Series-1 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish causes of conflict in public secondary schools in Kenya a case of Mukaa Sub- County in Makueni County. In public secondary schools conflict occurs among teachers and their colleagues, teachers and the principals and teachers and students. The study used descriptive research design in order to gather detailed information from the field. The target population was 39 public secondary schools in Mukaa Sub- County in Makueni County. The sample size was 10 schools out of 39 public secondary schools which were sampled using........
Key words; Conflict, Public Secondary Schools, Organizational Factors, Relational Factors, External Factors
[1]. Adeyemi T. O. (2009). Principals' management of conflicts in public secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria: Educational Research and Review; 4, 418-426.
[2]. Amasa, P.N. (2013). Conflict Resolution between Heads and Teachers: The Case of America. Longman publishers.
[3]. Beck and Michael Betz (2005). A Comparative Analysis of Organizational Conflict in Schools Sociology of Education: American Sociological Association.
[4]. Behrman, H. W, (2008). The practice of facilitation, managing group process and solving problems: London, Greenwood publishing.
[5]. Bell, B. and Art, A. (2012). Resolving workplace conflicts: McLaren School of Business.
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Abstract: The relationship between ethnomathematics and mathematics education is still widely questioned and criticized regard the focus attention on the culture can be trigger negative connotation occurs for some group of people. Besides, the problem how to find the contextual problem for the realistic mathematics education approach also needs to require attention. Integration those two theories, researcher tries to develop framework ethnomathematics based on Realistic Mathematics Education approach by seeing how the ethnomathematics able to reach formal mathematics in Realistic Mathematics Education approach. By identifying the strength and weakness both theories from previous studies, it is shown that the ethnomathematics can reach the formal mathematics as a based activity to support the contextual problem in realistic mathematics education approach..
Keyword:"Ethnomathematics, Formal Mathematics, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach
[1]. MoE Ministry of National Education. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2006.
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[3]. Danoebroto, S.W, A Model of Mathematics Teaching Based on MulticulturalEducation (Model PembelajaranMatematikaBerbasis Pendidikan Multikultural). Jurnal Pembangunan Pendidikan: Fondasi dan Aplikasi,1(1), 2012.
[4]. Pais, A, Criticism and Contradiction of Ethnomathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics,76(2).2011,209-230.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out (1) the effect of applying the contextual learning on student learning activities in the material the influence of village urban interaction for SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS. (2) the effect of applying the contextual learning on student outcomes learning in the material the influence of village urban interaction for SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS. (3) the effect of applying the contextual learning on student learning activities and student outcomes learning in the material the influence of village urban interaction for SMA N 1 Wonoayu's student class XII IPS. This research is a quantitative research using quasy experiment type research. The instruments that used to collect data were learning device validation sheets (RPP and LKPD), observation sheets for learning activities and pre test question and post test question.. Test the instrument.......
Keywords: Contextual Learning, Learning Activities, Learning Outcomes
[1]. Amir, Mohamad Faizal (2015). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kontekstual terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Sidoarjo: Proseding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan ISBN 978-602-70216-17
[2]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2013. Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara
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[5]. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). 2016. Permendikbud No 20 Tahun 2016 Tentang Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Jakarta..
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Abstract: The present study focused on the Attitude of Teachers towards Teaching Profession Teaching. The Objective of the study is to determine the attitude of the secondary school teachers toward teaching profession. The teacher's attitude towards his/her profession directly impacts the student's achievement. This study examined the attitudes of male and female secondary schools –teachers in towards the teaching profession. A sample of 100 (50 males & 50 females) secondary school teachers was drawn by using stratified random sampling technique from 12 schools of block Bhatwari Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand, India. Attitude towards teaching profession was assessed by employing.......
Keywords: Attitude, Teaching Profession, Teacher, Secondary School Level
[1]. Ahluwalia, S.P. (2006). Teacher Attitude Inventory (TAI). Agra: National Psychological Corporation.
[2]. Sudhakar. K & Dayakara R. (2017) A Study on Attitude of Teachers towards Teaching Profession, The International Journal of Indian Psychology ISSN 2348-5396 (e) P: 133,135
[3]. Tok T. Nuri ( 2012), Teacher Candidates‟ Attitudes Towards the Teaching Profession in Turkey, Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 58, No. 3, P: 389,390
[4]. Prabha S. Shashi. (2007).Teacher Education Principles Theories and Practices, Kanishka Publications, Distributors , New Delhi P: 1-3.
