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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Brain Stimulation Strategy For Developing Cognitive Skills Among Late Bloomer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sujithran. P || Dr.Shajimon PP |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806030105 ![]() |
Abstract: The intention of the present study is to test the effectiveness of Brain stimulating Yoga strategy for developing the Cognitive skills among Late Bloomers in school, for this investigator conduct an experimental study based on the Lesson Transcript. The major variables of the study is Cognitive skills and Brain stimulating Yoga strategy. The Independent variable is Brain Stimulating Yoga Strategy and dependent variable is Cognitive skills .the methodology is used Experimental, with Control and Experimental Group in 30 sample in each group. The main findings of the study is Brain stimulating strategy is effective for developing Cognitive skills among Late Bloomer.
Keywords: Late Bloomer, Cognitive skills, brain Stimulating and Yoga
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Abstract: This is a descriptive study on the teaching vocabulary using word games that made by teachers of junior high schools in Semarang City. Games are often associated with fun. While it is true that games are usually fun, one must not lose sight of their pedagogical value, particularly in second language teaching (Wright, Betteridge and Buckby 2002:1). The objective is that finding out the way descriptively teachers applying word games in teaching a particular basic competence in the classroom. The participants of study were English teachers and learners which......
Key words: word games, teaching vocabulary
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Abstract: The study investigatesearly childhood's social and emotional competences developed through the implementation of 3Ps-Based Educative Game Tools (APE3P) and the techniques used by the teachers in developing social and emotional competences of early child through the implementation of 3Ps-Based Educative Game Tool (APE3P). The approach of the study is descriptive qualitative. It was conducted in Early Childhood Education in Semarang. The data were collected by observing the teachers in implementing APE3P in teaching learning process. In analyzing the data, the writers used qualitative analysis by reducing the data, displaying the data, and drawing conclusion. The result of the study shows that through the implementation of APE3P early children's social and emotional competences which can be developed include respecting others, self-control, responsibility and cooperation; and the teachers developed social and emotional competences of early childhood by using questions and instructions..
Keywords: child-friendly learning; social and emotional development; 3Ps (provision, protection and participation)
[1]. Agustian, AryGinanjar. 2005. ESQ: Emtotional Spiritual Quation. Jakarta: Arga.
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[3]. Clay,Zanna and de Waal,Frans B. M. 2013. Development of Socio-emotional Competence in Bonobos. PNAS, November 5, 2013, vol. 110, no. 45, 18121–18126
[4]. Heo, Kay H., Cheatham, Gregory A., Hemmeter, Mary Louise, and Noh, Jina. 2014. Korean Early Childhood Educators' Perceptions of Importance and Implementation of Strategies to Address Young Children's Social-Emotional Competence. Journal of Early Intervention, 36:1, 49-66
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Abstract: The Autonomous University of Yucatán has made use of learning management systems to support their face-to-face educational programs since 2003, and at this moment, has established a tool under the name of UADY Virtual, structured on the freely distributed software MOODLE. This study has the goal of identifying how interactions between students and professors happen in this system; for this purpose, an online survey was directed towards grade students who were signed up on it. Statistical methods were employed to analyze this information and Gibb's model was used to make a concept-based codification. It is possible to infer that UADY Virtual propitiates interactions between professors and students, who made use of it to interchange significance-charged information, however, much work needs to be done in order to motivate students to make these interactions using this medium and not external tools.
Keywords: Distance education, Virtual classroom, Cooperative learning, Classroom communication
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Abstract: Abstract: Background: Different situations call for different ways of coping and adjustment. This research aims to explore on the different coping mechanisms utilized by foreign students studying in Baguio city. With over 61,000 foreign students flocking the country and over 5000 living in Baguio City, stress and coping mechanism can be defined by a myriad of factors. Methodology: Ethnographic qualitative research design. Participants included foreign students studying.......
Keywords: Coping mechanism, ethnography, foreign students, coping style, Baguio
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Abstract: This study investigates the reasons behind the discrepancy between the high school GPA and the Qiyas test results of the high school students in KSA. To this end the researchers interview the people concerned including educators, principals, teachers and students who have recently graduated. Their answers to questions related to the reasons of discrepancy are filtered and tabulated for analysis. The results show that most of the interviewees' answers refer the reasons for discrepancy to the lenient and unprofessional way schools run the final exams. The interviewees add that these exams do not go through certain procedures like tables of specifications, Bloom taxonomy, validity,......
Keywords: discrepancy, GPA, high school, KSA, Qiyas tests, Saudi students
[1]. T. J. Espenshade and C. Y. Chung, Standardized Admission Tests, College Performance and Campus Diversity (Office of Population Research, Princeton University, 2010).
