Version-7 (Aug-2018)
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the association between the epistemological shift (ESHIFT) of madrasa students in Bangladesh and their family origin or social class. Using snowball sampling technique, the data were collected from 120 madrasa students shifted to general education at tertiary level. The respondents were interviewed based on 7 point-Likert scale. After collecting data, SmartPLS software (Windows Version-3) was used to measure the validity and reliability of data. Finally, the study developed Partial Least Square based Structural Equation Model to predict the ESHIFT of the study population. The study results reveal that the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.522 for the ‗ESHIFT' endogenous latent variable. This means that the two latent variables (HC & SC) together explain 52.2 percent of the variance in ESHIFT. Overall, the model has moderate predictive power and relevance (Q2 value of 0.508).
KEYWORD: Epistemological shift. Family Origin or Social Class. Madrasa students of Bangladesh
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the factors that affect the occurrence of own cognitive dissonance in the community against condoms in the city of Makassar through a quantitative approach Analytic design. The study sites were located in Makassar City with the reason Makassar has the largest HIV and AIDS cases in South Sulawesi province, the level of condom use was still very low, the epidemic rate of HIV and AIDS was very high 3 years, especially on the pattern of HIV and AIDS transmission through sex heterosexual. The results of this study indicate that religious norms, cultural values and experience of condom use have an influence on the occurrence of cognitive dissonance of individuals on the community on condoms and experience of condom use is the most dominant factor affecting the cognitive dissonance of individuals in the community against condoms..
KEYWORD: Cognitive dissonance, religious norms, cultural values, condom use experience
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Abstract: Schizophrenia is a severe form of mental disorder which is chronic and disabling in nature. When a patient suffers from Schizophrenia, the whole family goes through the painful process of crisis due to its multiple symptoms, remission and relapses. This study was conducted to assess the general health and expressed emotion of family members of schizophrenia patients and find correlation between those. 300 family members of 300 patients with schizophrenia from three government medical college hospitals in Assam (100each) were included in the study through purposive sampling technique. The tool used were- Socio-demographic and Clinical data sheet of patient, Socio-demographic data sheet of family member, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12, by Goldberg1978), Family attitude scale (Kavanagh et al, 1997). The result revealed that majority (53.7%) of the subjects in the present study had high level of stress but maximum numbers (90.3%) had low level of expressed emotion. There was significant positive..........
KEYWORD: general health, expressed emotion
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to analyse English messages transmitted to learners (hearers) by teachers and prefects (speakers), during the school assembly sessions, with the view of establishing the power relations witnessed between the two groups during the interaction process in the secondary school set up. The guiding assumption is that there are many English messages transmitted during the school assembly and, therefore, the language in the messages transmitted has a great influence on the kind of relationship that exists between learners (hearers) and their teachers and prefects (speakers). The research drew data from school assembly speech events where twenty assemblies were observed and tape recorded from ten purposively sampled, secondary schools, from Bungoma County. The research used the Critical Discourse Analysis theory to...............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Qualitative Aspects on Child Sexual Abuse in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishna Shetty || MohiniGupte |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308073945 ![]() |
Abstract: India is a second most crowded nation on the planet and most recent Census 2011 uncovers that it's a home to 17% of the total populace. Almost nineteen percent of the world's youngsters live in India, which constitutes 42 percent (in excess of 33%) of India's aggregate populace and around 50 percent of these kids need care and assurance. Joining to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, India guaranteed to shield its youngsters from all types of sexual misuse and sexual manhandle. Article 34 (a) charges state hardware to keep the prompting or intimidation of a kid to participate in any unlawful sexual action. However, despite having the dubious qualification of having the most astounding number of sexually mishandled kids on the planet, there is no extraordinary law in India. Youngster Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a...........
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze and find the response salafiyah cottage in the modernization of education at boarding Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Tanjunganom Nganjuk and to analyze and identify the factors underlying the change in the boarding school in the modernization of education at boarding Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Nganjuk. This research approach is qualitative approach. Response business aterhadap slafiyah Boarding School Education in Boarding Schools Modernization Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Tanjunganom Nganjuk is, maintain and modify the old educational institution which has been running, and develop new institutions that evolve according...........