[5]. Bala R. (2007). Education Research, Alfa Publications, New Delhi P: 56-58-61
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Abstract: The quarry firm – level of efficiency of resource use has important implication on mining in Nigeria, since efficient quarry firms make better use of existing and available resources, producing maximum output at lowest possible cost. This study therefore focused on estimating the technical efficiency and productivity of granite stone production in Edo State, Nigeria. The data for this study were primary data collected from ten (10) selected granite quarries in Edo state. Data were collected using interview method with sets of structured questionnaire, which was designed to collect information on output and input. The study revealed that the technical efficiencies of the quarry firms varied closely between 0.9461 and 0.9993 with a mean of 0.9889. the study further revealed that significant positive determinants of technical inefficiency were mean age of productive equipment (p<0.05) and......
Keywords: Nigeria, productivity, quarry, stochastic frontier production technical efficiency,
[1]. Ajibefun, L.A and Daramola, A.G, (2003) Determinants of Technical and Allocative Efficiency of Micro – entreprises: Firm Level Evidence from Nigeria. Bulletin of African Development Bank, 4: 353- 395
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[3]. Battese, G.E., Coelli, T.J. (1995). A Model for Technical Inefficiency effects in a Stochastic Frontier Production Function for Panel Data. Empirical Econ. 20: 325 –332
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Abstract: The study examined the extent vigilante security group collaborate with the Nigerian police in minimizing crime in Abia State. A research question and a null hypothesis guided the study. Using the purposive sampling technique, 726 respondents comprising of 648 Town Union Executives (TUEs) and 78 Policemen in 10 Local Government Areas with registered vigilante units were selected for the study. Questionnaire was the tool used for data collection. Data were analyzed using mean and t-test statistics. The results revealed that the vigilante collaborate with the Nigerian police force to minimize crime to a high extent. Based on the findings, it was recommended.......
Keywords: Contextual Learning, Learning Activities, Learning Outcomes
[1]. Adejoh, P. E. (2013). An assessment of the performance of informal security structures in community crime control in metropolitan Lagos. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 14 (1), 046-078.
[2]. Beland, D. (2005). The political construction of collective insecurity from moral panic to blame avoidance organized irresponsibility. Retrieved from ces /pub.
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[4]. Elekwa B. C. (2019). Evaluation of vigilante security services in Abia State.
[5]. An Unpublished PhD Dissertation. Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
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Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effect of Unit Designed according to the Integrated Approach STEM on Scientific Practices Improvement among female Ninth-grade students, used the experimental approach (the Quasi-experimental Design), the study used the Content analysis tool, Scientific practices List and Scientific practices observation card as tools, The study was conducted on 40 female ninth-grade students from Taiba Secondary School for girls, Results showed statistically significant differences at significance level (α =0.01) between the average scores of the scientific practices of the experimental group students in the pre- and post- application of Scientific Practices Observation card, And that the teaching of science in the direction of STEM has a significant impact (ƞ² = 0.79)..
Keywords: (Integrated Approach, STEM, Scientific Practices, ninth-grade)
[1]. N. Al-Ahmad&M. Al- Bakmi, Analyzing the content of Physics books in Saudi Arabia in the light of the Next Generation Science Standards NGSS. Jordanian Journal of Educational Sciences, 13(3), 309- 326, 2017.
[2]. M. Al-Malki,The effectiveness of science teaching at the STEM entrance in the development of research skills in ISEF standards among primary students. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 4 (1), 113-135,2018.
[3]. H. Ahmed,the effectiveness of teaching a unit in the light of the STEM orientation to develop problem solving skills and the tendency towards science study among primary school students. The Egyptian Journal of Scientific Education, 19 (3), 129-176, 2016.
[4]. B. Abu Hasel&S. Al-Asmari,Evaluation of the content of Biology Curriculum for the secondary stage in the light of the Next Generation standards Science in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Bisha University Journal of Human and Educational Sciences, 1,2018.
[5]. A. Al-Khabty, The effectiveness of a proposed enrichment program based on STEM and ESD for the development of problem-solving skills among primary school gifted students in Jeddah. (unpublished Master thesis). Faculty of Education, Jeddah, 2016.
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Abstract: The goal of this investigation was to define the validity and the interest of students towards developing PowToon-based learning videos to support flipped classroom strategies. This research is a Research and Development with ADDIE development model which consists of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This study uses descriptive analysis techniques by calculating the percentage of the results of validation, interests, and responses of students using questionnaire instruments. The results of media expert validation were 83%, the categories were very feasible, and the material experts were 80% very feasible, so the learning videos could be used as a medium to support flipped classroom strategies. The ARCS-based interest questionnaire results were 69% before, and 75% after using learning videos, student responses were 83%. There are differences between before and after using learning videos that learning videos can increase students interest...
Keywords:PowToon, Flipped classroom, Students interest, ARCS
[1]. S. Rezeki, and shaft, Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas Kelas XI pada Pokok Bahasan Momentum, Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika, 3 (1), 2017, 29-34.
