Series-2 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Technology based Higher Education in Nation's Success |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | P.V Ubale || Divyesh Ubale |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904020107 ![]() |
Abstract: In India higher education is the growing sector having potential to become as a developed nation in the future. The quality of higher education plays a key role in the entire educational system. Since the nation's success is mainly determined by the quality of higher education it is important to develop the number of strategies in teaching learning process. In this regard, it is essential that new and innovative teaching methods are to be developed. This article mainly focuses on the current scenario of higher education and innovative techniques to be used so as to strengthen the content knowledge for the student. Various teaching systems are focused with a view to increase the overall quality of education systems. Study is done on the Enrollment of students in different courses and their percentages and Gross Enrollment Ratio in higher education in various states in India. Innovative Teaching Methods and use of Artificial Intelligence in Education sector is also discussed..
Key words; Educational research methods,POT, e resources, Google classroom, Innovative teaching learning method, LMS, GER, ITS, Artificial Intelligence.
[1]. P.V.Ubale, P.E.Ajmire, K.K. Pathan, V.R.Gawhale, S.T.Warade, Higher Education is bedrock of competitiveness in 21st century, Scholars Impact multidisciplinary multilingual journal, pp. 115-118, 2018.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Speech Acts Analysis on Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Speech 2013 |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Danang |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904020813 ![]() |
Abstract: Political speech has been a parameter for society to measure the ability of politician, because the utterances produced describe the quality of the person. In another hand, as citizen who is to be the part of a country actors, we have to be smarter to understand what is all the intended meaning from the utterances produced. This research is aimed to figure out the speech acts classification and the intended meaning from the utterances of SBY Speech 2013. By using documentation as instruments, thisresearch which was conducted found that there are 67% assertive, 4% directives, 4% commissives, 14% expressive and 5% declaratives of speech acts classifications found. The findings are concluded that SBY is more showing the achievement of Indonesia to the listeners is more on emphasizing the factsof the status quo.
Keyword:" Speech Acts, Political Speech, Citizen.
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Abstract: The guided inquiry model through teaching question is an model in learning activities combined with question strategies to assist students in carrying out scientific activities. This research tool was developed with the method of developing Dick and Carey devices. The research aims to improve student learning outcomes. Criteria for improving learning outcomes are obtained by comparing the student's pretest and posttest scores. The study was conducted for 4 meetings with 23 students of class VIII. The results showed that the validity level of RPP 3.43 (valid), Student Book 3.71 (very valid), LKS 3.5 (valid), ITHSB 3.68 (very valid), with practicality of learning through the Implementation of RPP 3, 94 (very good), with the effectiveness of learning through student activity 83% (very good), Student Response 87.20% (very good) and N-Gain students average 0.83 (High).
Keywords: Teaching Question, Guided-Inquiry, Learning Outcomes
[1]. Abrams, E., Southerland, S.A., Evans, C. 2008. Inquiry in the Classroom: Indentifying Necessary Components of a Useful Definition. North Carolina: Information Age Publishing.
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[4]. Ardianti, Aprilia Dwi. 2015. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Model Inkuiri Terbimbing Menggunakan Multirepresentasi Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa SMA. Surabaya: Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
[5]. Arifin, Zaenal. 2009. Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosda Karya.
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Abstract: This research was intended to produce physics learning materials with guided discovery model valid, effective and improved learning result who applied on 11thgrade of senior high school.The method of data collection used observation method and test. Analysis method of research from analysis tested do, analysis of student activity, and analysis of student learning result expert. The research can be obtained that development of physics learning by Guided discovery learning model valid. Lesson plan of guided discovery done step by step, then can describe the category of effective based on guided discovery model.The conclusion of this research indicates that physics learning with guided discovery learning model are valid, positive and effective to improve the students physics concept and students activity on senior high school programmed.
Keywords: Guided Discovery Learning, Student Learning Result, PhET Simulation
[1]. Ainsworth S. Bibby, P.and Wood, D. (2002). "Examining the effects of different multiple representationalsystems in learning primary mathematics".The journal of the learning sciences.Vol.11 No.1, pp.25–61.
