Abstract: The tea market is growing worldwide because consumers consider products to be natural and healthy. In Brazil, the main tea consumed is yerba mate and the largest producing state is Paraná. The product is gaining market share in the United States and Europe because of its pharmacological properties. The general objective of the present study was to characterize the productive chain of yerba mate in the main producing state, Paraná, and to estimate the generation of value and participation of the various economic agents. The results showed that the yerba mate production chain generated around 1.3 billion reais in income and 23,000 jobs in the state of Paraná in 2018, which contributed significantly to the preservation of the forest and income for rural producers. The increase in the processing margin of yerba mate producers would be possible with the mastery of part of the processing, mainly heating in the fire (sapeco) and crushing (cancheamento).
Keywords: Yerba mate; Sustainability; Marketing margin; Income generation.
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