Version-1 (January-2017)
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Abstract: The issue of good governance though has always remained in the forefront in journey of modernisation, at least at the theoretical level, yet the unequal distribution of resources and consequently, elimination of the people living in the peripheral regions, very often create violent and bizarre conditions having disastrous implications for poor and weaker sections of the society of which the women become the first victim. In any society, no matter how developed it is, the main targets of these violent changes are women, children and the aged, particularly those belonging to lower sections of society.......
Keywords: De-cultured, Deity System, Hegemonic Masculinity, Panchayti Raj Institutions, Subordination, MNREGA.
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Abstract: Acquiring techno-pedagogical proficiencies will make teaching and learning a pleasurable exercise as it would minimize the pressure on the teachers and enable the students to delve deeper into domain of knowledge. Teacher education curriculum is responsible for imparting such abilities to modern teachers. This paper is an effort to review newly revised and restructured elementary teacher education curriculum of Kerala for contents to improve techno pedagogical skills of student teachers. And the paper will try to perform analysis on the effectiveness of the current contents enabling techno pedagogical skills, in the teacher education curriculum of Kerala and also, it will try to identify the challenges in transaction of technological contents in current syllabus. Despite the existing contents for enabling techno pedagogical skills, there are still many areas need improvement, the paper will also provide suggestions for further development in those sections.
Keywords: Infusion, techno pedagogy, elementary teacher education curriculum
[1] Archambault, L., & Crippen, K. (2009). Examining TPACK among K-12 online distance educators in the United States. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), 71-88. Retrieved from http://www.citejournal. org/vol9/iss1/general/article2.cfm
[2] Recognising the potential of ICT in early childhood education by UNESCO (
[3] Beaudin, L., & Hadden, C. (2004). Developing techno pedagogical skills in preservice teachers. In Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2004, 492-498. Norfolk,VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Retrieved from
[4] Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What Happens When Teachers Design Educational Technology? The Development of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 32(2), 131-152.
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Abstract: Globalization has shaped every facet of human life, and its inevitability has also impacted the culture and creative industries. Driven largely by economic benefits and advances in cross-border communication technologies, globalization of cultural goods and services has been hailed as a welcome development. Many societies are taking advantage of this as an opportunity to export their culture, increase their global soft power, and establish their presence and relevance in the global space. In this regard, Nigeria competes with many other countries. Her cultural output as a nation has been recognized and acknowledged globally, placing her on a pedestal far above her African contemporaries...........
Keywords: Creative and culture industries, fashion, globalization, music
[1] Adedeji, W. (2016). The Nigerian music industry: Challenges, prospects and possibilities. International Journal of Recent Research in Social Sciences and Humanities , 3 (1), 261-271.
[2] Agunbiade, T. (2016, June 23). TechCabal. Retrieved June 27, 2016, from TechCabal:
[3] Aibueku, U. (2016, February 16). In textile industry, a hidden goldmine. Retrieved June 20, 2016, from The Guardian:
[4] Aspers, P., & Godart, F. (2013). Sociology of fashion: Order and change. Annual Review of Sociology , 39, 92-171.
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Abstract: Human effort is a critical major factor in the performance and growth of organisations. Tools such as machines, materials and money cannot be meaningful without being driven by human. Human elements however, are not documented in balance sheets of organisations like physical and intangible assets, which would lead to the understatement of true organisations' performances. This study therefore examined the mediating role of human asset accounting on organizational performance and growth in Nigeria banking industry. Survey and ex-post facto research designs were adopted. The population consisted of the management staff of eighteen quoted banks in Nigeria........
Keywords – Human Asset-Accounting, Nigerian Banks, Performance, Growth
[1] Abowd, J.M., Milkacich, G.T., & Hanna J.M.(1989). The effect of human resource management decisions on shareholder value. Center for Advance Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) Working Paper series, paper 418. Retrieved from
[2] Abubakar, S. (2011). Human resource accounting and the quality of financial reporting of quoted service companies in Nigeria. A Dissertation Submitted to Postgraduate School, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, for the Award of Doctoral Degree in Accounting and Finance.Retrived from
[3] Abubakar, S. (2009).A critique of the concept of human resource accounting.Nigerian Journal of Accounting and Finance, 1(1), 93-104.
[4] Access Bank Plc. (2010).Annual Report and Accounts. Lagos, Nigeria
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Abstract: The study reiterates the challenges of tax revenue generation in developing countries. While the advanced countries have traditionally performed well in tax revenue generation, developing countries continue to perform poorly. This accounts for the economic development challenges faced by these countries. The study identifies tax noncompliance as a key factor for the current underperformance of tax revenue in developing countries. However, there are over sixty variables associated with tax noncompliance in existing literature and this could lead to confusion in the effort to tackle noncompliance. There is need to streamline existing variables by identifying the key ones in the context of developing countries........