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[5]. Bloom, B.S. (1979).Taxonomy Of Educational Objectives The Classification Of Educational Goals. London: Longman Group Ltd.
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Abstract: Politeness has turned out to be one of the real topics in late pragmatic research. Cruse (2006: 131) states that politeness is a matter of minimizing the negative effects of what one says on the feelings of others and maximizing the positive effects. This paper aims at probing the types of politeness strategies employed by the main characters in 21 jump street movie and describing the way politeness strategies are realized in the utterances employed by the main characters in 21 jump street movie. This research employed descriptive qualitative approach. The data of the research were dialogues among the main characters in which utterances containing politeness strategies in.
Keywords: Keywords: Politeness strategy, Pragmatic, 21 jump street movie
[1]. Bousfield, D. 2008. Impoliteness in Interaction. Philadelphia: John Benyamins Publishing Company.
[2]. Black, E. 2006. Pragmatic Stylistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Ltd.
[3]. Brown, Penelope and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness: Some Universal in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[4]. Cruse, A. 2006. A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics. Edinburgh: Edinburg, University Press.
[5]. Goffman, Erving. 2005. Interaction Ritual: Essay in Face to Face Behaviour. New Jersey: Transaction Publisher
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Abstract: Descriptionintegrated science competencyof physics education students is important work. Lecturers may be evaluate their students based on level of integrated science competencydescription table exactly. The paper presents result about structure and expressioncompetency model integration scienceand give examples of integrated teaching to students through "Food Irradiation" topic to develop their skills and knowledge
Keywords: Competency, integrated science, level, Physics education student, general physics.
[1]. Resolution(2013) On "Fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education, serving industrialization and modernization in a socialist-oriented market economy during international integration" ratified in the 8th session, HaNoi, VietNam.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simulation-based teaching in Oral Radiology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Apeksha Dhole |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904023638 ![]() |
Abstract: Use of simulators in health education is common as patient's safety is important .Simulation techniques are being used in dental education too. In oral radiology students practice radiographs on patients and likely to commit mistakes but it is at the cost of patients extra radiation . So, the present study was planned to assess the learning skills of patients after simulation based teaching.The students were taught IOPA technique on mannequins and were then assessed by DOPS assessment tool. Simulation helps to sharpen student's skills without practicing it on real patients and minimizes the heath hazards.
[1]. Perrys, Bridges SM, Burrow MF. A review of the use of simulation in dental education. Simul Health 2015 ; 10(1) : 31-7.
[2]. Khan MAA, Gorman M, Gwozdziewicz L, Sobani ZA, Gibson C. Direct Observation of Procedural skills (DOPS) as an assessment tool for surgical trainees. J Pak Med Stud 2013 ;3(3):137-140.
[3]. Sarwari N, Tapponni R and Flemming D. Use of simulation laboratory to train Radiology residents in the management of acute Radiologic emergencies. American Journal of Roentgenology 2012; 199: 244-251.
[4]. Sodestrom T, Hall L, Nilsson T . How does collaborative 3D screen-based computer simulation training influence diagnostic skills of radiographic images and peer communication? Contemporary educational t echnology 2012;3(4):293-307.
[5]. Nilsson TA, Hedman LR, Ahlqvist JB. A randomised trial of simulation –based versus conventional training of dental students skills at interpreting spatial information in radiographs. Simul Healthc 2007 ; 2(3) :164-9..
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Abstract: The study was conducted to find out the level of awareness towards RTE Act 2009 among the prospective teachers in the selected districts of Tamil Nadu. Normative survey method was adopted in which stratified random sampling technique is used to select the 10 Districts in Tamil Nadu.750prospective teachers were constituted as samples from the ten districts. The researcher constructed the self-developed tool i.e., "Awareness on RTE Act 2009among the prospective teachers in Tamil Nadu" was used in this study. The internal consistency of reliability in this.........