[2]. E. Sulistiyo, D. Kustono, and E. Sutaji, The implementation of Project-Based Learning in courses Audio Video to Improve Employability Skills. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 336 (1), 2018, 1-8.
[3]. O. N. Lalian, 2018. The Effects of Using Video Media in Mathematics Learning on Students' Cognitive and Affective Aspects. AIP Conference Proceedings, USA, 2018, 1-4.
[4]. Latif, S. W. Abdul, R. Matzin, R. Jawawi, M. A. Mahadi, J. H. Jaidin, L. Mundia, and M. Shahrill, Implementing the Flipped Classroom Model in the Teaching of History. Journal of Education and Learning.11 (4), 2017, 373-380.
[5]. H. Syakdiyah, B. Wibawa, and H. Muchtar, The effectiveness of flipped classroom in high school Chemistry Education. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 434 (1), 2018, 1-5..
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Abstract: Introduction-Aural FB is anything but wax lodged in the EAC; it could be organic or inorganic, animate or inanimate. Common FBs are grains/seeds, cotton buds, beads, etc. Commonly introduced by children due to curiosity and adventurous exploration of body orifices. Removal by trained personnel and specialists is safe with minimal or no complications but attempts or removal by unqualified personnel can present severe complications. Method- A three year retrospective study to evaluate aural FB encountered in a tertiary institution; data of 234 patients with aural FBs were collected and analyzed.....
[1]. G.T.A. Ijaduola; P. A. Okeowo. Journal of Tropical Paediatric, Feb. 1986, Vol. 32, Issue 1, Pages 4-6. Foreign Body in the Ear and its importance: the Nigerian Experience.
[2]. AOA Ogunleye, ROA Sogebi. Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research. 2005. Vol. 7 (3&4), 305-308. Otic foreign bodies in children in Ibadan, Nigeria.
[3]. Romualdo Suzano Tiago, Daniel Cauduro Salgado et al. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. March- April 2006, Vol. 72, Issue 2, Pages 146-287. Foreign body in ear, nose and oropharynx: Experience from a tertiary hospital.
[4]. F. E. Ologe, A. D. Dunmade, O. A. Afolabi. The Indian Journal of Paediatrics. August 2007, 74: 755. Aural foreign bodies in children.
[5]. KS Iseh, M Yahaya. Annals of African Medicine. 2008, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Pages 18-23. Ear foreign bodies: Observations on the clinical profile in Sokoto, Nigeria..
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Abstract: This study describes the application of the local cultural values "lonto leok" of the Manggarai community that have not been conceptualized by the Indonesian Ministry of National Education, as a standard for the main values of character in schools. We also describe the behavior of transformational leadership developed by Podsakoff, et al., Leithwood and Jantzi, which has been implemented by principals, through an approach dimensions of teaching lonto leok Manggarai community, which has some similarities concept with dimensions of traditional leadership developed by Hofstede. This study used a qualitative approach, case study design at SMPN 1 Komodo, Labuan.........
Keywords: transformational leadership, principals, strengthening character education, character values and the dimensions of teaching lonto leok
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[3]. Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1990). Transformational Leadership Development: Manual for the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
[4]. Ardiawan, K. N. (2018). Ethnopedagogy And Local Genius: An Ethnographic Study. SHS Web of Conferences 42, 00065 (2018).
[5]. Barnett, K., McCormick, J., & Conners, R. (2001). Transformational leadership in schools—panacea, placebo, or problem? Journal of Educational Administration, 39(1), 24-46..
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Abstract: For more than ten years, Chinese international education professional degree had been set up, which had realized the specialization and professionalization of the training of Chinese international education. To a certain extent, it had solved the problem of the shortage of teachers in foreign language teachers and made a contribution to the overseas Chinese communication. Practical ability was the key to the training of graduate students in the full-time Chinese international education. There were many problems in the training of the practical ability of the graduate students of the current Chinese international........
Keywords: graduate students of Chinese International Education, practical ability, problems, countermeasures [Chinese library classification number] G643.0 [Document identifier] A
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thoughts on the Reform of University Chinese Course |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Cui Han |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0904018588 ![]() |
Abstract: As a basic course in the university, University Chinese plays an important role in improving college students' humanistic quality and comprehensive quality. But in the actual teaching process, University Chinese has been placed in a marginalized state, which causes the teaching effect is not ideal. Over the recent years, the voice of UniversityChinese teaching reform has been very high, but the effect is not obvious.University Chinese Course plays a significant role in the personnel training system of higher education, but the reform of a basic course involves many aspects. It is necessary to orientate the course scientifically, formulate reasonable teaching content, train excellent teachers and study appropriate classroom teaching
Keywords: UniversityChinese ;Curriculum Reform; Thinking