Key words :- Audit and sanction ,Carrot and stick, Developing countries, Socioeconomic condition,Tax compliance
[1] Aiko, R. & Logan, C. (2014). Africa's willing taxpayers thwarted by opaque tax systems, corruption. Afrobarometer, Policy Paper NO. 7
[2] Allingham , M.G&Sandmo, A.(1972). Income tax evasion, a theoretical analysis.Journal of Public Economics, 1(1972)323 – 338 .
[3] Alm, J. Jackson, B. &Mckee, M.(1992). Estimating the determinants of taxpayer compliance with experimental data, National Tax Journal, 45(1)107 – 114.Anderson, J.E. (2012). Public Finance: Principles and Policies. Masson Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.
[4] Besley, T. &Persson, T.(2014). Why do developing countries tax so little? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 28(4) 99 – 120.doi:10.1257/jep.28.4.99
[5] Brautigam, D.(2002). Building Levithian: Revenue, state capacity and governance.IDS Bulletin.33(3)
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Abstract: The term 'wetland' is used broadly and covers a wide range of environmental units including swamps, bogs, salt marshes, lakes and some river edges. Wetlands have simultaneously been described as the "Kidneys of Landscape" and as "Biological Supermarkets" because they act as stock of natural resources, have potential to provide diverse flows of various socio-economic services. But unfortunately, countrywise wetland loss over the last 150 years is calculated at a staggering 90% due human need and greed. Labpur block in Birbhum district is a wetland dominated block. About 12.64% area out of total block area is under wetlands. There are 10 major seasonal...........
Keywords: Barrage Construction, Embankment construction, Ground water draft, Irrigation, Road construction
[1] Cowardin, L.M., Carter, Virginia, Golet, F.C. and La Roe, E.T., Classification of Wetlands and deepwater habitat of United States, US Fish and Wildfish Service Report FWS/ OBS-79/31, 1979, 131.
[2] Roy, M.B., Roy, P.K., Samal N.R., Mazumder, A., Socio-Economic Valuation of Wetland Based Occupations of Lower Gangatic Basin through Approach, Journal of Environment and Natural Resources Research, 2 (4), 2012, 30-44.
[3] Tracy, B., Stephen, P., Vauling urban wetlands: A review of non-market valuation studies, Wetlands, 24, 2004, 744-755.
[4] Office of Technology Assessment, Wetlands: Their use and regulation, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-O-206, 1984.
[5] United Nations Environmental Programme, "The Environment in the News", Wednesday 17 October, 2012, 2.
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Abstract: One of emerging central claims in the field of International Cooperation as regards to Chinese engagement with ASEAN countries is that China has conceptualized and developed the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (NMSR) as a strategy of strategic shift from the total use of hard power tools to deployment of a combination of both hard and soft power tools as new mechanisms of engagement with ASEAN with the aim of consolidating Chinese influence over ASEAN so as to reduce serious tensions over territorial disputes in South China Sea.Drawing on the significance of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the theoretical perspectives of hard power and soft power...........
Keywords: 21st Century New Maritime Silk Road, Hard and Soft Power, Strategic Smart Power, Territorial Disputes and Joint Economic Development and Prosperity
[1] Attayanake, C (2016). China's MSR and ASEAN: Extension of Peaceful Development or Furthering Influence?
[2] Szczudlik-Tar, Justyna (2013). China's New Silk Road Diplomacy; Policy Paper vol.34 No. 84. The Polish Institute of International Affairs, December.
[3] Godement, F (2015). " One Belt, One Road: China's Great Leap Outward", European Council of Foreign Affairs,
[4] Attayanake, C (2016). China's MSR and ASEAN: Extension of Peaceful Development or Furthering Influence?
[5] Layne, C (2008). " China's Challenge to US Hegemony; Current History.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hindustani Music: An Ocean of Sound-Glance on its History |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P K MOHD NAWAZ |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201015357 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The Vedas, Agamas, Upanishads, Vayu Purana, Brihaddharma Purana, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavata, Shiksha granthas, and other ancient writings of our country offer invaluable references to the essential concepts of law. seven swaras, three gramas, twenty one murchanas, three swaras, three gramas, three gramas, three gramas, three gramas, three gramas, three grama. There are nine rasas, three sthayis (octaves), layas (speeds), srutis, and so on............