Key word: General and administrative awareness on RTE Act2009, prospective teachers
[1]. Manoharan&Pazhanivelu2018"Awareness among the D.El.Ed trainees towards the Right of children to free and compulsory education Act 2009 in TamilNadu"2018 APH publication, New Delhi -110 002.
[2]. Aziz,M.G (2013).Awareness of right to education Act among urban slum. Advanced international Research journal of teacher education, 29-35
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[4]. Sony R.B.L., 2013.Status of implementation of RTE Act – 2009 in context ofDisadvantaged children at elementary Stage. Department of NCERT, Sri AurbindoMarg, New Delhi – 110016.
[5]. VirendraPradapsingh 2013. The right of children to free and compulsoryeducation Act 2009An explorative study. journal of Indian research volume1..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to study the impact of an interventional physical education program with the aim of promoting the motor skills performance, empathy and collaboration skills. The sample of 76 preschoolers (N = 76 aged 60 ± 9 months) was divided into two equal groups (N = 38), the experimental and control group that attended the standard curriculum of the nursery school. The intervention had duration of six months and included mostly collaborative games, theatrical plays, etc. daily and for thirty minutes. To evaluate both initial and final tests for motor..........
Key words: physical education, empathy, cooperation, intervention, preschoolers
[1]. Althsuler, L., Sussman, N.M. & Kachur, E. (2003). Assessing changes in intercultural sensitivity among physician trainees using the intercultural development inventory. International Journal of Intercultural relations, 27, p.387-401.
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[4]. Borghetti, C. (2012). Pursuing Intrercultural and Communicative Goals in the Foreign Language Classroom: Clues from Selected Models of Intercultural Competence. In Alderete-Diez, L. Incalaterra McLoughlin, L. Ni Dhonnchadha & D. Ni Uigin (Eds.), Translation, Technology and Autonomy in Language Teaching and Learning (p. 333359). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
[5]. Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, p.1-3, 30,71...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Art Education and Creativity: Optical Illusions and their role in Education |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Abdul Mohsen El Sayegh. PhD |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0904025265 ![]() |
Abstract: The present research is concerning optical art ideas and resources demonstrating cases of teaching different subjects with the aid of illusion artwork to inspire and motivate lessons, and curriculum for both teachers and students. Arts education, in general, is the basis of balanced creative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and social development of a body and life-long learners. The variation of the applied models upgraded as a promotion goal as a part of art education to enhance the quality and status of the visual arts education in Kuwait. The subjects that develop courses to provide support for art education will consolidate the content dragged from related arrays such as art-making, art history, and aesthetics. OP-art curricula as educational background of the students were admitted into the educational Studies art program in Kuwait
Key words: Creativity, Optical illusions,Arts education,Aesthetic and Social Development
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[5]. Al-Amri, M. (2011)Multidiscipline-based Art Education Model: A PossibleWay for Improving the Quality of Teaching Art. The International Journal Of The Arts In Society. Volume 6, Issue 4...
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Abstract: Vocational education provides productive competence to students, but on the other hand students are not ready to face the world of work. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the work readiness of vocational education graduates.The study used a descriptive correlation method. A sample of 20 students was determined by random sampling technique.Data was collected by a closed questionnaire instrument with a Likert scale.The work readiness indicator includes four aspects, with the collaboration aspect value (0.82), being critical (0.78), accepting responsibility (0.81), ambition to progress (0.79) and adjusting (0.77 ) Data were analyzed by correlation...........
Key words: work readiness, graduates, vocational education
[1]. Aziz, A. et al. 2006. Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif dengan Memanfaatkan Alat
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[4]. Bowering, M. et al. 2007. Opening Up Thinking: Reflection on Group Work in ABilingual Postgraduate Program. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 9(2): 105-116.
[5]. Donald Ary. Lucy Cheser Jacobs, Chris Sorensen. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education: Eight Edition. Canada: Nelson Education ltd...
