Version-5 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Appraisal of Parental Background and Students Academic Performance in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Maimuna Umar Rabo (mrs) |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806050105 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper discussed parental background and students' academic performance in Nigeria, and the effect of parental background on students' academic performance such as material and financial requirement. The paper also looked into the challenges of parental background and students' academic performance such as genuine lack of understanding of the importance of education by the parents. It also recommended some possible solutions among which was that, parents should be sensitized, mobilized to see the value and relevance of education. This will enable the parents to have positive view of their children education.
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Abstract: The purpose of this work was to ascertain the availability and utilization of information resources by students of Akawa Torkula College of advance and professional studies (ATCAPC) Makurdi Benue State. Five objectives and five research questions were set to guide the study. The design of the study was a descriptive survey while the population comprised of 92 students and 11 lecturers. There was no sample size as the entire population was usedas sample. A structured questionnairetitled "Availability and Utilization of Information Resources Questionnaire (AUIRSQ). The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. Means was use to answer the questions.. Findings showed that staff and students of Akawa Torkula College of advance and professional studies (ATCAPC) Makurdi Benue State do not utilize the information resources...........
Key Words: Availability, Utilization Information and Resources
[1]. Abubakar, D. &Terna, R. (2007). The relationship between availability and use of library Resources among academic members of the Faculty of Environmental Science. University of Jos. Nigerian Journal of Library, Archival and Information Science, 1 (5), 30-32.
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[5]. Alokun, N. (2003) Planning and executing library outreach services in Nigeria. Nigeria Libraries, 37(1) 46-50.
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Abstract: The study investigated the Influence of Environmental Supports on Learning Outcomes among Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Special School Setting in Kenya.The study population comprised 420 teachers and 30 head teachers, 30 deputy head teachers and 360 teachers in the 30 selected special schools in the North Rift and Western regions of Kenya. The study used convergent parallel mixed methods design. The sample size for this study comprised 200 teachers from 25 schools. Simple random and purposive sampling wasused to sample the participants. Data was collected through a survey comprisingself-administered questionnaires; in-depth interviews, and classroom observations. Face and construct validity was ensured using expert judgment by university supervisors while reliability was ensured by split-half method and an r=0.858 was reported. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and also inferential statistics such as Pearson Correlation and Regression analysis...........
Key words: Environmental Supports; Learning Outcomes; Learners; Autism Spectrum Disorders; Special School; Kenya
[1]. Avoke, M. (2001). Some Historical perspective in the Development of Special Education in Ghana. European Journal of Special Needs, 16:29-40.
[2]. Bean, Allison Frances.(2010). "Word learning in learners with autism spectrum disorders: the role of attention."PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) thesis, University of Iowa, 2010.
[3]. Bergeson, M.K. (2008). Effects of sociodramatic play training on learners with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 25: 265-282Christensen, Keith M., (2011). "The Impact of Different Play Environments on the Social Interactions of Toddlers with Disabilities."All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1378
[4]. Christensen, Keith M., (2011). "The Impact of Different Play Environments on the Social Interactions of Toddlers with Disabilities."All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1378
[5]. Clark, J.T. (2012). Increasing Spontaneous Language in Learners with Autism. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 23, 227-233.
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Abstract: In recent time, the dwindling resources of government all over the world has put more strain on investment in higher education making the task of funding becoming increasingly difficult. This problem has become particularly worrisome in most less developed countries where the annual budget allocation to education over the years has been a far cry. The supply-demand gap in higher education in Nigeria is on the increase. Lack of financial and managerial capability impede government's ability to provide sustainable and qualitative higher education. This calls for the need to explore alternative sources of funding for higher education in Nigeria.Public private partnership (PPP) has been defined as the collaboration in the delivery of public services between government and private business on account of corporate social responsibility and societal demands for strategic partnership...........
Keywords: Higher Education Funding, Imperative, Public Private Partnership
[1]. ADB. (2012) Administration and Governance of Higher Education in Asia: Patterns and Implications. Manila.
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[4]. Akintayo, M.O. (2008) Public Financing and the Problems of Access to University Education International Journal of Literacy Education. January - June 2 (1-23).
[5]. Akudo, F.U. (2008). Public – Private Partnership in Managing Schools Infrastructural Development in Anambra State: Limiting Factors and Improvement Strategies.
[6]. Nigeria Journal of Education Administration and Planning, 8(1), 129 – 139.
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Abstract: We have set up a remote renewable energy laboratory called REMOTE LAB. The laboratory offers remote learners the opportunity to do practical work at a distance in the field of renewable energy. The implementation of this laboratory represents a pedagogical innovation and makes it possible to develop collaborative synchronous work; students and teachers can indeed control together laboratory equipment and interact simultaneously. After describing this experimental training method, we will give an example of manipulation. Some indicators will be set up to study the pedagogical effectiveness of this laboratory through feedback.
Keywords - Distance learning, virtual laboratory, remote practical works, virtual classroom, collaborative working.
[1]. Billaud Michel, Zimmer Thomas, Geoffroy Didier, Danto Yves, Effinger Hans, Seifert Wilhelm, Martinez Javier, Gomez, Francisco (2002). Real measures, virtual instruments. Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Caracas Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems.
[2]. Leproux Philippe (2011). LABENVI, un espace d'apprentissage pratique en ligne des technologies microondes et optiques. Carrefour des Possibles, Limoges.
