Series-4 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: This paper examines the issue of the improvement process of supervision and inspection in Nigeria. The paper recognizes quality of education as one of the most widely used and spoken of the concept in Nigeria, although, very little or no unanimity with regard to its meaning has been reach. This is essentially true in lower level of education as compared to industry where clearly definable products with quantifiable qualities exist. The "product" of primary education is intangible and the customer is very difficult to identify. However in Nigeria today, there is mountain concern about the state of schooling at all levels. This is rooted in the realization that literacy levels and academic achievement..........
Key words; supervision, inspection, improvement processes, quality, primary education, Nigeria
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Abstract: This study was aimed at determining the differences inthe Attitude of Private and Public Secondary SchoolStudents towards the Study of Biology in Minna Metropolis of Niger State. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. The sample size for the study was 296 (197 males and 139 females) students.The research instrument used for the study was a 4-point like scale questionnaire which consist of Agree (A), Strongly Agree (SA), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree (SD) options. The instrument was validated by two experts from Federal University of Technology, Minna.A pilot test was conducted and reliability coefficient of 0.72 was obtained.Data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t- test statistical.........
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[5]. Alina, B. (2015). Science and the scientific method; a definition by. Live science contributoradaption, leaveraging technology and enhancing areas of improvement for quality assurance, journal of science teachers Association of Nigeria (7)
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Abstract: This study aims to reduce the burnout of learning, learning through rational emotive counseling behavior as a curative effort in the effective learning process that occurs in class IX students Senior High SchoolSunan Ampel Surabaya. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of emotive behavior rational counseling to reduce the learning genius of learners with a five-stage intervention, which is the initial stage aimed at fostering good relations with students followed by the intermediate stage, the core / work stage and the final stage as an evaluation and follow-up in rational emotive counseling behavior. This research is included in a quantitative approach to the type of pre-experimental research disigns with on group pretest posttest design. The research subjects were eight students of class.........
Keywords: Counseling Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Burnout of Learning
[1]. M. C. das Merces, D. de S. e Silva, I. Lua, D. S. Oliveira, M. C. de Souza, and A. D'Oliveira Júnior, "Burnout syndrome and abdominal adiposity among Primary Health Care nursing professionals," Psicol. Reflexão e Crítica, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 44, 2016.
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Abstract: Education isan action that involves the transfer of knowledge in the form of experiences, ideas, skills, customs, and values from one person to another or from one generation to another generation. The generational transfer of this knowledge, has increasingly become challenging in the face of uncertainties.Academic scholars and policy makers have attempted several scientific approaches to predict the demand and the future of education, however few have succeeded in this attempt and have gained competitive advantage in the area of provision of quality education globally. This paper seeks to explore the concept of scenario planning as a strategic tool for planning higher education in Ghana and chooses a qualitative approach.........
Keywords: Scenario Planning, Strategy, Education, Ghana
[1]. Adu-Agyem, J. & Osei-Poku, P., 2012. Quality Education in Ghana; The way forward. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 1(9), pp. 164-177.
[2]. Adu-Gyamfi, S., Joselyn Donkoh, W. & Adinkrah Addo, A., 2016. Educational Reforms in Ghana: Past and Present. Journal of Education and Human Development, September, 5(3), pp. 158-172.
[3]. Amer, M., Daim, T. U. &Jetter, A., 2013. A Review of Scenario Planning. Futures, Volume 46, pp. 23-40.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials for social science education in primary schools based on local wisdom. The teaching materials can be used as a reference or supplement by teachers in social science education learning in Grade IV of Elementary School of Kalukuang III Makassar. Type of approach used in this research is Educational Research and Development. This research uses two approaches namely qualitative and quantitative approaches with the pattern of "the dominant-less dominant design." There are four stages in conducting.........
Keywords: Social Science, Learning, Local wisdom, Inclusive Class
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Men, Methods, and Music – an Analysis of 20th Century Music Pedagogy |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Bindu Subramaniam |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904044044 ![]() |
Abstract: While there are many different schools of thought and approaches related to teaching music to young children, there is an ever-present need to adapt instructional theory to keep up with changing times. Not all methods of music education have kept pace with time, and it is important to analyse various countries' and traditions' approach to education to develop a truly international method of education. This article is a comparative study of the two best-known approaches to education – the Suzuki Method and the Orff Approach. It examines the founders' philosophy behind the teaching method, its implementation style, interviews with instructors following the method, and an analysis of each approach's successes and shortcomings
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recent Advances in Instruction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sheetal Sanikop |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904044548 ![]() |
Abstract: What is Instruction? Instruction involves both teaching and learning. By separating teaching from learning, we have teachers who do not listen and students who do not talk.1,2 There are different Modes of Instruction3: Lecture: Careful presentation of facts with organized thoughts & ideas by a qualified person, Discussion: dialogue between lecturer and students or students in small groups giving feedback to the larger group. Seminar: Seminar: Activity where members meet under general direction of an expert staff member. Tutorial: same as a seminar but also focuses on the difficulties students experience in the understanding and using of the subject matter. Case study: a kind of...........
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Abstract: The study explored the relationship between peer group influence and aggressive behaviour among senior secondary school students. The study has two purposes, two research questions and two hypotheses. The population was five thousand seven hundred (5,700) students from two hundred and twenty two (222) public schools. Two hundred students formed the sample. They were drawn from ten co-educational schools through simple random sampling. The Aggressive questionnaire (AQ) and Peer Group Influence Questionnaire were instruments used for the study. They were validated by research experts. The reliability of the instruments were 0.72 for PGIQ and 0.78 for..........
Keywords: Aggressive behaviour, Peer group.
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Abstract: Computer Technology integration in teaching is expected to promote academic achievement. The e-schools initiative in secondary schools by the Government of Kenya has been in existence since 2006 with the aim of improving performance through teaching methodologies. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of teachers 'attitudes on integration of computer technology in teaching of Mathematics Nakuru Town East and West Sub-Counties, Kenya. A Correlation design was used. The study population was 25 public secondary schools, 60 mathematics teachers, 25 principals and 1 County Quality Assurance and Standard Officer (CQASO).A sample of 10 SMASE.........
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Abstract: It is being believed that Muslims do not do idol worship . It is myth . Before origin of the universe all things were in form of tachyons particles which are made up of two basic building blocks – Yang and Yin or mind and mass part of reality ( Not set of informations Code PcPs – Originator of all sets of informatins Code PcPs ) . To understand concept of idol worship we have to understand Basic Building Blocks ( B.B.B – Mind – CCP , Code PcPs or set of informations and CP and Mass -- Fig 1 ). The Creator B.B.B or Almighty B.B.B has considered them as smallest idols. Hence He has made idol picture of male and female parallel to these B.B.Bs Fig 1 . The fundamental........
Keywords -- Basic Building Blocks , Mind and Mass , Atomic genetics , Atomic transcription and Translation , Tachyons
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