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the reciprocal teaching model on social studies learning outcomes and activities fourth grade students in elementary school . This research was conducted in SDN Sooko 2 Sooko Mojokerto in the school year 201 8/2019. This study uses a quantitative approach. This type of research is experimental research with non equivalent ( pretest and posttest ) control group design . This study uses two classes namely the experimental class (IV A ) and the control class (IV B ) . The research instrument used was the Instrument sheet activities and student learning outcomes test sheets . Data analysis techniques used include normality test, homogeneity test, and independent samples t-test...........
Keywords: reciprocal teaching model , student activity , learning outcomes
[1]. Ahmad, Susanto. (2013). Theory of Learning and Learning in Primary Schools . Jakarta: Kencana.
[2]. Arends, R. (2012). Learning To Teach: Nint Edition. America . New York: Mcgraw-Hill, Inc.
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[4]. Arikunto , Suharsimi . (2010). Research Procedure ; A Practice Approach (Edition, Revision) . Jakarta: PT. Renika Cipta.
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[6]. Arikunto, S. (2006). Research Procedure A Ptactic Approach . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to know the metacognitive knowledge difference of grade XI senior high school students of social science program who have field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) cognitive styles in geography dealing with demography dynamics in Indonesia, on behalf of the development planning. In addition, this research is also aimed at describing the learning achievement difference (based on the scores in the report book of the odd semester in 2018/2019 academic year) of the grade XI senior high school students of social science program who have field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI) cognitive styles. The finding shows that there was a difference of metacognitive knowledge between the students with field dependent and field independent cognitive styles, which was proven through statistical test using T-test with 5% level of significance obtaining Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0,000. Meanwhile, there was no difference between the students with field dependent and field independent cognitive styles which was proven through statistical test using T-test with 5% level of significance obtaining Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0,082.........
Keywords: metacognitive knowledge, cognitive style, field dependent, and field independent
[1]. Kuhn, Deanna. 2011. Metacognitive Development Current Direction in Psychological Science. Sage Publication, Inc. 9(5).
[2]. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. 2013. Modul Implementasi Pelatiha Kurikulum 2013. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
[3]. Cox, Michael T. 2005. Metacognition in computation: A selected research review. Artificial Intelligence. 169: 104-141.
[4]. Flavell, John H. 1976. Metacognitive Aspects of Problem Solving. In L.B Resnick (Ed) the Nature of Intelligence. 231-236.
[5]. Eriawati. 2013. Aplikasi Keterampilan Metakognisi Dalam Pembelajaran Ekosistem di MAN Rukoh. Jurnal Biotik. ISSN: 2337-9812, 1(1): 1-66..
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Abstract: Procrastination is the act of delaying activities or tasks with activities that have low priority. To organize a good teaching and learning process, students' attitudes toward the learning environment and the need for achievement must be in line with the ideals of education. Negative traits such as procrastination must be resolved and get the right treatment. This study aims to (1) Analyze the influence of the need for achievement on attitude; (2) Analyzing the influence of the learning environment on attitude; (3) Analyzing the influence of the need for achievement on procrastination behavior; (4) Analyzing the influence of the learning environment on procrastination behavior; (5) Analyzing the influence of attitude on procrastination behavior; (6) Analyzing the influence of attitude as an intervening.........
Keywords: Education, Need For Achievement, Environmental Learning, Attitudes, Procrastination
[1]. Abdillah, Walid. and Hartono, J. (2015). Partial Least Square (PLS) Alternative Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in Business Research, Andi Publisher, Yogyakarta.
[2]. Arikunto. 2006. Research Procedures A Practice Approach. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.
[3]. Beck, B.L. & Koons, S.R, Migram, D.L. 2000. Correlates And Consequences of Behavioral Procrastination: The Effects of Academic Procrastination, Self-Consciousness, Self-Esteem, and Self-Handicapping. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality; 15, 3-13.
[4]. Fauziyah, Hanifah Hana. 2015. Factors Affecting Academic Procrastination in Psychology Faculty Students at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. Psympathic Psychological Scientific Journal. Vol.2 No.2
[5]. Ghozali, Imam. 2013. Application of Multivariate Analysis with SPSS Program. Semarang: Diponegoro University Publishing Agency..