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Abstract: As the competition of global economic gradually increased, sustainable learning has become the key issue of workers to survival in the workplace. Every individual and enterprise is in a global competitive system, only those who have the ability to compete can survive. Kaplan's balanced scorecard research experience tells us that the competency development of employees needs to be linked to the strategic goals of the company. Enterprises should provide opportunities for the employees to learn and grow. Thus, human resources become one of the important issues for enterprises. The present study conducted the quality control manager of small and medium metal products raw equipment factory as the subjects to investigate the basic knowledge and skills, and enables the enterprise......
Keywords: Occupational competency standard, SME, Training plan, Adult and continuous learning.
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Abstract: Studying and analyzing line and texture structure in great artist's' works such as Vincent Van Gogh adds value to those who are concerned in art like students and specialists. It promotes their art sense by raising visual culture, tackling lines techniques in these well-known paintings and controlling dynamics of line, color and visual texture by practical experiment using Relief printing. The research adopted the idea of associating impressionism as an art with Van Gogh's artworks. Van Gogh came after impressionism era. He studied works done by impressionists.....
Keywords: dynamics lines, impressionism, relief printing, students, van Gogh
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Abstract: The study was carried out to access the attitude of students towards alcohol abuse in University of Agriculture, Makurdi in Benue State. A sample of 1,458 students was used for the study using a random sampling technique. A questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data collected while Chi-Square and t-test were used in testing the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. Results of findings based in hypotheses tested indicated that 1386 (95.10%) of the respondents with expected frequency of 729.0 agreed that there are factors responsible for students attitude towards alcohol abuse while 72 or 4.90% of the respondents disagreed. Also, the findings revealed that only 4 (90.03%) of respondents with expected....
Keywords: Attitude, Students, Alcohol, Alcohol abuse
[1]. Arooz, G. (2004). Cultural consideration in what drives underage drinking? An international Analysis: International Analysis: International centre for Alcohol Policies, Washington DC
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Abstract: This study aims to detect the proposed model of integrating the E-Learning so as to be adopted as a teaching tool in university teaching, and to detect the knowledge of curriculum and standards, and how to write electronic tests by using computer systems; and by defining the appropriate infrastructure to activate electronic learning through answering 43 expressions accompanied by various measuring instruments. The study covered 200 teaching staff members well experienced in teaching, in five Sudanese universities of different colleges, namely University of Khartoum, Sudan..........
Keywords: Electronic syllabus, Electronic tests, Infrastructure.
[1]. Abu nahraa Joseph, 2001, Analytical study in High Education Report, by Arabic countries, Arabic Nations Organisation for Culture and Arts, Tunis, page 2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Student's Answer Error in Learning Mathematics Using Newman Analysis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Arief Aulia Rahman || Fauziana |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806037782 ![]() |
Abstract: Analysis of students' answers errors during learning mathematics using Scientific Approach at Junior High School is one step in finding learning difficulties that arise when students complete test questions. The purpose of this study was to describe students' answers errors and their causal factors. This research is a descriptive qualitative research conducted in 3 junior high schools in west Aceh with a total of 81 students through scientific activities namely observing, asking, reasoning, trying and forming networks. Data collection techniques used are test questions to see the types of student errors in answering questions through newman's analysis. The results showed that..........
Keywords: Scientific Approach, Answer Error, Newman's Analysis
[1]. Astnan, M.F., & Gazali, R.Y. (2013). Penerapan Pendekatan Scientific Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika SMP Kelas VII Materi Bilangan (pecahan). (pp-429-436). Yogyakarta : Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika FMIPA UNY
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[4]. Rahman, Arief Aulia & Fauziana. (2018). Analisis kesulitan belajar siswa pada pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan scientific approach tingkat SMP di Aceh Barat. MAJU : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika. 5(2), 29-40.
[5]. Creswell, J.W. (2012).Research Design Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of workload, self-concept, self-efficacy, work motivation and self-motivation on attitude towards leisure among lecturers in public universities in Rivers State. The study adopted a combination of correlational and analytic survey designs. A sample of 798 lecturers was drawn from a population of 2779 lecturers in public universities in Rivers State using proportionate stratified random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The instrument for data collection is Psychological Variables and Workload Questionnaire. Its reliability was obtained using Cronbach alpha technique which ranges from 0.63-0.77. Data obtained........
Keywords: Workload, Attitude, leisure, self-concept, self-efficacy, work motivation, self-motivation
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