Keywords: Response Manager, Modernizing Education
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Sexual Abuse against Women: Social Crime in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishna Shetty || MohiniGupte |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308075359 ![]() |
Abstract: The reality of the matter is that we live in the 21st century, yet even to this date, social vindictiveness and acts of neglect are truly we live in the 21st century, yet even to this date, social perniciousness and acts of neglect are still particularly predominant which are reminiscent of the past. One of such social abominations is Violence against Women. It is an acknowledged truth this is a vindictive that world we live in, and regardless of progression and modernization of lady in the West and urban areas inside our nation, ladies everywhere still face social ruthlessness, torment, restricted open doors in the general population circle, etc. The status of ladies in India has been liable to numerous incredible changes in the course of the last couple of centuries. From measure up to status with men in old circumstances through the low purposes of the medieval period, to the advancement of equivalent rights by numerous reformers, the historical backdrop of ladies in India has been momentous. Ladies in India keep on facing.........
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Abstract: Consumer's skills and consumer's values are among the key components to cultivate consumers to have good consumers' practices. However, there is a lack of measuring tools to gauge consumer skills and consumer values. The objective of this study is to identify the domains and indicators of the consumer's skills and values among students in institute of higher learning. This study utilizes qualitative data methodology which adopts Nominal Group Technique (NGT) as a data collection technique. It comprises of two series of NGT among academicians, regulators, policymakers, members of consumer associations and higher education students. The results of the NGT show that there are ten identified consumer skills, namely the ability to speak, find information, compare prices, make choice, identify products, advocacy, differentiate needs and wants, finance, security, and the environment. As for the consumer's values, eleven values were derived, namely justice, humanity, security, environment, stability...........
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[5]. Albert, J. D. B. & David, L. L. (1993). Consumer Behavior: Concepts and Applications, Vol. 1. McGraw-Hill..
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Abstract: Moslems' politics in Indonesia is not only played by political parties, but also Moslem intellectuals and religious social organizations like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, especially when the roles of Islamic parties are marginalized. Both oldest and greatest Islamic organizations in Indonesia have shown their capabilities in maintaining their movements and roles through long history. NahdlatulUlama as a religious social organization (jam'iyyahdiniyah) bases its struggles on religious understanding derived from the tradition of ahl-sunnah wal jama'ah's thoughts.Its religious tradition develops political thoughts which, in certain level, are reflected in its behaviors and political culture so Nahdlatul Ulama often makes different political maneuvers, even often opposes other Islamic groups, which they identity as modern groups in line with political constellation in reform era through the implementation of regional autonomy and direct regional head election. Regional head election brings impacts.........
Keywords:Political Behavior, NahdlatulUlama's Elites, Pilkada
[1]. Anwar, Ali, 2004. "Avonturisme" NU: Menjejali akar konflik-kepentingan politik kaum Nahdliyyin. Bandung: Humaniora.
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[5]. Halim, Abd, 2014. Politik Lokal, Pola, Aktor dan Alur Dramatikanya (Prespektif TeoriPowercube, Modal dan Panggung), Yogyakarta: LP2B..
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze forms of local wisdom in development, to describe and analyze factors that support local wisdom in development, and to describe and analyze the use and use of social capital in the development of Leupung Baleu Village in Kuta District Cot Glie, Aceh Besar District. Analysis techniques using qualitative analysis. The results of the analysis show that the form of local wisdom in the construction of the Leupung Baleu Village, Kuta Cot Glie Subdistrict, Aceh Besar Regency, includes collaboration among residents which has been going well for generations, as well as strong participation in village development, as well as always prioritizing the deliberations especially in village activities as part of local wisdom. The process of forming values in the community through cooperation, participation which is used as a habit can produce high trust in the community, and the spirit for charity in carrying out development and various community activities as well as a sense of volunteerism that arouses self-reliance, civil involvement or builds strong participation.............
Keywords: Local Wisdom, Social Capital
[1]. Bintoro, Tjokroamidjojo. (2008). TeoridanStrategi Pembangunan Nasional.Jakarta: Haji Masagung.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Classificatory Analysis of Serial Verb Constructions in Fulfulde Maare |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Sadiq Usman Musa |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2308078589 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is aclassificatory analysis of serial verb constructions (henceforth SVCs) in Fulfulde Maare (henceforth FM). Fourteen (14) FM sentences were classified within seven headings: Locative/Directional, Manner, Purposive, Resultative, Circumstantial, Temporaneity and Negative Construction. The researchers used native speaker‟s intuition and unstructured interview in collecting data for this study. In this paper, it is observed that some verbs in SVCs share the same Tense, Voice, Aspect and Polarity whereas some do not. The model of approach adopted for this research is Lawal (1989)............
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