[3]. Leproux Philippe (2012). Apprendre en continu, apprendre en temps réel. TIC 2013, les nouveaux temps réels. Fyp éditions, Limoges.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Using Dashboard Tools to Evaluate E-Learning: TICS Approach |
Country | : | Oman |
Authors | : | Ghaniya Ahmed Al Hadhrami || Noura Ahmed Al Hadhrami |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806054246 ![]() |
Abstract: The development of quality e-learning tools requires rigorous evaluation techniques that highlight the different aspects that must be taken into consideration in developing them. The evaluation of this tool was conducted in a control group with a test group and they asked students about the perceived usefulness, appropriateness, level of understanding and behavioral changes of the graphics. The results show that this newly developed learning analysis tool is not a significant influence on learning success. The dashboard tool is an application that does reflect behavior patterns for students' online in a virtual learning environment. This tool monitors...........
Keywords - E-Learning, developing, evaluation, self-evaluation, performance, dashboard, TICS
[1]. Deepali Pande, Dr. V. M. Wadhai, Dr. V. M. Thakare, "E-Learning System and Higher Education," IJCSMC, Vol. 5, Issue. 2, pp. 274 - 280, February 2016.
[2]. Ghaniya Al Hadhrami, "Learning Analytics Dashboard to Improve Students' Performance and Success," MSc(IT), MEC, Jan 2017.
[3]. Lanzilotti, R., Ardito, C., & Costabile, M. F., & De Angeli, A. (2006), "eLSE Methodology: a Systematic Approach to the e-
[4]. Learning Systems Evaluation" Educational Technology & Society, 9 (4), 42-53.
[5]. Limited, D., 2018. How Dashboard Technology is helping to personalise learning. [Online] Available at:
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Abstract: COPD have widespread systemic effects and affects the quality of life. Classification of severity of airflow limitation in COPD does not represent the clinical consequences of COPD. Hence, multidimensional tools should be preferred for assessment. BODE index has recently been proposed to provide useful prognostic information. Since COPD is associated with widespread systemic inflammation, serum CRP levels are found to be elevated even in stable COPD patients. This study aims to investigate the relationship of severity of airflow limitation as assigned by GOLD staging and BODE index with serum C-reactive protein levels, Quality of life as well as with other prognostic factors.This study was conducted as a longitudinal observational study in 50 stable COPD patients attending the thoracic.........
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Abstract: La figura de los Consejos Técnicos Escolares en Educación Básica se plantea en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND) 2013-2018 del Gobierno Mexicano, como un órgano colegiado en cada centro educativo corresponsable con las autoridades educativas federales y estatales de la vigilancia y cumplimiento de los fines de la educación básica –preescolar, primaria y secundaria- considerados en la normatividad vigente. Trastocando la dinámica de los actores educativos que conforman la comunidad escolar desde el ciclo escolar 2013-2014, a partir de la organización y funcionamiento de los roles que desempeñan. El estudio es descriptivo, no experimental y tiene como objetivo............
Keywords - autonomía de gestión, calidad educativa, órgano colegiado.
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Abstract: This study aims to detect the standard efficiency of professional teaching staff members, as well as their skills in activating the E-learning teaching in Sudan universities; through the answers feedback of twenty five questions of various measures by using the Analytical Descriptive method and the programme of Human Science for data analysis and processing (SPSS). Excel Programme was used to exhibit graphical drawings. The study community consisted of teaching staff members of Sudanese universities in Khartoum State. Samples study was formed from random samples consisting of two hundred (200) teaching staff members of five Sudanese universities; namely :University of..........
Keywords -Training, Technical media, Computer systems
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Who is Lord Ram? Whether King, Trinity or Hypothetical Legend of Some Story |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V M Das |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806057486 ![]() |
Abstract: It is the Quran that will tell who is Lord Ram . Because Only Allaha is worthy for worship . If Dr Swami [6] proves that Lord Ram is Creator , then only his claim to do worship at that site is true . If he says Allah ho Akbar By knowledge not by force or ignorance to Idol of Lord Ram , then only his claim to worship would be true .
[1]. V.M.Das Article 25 Constitution of India Is Not On Scientific Believes . One Infinite Universe , One Teaching Of Two God Particles And One Religion "I" Means Worship of IDOL of Two God Particles . Only Idol Of Two God Particles "I" Will Persist Even After Destruction Of Universe . International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 04, Issue, 11, pp.4641-4657, ( November, 2017)
[2]. V.M.Das Adam's Bridge Formation ( Floating of Stones) By Virtue of Prayer Done By Lord Ram Rather than Any Miracle Claimed By Hindu Believers . it Was Lawlessness That Triggered By Unconditioned Thought Expression By First order Of Universe ( AGE By Quantum Entanglement ) IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) Volume 7, Issue 6 Ver. VII PP 25-56 , (Nov. – Dec. 2017),
[3]. V.M.Das --Know allah (tawhid and trinity) in the light of science, International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 2, Issue, 05, pp. 711-718, (May, 2015)
[4]. V.M.Das Idol Worship Means Worship of Two Basic Building Blocks ( Not Set of Informations Code PcPs ) , The smallest Idols Of The Universe . Fundamental Belief Of All Religions Of The World Is Same . On This Fundamental Basis Secret Of Gita , Quran and Bible is Same . Admiring Of Almighty B.B.B Idol (AllahatalaCreator of All Sets Of Informations Code PcPs ) is Allaha Ho Akbar .International Journal of Information Research and Review Vol. 04, Issue, 09, pp 4537-4557 , (September 2017)
[5]. V.M.Das How would we talk to Aliens? Dirac Equation is Illusion As Mathematics Does Not Have Thought of Mind And Thought of Creator. Realization of Almighty B.B.B (Creator of Universe And Aliens) And His Home (Tachyons Sea) (or Two God Particles) By Brain At the Time of Prayer And Universe Positioning System (UPS) And Phenomenon of Teleportation That Help to Know Location of Almighty B.B.B ( Trinity - Almighty B.B.B in Flesh form ) on Earth . IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) Volume 7, Issue 6 Ver. VI, PP 48-81 (Nov. – Dec. 2017).