..
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Abstract: The National Army of Indonesia (TNI) as a military organization has a challenge in the future to create an Army capable of constantly adapting to political, economic, social and cultural developments.To produce optimal performance, it is necessary to organize various activities in a planned, coordinated, controlled and well maintained, so that required a management colored with skills and cooperation are rational.Besides it is still needed other more specific capabilities, including the leadership style, motivation and discipline of Infantry Battalion soldiers, The Raider 503 / Mayangkara. The Purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leadership style on performance and to know the performance of soldiers in Yonif Raider 503..........
Keywords: Leadership style, Army's performance, Military
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Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the effect of laboratory method of teaching on senior secondary school students' achievement and retention in Biology in Kogi East Senatorial Zone. The effect of gender was also examined The study has four research objectives, answered four research questions and tested four null hypotheses. A quasi experimental design of non equivalent group was adopted. Students Biology Achievement Test (SBAT) was developed and administered to 365 samples drawn from 14,920 populations of Senior Secondary School II students using Taro Yamen. The instrument (SBAT) was validated by three experts and its reliability coefficient was established as 0.87 using test retest method. The experimental group was taught using laboratory method of teaching while the control..........
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to analyze the transformation of the Army in Dealing with Change, to analyze the influence of the transformation of the army role in order to face changes to the loyalty of soldiers and to analyze what is most dominant in influencing the loyalty of Army soldiers in Kodam VI Mulawarman. The research was conducted at Kodam VI Mulawarman. The type of research used is a survey of 99 respondents using quantitative data through the use of Structural Equation Model method with WarpPLS 5.0 software. The sampling technique used in this research model is the total sampling technique because the sample taken is the commander.The results showed.........
Keywords:Transformation, National Army, Loyalty
[1]. Aurik Gustomo dan Anita Silvianita, 2011. Pengaruh Nilai-Nilai Personal, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan. Makalah Kelompok Keahlian Manajemen Manusia dan Kewirausahaan Sekolah Bisnis dan Manajemen Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to find out the effective role of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of Chemistry in Senior Secondary Schools (SSS) in Katagum Zonal Education (KZEA), Bauchi State. To carry out this research work five (5) secondary schools were randomly selected within the area which comprises of public and private schools as respondents research sample were twenty (20) teachers while the students sample were one hundred (100) which make a total of one hundred and twenty (120) samples/respondents. Data were gathered using questionnaire one (1) null hypothesis; there is no significant differences in the mean scores.........
Keywords:Effective, Utilization, Instructional Materials, Teaching, Learning, Chemistry
[1]. Akpa, I.A. (2011). The role of educational Technology in Augmenting the Learning of Chemistry: A Study of Some selected secondary schools in Jos, North, LGA of Plateau State. Unpublished B.Sc (ed) Chemistry, Jos, University of Jos.
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Abstract: This study aims: (1) to describe the design of the development of evaluation of Indonesian language learning outcomes Curriculum 2013 based on excel program of fifth grade students of Muhammadiyah 28 Elementary School; (2) describe the results of expert validation on the development of evaluation of Indonesian language learning outcomes Curriculum 2013 based on excel program of fifth grade students of Muhammadiyah 28 Elementary School; and (3) describe the level of understanding of the fifth grade students of Muhammadiyah 28 Elementary.......
Keywords: Evaluation, Assessment, 2013 Curriculum, Excel
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Abstract: This study aims to find out the development of interactive multimedia-based learning media in a biography retelling text on the remaining class XI YPK Medan Vocational High School. This study uses the R & D method. Subjects in this study were students of class XI Accounting YPK Medan Vocational High School 2017-2018 school year totaling 35 students. The steps used in this study are collecting data, designing products, validating experts, revising products. Based on the test of the effectiveness of the product carried out on the media it is known that interactive........
Keywords: Development, Learning Media, Interactive Multimedia, Biography Retelling Text
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the extent of managing functional upper basic vocational education for sustainable national development in Nigeria. Two research questions were formulated and two hypotheses tested. Descriptive survey design was employed. 50% of principals and 10% of teachers were sampled given 150 principals and 310 teachers. Data were collected through researchers structured 30-item questionnaire titled: Extent of Managing Vocational Education in the Upper Basic Education for Sustainable National Development (EMVEUBESND). A reliability co-efficient of 0.79 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha Method. The instrument was administered............
Keywords: Management, Supervision, Vocational Education, Upper Basic Education
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Abstract: Achievement Motivation(AM) is a desire to do well relative to some standard of excellence. It is a social form of motivation involving a competitive desire to meet standard of excellence. This study aspires to investigate the Effect of Achievement Motivation on academic performance of upper primary students studying in West Bengal Board of Primary Education and West Bengal Board of Secondary Education affiliated schools. Participants included 1003 students that studied in Class-VIII (eight) from 10 West Bengal Govt. Schools .There were 470 Boys and 543 Girls in the range of age between 13 and 15 years. .Rao Achievement Motivation Test collected from Agra Psychological...........
Keywords:Achievement motivation, Interactive learning, Joyful environment, Creativity
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Abstract: The study looked at causes of violence among couples in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Two research questions and one hypothesis guided the study. Survey design was adopted for the study. 50 male and 50 female civil servants purposively selected formed the sample for the study. A self-developed instrument named "Causes of Violence among Couples Questionnaire" (CVCQ) was used to collect data. Mean and t-test were used to answer the research questions and for testing the null hypothesis respectively. Result shows that all the factors on the instrument often lead to violence with means above 2.50. Nagging, sexual deprivation, dishonesty, infidelity and neglect of responsibility emerged as the top five common causes of violence. The t-test yield 0.80 and as such, the hypothesis of no significant gender difference in perception of causes of violence is accepted..........
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