Keywords: Indian Music, Information, Musical Instruments, Improvisation
[1]. Biasutti, M., and Concina, E. (2013). ―Music education and transfer of learning,‖ in Music: Social Impacts, Health Benefits and Perspectives, eds P. Simon and T. Szabo (New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc Series: Fine Arts, Music and Literature), 149–166. [2]. Blacking, J. (1976). How Musical Is Man? London: Faber & Faber. [3]. Brown, S. (1999). ―The ‗musilanguage' model of music evolution,‖ in The Origins of Music, eds N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, and S. Brown (Cambridge: The MIT Press), 271–301. doi: 10.7551/mitpress/5190.003.0022
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Salt Loosing Saltage: Judicial Prestige At Stake? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Seema Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201015861 ![]() |
Abstract: In common parlance salt is a white substance obtained from mines, present in sea water whence obtained from by evaporation, salt is used especially for flavouring & preserving food. Sodium Cloride (NaCl) i.e. salt is a Chemical Compound of a metal and an acid. Salt may be put to enumerable uses. Its essence may be assigned various applellations and different cannotions. Many maxims are based on salt e.g. springling salt on wounds, salt treaties-salt tetre etc. Saltage connotes anything that makes things more interesting and living. "If salt looses its saltage, where......
[1]. Shukrasar – Ch. 4.530
[2]. Shrimad Bhagvat Geeta, Ch. II.S. 62-63
[3]. Earl Warrence C.J. USA: Fortune Nov. 1955
[4]. A.S. Shailza Vs. Principal Krunul Medical College: AIR 1986 A.P. P 209 per Justice K. Ramasami
[5]. Aklu Vs. Ram Deo AIR 1977.2145
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thematic study of R K Narayan's novels |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Suksham Ahluwalia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201016567 ![]() |
Abstract: The basic themes that Narayan mainly focuses in his novels are : the study of feminist sensibility, myth and reality, family and various family relationships, the renunciation, and the conflict between tradition and modernity etc. Narayan's method is to treat his themes, not in abstract or didactic terms but in terms of individuals in flesh and blood and their experience. The themes of Narayan are all inter-related and interdependent. The present paper will deal with the thematic study in R.K. Narayan's works and to show how the essence of Narayan's fiction is to present the traditional Indian value & the social consciousness in its totality......
Keywords: Feminist sensibility, Tradition and modernity, Indian Values and Social consciousness
[1]. Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory. London: Routledge, 1985. p. 58.
[2]. Gilbert, Sandra M. and Susan Gubar, The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. U.S.A: W.W. Norton & Company, Second ed., 1996. p. 260.
[3]. Murshid, Ghulam. Reluctant Debutante: Response of Bengali Women to Modernization. 1849-1905. Rajasthani: Sahitya Samsad, Rajasthan University, 1983. p. 60.
[4]. Mitra, Rajendra Lal. Cited in The Hindoo Patriot, 25th July, 1887.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Moonlighting Behavior and Its Impact on Organizational Productivity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch.Dal Padal-Assoc.Prof & Principal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2201016870 ![]() |
Abstract: Organizational productivity in all consequences is an essential concentration for each association as it estimates their determinant part as well as decides their accomplishment of profit and attainment of organizational goal. According to Shaout and Yousif (2014), productivity is defined as the rate at which an employer, organization, or country produces items and the amount produced in relation to the amount of time, effort, and money required to generate them. Productivity is concerned with how well individuals combine resources like raw materials, labor, abilities, capital, hardware, land, protected innovation, administrative skill, and monetary funding to deliver goods and services. moonlight tend to have higher standards of life, and they frequently try out other jobs to see how their talents fare. Job......
Keywords: organizational productivity, moonlighting organizational goals, employee, individual, capability
[1]. Shaout, A. & Yousif, M. K. (2014). Performance evaluation - Methods and techniques survey. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 3(05) (2279-0764)
[2]. Poapongsakorn, N. (2011) R&D and performance of the Thai agriculture and food processing industry: The role of government, agribusiness firms, and farmers. In: Intal, P.S. Jr., S.Oum, & M.J.O. Simorangkir (Eds.), Agricultural Development, Trade and Regional Cooperation in Developing East Asia. Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Jakata, Philippines, pp. 401-475
[3]. Sylvia Nasar (2012) The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics
[4]. Dr. A. Shaji George , A.S. Hovan George, A Review of Moonlighting in the IT Sector And its Impact, Partners Universal International Research Journal (PUIRJ)
[5]. Gabriel Montes-Rojas, Sarmistha Pal, Public Pain and Private Gain: An Analysis of Moonlighting of Public Health Professionals, 2015.