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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Anxiety among Teacher Trainees:A Coherent Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anitha.KD || Dr Lissy Koshi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0806020104 ![]() |
Abstract: Stress and anxiety about performing in front of otherscauses performance anxiety.Most performers have experienced performance anxiety in some form and to various degrees. This fear may be experienced while performing or while preparing for the performance. It maybe apparent as apprehension (fear of what could happen) and negative anticipation. This paper focuses on performance anxiety among teacher trainees. The sample consisted of 130 teacher trainees randomly drawn from teacher education colleges of Thrissur district in Kerala. The investigator prepared performance anxiety scale for assessing the performance anxietyamong teacher trainees.The findings of the study revealed that the locale of residence, qualification and economic status of the family has no significant effect on the performance anxiety of teacher trainees..
Keywords: Performance anxiety, locale of residence, qualification, economic status
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Abstract: This research aims at developing a model of English learning based on local culture or in Indonesian term known as Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Budaya Lokal abbreviated as PBI-BBL which considered as valid, practical, and effective to increase students' reading motivation and comprehension at junior high schools in Makassar. This uses a research and development design where the resulted product is an English learning based on local culture to gain students' ability as stated earlier. The process of developing the model refers to Plomp's development phases theory, some of them are (a) the initial investigation phase, (b) the design phase, (c) the realization phase, (d) the testing, evaluation, and revision phase, and (e) the implementation phase. It refers.......
Key words: Reading, Learning Model, Local Culture, Motivation
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Abstract: Many of the textbook developers do not take a great concern on the crucial importance of the teaching material for building students' character on environmental caring for not so many English books contain such character. The fact that teaching material is often considered to be the psychological nutrient for students since it is through the teaching material, students explore, elaborate, and digest the content of the teaching material which unconciously be absorbed and stored in their mind as their knowledge and psychological property. The reason why students often do vandalism, scratching public facilities like buses, trains, or building is assumed.........
Keywords: development, teaching material, character, environmental caring
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to produce teaching material products in the form of literacy-based complex procedure text modules and also to know (1) the feasibility of teaching materials for literacy-based complex procedure modules (2) students' assessment of complex procedure-based literacy module material (3) student learning outcomes by using module teaching materials. This research method uses research and development research and development (R & D) method proposed by sugiono referring to the Borg & Gall model with a slight adjustment to the simplified research context to product trials. Data retrieval is done by validating material experts.........
Keywords: Development, Learning Module, Text of Literacy-Based Complex Procedures, High School Students.
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Abstract: The problem in this study is how the effectiveness of developing Indonesian language teaching materials is good and right by using a thematic approach to class X students of Private High Schools Yapim Taruna Stabat 2017/2018 Academic Year ?. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of developing good and true Indonesian language teaching materials using a thematic approach to class X students of Private High School Yapim Taruna Stabat 2017/2018 Academic Year. The subject of research on this teaching material is a validator.......
Keywords: teaching materials, Indonesian language are good and right, thematic approaches
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to produce teaching material products in the form of modules to write narrative texts using caricature media and also to know (1) the feasibility of teaching materials for narrative text modules (2) the assessment of students on module material to write narrative texts using caricature media (3) results student learning using module teaching materials. This research method uses Research and Development (R & D) research and development methods proposed by Sugiono referring to Borg & Gall with a slight adjustment to the simplified research context to product trials. Data collection was carried out with the validation of material experts, design........
Keywords: Development, Media Caricature, Writing, Text Narrative
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the development of anecdotal texts based on the structure of short stories as teaching materials for students of class X YPK Medan Private Vocational High School. This study uses the R & D method. The subjects of this study were students of class X YPK Medan Private Vocational High School. The steps used in this study are reconstructing anecdotal texts into short stories according to their structure, selecting short stories based on the structure of short stories by students, revising several short stories, making short stories anthologies.......
Keywords: Development, Anecdote, Short Story, Anthology
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Abstract: This thesis is a research development of instructional media guideline for metaphor teaching materials and interactive multimedia metaphor teaching materials using Adobe Flash CS7 Software to develop language attitudes of students of class X IPA.2 Sultan Agung Pematangsiantar Private High School. The products produced are Guidelines for metaphor teaching materials and interactive multimedia metaphor teaching materials using Adobe Flash CS7 Software. The problems discussed in this study are: 1. How is the design of the guideline for metaphor teaching materials and interactive multimedia metaphor teaching material to develop the language attitude of........
Keywords: Student Language Attitudes, Metaphor Teaching Material, Development Instructional Media.
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Abstract: Fostering creativity seems to be a core concern of educators in the 21st century. While stake holders in education re researching ways to stimulate and enhance the creative capacities of learners, they are also careful not to destroy the innate creative potential of learners by the practices that characterize the classroom/learning environment. The current study seeks to investigate the effect of restriction of choices; one of the identified 'killers of creativity' on the creativity of primary school children. The design employed in this study is the post-test control group quasi experimental design. Sampling was, two intact classes of grade four pupils were utilized for the study. Data......
Keywords: Creativity, restriction of choices, innate creative potential, perception
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Abstract: This study is aimed at exploring information about learning strategy implemented by students in pursuing their academic achievement. This research carried out at Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University. This study used qualitative descriptive design. The population was all active students at Accounting, Management, and Development Economic study programs. The informant were the three department heads, whereas the participants were 63 students from the three study programs. Data collection methods were questionnaire for collecting participant's profile, in-depth interview with department heads and focus group discussion with the student as participants. This study implemented content analysis for analyzing the data. The findings show there are 12 categories of learning conception reported by student. Additionally, there are different learning strategy taxonomy among the three main activities in student learning process. The results of focus group discussion also reflect.........
Keywords: academic achievement, deep approach, learning strategy, surface approach, strategic approach
[1]. Abhayawansa, S., Tempone, I., and Pillay, S. 2012. Impact of entry mode on student's approaches to learning: a study of accounting students. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 21(4): 341-361.
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Abstract: The research on the development of science modules is based on the Research Based Learning model in science object material and its observations to improve students' problem solving skills using 4D models. The steps of this development model are Defined, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The analysis carried out in the Define stage is curriculum analysis, material analysis and analysis of students. The research conducted included a type of qualitative descriptive research. For each item statement provided, 4 (four) alternative answers. Based on the analysis.......
Keywords: Preliminary Analysis, IPA Learning Module, Research Based Learning Model
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